The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 16: Mystery of life experience


The copper object that fell from the girl was a sort of identification plate.

It's about two fingers wide and nearly one finger long.

There are many cloud-like patterns indented on the nameplate, and the word "013" is engraved in the middle.

If you didn't guess wrong, this number should be her number.

013, isn't it referring to Patient No. 13

If this was just an ordinary identification number plate, Chen Xian would not be so surprised. The reason why he showed an unbelievable expression was because...he also had such a plate.

Shape, texture, numbering format, font size, exactly the same.

The only thing that differs from this bronze medal is the serial number.

The number on his plate is "000".

"Is this sign yours?"

Chen Xian stared at the girl intently, the blood in his eyes gradually became obvious, his whole body seemed to be in a state of extreme anxiety, and he spoke very fast and urgently.

"Where did this sign come from? Who gave it to you?"

Perhaps because of being frightened by Chen Xian's bloodshot eyes, the girl stared blankly at him without saying a word.

Chen Xian picked up the metal number plate on the ground, held it in front of the girl, and motioned her to read it carefully, wanting her to give him a definite answer, but the girl remained silent, as if she couldn't understand Chen Xian's words. reaction.

After taking a few deep breaths, Chen Xian gradually calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I may have scared you just now..." Chen Xian clenched the metal plate in his hand, his eyes became a little complicated, and he didn't care whether the girl could understand his words, and explained in a soft voice, "The origin of this plate is very important. I'm big, so I'm kind of excited about…”

This kind of copper metal plate with no special features but a number may be meaningless to ordinary people, even if it is at home, it is a piece of scrap metal, but to Chen Xian... it is related to his life experience!

Among those who knew Chen Xian, the vast majority only knew that Chen Xian was a native of Ningchuan City. His parents passed away very early, and he was brought up by his grandfather since he was a child.

But only a few people know that Chen Xian is actually an adopted abandoned baby.

The grandfather who raised Chen Xian was named Chen Ba, he was an extremely rich old man who liked to travel very much.

Twenty-two years ago, in July, when he swam to the coastal area of Guangdong, he settled in a certain fishing village. It is said that he wanted to experience the life of fishermen in the coastal area, so he stayed in the fishing village for nearly a month before preparing to leave.

But on the day he planned to leave, a sudden typhoon disrupted his plan.

Strong wind, heavy rain, thunderstorm... The extreme weather has tortured the fishing village all over.

When the sun rose the next day, the typhoon had passed through Zhanjiang, and the fishing village ushered in a rare calm after the wind stopped and the rain stopped. The old man also put on clean clothes again, packed his luggage and prepared to go to Guangzhou.

The road to the bus station is a bit long. You need to walk along the path beside the fishing village pier. It takes about two hours to walk without any means of transportation.

Chen Xian was picked up by the old man during this process.

At that time, Chen Ba was walking on the edge of the pier, and suddenly saw a ball of foam board on the sea, which was rolling in the waves with the salty sea breeze, and was constantly submerged by the waves and then floated up again.

In the noisy wind, the old man vaguely heard the cry of the baby on the foam board.

"You're so know it's better to be alive than dead..." On Chen Xian's 18th birthday, Chen Ba wiped his mouth after eating the cake, and said to Chen Xian, "At that time your hands It's not as big as a cat's paw, but it's surprisingly strong. We rescued you ashore, but you were still holding on to the foam board, and it took a lot of effort to let you let go... "

At that time, Chen Xian was just a newborn baby in swaddling clothes. He didn't have any measures to keep him warm, not even a cloth to wrap his body. He was thrown into the foam pile like garbage and drifted wantonly with the waves.

After Chen Ba rescued the child, he immediately contacted the relevant local authorities and began to search for Chen Xian's biological parents, because at first he thought it was a natural or man-made disaster, but it turned out that Chen Xian was an abandoned baby.

He was just thrown into the rough sea by his parents.

That's all.

When Chen Ba picked him up, he couldn't find any clues about his life experience. The only thing that might be related to his life experience was the strange metal plate dug out from the pile of foam.

Even Chen Ba suspected that the sign had nothing to do with Chen Xian, it was just rubbish that happened to wash up on the foam board after the typhoon.

Over the years, Chen Xian marked that metal plate as important information, and has been quietly looking for any clues about this metal plate, but it has been fruitless.

Until today he saw the girl's metal plate...

Except for the discrepancy in the number, the other characteristics are exactly the same as my own brand!

Could this be a coincidence

Chen Xian was a little puzzled, but quickly denied this idea, because there is no such coincidence in this world. If the "000" sign is related to his own background, will the girl in front of him be the same as him? Are you related to yourself

If there is a connection, then seeing her feels familiar can also explain it. As for what kind of connection this will be... It is not yet certain.


