The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 110: Inoculate


Under Chen Xian's curious eyes, Chang Sansi carefully closed the curtains of the meeting room, and then went out to greet people, and asked his subordinates to guard the door of the meeting room so that no one would be allowed in, and finished all the preventive work , Chang Sansi walked back to the table and put the largest password box flat, and entered the password with a painful face.

In fact, Chang Sansi came up with the conditions for letting Chen Xian sell himself to the Bureau of Secrets in private. The reason is very simple. Can you take the black light parasite? Isn't this a joke!

If the parasite rewards are so easy, then what about the elders of the previous generation? What about those special-level members who often participate in the detection of special-level strange cases? Take a dozen or twenty black light parasites as rewards

Even if Chang Sansi is willing to give away the parasites as rewards, the number of existing ones can't keep up. There are only three parasites, and the other two are still in a closed experimental state. It may be taken out for in vivo experiments, so... Chang Sansi is very painful.

But the helpless thing is that the director has spoken, even if he doesn't want to give it, he has to give it away, but then he used his clever little brain and put forward a very reasonable condition in his eyes before giving out the reward.

If Chen Xian agrees, then everything is easy to say. It is of course a good thing to successfully integrate the parasite. After improving your personal strength, you can make more contributions to the Bureau of Secrets. No matter how often you think twice, you will not feel that you are at a disadvantage, but now... Chang think twice I feel so distressed.

"Is this the parasite you were talking about?"

"Yes, that's it."

Among the hard shock-absorbing sponges covered in the lockbox, there is a gap in the center of the area, which contains a glass-like double-ended metal airtight tank, and the black liquid that is squirming like a living thing is trapped. sealed in it.

Many fine bubbles appeared between the liquid's peristalsis, like a monster full of eyes blinking, as if observing all the movements of the outside world through the glass partition, from the black abyss-like gap, Chen Xian could see a faint light.

If all visible light can be described by color, then the light he saw at this time is beyond his cognition. That color seems to be born in the deepest part of the universe, and it cannot be specifically described by any human language. ... Black is a color that absorbs all light sources, and it shouldn't have light, but at this moment Chen Xian saw light from the countless black cracks.

True... black light.

"Are you ready?" Chang Sansi yawned and looked at Chen Xian, his eyes full of reluctance while speaking, "I'll vaccinate you when I'm ready."

Chen Xian nodded calmly, and asked curiously, "Vaccination? Do you need an injection?"

"Almost." Chang Sansi said, opened a black shock-absorbing sponge in the lockbox, took out a needle tube about as thick as a mineral water bottle, and chewed gum in his mouth, "It's all done with one needle, no problem." So troublesome."

Although Chen Xian has experienced countless dangerous situations that made him feel painful, he still feels scared when he sees this needle, especially when he sees a needle as thick as a straw... the surname Chang will not plan to stab me to death with one needle, right?

"Are you going to give me a hypodermic injection or?"

"It's just to prick you. It's very simple. It's enough to avoid your main organs, and it's not to prick your vital organs..." When Chang Sansi said this, there was an expression on his face eager to try, "Is it okay to prick your arm?" ?”

Chen Xian really wanted to say no, but when he saw that Chang Sansi had already poked the tip of the needle into the airtight jar, he was frantically extracting the black liquid inside...

Let's tie it.

I can't die anyway.

Chen Xian simply rolled up his sleeves and gently placed his arms on the conference table.

"You don't need disinfection or anything?" Seeing Chang Sansi approaching, Chen Xian couldn't help asking him, "Does your injection method conform to the formal medical procedures?"

"You have to have confidence in me." Chang Sansi said solemnly, solemnly reminding Chen Xian, "I am a famous scientist, and I am the kind who wins prizes and gets soft hands in the world."

"You are a scientist. I asked me if you met the medical procedures. Is there any necessary connection between them?" Chen Xian looked at him cautiously.

Chang Sansi thought about it seriously, and then said it after thinking twice.

"of course not."


Chen Xian had never wanted to kill anyone this much before, really, he found that his calm state of mind could no longer hold back.

How many years will it take to rebel to kill senior members of the ministerial level in the country

Chen Xian thought about it very seriously, and the look in Chang Sansi's eyes became extremely unkind.

"Don't worry, it will hurt at most..."

Chang Sansi didn't wait for Chen Xian to say anything, the needle in his hand had already been pierced with lightning speed.

In that instant.

Chen Xian could see clearly.

