The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 19: Blood tree in dreams


Chen Xian was dumbfounded.

He had no idea that things would turn out like this.

The key that I was desperately looking for before... just stop looking

Judging from Fatty Huo's intentions, it seems that this case has been transferred to other people, and all these changes stem from the pattern on the door panel.

What does the seven palms stacked together represent

When Chen Xian led Fatty Huo back the same way, he kept thinking about this question in his mind, and kept looking for relevant clues in his memory.

But no matter how he recalled, he couldn't recall any information related to that pattern.

"Since the information about the pattern has been kept secret...then the Internet and the public will definitely not find it... Only people in the department know..."

"Fatty Huo mentioned them before, so can it be temporarily determined that this is an organized gang?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xian felt that the clue information in his brain began to be simplified, and those clues that could be used by him came out unconsciously.

I remember what Fatty Huo said before.

"It's no wonder this hospital can create an underground facility of this scale."

From this sentence, it can be seen that this organization should be very powerful and very rich. If they have no money or power, they will not be able to create such a large-scale underground facility.

From the analyzed information, Chen Xian extracted several key points.

This organization is rich and powerful, and has a lot of knowledge about "abnormalities", and can even artificially create some abnormal beings, such as the dean I met before.

After the corpse change, the alienation index of his body was very high, and even his legs lost human characteristics. Such weird changes seemed to be artificially interfered.

Of course, apart from the above points, there is another feature of this organization that cannot be ignored.


That's right, it's deterrence.

Fatty Huo was so nervous just by seeing that pattern, and his superior also agreed to hand over the case of the key, and asked people from the Armed Forces to come to reinforce immediately... What kind of organization does this have to scare them? into this

You must know that the department that Fatty Huo and Chen Xian work with is not simple. It is the only alien management organization in China, and it is also the only organization capable of dealing with "abnormalities" across the country.

The full name of this organization is the No. 9 Secret Keeping Bureau, which was founded in 1949. Unlike other alien organizations or religious lineages in China, the departments and comprehensiveness of the Secret Keeping Bureau are also very detailed, more like a certain A large scientific research institution with a clear division of labor.

In the Bureau of Secrets, apart from the detection department where Fatty Huo worked, there are also dozens of departments such as the Armed Forces Department, the Logistics Department, and the Scientific Research Department.

The division of labor of each unit is different. For example, the detection department is responsible for dealing with abnormal cases. Sometimes the nature of the case is complicated, and it will also join forces with the combat members of the armed forces department.

It must be mentioned here that the Armed Forces Department is not composed of aliens, and nearly 90% of the combatants in the department are ordinary people from the army.

From a certain point of view, the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces Department is far better than that of the Detection Department. Even if there are large-scale aliens in the Detection Department, the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces Department is the best.

the reason is simple.

The Armed Forces Department is the only unit that can be equipped with heavy thermal weapons. It has an extremely special status in the Bureau of Secrets. The procedures for mobilizing them are also extremely cumbersome, requiring the approval of layers of leaders before they can be dispatched.

These combat members of the Armed Forces do not know any yin and yang spells, nor do they know any religious methods. The only thing they know is physical transcendence. The most famous case they have handled in recent years is the Northwest Ghost Village case that is well known in the circle.

That case has a unique code name in the Bureau of Secrets, Izumi God.

This unusual case occurred on July 11, 2002, in a mountainous village in the northwest region.

The target of the crime is the spirit body, also known as Jingshen.

In just one night, its appearance led to the death of a total of 212 villagers in the entire village, leaving no survivors.

The village that was still full of people in the past has also become a dead and barren land overnight.

The Department of Detection was initially in charge of handling the case, and they sent out some strangers, but after spending three days and costing more than 20 lives, the case still made no progress, and the target was still at large.

In the end, it was the superior who decided to transfer the case to the Armed Forces for handling, and only then did the daunting "well god" be resolved.

It has to be said that the Ministry of Armed Forces handled this case at an astonishingly fast speed, from arriving at the scene for investigation operations, to determining the location of the target for fire coverage strikes...

It took them less than half an hour from the beginning to the end, and at the cost of three "42-style special individual cloud bombs", the target "Jing Shen" was completely blown into fly ash. The ghost village that came out was also razed to the ground.

Under the fierce military, all living beings are equal. This slogan was brought up by those members of the armed forces back then.

From this point, it can be seen that the biggest difference between the Bureau of Secrets and other alien organizations is to keep pace with the times, but all of this must be based on absolute financial resources. Without money as a foundation, it is impossible for the Bureau of Secrets to develop to this point .

Chen Xian really couldn't figure it out. Could it be that the backstage of this mental hospital is so scary? What kind of organization would make the Bureau of Secrets so afraid

Since this organization can be regarded as a major enemy by the Bureau of Secrets, it can be fully explained that it poses a great threat to the Bureau of Secrets. It may be a huge special organization, but it seems that such a large organization is It is impossible that there is no name in the circle of people, no matter how you say it, there will be some rumors.

