The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 2: big fire


When Chen Xian followed Fatty Huo to the Wushan Mental Hospital, the firefighters had already started to put out the fire, and the perimeter of the mental hospital was full of personnel from relevant departments who came to block the scene.

Except for the firefighting units that have passed special inspections, no one is allowed to enter or leave.

"Why hasn't the fire gone out?!"

Fatty Huo parked the car at a more conspicuous place on the side of the road, took Chen Xian out of the car, walked towards the crowd and asked, "Where are the firefighters? Did they go in?"

A big bald head emerged from the crowd. He was wearing a well-fitting black suit and a gold ring on his right hand. He didn't look like an internal staff member, but more like an upstart.

The big bald head hurried up to Fatty Huo, and reported to him carefully: "The firefighters went in to put out the fire ten minutes ago, and they are still working hard to put out the fire as soon as possible."

This bald head is Zhang Dahai, the leader of the investigation team, and he was the one who called Fatty Huo before.

After discovering that the mental hospital was on fire, he immediately notified the local fire department to rush to the scene to fight the fire. However, the reality was more difficult than he imagined. No matter how hard the firefighters tried to put out the fire, the fire still could not be effectively controlled. is intensifying.

The mental hospital is located on the outskirts of Ningchuan, next to Wushan.

As a mountainous area that has not been marked as a scenic spot, Wushan has a large area of virgin forest. If the fire is not controlled and invades this mountain forest, it will be a disaster that no one wants to see.

"How long will it take?" Fatty Huo asked.

"It's hard to say. The main reason is that the wind is strong tonight, and the structure of this mental hospital is complicated. It looks like a chimney. The fire rushed to the top as soon as it started."

Zhang Dahai hurriedly explained, his voice was trembling, and he was wiping the hot sweat from his brow while explaining, his face flushed with anxiety: "The fire department is still working hard to get the fire under control as soon as possible! "

"How did the fire start?"

Hearing this young voice, Zhang Dahai turned his face and took a look, only to find that there was still a young man who didn't know him standing beside his superior, and he was a little stunned.

Although Zhang Dahai didn't know Chen Xian, he still had good eyesight and knew that he was the person who entered the scene with his superiors, so he replied without hesitation: "It seems that something exploded, because we were not inside, so The exact circumstances are also unclear ... but many people heard the explosion."

"Explosion?" Fatty Huo frowned, his expression became a little ugly.

Could it be that those bastards knew that their affairs had been exposed and that the area was completely stared down, so they blew up the hospital once and for all

"Uncle Huo, what do you think their purpose is?" Chen Xian asked abruptly.

Upon hearing this question, Fatty Huo frowned and said, "I'm not sure yet."

Chen Xian nodded slightly, and looked at the sea of fire not far away without saying a word, as if he was thinking about something, and he looked a little lost in thought.

Ningchuan City is a city with relatively complete environmental protection, without too much industrial pollution, so it has never seen smog, and the night sky can often be seen after the spring rainy season.

There was no wind or rain this night, but it was not destined to be peaceful.

The flames soared into the sky like a demon crawling out of hell, biting the hospital's remnant crazily. The raging flames burning on his body almost illuminated the night sky in the southern suburbs.

With the efforts of multiple departments, the fire was slowly brought under control.

After eleven o'clock at night, the fire that had been burning for several hours finally came to an end.

The mountain was filled with thick fog, and the air became humid and hot. The ruined walls of the mental hospital were still warm, exuding a burning smell.

Standing beside the ruins, Chen Xian smelled it carefully for a while, and gradually discerned a strange meaty smell from the charred smell of the hospital. It was the smell of human fat being roasted, and it was stronger than the smell of barbecue in the night market.

"How many people died in this hospital...the death is too heavy..."

Compared to Chen Xian, who stood aside and acted like nothing had happened, Fatty Huo was obviously much busier, running back and forth to communicate with other departments.

When all irrelevant personnel were withdrawn, only Fatty Huo and his department were left outside the mental hospital.

"Come in with me?" Fatty Huo said, walked up to Chen Xian, and gave him a bottle of mineral water.

Chen Xian took the water, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then nodded and said yes.

"Boss, I'll bring some people in with you." Zhang Dahai said, he was one of the people who knew the inside story of the case, and he was quite vigilant about this mental hospital.

Fatty Huo hummed, and his expression became serious when he spoke: "The blockade outside can't be broken, let people keep watching me, even a fly can't be let out!"

