The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 108: life gold


The atmosphere in the conference room became a little weird. It was not just as simple as depression, but also a vague... inexplicable sense of danger.

Chang Sansi could feel some fluctuations in Chen Xian's emotions, but the fluctuations were so subtle that it was difficult for him to judge what Chen Xian's mental activities were like. The only thing he could be sure of was...

Chen Xian didn't want to answer his question directly, there must be something hidden in it.

"Can't you say it?" Chang Sansi frowned and seemed a little disappointed. His reaction also confirmed the difference between members of the scientific research department and members of other departments. When it is obvious that it is impolite to ask questions, they will still ask.

"Didn't I already say it?" Chen Xian said with a smile.

"I can assure you that no third person will know about our conversation. I'm really curious... just satisfy my curiosity!" Chang Sansi couldn't help but said.

Chen Xian just smiled and didn't answer.

"Really can't say?" Chang Sansi asked again.

Chen Xian thought for a while, then pointed to his mouth.

"The chewing gum is quite sweet, thank you."

The corners of Chang Sansi's mouth twitched a few times, almost squeezing out three words from between his teeth.

"You're welcome."

The conversation half an hour ago reappeared half an hour later, but at this moment, the roles of the two speaking parties were reversed, and the emotions of the two parties were also different from before. Anyway, from the expressions, Chang Sansi was quite disappointed.

Maybe it was because Chen Xian didn't want to answer this question from the bottom of his heart, Chang Sansi could only give up asking, even if he was unwilling, and opened the password box closest to him.

There is still a booklet inside, but it is different from the booklet given to Lu Yisheng. This booklet is black, with a layer of matte metal coating on the surface, and on the back there is a copper seal of the Bureau of Secrets and the unique totem of the Bureau of Secrets. , while the front is silver eight characters.

Special member certificate of the Bureau of Secrets.

"Based on your ability, in fact, it doesn't depend on this strange case, you can be promoted in another year at most." Chang Sansi spit out the chewing gum in his mouth into the trash can next to him, and handed the certificate to Chen Xian, "Congratulations gone."

After receiving the certificate of a special member that countless strangers had dreamed of day and night, Chen Xian's mood was still as calm as usual, and he only thanked him softly after receiving the certificate, without any excitement or excitement.

This phenomenon made Chang Sansi very painful.

Did you take a good look at the two big characters "super class" on it

You have been promoted to a special member, doesn't it excite you

Even including you, there are only sixty-six aliens who can be promoted to this level in the whole country, and there are only sixty-six out of a billion people... Isn't this special enough to make you proud? ! Not enough to get you excited? Don't you know how much privilege you can have after getting this certificate

"Are you sick?" Chang Sansi asked abruptly.

Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, question marks were written all over his face.

Seemingly aware of the inappropriateness of this sentence, Chang Sansi hastily added: "I mean mental illness."

"No." Chen Xian said with a frown.

"Why do I feel that your emotions... seem to be missing..." Chang Sansi looked at Chen Xian suspiciously, "The old seniors were so happy when they got this certificate, and the last time they laughed so hard that they couldn't see their eyes. I'm a little disappointed by the reaction."

"It's okay to get the things that you can get sooner or later." Chen Xian smiled, no matter what Chang thought twice, Chen Xian still told the truth, "And I don't care about it."

"Yan Qing and the others have investigated you and said you are a weird person." Chang Sansi said, as if he didn't want to see Chen Xian's calm and irritating expression, he turned his head away to look at the scenery outside the window, "They want to pull you to become a normal person." When you entered the detection department, the subordinates gave you a lot of clues about you, saying that you don’t love power and money and have no ambitions, you are a weird person who is difficult to deal with, it seems that you are right... "

"Actually, I like money very much." Chen Xian said suddenly.

Hearing this, Chang Sansi hurriedly turned her head, as if she couldn't believe her ears, and carefully examined Chen Xian from head to toe.

"You like money?"

"I used to like it very much, because I have always been short of money. The pressure of life is too great. If you have never been poor, you will not know. Daily necessities are a big expense..." Chen Xian sighed and expressed his sadness. .

Of course, thinking twice about these words is almost equivalent to farting.

Diesel, rice, oil and salt

Life stress

Just the money you earned from the Secret Service as a temporary worker in those years, as long as you don’t spend it recklessly and don’t do business, it’s definitely enough for you to live a prosperous life, right? Are you still messing with me here

"Forget it." Chang Sansi waved his hand, expressing that he didn't want to communicate with Chen Xian any more, and pointed to an oversized lockbox on the right hand side, and said, "This is a reward from the headquarters, but to be honest, I'm very disappointed." I don’t want to give it to you, because I’ve been researching this thing for almost ten years, and I only got a sample recently... I’m really reluctant to give it to you as a prize.”