Chang Sansi had an expression of vengeance on the face of this turtle grandson.

"Does it hurt?" Chang Sansi looked at Chen Xian expectantly and asked.

"It's okay..." Chen Xian frowned.

At the moment when the needle tip penetrated the surface of the skin, Chen Xian unexpectedly discovered that the needle tip as thick as a straw did not feel a little when it was inserted into it. It seemed that the piece of flesh had become numb, and there was no neural feedback about pain.

"It doesn't hurt?" Chang Sansi was also puzzled, and at the same time, he was also muttering in his heart, could it be that his ability to endure pain is stronger than that of ordinary aliens? That's why the director dared to give him this parasite

Without thinking too much, Chang Sansi began to slowly inject the black liquid into Chen Xian's body. This process did not last long, about ten or twenty seconds, and soon the wriggling black liquid The pitch-like liquid was pushed away by Chang Sansi.

No surprises, no danger, calm.

"Why don't you call it painful..." Chang Sansi muttered to himself, without asking Chen Xian's consent, he lifted Chen Xian's eyelids with his hands, and after a careful inspection, he lifted Chen Xian's eyes again. mouth, observing with a puzzled expression, "Why is there no reaction at all..."

Chen Xian retracted his arm, checked it carefully, and found that there was no injection wound left on the surface of the skin.

"How should I react?" Chen Xian was also a little puzzled, because after injecting the black liquid, he didn't feel any special feeling at all, as if nothing had happened, and he didn't feel any strangeness in his body, "I won't Did the vaccination fail?"

"It doesn't look like it." Chang Sansi said in a daze, "Those who failed the vaccination all had the same reaction, the skin would quickly turn black and fester, and the main organs would also experience severe edema within 30 seconds. In one minute, the inoculated person will become a human bomb, and the parasite will blow them into rotten meat... Do you have the feeling that you are going to blow yourself up?"

Chen Xian put down his sleeves and tidied the cuffs carefully, without raising his head, he said, "I feel like I'm going to hit someone."

"The feeling of wanting to hit someone?" Chang Sansi became more and more confused, as if his brain was ruined by scientific research, "Is this the only feedback that the parasite brings to you? Some kind of violent tendency?"

Chen Xian sighed softly, not wanting to say another word to Chang Sansi, a elm-headed man.

He has already seen that Chang Sansi's brain is not normal, so there is no need to be as knowledgeable as him, not to mention that he is a little bit worse than Lu Yisheng... Lu Yisheng deserves a beating.

"Why don't I take you to check it out? You pack your luggage, and I'll take you back to the capital headquarters in a while. The facilities there are complete, and any problems can be found out in time." Chang Sansi said with some seriousness.

"No need." Chen Xian shook his head, "I'll observe it myself for a few days, after all, now...cough cough!"

What Chen Xian said later was interrupted by an extremely violent cough, and the whole person fell into a state of powerlessness in an instant, and sat on the ground almost uncontrollably. There was a sharp pain like being torn to pieces, and the scene in front of me became blurred in an instant...

What's wrong with me

As soon as Chen Xian had this thought, the muscles all over his body twitched violently at the same time, and the stench and black blood kept pouring out from the nasal cavity. Since his limbs were out of control, his body could only follow along Trembling wildly with muscle twitching.

"It... it's eroding my nerves..." Chen Xian's painful voice seemed to squeeze out from his clenched teeth. This kind of severe pain that he had never experienced made him want to scream out. impulse.

Those parasites injected into his body were like countless termites, Chen Xian could even hear the scalp-numbing sound they made when they crawled and moved, they were crazily eating the nerve tissue in his body, even the Muscles, bones, internal organs…

"Are you OK?!"

Chang Sansi jumped up from the chair in shock, but before he could stand still, Chen Xian suddenly let out an extremely painful howl, and his body also twitched and trembled almost to the point where a phantom appeared.

Accompanied by a loud sound of glass bursting, more than a dozen downlights in the meeting room instantly exploded into countless pieces, and the panel of the switch light spontaneously ignited due to the short circuit of the current, emitting a pungent burning smell...

Since Chang Sansi drew the blackout curtains before, once there is no light as a lighting object, the meeting room will be almost in a kind of darkness, but it is in this extremely dark condition that Chang Sansi saw some Something he couldn't imagine.

Chen Xian was like a host parasitized by countless fungal spores, and his body was covered with dense hyphae as thick as hair.

Those hyphae are glowing.

black light.