The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 109: The real Chen Xian


From Chang Sansi's description, Chen Xian probably had a certain idea of the so-called black light parasite.

This kind of parasite is made of unknown metals carried by extraterrestrial meteorites. That metal is under a certain life form, has "activity" that can be understood by human beings, and has the ability to absorb yin and yang particles. It seems to be immune (or are barriers) most known energies such as light, heat, electricity, acids, radiation, etc...

Not only that, judging from Chang Sansi's tone of voice, he was very confident in the physical defense of this parasite.

Immune to harmful energy, and can resist most physical damage... What is the difference between this and the artifact in the game legend

To become the host of this black light parasite, it can almost be said to have an immortal body, right

Those things I have done... really deserve this kind of praise

Chen Xian looked at Chang Sansi who was waiting for his reply, and fell silent.

"Is there any risk for this kind of parasite... to parasitize on the human body?" Chen Xian asked suddenly.

Chang San thought for a while, and said: "At present, there are two human experiments, both of which failed, but according to our final analysis results... the probability of successful parasitism is actually related to the vitality of the host. It is easy to integrate with the parasite, but if the vitality is too low and the cell activity value is not enough, then the parasite will become the most poisonous thing in the world, and the nuclear waste is far worse than it.”

"No wonder." Chen Xian smiled suddenly, "I said that you don't need this kind of thing as a leader, but use it to reward our subordinates... I remember that you are not so generous."

Chang Sansi's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

"To what extent is my vitality, have you confirmed it?" Chen Xian asked again.

"No..." Chang Sansi frowned, as if there was an unspoken doubt in his heart.

Chang Sansi was very surprised. Ever since he got the order, he had always had a question in his mind. The director should be very familiar with the black light parasite, and naturally he should also know how dangerous this parasite is... If you use From a more formal point of view, in fact, the research work on this parasite is not complete, and it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product in the final analysis.

It is okay to use it for experiments on those condemned prisoners, but it is indeed a bit irresponsible to use it as a reward for members of subordinate departments.

Does the director know Chen Xian

Knowing how important he is, let me give him the black light parasite

But this is also impossible. If he really knew this young man, why would the director take the risk of giving this thing to him

From Chang Sansi's point of view, giving the black light parasite to Chen Xian was almost equivalent to harming him.

Because this kind of parasite has never successfully lodged in a human body, although Chang Sansi firmly believes that it can integrate with a very small number of human beings, it is all based on the analysis results of paper data, and the real situation must be rigorously tested. ... But the director had already spoken, so Chang Sansi had no choice but to follow suit.

Even if he had no idea in his heart, he could only trust the director blindly like before. After all, the old man never missed the choice. Maybe the director gave Chen Xian the black light parasite for his reason.

"Can I change it?"

"Hmm... huh?"

Chang Sansi suddenly came back to his senses, looking at Chen Xian with a calm face in front of him, he plucked his ears: "What do you want in exchange?"

"Reward." Chen Xian smiled a little embarrassedly, "Can I change a reward?"

"No." Chang Sansi refused categorically, shook his head and said, "The reward cannot be changed."

"Forget it." Chen Xian shrugged, "I don't want this reward."

Perhaps the black light parasite is something that ordinary aliens dream of. Having it is almost equivalent to having an absolute defense. As Chang Sansi said before, as long as there is a parasite protecting the host, the host will become It's hard to die... But will Chen Xian die

As far as the countless dangers Chen Xian has experienced, he has not found any way to kill himself.

As if abandoned by the god of death, the word death is very far away to him, and it also feels vaguely unrealistic.

Since he would never die no matter what, why did Chen Xian sell the rest of his life for this kind of reward

Taking a step back, even if Chen Xian is tempted by this kind of reward, he still has to consider the risks.

Although he hasn't died yet, Chen Xian doesn't want to die from the bottom of his heart. This world is still very meaningful to him. At least he can enjoy all kinds of delicacies if he is alive. If... just say if.

This parasite really has the ability to kill itself, so isn't it courting death to accept this reward

Just because the things on the earth can't kill themselves doesn't mean that the things falling in the universe can't kill them. This kind of risk still has to be taken into consideration.

"You don't want it anymore?" Chang Sansi's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Xian incredulously, "Don't you know how powerful this thing is? Or did I not tell you clearly?"

"That's clear enough." Chen Xian said truthfully, without hiding his thoughts, and answered directly, "It's hard to die if it's around, and it will save countless lives, right?"