But Chen Xian can be sure that he has never heard of related news. It is also the first time he has seen the pattern of seven overlapping palms on the door panel, and he has never seen it before.

The only possibility for such a large organization to disappear in the country... is that all information about it is forcibly blocked by the Bureau of Secrets, and the flow of information between the Internet and reality is also controlled by them. Only in this way will there be no rumors.

But what is the purpose of the Secret Service

Chen Xian frowned tightly, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't grasp the clue, because it was the first time he encountered this situation, and he had never even thought about it before.

At this time, he had already led Fatty Huo into the elevator and began to walk up from the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Fatty Huo said abruptly. When he asked this question, he was also staring at Chen Xian with half a cigarette still burning in his mouth. Feeling down."

"I'm fine."

Chen Xian said softly, almost his whole body was hidden in the shadow of the corner, only showing a pair of eyes that could faintly glow in the dark, speaking with the same tone.

"I just feel a little ashamed. After all, this case was not handled well." Chen Xian's answer did not reveal any flaws.

Fatty Huo didn't think much, and laughed with a cigarette in his mouth: "You have done a good job. At your age, I am still a kid who doesn't understand farts. I am not afraid of you laughing at me. Let me tell you , back then..."

Leaving the underground facility on the 21st floor, returning to the corpse plaza on the ground, and returning through the corpses, Chen Xian and the others did not encounter any accidents.

Fatty Huo was chatting with Chen Xian all the way, although Chen Xian didn't like to talk very much, but this fatty was very interested, he didn't care how much reaction Chen Xian gave, he kept mumbling to himself.

When the two walked out of the mental hospital, the staff stationed outside surrounded them one after another.

Each of them looked as if they were facing a big enemy, their expressions were tense, and they held guns in their hands, as if they were guarding against something.

Seeing that Fatty Huo was safe and sound, many investigators were relieved, and their faces looked a little better.

"Boss, there is a call from above, telling us to seal this place first..."

Zhang Dahai leaned close to Fatty Huo and spoke softly, the voice behind was very low, and Chen Xian who was standing aside couldn't hear what they were saying, but judging from their expressions... they seemed a little nervous.

After a while, Zhang Dahai walked away, and Fatty Huo came back to Chen Xian and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Xiao Chen, you go back first, and I'll send you off."

As he said, Fatty Huo looked at Chen Xian sincerely, and shook hands with him solemnly.

"Although the task this time has not been completely completed, it is already very good to be able to get to this point. Anyway, I have to thank you for your help."

"You're welcome." Chen Xian smiled.

"The reward you deserve will not be less, and it will be transferred to your account from the headquarters in two days." Fatty Huo suddenly grinned, and patted Chen Xian on the shoulder heavily, "In the future, there will be We will cooperate again if we have the opportunity. To be honest, I like you very much. It would be great if you can join our detection department and officially take office... "

Before Fatty Huo finished speaking, Chen Xian hurriedly shook his head and refused: "No, no, there are too many rules for regular employees. I heard that they have to work every day. I think it's good to be a temporary worker."

After saying goodbye to each other, Fatty Huo called a rather old investigator and asked him to drive Chen Xian back.

By the time we got back to the old house, it was already daylight.

After a night of tossing in the Wushan Mental Hospital, Chen Xian couldn't bear it no matter how good his physique was. He almost fell asleep in the car before, but finally managed to keep his eyes open.

As soon as he entered the door of the old house, Chen Xian yawned for a long time.

The face that was flat a second ago was already filled with the four characters of exhaustion.

"I can't think of a clue now... Go to sleep first... I'll talk about it when I wake up..."

Chen Xian was already in a state of half-sleepwalking, he closed his eyes and muttered to himself, staggered into the bedroom as if he was drunk, threw himself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

In the past, Chen Xian was the kind of person who rarely dreamed.

Most of his sleep is extremely high-quality deep sleep, with dreams only on rare occasions.

Maybe it was because he was too tired this time, or maybe it was because he had experienced too much in the mental hospital.

Chen Xian had a very long dream.

In the dream, Chen Xian came to a strange square under the deep sea, the surrounding ground was covered with crystal-like residues, and thousands of schools of fish swam past from time to time above his head.

Chen Xian slowly moved to the depths of the square. He didn't know why he did this, but he felt...something calling him there.

Passing through the ancient plaza covered with blue bricks, he saw a bloody dead tree rotting on the bottom of the sea in a short while. The incomplete and decayed branches were soft and slender, and they were constantly swaying with the undercurrent of the bottom of the sea, just like the capillaries of the human body. , intertwined and joined together, so that the leafless canopy presents a strange and eerie web.

Whenever the sea water swayed with blood-colored net-like branches, Chen Xian could vaguely hear a scream. The voice seemed to come from the tree canopy, as if someone was hiding in the tree canopy... Shouting a repeated sentence to Chen Xian .

"Give it back to me, give it back to me!"