The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 117: Cowardly Skeleton


After Chen Xian's arm was bitten by the monster, he didn't intend to struggle at all, especially when he saw the armor made of metal particles smashing the skeleton's teeth, he immediately felt more at ease, so that he didn't pull his hand back when he was talking , instead directly pulled the trigger in this bloody mouth.

bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a series of gunshots and the monster's roar, Chen Xian threw himself into the monster's arms without retreating, and bit the skeleton's neck with one mouthful.

As expected, Chen Xian's teeth were indeed frighteningly hard.

It seemed that he didn't bite hard, but he just gnawed a fist-sized bone from the monster's neck so lightly.

As Chen Xian chewed slowly, the blood-stained bone gradually turned into a bloody mist, and Chen Xian swallowed all of it into his stomach.

The Scarlet Skull looked at Chen Xian in disbelief, as if he had no idea that a human would eat him.

"It's tasteless... It seems that you are really a spirit body..." Chen Xian wiped his mouth gracefully, looking at the monster who let go of his arm, the expression on his face became more and more relaxed.

Among the many types of abnormal life, what Chen Xian hates and worries the most is the abnormal life with a physical body, because their strength is stronger than the spirit body of the same level. Of course, the spirit body also has a difficult side, such as their The speed of running is really unmatched by physical creatures. It will disappear through a wall with a whoosh.

But fortunately, the monster didn't try to run away, so Chen Xian relaxed a little bit, and planned to slowly eat the spirit body that came out out of nowhere.

The specially made bullets seem to be able to cause damage to it, but the damage is very limited. I don't know if its strength exceeds the lethal range of the firearms, or the lethality of these two guns is not great. After firing nearly ten bullets, except It doesn't seem to be doing much, other than giving it a bunch of comforting holes.

After a short thought, Chen Xian decided to use his ability to press the bottom of the box to close it.


Forget it.

At this time, the Scarlet Skull had already started roaring crazily, because it found that Chen Xian would never run away, dodge, or dodge, relying on the strange black substance on his body to protect himself, he stayed in the Scarlet Skull's embrace from the beginning to the end. He gnawed fiercely on its cervical vertebrae.

In just a few seconds, the skeleton's cervical vertebrae showed a precarious posture, and the head was almost half-hanging on the fragile cervical vertebrae, as if it would fall off at any time.

"Don't... don't hurt me..."

Hearing this voice in his brain, Chen Xian paused for a moment while eating the "buffet".

He looked up at the skeleton, and asked friendly and eagerly, "Can you speak?"

"Don't hurt me..." the voice sounded again.

This time Chen Xian listened very carefully, the voices in his brain could not tell the difference between male and female, and it was difficult to judge the approximate age.

It was as if someone was speaking electronically in a secret room, and it sounded muddy and harsh, with a long echo.

"Don't hurt you?" Chen Xian looked embarrassed, "But I think you really want to hurt me."

"I don't want to think about it!" The skeleton shook his head hastily, but this time he spoke a lot more neatly, without the feeling of hesitating and just learning to speak, "I won't hurt you!"

Hearing this, Chen Xian thought for a few seconds.

"It's okay if you want me not to hurt you. You squat down and put your head on your hands... Yes, just like this, squat down!"

Under Chen Xian's order, the Scarlet Skull is like a prisoner who has just been caught in the prison. Even Chen Xian suspects that it has a criminal record and a story. It not only understands Chen Xian's order, but also seems to understand the meaning of it The essence, the movement of squatting down with your head in your hands is standard.

Of course, no matter how obedient he saw the skeleton, Chen Xian did not dare to take it lightly. Because of the comprehensive protection of the parasite, Chen Xian was not worried that the skeleton would resist and attack him. The only thing he worried about was that the skeleton would run away. !

Because of this, Chen Xian's right hand has been busy all the time, holding onto the skull's cervical spine from the beginning to the end.

"You're pretty good..." Chen Xian said abruptly, his eyes wandering around the monster, especially when he saw that the part that he gnawed off before had grown back, and it returned to normal within a few tens of seconds. Xian was even more surprised, "This is the first time I have met a spirit body that can heal itself after being bitten by me..."

"Spiritual body..." The skeleton was trying to comprehend the meaning of Chen's gossip, his eyes as big as an adult's fist kept rolling, "I'm not..."

