The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 17: black liquid


The water tank is very warm and very... cozy.

This was Chen Xian's first impression.

The former can be explained by tactile sensations, but what about the latter

Chen Xian couldn't figure out why he would feel at ease when he fell into this water tank. Those strange black liquids were not good in any way, but he didn't feel any resistance while soaking in them. Instead, he seemed to be merging into them. No desire to climb out...

Soaked in this vat of dirty liquid, Chen Xian's concept of time became blurred, and he could not perceive the passage of time at all, as if his consciousness had become blurred.

After an unknown period of time, Chen Xian gradually woke up, and opened his eyes with "enjoyment".

At this time, the black liquid in the water tank was almost exhausted, leaving only a part of relatively viscous residue.

Chen Xian lay on the bottom of the tank in a supine position, while the girl crouched silently in the corner, looking at him with a very happy look.

"What about the black water?"

When Chen Xian asked this question, he had already sat up, raised his hand and gently rubbed his shoulders a few times, feeling indescribably comfortable all over his body, as if all the tiredness and drowsiness had disappeared.

The satisfaction and comfort from the heart are hard to describe in words.

If you want to compare it, it would feel like someone with long-term insomnia suddenly fell asleep, and it was still a deep sleep... The strange sense of satisfaction and comfort when waking up is similar to Chen Xian's feeling at this time.

After waking up, Chen Xian seemed to hear that joyful voice from his soul, as if every cell in his body was cheering and singing.

This refreshing body feedback made him curious, what is that black liquid

At this moment, the girl yelled twice, stretched out her hand and patted the rubber tubes on both sides.

From previous observations, the black liquid seemed to flow out of these rubber tubes, but at this time, no matter how much the girl slapped, the rubber tubes did not respond.

The girl looked back at Chen Xian in disappointment, and yelled, like a child who wants to eat candy but can't, and looks aggrieved as if she will cry at any time.

"Let's go out first."

After Chen Xian finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the water tank, followed by the girl who hurriedly jumped out, following behind Chen Xian like a little tail.

Standing by the water tank, Chen Xian observed carefully for a while, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

There are many strange things about this utensil, and there is currently no way to determine what material it is made of.

The cylinder wall is very thin, no more than 5 mm. Through pressing and knocking tests, it can be felt that it is as hard as glass, with no toughness at all. Moreover, judging from the feedback of the knocking sound, it is crisp and loud, which is indeed a bit like knocking. The sound of hitting glass.

What made Chen Xian most curious was this layer of blackness.

This kind of special black with extremely low reflectance and uncommonness reminded him of Vantablack, a special product of a British scientific research company that he had seen in the literature. The Chinese name is also called carbon nanotube black body.

This special substance is the blackest substance known on the earth, and it can theoretically absorb close to 100% of electromagnetic radiation in the visible light band.

"If I remember correctly... carbon nanotube black bodies are used as paint..." Chen Xian stroked the edge of the water tank and murmured, "Could it be that this water tank is coated with this substance?"

After studying the cylinder for a while, Chen Xian couldn't come to a definite conclusion. In desperation, he could only turn his attention to the six black rubber tubes.

Those pleasant liquids flowed out of these few tubes. The tubes looked nothing special and felt ordinary, much like the common hoses used to transport liquids in hospitals.

At this time, Chen Xian suddenly recalled the mechanical roar he heard before, and subconsciously looked down a few times.

Is there some kind of machinery under this water tank

Judging from the arrangement of the rubber tubes, it is indeed leading to the bottom of the water tank... What's underneath

Those liquids left a deep impression on Chen Xian.

When soaked in those liquids, Chen Xian could not control his thirst for knowledge when he got the feedback that he seemed to return to his mother's arms, and he had an irresistible and extremely strong curiosity about their origin.

Chen Xian dragged the water tank, dragged it tentatively, and quickly came to some conclusions. The density of the material used to make the water tank should be very high, and the total weight should be between 400 kg and 500 kg. Knocking feedback... Maybe this water tank is really made of glass.

When Chen Xian completely moved the giant monster away, the six rubber tubes connected to the inside of the cylinder were also disconnected and fell to the ground one after another.

Facts have proved that Chen Xian's move to remove the water tank is completely correct. If he hadn't moved the water tank, he would not have been able to discover the things hidden at the bottom of the water tank.

There was a piece of golden metal that seemed to have been melted by high temperature, and two incomplete and blood-stained forms, but most importantly... Chen Xian discovered a strange entrance.

It's an upturned metal door.

There was no lock on the door, and there were six small holes in the edge, where the rubber tubes came from.

With a curious attitude, Chen Xian did not rush to study the door, but first picked up the scattered things on the ground.

Let's talk about that piece of metal first.

From the point of view of touch and texture, it is no different from ordinary copper metal. Chen Xian suspects that this is just some kind of parts or scraps. It seems that it has been melted at high temperature and lost its original shape, so he can only guess, but cannot conclude. This is exactly what.

Look at the other two tables.

One of the forms was completely soaked in blood, and the font was blurred beyond recognition, without any research value. The other form was slightly better, but it was soaked in blood in a large area, and a few lines of words survived.

