The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 15: Patient Thirteen


Chen Xian never imagined that the patient No. 13 who frightened the dean... turned out to be just a girl who seemed to be chronically malnourished.

She stood about one meter away from Chen Xian, stepping on the stone bricks with her young bare feet, and her thin body was only covered with a few tattered cotton and linen pieces. According to her feeling, her age should be around Around sixteen or seventeen years old.

This girl is not tall, compared to Chen Xian, she can barely reach the position of his chest, her body is covered with filthy and smelly blood, and there are many unknown objects like black asphalt left on her face, covering her original face. appearance.

The only thing not stained by that filth was her eyes.

Those black and white eyes revealed a unique spirituality. Although such a metaphor might be a little exaggerated, in Chen Xian's eyes, the girl's eyes were as pure as a newborn baby.

Chen Xian had never seen such clean eyes.

It was as if the girl had never been polluted by this world, and she couldn't see any worldliness in her ignorant eyes, just like two clear streams.

Who would have thought that Patient No. 13, who frightened the dean... turned out to be like this

"you… "

Just as Chen Xian uttered the first word, before he could say the rest, the girl had already swooped over and grabbed his arm, trying to throw Chen Xian out as well.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Xian would have been hit if he was not sure, because the girl's attack speed was too fast, and without warning, she attacked Chen Xian almost instantly... It was really difficult to avoid it. .

But after Fatty Huo was attacked, Chen Xian's spirit was always tense. It can be said that he was completely in a state of battle preparation, and he did not dare to be careless every second.

So at the moment when the girl grabbed his arm, he also instinctively took a step away, stretched out his hands and quickly clasped the girl's elbows, and threw her into the corner of the room with all his strength.

Accompanied by a loud muffled sound, the girl fell to the ground in pain, but got up quickly, seemingly without any substantial damage.

This time, the girl's eyes clearly showed hostility towards Chen Xian. That dangerous look reminded Chen Xian of the abnormal life "wolf species" he met in the mountains a few years ago.

Just like the abnormal life with a wolf face and a wolf body, no matter how normal this girl looked like a normal human being, she couldn't hide her beastly eyes.

Her eyes had lost the brilliance of humanity, and she could only see the cruelty and anger full of animal nature. It seemed that she had completed the transformation from a human to a beast in an instant. Chen Xian couldn't help being a little surprised by that strange and terrifying change.

After a simple fight, Chen Xian had a general understanding of Patient No. 13.

Judging from the feedback from the previous skin-to-skin contact, she should be in a state that is generally recognized as "alive". Her breathing rate and pulse are close to the level of ordinary people. It can be confirmed that she is alive for the time being.

But is she normal

Obviously not.

Don't look at her frail and malnourished appearance, this girl's body strength, nerve response speed, and motor coordination are not weaker than Chen Xian's.

There is a great possibility... She is a different person... This is also the best result.

If this is not the case, there is only another possibility, she is also a kind of abnormal life just like those monsters.

Of course, among the two guesses, Chen Xian tended to the former.

Seeing the girl rushing up like crazy again, Chen Xian instinctively took a step back, and instantly raised his arms to catch her slap.

That's right, a slap.

During this process, Chen Xian has already noticed that the girl's physical fitness is indeed very strong, but she doesn't seem to have really fought with anyone. There are no moves and routines to speak of when attacking, and the chaos is chaotic. Basically, she can She hits wherever she hits, she looks like a shrew, especially likes to scratch people with her nails, or just slaps people with her big mouth.

As the saying goes, the old master was beaten to death with random punches, that's the reason.

The number of times Chen Xian fought with others was not too high, but when was it not about boxing and kicking? Who can stand up to someone with such a big mouth and eagle claw skills like Patient No. 13

Under the almost crazy high-frequency attack of the girl, Chen Xian seemed a little overwhelmed. From the beginning, he could fight back and forth, but gradually he could only defend passively, and gradually had a tendency to be pressed and beaten by the girl.

"That's all I can do..."

Chen Xian clenched his teeth, as if he had made some decision, he suddenly gave up his defensive action, and instead let the girl's right hand grab his left shoulder, he fought back recklessly.

