The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 11: hunter


There are many species in the class and genus of abnormal life, and spirit bodies transformed from souls only account for a part of them, and many unknown creatures are included in it.

These creatures are sometimes more terrifying and difficult to deal with than spirits.

Since Chen Xian was listed as a temporary worker at the age of eighteen, he has also come into contact with some strange "creatures" one after another.

Only a few of these abnormal beings that came out of a nightmare were transformed by humans and showed different life forms, but they still possessed at least 30% of the human characteristics.

The monster Chen Xian and the others met was like this. The body retained a large number of human characteristics, and it was also wearing a piece of torn clothes that was almost a fragment, which should be a remnant of "before life".


With a gunshot, Fatty Huo pulled the trigger, and the bullet, with a smell of burning cinnabar, hit the monster's right eye accurately.


Hearing Chen Xian's voice, Fatty Huo had no time to think, and instinctively ran to the side. At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, as if something had hit the wall.

Looking back, it was Chen Xian who was smashed against the wall.

"Too much strength... I can't control it..."

Chen Xian said helplessly, his whole body was pushed against the wall by that tongue, his body was covered with filthy and foul-smelling liquid, and the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

This monster is stronger than ordinary abnormal beings, and it is more difficult to deal with than Chen Xian imagined.

The bullet that Fatty Huo fired was not a standard bullet for an ordinary pistol.

The surface of the bullet is engraved with talismans of the Taoist Heavenly Master School, and the inside of the bullet also contains dozens of mineral materials such as cinnabar and red nitrate. In religious terms, this bullet can break yin and yang. Scientifically speaking, it can affect the changes of yin and yang particles. .

Take the spirit body as an example.

Ordinary bullets cannot hit spirit bodies, because spirit bodies are equivalent to air to bullets, but this special processed bullet is different. It can not only hit spirit bodies, but also break through some abnormal life forms. Defense, such as the "zombie" who is invulnerable just after cheating.

Chen Xian once saw someone using this kind of bullet. It was indeed very powerful. It was similar to Dum's flower bomb. When it hit the target, it would explode a big hole in an instant.

But judging from the current situation, the bullet had limited damage to this monster, it only broke its eyeball, and the eye sockets and internal nerves were intact. This was the conclusion Chen Xian came to after his observation.


The monster roared crazily. The injury didn't make it lose its ability to fight. Instead, it enraged it and plunged it into a kind of endless rage. Judging from the look in its other eye... it just wants to The two humans in front of him were torn alive!

Although Chen Xian grabbed the monster's tongue, he soon realized that it was useless. It was difficult to control the monster's movements with his hands, because its strength was more than twice as strong as his own!

That scene was like a monster poking Chen Xian with a stick and throwing it around, it was relaxed and without any pressure.

Fatty Huo couldn't think of any other way, so he could only pull the trigger subconsciously, aiming at the monster's head and shooting four times in a row.

It has to be said that his marksmanship was terribly accurate. After the first shot blasted the other eye of the monster, the remaining three bullets all hit the same eye socket, hoping to use this to cause more damage to the monster. .

But it turns out that such a lightweight thermal weapon is not much use against it.

Even the terrifying power of the bullet explosion could not destroy the monster's eye sockets, which seemed to be made of carrion.

At this time, the smell of chemical ammonia in the cave became stronger and stronger.

Chen Xian felt very dizzy, and so did Fatty Huo, but his resistance was much weaker than Chen Xian's. When Chen Xian felt dizzy, his eyes had already started to turn black.

Fatty Huo's bloated body shook a few times, and before he was about to lose his balance, he supported the wall with his hands, raised the muzzle of the gun tremblingly, and planned to fire two more shots.

But when he raised the gun with difficulty, he completely lost the strength to pull the trigger.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Xian hurriedly shouted to Fatty Huo, "Run away quickly! Hold your breath!"

"My mother..." Fatty Huo cursed inarticulately, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he threw his head up and fell to the ground. He seemed to be muttering something, but Chen Xian couldn't hear it clearly.