"Ten years of research?" Chen Xian's eyes suddenly lit up, and this was the first time he showed such a curious and expectant expression in front of Chang Sansi, "What is this?"

Seeing that Chen Xian's expression finally changed, Chang Sansi couldn't help but feel happy, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud, but at the same time, he also wanted to slap himself.

This happy fart!

Am I cheap!

"You should have a Type 19 black light pistol?" Chang Sansi asked.

"Yes, the director sent it to me when I first joined the job." Chen Xian answered truthfully.

Chang Sansi nodded, as if he was remembering something, his tone and eyes became a little remote, he stroked the password box a few times, with a bit of reluctance in his expression: "The name Black Light was originally for it For starters, other weapons are only stained with its light, according to my thinking, in fact, it is the only one that deserves the word "black light."

Chen Xian listened quietly without interjecting, and at the same time, the curiosity in his eyes grew stronger.

"About fifteen years ago, a meteorite fell in Lanzhou. When it was sent to our scientific research department, it had already begun to disintegrate itself. The particles were chaotic and repelled each other, and turned into many powdery things..." Chang Sansi said, "We collected a lot of powder, and after research, we found that the powder is actually a kind of active metal,"

"Possess activity?" Chen Xian was taken aback, his expression was very surprised, "Is those metals alive?"

"From a certain point of view, it can be said so." Chang Sansi nodded, "We named it life gold at the time, and found that it has a strong adsorption to the yin and yang particles of the earth, so I thought of a way Arrange and reorganize their particles, and use some natural rules of religion to fix them to the corresponding state."

At this point, Chang Sansi clicked to stop and did not continue.

Of course, even if he continued, Chen Xian might not dare to listen, because judging from what he said... the origin of these metals is very unusual, and the information about them should be kept secret, like this kind of secret After hearing the information, there will always be more troublesome things.

"According to the definition of our scientific research department, it is a special kind of parasite, but in your eyes, it should be regarded as a kind of armor." Chang Sansi said, as if introducing his own child, there was something indescribable in his eyes. He is proud of, "After completing the parasitic program on the host, it will lurk under the skin tissue, and they will only appear when necessary or when the host actively activates. The general shape... like a full-body battle uniform."

"Strong defense?" Chen Xian couldn't help asking, his eyes sparkled with excitement, because he had visited the mall of the Keeper APP before, and knew very well the preciousness of defensive equipment.

Under the equipment of the same grade, the price of weapons is definitely not as good as that of armor, this is the reality.

So when he heard that the prize to be given to him was armor, Chen Xian couldn't say how happy he was!

"Its defense is of course very strong, but its real strength is not its physical defense." Chang Sansi said, with a somewhat complacent tone, "It can actively isolate radiation, light, heat, electricity, acid, and even All the particle energy we know... To put it bluntly, it can keep you in an absolutely safe state, as long as you are successfully parasitized by it, it is difficult for you to die."

"This... so powerful?" Chen Xian looked at the password box in astonishment.

"There are many great things, you can discover them slowly, but there is one thing I want to remind you, this is the only condition for our headquarters to reward you." Chang Sansi said, slowly sat up straight, his expression changed. He became serious, his speaking rhythm became much slower, and he wanted Chen Xian to hear every word as clearly as possible, "If you accept this reward, it means that you will have to work in our Bureau of Secrets for the rest of your life. , cannot resign in any way, once you resign, we have the right to ask you to return this reward."

"Okay." Chen Xian nodded without hesitation. He has no intention of leaving the Bureau of Secrets for the time being. Even if he doesn't want to work in the future and wants to resign, he will pay back the rewards that should be returned. There is no need to be greedy.

"Maybe you don't know, once this thing is successfully parasitized, it will be very difficult to peel it off from you." Chang Sansi smiled, and his words were full of hints, "If we take the surgery of peeling and splitting, Then your chances of dying are almost 100 percent."

"Is that so..." Chen Xian frowned.

"Of course, you can leave the job without paying it back." Chang Sansi smiled even brighter.

"Really?" Chen Xian looked at him in surprise.

Chang Sansi nodded and said, "If you leave the job without returning the parasite, then our headquarters will blacklist you, and your treatment will be the same as those traitors. The Department of Investigation and the Department of Detectives will hunt and kill you 365 days a year without any holidays, and those days are definitely more exciting than the movies."