The girl's nails cut through the skin tissue like a sharp metal weapon, and dug into the flesh on Chen Xian's shoulder without hindrance, almost touching the bone, and blood with a strong fishy smell flowed out of the wound instantly.

The sharp pain from the nerves made Chen Xian pause for a second.

But only for a second.

The girl was pressed to the ground by Chen Xian before she could react in time, and the joints of her legs were firmly pressed down by Chen Xian with his knees, and her two hands were also held down by Chen Xian, completely losing the ability to resist.

"We are not your enemy..." Chen Xian frowned and said, his nerves were so tense that he dared not relax.

In order to control this mental patient who couldn't figure out where he came from, Chen Xian almost used all his strength, but even so, he couldn't completely control her.

The girl clenched her fists and screamed strangely. She tried her best and began to struggle. She swung her arms and hit the ground again, creating a cloud of choking dust.

During this process, Chen Xian didn't dare to let go, even if the wound on his shoulder was painful, he didn't dare to let go, he gritted his teeth and observed her breathing rhythm and the frequency of resistance, and it took about half a minute to find the flaw.

When the girl's arm was lowered again, Chen Xian seized the opportunity from the rhythm of her breathing. When she was about to inhale again, Chen Xian raised his right hand in an instant and punched her temple horizontally.

Chen Xian didn't want to kill her, so he intentionally controlled the strength of his hand when he struck. Such a punch would at most cause a concussion, and it would not be life-threatening.

But Chen Xian never imagined that the girl didn't pass out as he imagined after the punch, but bit Chen Xian's wrist back with her neck stuck.

Chen Xian belongs to the kind of stranger who is often injured. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor. He still has a lot of experience in the initial diagnosis of injuries, so he knew that the bones were hurt the moment he was bitten.

The severe pain caused Chen Xian to move subconsciously. He suddenly raised his other hand, as if he was about to punch down, but the fist stopped in mid-air.

I don't know when it started, the girl gave up struggling and resisting, even when she saw Chen Xian raising his fist, she didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, just silently biting Chen Xian's wrist.

Even though the blood from the wound flowed into her mouth, she still stared at her eyes, biting her mouth firmly and refusing to let go.

"I... have we met before?"

Chen Xian asked suddenly, and the look in the girl's eyes became complicated. During this process, he had no intention of pulling his wrist back, but just quietly looked directly into her eyes, and asked her again.

"Do we know each other?"

At this distance of less than twenty centimeters, the girl's face seemed to become much more real, and Chen Xian didn't know what was going on with him, but he suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his eyes were as dry as sand.

This girl has never appeared in Chen Xian's memory, but at this moment, he feels that she is very familiar...but he can't remember where or when he saw her.

Suddenly, the girl let go without warning, and her eyes became as complicated as Chen Xian's.

"Did I meet you somewhere?" Chen Xian asked softly.

The girl blinked her eyes, and once again opened her mouth to bite Chen Xian's wrist, but this time she didn't use any strength.

She just gently sucked the bleeding wound, sucking the fresh blood that kept flowing out, with a look of reminiscence on her face.

Chen Xian didn't know what she was doing, but he could see the change in her eyes.

From memories, to doubts, to confusion.

"I seem to have actually seen you... but I don't remember where..."

Chen Xian said distressedly, and looked at the girl carefully.

This face is familiar yet unfamiliar, it has never appeared in his memory, but his intuition is telling him, you have really seen this girl before, but you forgot when...

At this time, the girl suddenly let go, and looked at Chen Xian with an extremely confused look, as if she wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth but didn't make any sound.

Seeing the loss of hostility in her eyes, Chen Xian thought for a while and let her go.

"Get up first, I'm not your enemy, don't be afraid."

The girl didn't know if she understood Chen Xian's words, she snorted twice, and got up from the ground looking very clumsy.

Perhaps it was because of her relatively large range of movements. In the process of getting up, a blood-stained copper object suddenly fell out of the burlap on her body and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Chen Xian looked down subconsciously.

Just a glance.

In an instant, the blood on his face was gone.

Chen Xian stared at the copper object intently, raised his head stiffly, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

"Where did this thing come from?"