Chang Sansi nodded and looked at Chen Xian like an idiot.

"You think it's worthless to sacrifice your life for our Bureau of Secrets?" Chang Sansi looked at Chen Xian strangely, and there was inevitably a little anger in his eyes, "Our Bureau of Secrets is not an organization of aliens gathered from head to toe. They are all clean. You should have understood it after working as a temporary worker for so many years. We respect the rules and the law. It will be normal attendance tasks for you to work hard in the future. There will be no such... "

"It's not this." Chen Xian interrupted Chang Sansi with a helpless expression on his face, "You don't have to doubt my attitude towards the Bureau of Secrets. If I looked down on you from the beginning and thought it was worthless to sacrifice my life for you, then those who used to It is impossible for me to take the initiative to take on dangerous tasks."

"Then you are?" Chang Sansi's eyes were still full of doubts.

"I just don't want to be tied up." Chen Xian shrugged, and silently added in his heart, this thing is really useless to me.

Chang Sansi frowned, and was about to say something to comfort Chen Xian, when the phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and saw that it was the chief calling him.

"I'll answer the phone first." Chang Sansi said, got up and walked to the window, carefully connected the phone, and asked in a very low voice, "Director, what do you want me to do?"

"Did you give him the parasite?" The old man's voice came from the phone, and it sounded like he had met something happy, "Is he happy?"

"This... this is not yet..." Chang Sansi felt a little dry mouth when he said this, "I just arrived at the branch office and I haven't had time to send the things out yet, so I'll give them to him in a while!"

"Okay, then you should pay attention to yourself, be careful when vaccinating him, and try to help him avoid those risks." The old man said slowly.

Chang Sansi hesitated for a few seconds, but couldn't help asking: "Director, you also know how dangerous this thing is, even if I inoculate him personally... there is no guarantee that the chance of parasitism will increase. To be honest, I think the chance of his death is very high, this thing is just a half-finished product, you don't know it."

"Give it to him." The old man still insisted on his own thoughts, as if he didn't say something to Chang Sansi, but said meaningfully, "Don't worry that he will die, don't worry about inoculating him, he will be a black light parasite first success story."

"If he wouldn't blame me, would you?" Chang Sansi asked cautiously.

"If he dies, it must mean that your vaccination method is wrong." The old man smiled suddenly, although it was in a joking tone, but Chang Sansi was extremely nervous when he heard it, "I have confidence in him, and he is now Need this very much."

I often think about crying three times.

You still have confidence... Who gave you the confidence

If there is a successful case of the in vivo experiment of the black light parasite, then there is nothing more to say, but there have been two death cases so far. How dare you say that you are confident after this? Isn't this idle fart!

"Director, what if that kid doesn't want the black light parasite? Can you change it to a reward?" Chang Sansi asked with the last hope.

"Why not?" The old man asked suspiciously, "Based on what I know about him, it's impossible for him not to take advantage of this door-to-door gift. Did you tell him something?"

Chang Sansi didn't say a word, his heart was pounding.

Judging from the current situation, it is not certain whether the director knows Chen Xian, but what is certain is that the director should know Chen Xian very well.

"I didn't say anything." Chang Sansi said in a soft voice, looking a little unsure.

"It's fine if you don't talk nonsense. Don't tell him about risky things. This kid can't help but be scared. Just say that this is the warmth from our headquarters, and it's unconditional... let's not talk about it, I still have a little bit here." Well, you can call me back after you've dealt with the matter."

"Hey... good!"

After hanging up the phone, Chang Sansi walked back and sat in his original position.

Chen Xian looked at him curiously, and secretly analyzed who he was calling before? Why do you look a little scared of the person on the phone

Before Chen Xian could figure out why, Chang Sansi suddenly spoke.

"You just accept this gift, this is the warmth specially given to you by our headquarters..." Chang Sansi grinned, showing an ugly smile, "The conditions I talked to you before are invalid, and now they are unconditional." Give it to you, I won't let you sell yourself... Do you want it?"

Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, and asked him tentatively, "If I simply agree, will it appear that I'm a bit realistic?"

"What do you think?" Chang Sansi's mouth twitched.

"Then I will."

Chen Xian looked shameless, and rarely showed a bright smile on his face.

"Give it to me quickly!"

Chang Sansi resisted the urge to curse, and held back for a long time before uttering a word.

"Little brother, is it really okay for you to be so realistic..."