"March 1, 08:11...Maintenance Department: Zheng Gang."

"The overhaul of the nutrition cabin has been completed, no damage has been found in the cabin, and the continuous liquid leakage has been reported to the superior in time and filed for record. The logistics staff began to replenish the nutrition solution for the cabin for the third time. The current replenishment progress is 63%, and it is expected to replenish around 14:00 complete."

"March 2, 04:01...Maintenance Department: Zheng Gang."

"The overall overhaul of the nutrition cabin has been completed. It was confirmed again that the cabin is not damaged, but the cause of the leakage is still not found. The fourth time to replenish the nutrition solution for the cabin is started. The current replenishment progress is 12%."

"March 3, 05:24...Maintenance Department: Zheng Gang."

"The nutrition cabin leaked again. The second overhaul still did not find the cause of the leakage. I have reported to the superior to apply for a new nutrition cabin. I started to replenish the nutrition cabin for the fifth time. The current replenishment progress is 1%."

On the blood-soaked form, the only legible content was these few lines, which looked like some kind of punch card or temporary record.

Nutrition cabin

Chen Xian put down the form in his hand and turned to look at the black water tank beside him.

"Could this be the nutrition cabin mentioned in it?" Chen Xian looked at the water tank dubiously, then looked at the slightly scribbled font on the form, feeling a little confused, "If this is the case... the black liquid could not be nutrition Liquid bar..."

Chen Xian has never come into contact with such a device as a nutrition cabin. He has only seen some prototypes similar to nutrition cabins in sci-fi movies, but no matter what the shape is, its function will definitely not change.

According to the concept of the nutrition cabin in the movie, it is a special container for storing the human body. Even if the living people in the nutrition cabin do not eat or drink, the nutrient solution it provides can fully meet the energy needed by the human body, just like the movie Most of the nutrition cabins in the tank are used for healing... Could it be that this large water tank also plays the same role

Chen Xian flipped through the form in bewilderment, feeling that the water in this mental hospital was getting deeper and deeper, why did he feel like it was bottomless

Just as Chen Xian was thinking about this, the girl suddenly stretched out her hand and took the form out of his hand. She tilted her head and looked at it carefully for a few times. She didn't seem to understand much, and she just crumpled it and threw it aside.

"Hey, don't throw it around!" Chen Xian hurriedly bent down to pick it up.

The moment he picked up the form, the girl took the opportunity to take away the piece of copper-colored metal and her ID card from his hand. The set of movements was so smooth that Chen Xian was caught off guard.

What is the origin of this girl

Why is the craft of grabbing things so skillful

"Give it to me." Chen Xian spread out his palms to the girl solemnly, and looked at her seriously, "It's better to put these things here with me, I'm afraid you might accidentally lose them."

The girl didn't know if she understood Chen Xian's words, she tilted her head and looked at him for a while, her eyes were blank.

"Come on, give it to me."

Chen Xian kept his tone as low as possible, so as not to irritate this girl whose mental state was unknown. But it turned out that no matter how gentle his voice was, the girl just smiled foolishly and didn't return the things to him.

At the same time, a painful groan suddenly came from the corner of the room.

"I just now... Did I get knocked out by something..."

That's right, Fatty Huo woke up at this juncture.

I saw the fat man covering his head and moaning, the word pain was written all over his face, he seemed to be confused just after waking up, his speech was intermittent, and his eyes couldn't be opened.

"Xiao...Xiao Chen, are you still there..."

That kind of humming and moaning sounds both resentful and long-lasting, and it can be used for dubbing horror movies.

"I'm not fucking dead, am I..." Fatty Huo became a little more awake, slowly opened his eyes, and his tone suddenly became tense, "Why is it so dark here..."


Black is right.

Chen Xian muttered in his heart, his expression was more nervous than that of Fatty Huo.

When he heard Fatty Huo groan before, Chen Xian immediately turned off the only flashlight, dragged the girl to hide beside the big water tank, and the two squatted on the ground like thieves, not daring the fatty to find out.


The girl looked at Chen Xian strangely, as if she didn't understand why he did this.

"If you are found out, you will be in trouble..." Chen Xian secretly observed the situation at Fatty Huo's side, regardless of whether the girl could understand his words, he carefully told her, "Don't make any noise."

Facts have proved that the girl didn't understand Chen Xian's words at all, instead squatted on the ground and fumbled for a while, afraid that Fatty Huo would not notice it.

She groped on the ground for a while, and soon found the metal door that was previously blocked by the water tank.

Without waiting for Chen Xian to stop, the girl grabbed the concave doorknob and pulled the metal door open with a bang.

"Hey shit! What the hell?!"

Fatty Huo was so frightened that he yelled out. It was dark here, he couldn't see his fingers and couldn't figure out the situation, and he didn't know where Chen Xian was.

In fact, it's not his fault for being timid. After experiencing all kinds of weirdness in this mental hospital, who would not be afraid of being suddenly left alone in the dark

"Keep your voice down!"

Chen Xian suppressed his voice and didn't dare to shout out. He looked back in a hurry and found...

The girl is gone.