When Chen Xian was distracted, the monster seized the opportunity to pull its tongue back, its tongue muscles tensed up like a whip, and slammed into Chen Xian's abdomen.

In just an instant, Chen Xian's instinctive reaction made him dodge, and the strange tongue only hit his side abdomen, opening a semicircular wound with deep bone visible.

Through the bloody wound, Chen Xiansen's white ribs, as well as those internal organs that were wriggling and in working condition could be seen completely.

Chen Xian lowered his head and glanced at the wound, then at Fatty Huo who was unconscious beside him, he couldn't help sighing, his eyes became a little complicated.

If someone with a special status like Fatty Huo dies here, it will definitely bring a series of troubles to Chen Xian, especially if he is still alive but Fatty is dead. I'm free, but I'm sure I'll interrogate him and arrest him temporarily, etc...

He had encountered such a thing before, so he was very worried about the current situation.

He was only afraid of Fatty Huo's death, but he was not afraid of his own death, because he knew very well that he would not die.

Since Chen Xian began to cooperate with the detection department to handle the case, he has also fallen into many dangerous situations over the years, and there were even several extreme situations where he was physically "killed" by certain targets.

Either he was disembowelled, or his heart was dug out, and even once he was pushed into a pool of extremely high concentration of sulfuric acid.

Putting these things on ordinary people, I'm afraid they should die a hundred times, but Chen Xian is not.

He always comes alive.

So much so that he couldn't think of any other way to kill himself, so he never worried that he would lose his life.

This is Chen Xian's secret.

No one knows except his long-gone grandfather.

Regarding the wound on his body where internal organs could be seen, Chen Xian acted as if he was used to it, while dodging the monster's tongue that was constantly swinging at him, while familiarly pulling the corner of his clothes, he casually wiped the blood around the wound.

"We can't let him die here..."

Chen Xian glanced at the unconscious Fatty Huo, ready to implement the plan he had thought up before.

In the eyes of many temps, such an invulnerable monster is troublesome.

If you want to destroy them, you must find another way, or use a higher level of special heat weapons, or use some religious spells.

All in all, Chen Xian can't use these methods, because he doesn't have the conditions now.

But he has a special way, maybe he can get rid of this monster. He thought of this way before, but it's a pity that Fatty Huo was present, so he didn't really want to do these things in front of Fatty Huo.


There was another loud muffled sound, and a hole was smashed out by the monster again on the edge of the cave. The smell of ammonia in the air became heavier and heavier, almost suffocating people.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xian really felt that Fatty Huo couldn't last long, the smell in the cave was more disgusting than the sewer, like falling into a large cesspit.

Even Chen Xian felt hypoxic, not to mention Fatty Huo, whose physique was worse than his.


The monster screamed terribly, and the distorted cry echoed continuously in the cave. The pus-covered tongue was extremely flexible, like a long whip that came alive, and it seemed to be whipping randomly.

Chen Xian kept changing positions, and would take time to look at the monster from time to time. His expression was very conflicted, as if he was about to do something, but he didn't want to do it from the bottom of his heart.

After about half a minute, Chen Xian gritted his teeth, gave up running away completely, and ran towards the monster instead.

The long tongue is the unique weapon of this monster, and it has a common feature with the long weapons of humans... that is, it will be very uncomfortable when it is close.

Chen Xian's starting position was probably no more than eight meters away from the monster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the monster in two steps.

Seeing the prey approaching, that weird tongue also began to retract into the monster's mouth, as if it was planning to retract a part and clean up Chen Xian, but it didn't expect Chen Xian to be faster.

Like a feline hunting prey in the forest, Chen Xian threw himself on the monster from the side, biting the piece of flesh on its neck...

In an instant, the monster's horrific screams echoed in the cave, and Chen Xian also spat out the foul-smelling carrion in his mouth, opened his mouth in disgust and bit it again.

Only then did the monster suddenly realize that what it faced was not its prey...

Be a hunter.