The girl suddenly came to Chen Xian's side, tilted her head and looked at him, as if she was wondering what happened to Chen Xian, why didn't she speak suddenly

Seeing that Chen Xian was still silent, the girl tentatively tugged on his arm.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Chen Xian spoke suddenly, frowned and glanced at the girl, then back at Fatty Huo who was in a coma, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

He has only one thought now, which is to take the girl away from here, but at the same time, he is a little conflicted, because he doesn't know whether it is right or wrong for him to do so. Would it be too selfish to take the girl away

After all, in this case, I was just a temporary worker who came to help.

According to the rules in the industry, everything in this mental hospital, including people, cannot be taken away privately.

Because these are all clues that may be related to the case, even if it is not determined whether it will help the case, they must be handed over to the department for handling, but once this happens, things will become very troublesome.

No matter who the girl is, whether she is a participant or a victim, she will be sent to the headquarters in Beijing for investigation and research, and it will be difficult to contact her by then.

Or do you want to cooperate with Fatty Huo and ask them to help find clues from the girl

But soon Chen Xian denied this idea, because Chen Ba once explained to him that his body is different from ordinary people, and it is also different from ordinary inborn aliens, so there is a relatively high probability that his biological parents are also aliens. There may be a reason for abandoning him.

Because of this, Chen Xian's life background may be more complicated than imagined. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, things like finding his biological parents must be concealed from others, and must not be too publicized.

The Bureau of Secrets is not an impenetrable wall. At least when it comes to matters with a lower level of secrecy, their mouths are not so strict. If the story of him looking for his parents gets out...

Absolutely not.

Chen Xian gritted his teeth, the Bureau of Secrets must not get involved in this matter.

The only option now is to take the girl away first, and hand her over to the Bureau of Secrets after the clues are dug out, so that there will be no loss to anyone.

"That's the only way to go." Chen Xian sighed.

Before entering the psychiatric hospital for investigation, Chen Xian walked around the hospital a few times. Although he intended to see the distribution of spirit bodies inside, he subconsciously remembered some other information.

For example, how many investigators are stalking outside, how many are equipped with weapons and ammunition, the specific distribution, and the areas they are responsible for patrolling...

This kind of information is mixed together very complicated. It is very difficult for anyone to remember it in a short time and unconsciously, but Chen Xian is not the same. His memory is notoriously terrible in the university. .

"There are thirteen mobile patrol investigators in the north... six of them are equipped with guns... three are fixed guards... eleven mobile patrol officers are in the south... nine of them are equipped with guns..."

Chen Xian muttered to himself, his eyes became dazed, and he was recalling the pictures before he entered the mental hospital. Countless information began to intertwine and manifest in his mind, as if condensed into pieces of visible text data.

This time, all the people on the mission were members of the detection department. There were very few combat members, and most of them were investigators who were ordered to follow up when they were in danger. Few of them could really display their combat effectiveness.

If I want to take her out in this situation, the success rate should be 90%. It is almost impossible for those investigators to stop me, even if they use guns, it is difficult to keep her. Leaving this mental hospital without a sound... the success rate is almost zero.

In this situation, is there any way to get out

Chen Xian tried his best to think, and felt a little headache, but before he could come up with a solution, the girl suddenly yelled twice, and ran out like a hot wheel under her feet.

When Chen Xian subconsciously chased after her, the girl had already stopped beside the black coffin in the northeast corner, and started waving her arms to signal Chen Xian to hurry over.

The deep black coffin is the most eye-catching thing in this room. Chen Xian discovered it a long time ago, and originally planned to take Fatty Huo there to have a look, but seeing the current situation...

The fat man won't be able to wake up for a while.

The closer he was to the coffin, the more doubtful Chen Xian's eyes became, because he gradually realized that this thing was not a coffin, but a large utensil with an outline similar to a coffin.

If you really want to compare it, it is more like a large tank for fish farming.

It is about 240 cm long and 80 cm wide, and there are many unknown black liquids in it.

There is no such thing as a coffin lid above, it is completely open, with six transparent rubber tubes on both sides of the edge, the overall feeling is very strange.

Seeing Chen Xian approaching, the girl looked very happy, screamed, and climbed in familiarly.

After the girl climbed in, a lot of black water splashed out of the tank, which smelled of a strange traditional Chinese medicine, and the six weird rubber tubes also vibrated, as if some unknown device had suddenly activated. There was a low and strange mechanical roar.

Just when Chen Xian was surprised by this change, the girl suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him into this weird "water tank".