The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 111: Outliers


Those weird silk threads as thick as hair kept swaying the body, and the roots were tightly connected to Chen Xian's body. It seemed that something had been sucked out of Chen Xian's body, and the black light emitted from the surface of the thread became more and more bright, even a little brighter. Dazzling, I had to look away after thinking twice... I was horrified... What are these things

According to thousands of analysis reports, after the black light parasite enters the host body, it should immediately differentiate into a state of particle energy, and attach to the host's nervous system at an extremely fast speed. "Virus" continues to spread in the host until it completely covers the host's body...

But what is the situation now

Although there are no observation instruments that can be borrowed here, judging with the naked eye and experience, Chang Sansi has come to a conclusion that he himself is reluctant to believe.

There seemed to be other things in Chen Xian's body, and those things were repelling the parasites, and could even forcefully "squeeze" the parasites out of the pores of the skin, leaving no room for them at all.

What is a parasite

According to the latest analysis report obtained by the scientific research department, it is absolutely certain that the unknown energy carried by the parasite is stronger than all known particle energies. Even the most overbearing yin and yang particles can only be swallowed and absorbed by the parasite For the sake of it, none of the living organisms used for the experiment had a rejection reaction... only Chen Xian.

At this moment, Chen Xian is experiencing a nightmare that he will never forget in his life.

In his past career as a temporary worker, he was killed dozens of times by various targets in various ways. During those dozens of death experiences, he personally experienced the most extreme tortures.

Burned by fire, corroded by sulfuric acid, torn apart...

Before that, Chen Xian always thought that his endurance was extremely strong. After all, he had seen all kinds of scenes. He didn't think there was any unbearable pain in this world, but now... he didn't dare to think that way anymore. up.

Chen Xian had never been so embarrassed before, and this was the first time he could not bear the pain and made a sound.

The pain that was unimaginable to ordinary people in the past cannot be compared with what he is experiencing now. It seems that the real body has been divided into countless floating particles, and it seems that the soul has been torn to pieces by some unknown force. The nervous system seems to be broken. That kind of strength stretched to the extreme, even if it was just a little pain... it would be magnified countless times in an instant!

Under this purgatory-like torture, Chen Xian screamed in pain.

His body seemed to be completely out of his control. After those black lines drilled and rose from under the skin, his body convulsed and convulsed more and more exaggeratedly, trembling crazily in a small range, and even the screams became louder. It was extremely unreal, as if it was a sound coming from another dimension.

Accompanied by his painful wailing, an invisible force seemed to spread out from his body, forming a shock wave with ripples and curves visible to the naked eye. Before Chang could think twice to dodge, the whole person was directly knocked out by the shock, and The tables, chairs and benches in the house were also smashed to pieces in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a strange sound of drums in the meeting room, like the muffled thunder in a typhoon day in a coastal city, and every muffled sound would bring the ground to tremble violently.

At first, Chang thought twice and wondered where this sound came from, but when he listened carefully... the source of this sound came from Chen Xian, or in other words, from Chen Xian's body.

It was the sound of a heartbeat.

This kind of judgment is subconscious, and it can also be said to be the instinctive speculation of Chang Sansi, but if you think about it carefully, how is this possible

What kind of creature can make such a heartbeat sound like a muffled thunder

"What the hell is going on... Was it an energy explosion at that moment just now..." Chang Sansi climbed up from the ground in a little embarrassment, and the metal pendant on his chest was suspended in disregard of the earth's gravity.

Chang Sansi's metal pendant is as big as a matchbox, and on the back is an electronic screen that can be controlled by touch. At this time, countless English and digital codes are drawn across the screen, and the three Taoist talismans engraved on the pendant on the front are on the screen. Constantly shining golden brilliance.

That pendant is a combination of science and theology, a perfect fusion of modern technology and "talisman technology", and it is also a special device that Chang Sansi is most proud of and regards it as a life-saving talisman. Think twice, if it didn't work in time, the impact just now would be enough to knock Chang Sansi's fragile body flat.