"Aren't you a spirit body?" Chen Xian picked up the pistol from the ground and put it back into the holster.

"Master." The skeleton said, his gaze resting on the meat saw not far away for a second.

Hearing this, Chen Xian thought the skeleton was looking for trouble, so he raised his leg and kicked it on the back.

"be honest!"

Chen Xian stared at it with a frown, completely in the posture of a police officer interrogating a gangster. According to his memory of Fatty Huo and his group's performance, Chen Xian put on a very serious expression on his face, calmly Look at it: "What do I ask and what do you answer!"

The skeleton wanted to cry a little.

Didn't I just answer your question? What are you kicking me for

Can you not hurt me!

It hurts!

"You hid in my knife..."

"It's... it's my knife..."

Seeing the skeleton interjecting, Chen Xian gave it another kick unceremoniously, then grinned, showing his white and neat teeth, and looked at it meaningfully: "Tell me again whose knife it is."

"You...your..." The skull lowered its head, not daring to offend Chen Xian's mighty tiger.

"I've always felt that there was something hiding in the knife... I didn't expect it to be like you..." A trace of curiosity flashed in Chen Xian's eyes, "What are you doing hiding in the knife?"

The skeleton didn't speak.

"Are you a spirit body attached to an evil weapon?" Chen Xian nodded as he spoke, feeling that his reasoning was very logical, "I've read similar records in books, how many years have you been hiding in it? "

The skeleton looked at Chen Xian in a very confused way, then lowered his head and thought for a while before speaking.

"Remember... I can't remember..."

"What are you doing hiding inside?" Chen Xian asked again.

"Can not remember… "

"Do you believe that I ate you?"

"Don't remember... no! I believe it!"

Seeing that the skeleton is so timid, Chen Xian also felt puzzled, and said to himself that your strength is not too weak, and the attitude you showed before... is not like an ordinary abnormal life, why are you so cowardly

It is difficult for Chen Xian to accept the contrast between clearly having the appearance of a king but being cowardly like an old dog.

"What do you want to do today?" Chen Xian asked, with a very puzzled expression on his face, and his gaze stayed on the monster's eyeballs, trying to find flaws in its eyes.

"Look... look at you." The skeleton said a little shyly, "Your blood... tastes good... different from others... so I want to come out and have a look..."


Chen Xian frowned. It said that the blood should be the blood that was sucked away by the meat saw every time he used it, right

Could it be that all the blood essence that was sucked into it fell into its stomach

In fact, it has been exploiting itself as a vampire

"I'm not afraid." Chen Xian twitched the corners of his mouth twice, his eyes became a little dangerous, "Looking at you like this, it shouldn't be a good thing. Today, I'm going to kill harm for the people and give you..."

"I'm a good thing!" The skeleton hurriedly denied, "Please don't hurt me!"

"Good things don't suck people's blood." Chen Xian sneered, and at the same time he kept grinding his teeth as if his teeth were itching, making a sound of grinding teeth that made the skull tremble with fear.

"Blood... without blood... I will fall into a deep sleep..." the skeleton said cautiously, his eyes stopped moving, and he stared straight at Chen Xian and said, "I don't like... deep sleep..."

"It's okay, you trust me, go to sleep again."

Chen Xian comforted calmly, with a harmonious and friendly expression on his face.

"I guarantee that you will not see the sun the next day if you fall asleep."


For this blood-sucking monster, Chen Xian didn't have the slightest liking for it, especially when he remembered that it had killed many people before, Chen Xian was even more angry, you bastard... If you didn't take the initiative to show up today I really don't know how to deal with you!

"Don't hurt me!" The skeleton almost screamed, as if afraid of Chen Xian, "I... I'm useful!"

"Useful?" Chen Xian was stunned. He didn't expect the skeleton to say such a thing. It seems that it should understand the outside world, but if you think about it carefully, this ghost speaks standard Mandarin with a mouth, and it doesn't even have a local accent. , maybe it knows as much as it thinks.

Chen Xian bent his waist slightly, and looked directly at the terrifying eyeballs of the skeleton from a close distance.

"What use are you to me?"

"I can help you..." The skeleton tried his best to show a flattering expression, but unfortunately there were not so many muscles on his face for it to mobilize.

But before Chen Xian could think of a reason to beat it up, the skeleton suddenly said something.

"I can help you... take control of it..."