"Come on! Come on!"

Chang Sansi yelled anxiously, but every yell would be suppressed by the strange and deafening heartbeat.

At this moment, Chen Xian, who was tortured to death by the parasite, clearly conveyed to Chang Sansi an extremely dangerous feeling. Chang Sansi hadn't experienced this feeling for many years... Of course he didn't want to experience it either.

Chang Sansi leaned against the wall and ran staggeringly. When he came to the door of the meeting room, he was about to open the door and go out to ask for help from the branch office, but it was only then that he realized how dangerous his situation was.

The door won't open.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier firmly sealing the door. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door of this conference room. It seemed that the entire conference room was isolated to another space, and he was the only existence that was helpless.

"It's over... now it's over..."

Chang Sansi hurriedly took out his mobile phone, intending to ask for help from outsiders.

But when he took out the phone, he felt desperate for a moment. At some point, countless cracks appeared on the screen of the phone. It looks like the circuit board and the battery should be burned.

"Director, how dare you screw me to death!"

at the same time.

When Chang Sansi was in despair, the people standing outside were also in despair.

Because the sound insulation effect of the conference room is very good, when Chen Xian screamed out for the first time, the people outside did not hear the sound inside, until Chen Xian's screams continued to grow louder, and a series of incidents occurred inside. Abnormal noises, such as the "drum sound" like thunder, the sound of tables, chairs and benches being smashed to pieces...

"What's the matter with you guys?! Why don't you go in and have a look after the chaos inside?" Fatty Huo walked to the door nervously, but before he could open the door and go in, the gatekeepers arranged by Chang Sansi Just stopped him.

"No one can go in without Minister Chang's order." The man in black stared at Fatty Huo coldly, with his right hand on the handle of the gun behind his waist, as if he was ready to fight, "We are also very worried about the safety of Minister Chang , but since he gave the order, there must be his reasons, so no matter what is going on in the conference room, without his instructions... no one can enter!"

Hearing these cold words, Fatty Huo almost gritted his teeth. He wished he could just press the man in black in front of him to the ground and beat him up. Why are you still telling me the rules and orders at this time? Didn't you hear that it's like killing a pig

Fatty Huo knew Chen Xian very well before, and after the Chengnan case, from Lu Yisheng's simple description, he knew Chen Xian better.

Chen Xian is not a person who can cry out in pain, nor is he a person who can scream.

In Lu Yisheng's words, Chen Xian is like a robot who doesn't know pain or fear, and can maintain an absolutely rational and calm state no matter what kind of situation he encounters.


That's not something Chen Xian can do!

But Fatty Huo can be sure that he has heard correctly, the screams coming from inside are definitely Chen Xian's, and because of this...he is even more anxious!

What happened to Chen Xian

Why did you suddenly scream like this

Didn't Minister Chang want to reward him alone

Could it be an accident

Or did the two of them fight

The more the gatekeeper refused to let Fatty Huo in, the more Fatty Huo was thinking wildly.

"Old Huo, don't worry." Zhao Song stood in the corner smoking a cigarette, and while speaking, his eyes were fixed on the flickering corridor lights, "Since Xiao Chen still has the strength to scream, it means that he is fine for the time being." What's more, you know his temper, even if there is any conflict with Minister Chang, it is impossible to fight in the sub-bureau, maybe there is something we don't understand, please wait in peace."

"Wait a chicken feather!" Fatty Huo was so anxious that his face turned red and he was gasping for breath, "Come here and help me persuade these stupid... stupid friends, hurry up!"

Zhao Song nodded, and didn't comfort Fatty Huo any more, and walked over from the wall with a cigarette in his mouth.

at this time.

Just hearing a series of explosions suddenly, dozens of LED lights in the corridor exploded, and the darkness engulfed the area in an instant, and everyone standing in the corridor felt creepy...

At this moment, there was also an extremely faint shout in the meeting room, it was Chang Sansi's voice.

"Open the door for me! Quick!"