When carrying out fire-fighting operations in the fire department before, Fatty Huo repeatedly emphasized several times that he can only work outside and cannot enter the interior of the mental hospital. The reasons are also complicated, but the most important one is to avoid unnecessary fire. danger.

What the hell is in a mental hospital

The answer to this question is still a question mark in Fatty Huo's heart.

But it is certain that in this seemingly ordinary mental hospital, there must be some things that cannot be explained by ordinary science. Hong Jinxi's death is the best evidence.

While Fatty Huo and the others were getting ready to go, Chen Xian also wandered around the ruins, as if looking for something, every time he walked more than ten meters, he would look up in the direction of the hospital.

When Chen Xian returned from wandering around, Fatty Huo and the others were ready to set off.

Everyone wore a special "vest" made by the department, with an armed belt around their waist and a pistol holster on their legs. Several of them were holding video recorders, as if to record the situation inside.

It was not the first time for Chen Xian to deal with these people, so he was quite familiar with the equipment on them.

The vest is a special bulletproof vest. There is also a palm-sized metal plate in the interlayer of the fabric. Some kind of Taoist talisman is engraved on it. It happens to be on the chest of the vest, which can prevent the so-called spirit possession of the vest owner.

Gun bullets, military tactical daggers, these are all specially made things.

The bullet is a sandwich bullet, which is full of specially processed secret mineral powder, and the military dagger has a spell engraved on the blade, which is said to be able to touch the spirit.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that Fatty Huo and the others are armed to the teeth this time, and a dozen people are blocking the gate of the mental hospital, waiting for Chen Xian to lead in.

"What were you wandering around there just now?" Fatty Huo asked.

Chen Xian explained casually: "Count how many spirit bodies are inside."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xian touched his chin with a surprised expression.

"But I walked around and didn't even see a shadow. Maybe they are in the hospital."

Hearing Chen Xian's words, Fatty Huo couldn't help being silent for a while, and couldn't help asking: "How much do you think there are in it?"

"There are as many spirit bodies as there are people who died." Chen Xian wrinkled his nose and sniffed carefully a few times, a trace of heaviness flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "There are not a few people who died in this hospital. This is the first time I have met them. Such a heavy dead breath makes me feel like a mass grave."

After receiving the answer given by Chen Xian, Fatty Huo's reaction was okay. After all, his qualifications are here, and he is relatively calm when encountering problems, but the reactions of others are not so good. Almost everyone starts to get nervous.

After all, they are just investigators, and they only get involved in rare cases, so there are not many cases of directly confronting spirit bodies.

In the dark night, the gate of the hospital looked unspeakably horrific, like a monster that preyed on people, opened its huge mouth that smelled of blood, and was waiting for the food to go in by itself.

Inside the gate is a deep and dark corridor, even if you shine a flashlight outside the gate, you can't see the end at a glance.

"Is there anything you want to say before going in?" Fatty Huo said, glanced at Chen Xian, and reminded, "For example, what should be paid attention to inside, or..."

"What is the main purpose of this action?" Chen Xian asked again.

"Search." Fatty Huo replied, "The target is that key."

"Then you go in with me, and the others don't go in." Chen Xian said, raising his hand and rubbing his nose. It seemed that the smell here was a bit irritating to him, and his eyes were slightly red. Heavy, the number of spirit bodies may be more than I imagined, if all these people follow in, I won't be able to protect them."

Hearing this, Fatty Huo thought about it carefully, and then nodded in response.

Seeing that Fatty Huo agreed, all the investigators present breathed a sigh of relief, only Zhang Dahai was a little worried, as if he was worried about letting the leader go in with Chen Xian alone.

"Boss... can this work?" Zhang Dahai asked hesitantly, and looked at Chen Xian calmly, his eyes full of suspicion.

Fatty Huo smiled and said it could be done, without explaining so much, he seemed to have full confidence in Chen Xian.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, the spirit body won't be able to get close to Uncle Huo within 20 meters." Chen Xian took the initiative to say, as if to reassure Zhang Dahai.

I have to say that Chen Xian's words did not contain exaggerated conceit, nor did he have too blind self-confidence. The calm emanating from the inside out seemed to possess a magical power of calming the mind, which made everyone baffled. Relaxed a little.

"Let's go in."

After Chen Xian finished speaking, he stepped over the burnt black threshold and walked slowly into the hospital gate.

That kind of strolling posture made it impossible to see that he was here to handle the case. Instead, he seemed to be strolling in the street, and he didn't feel any nervousness.

"Boss, is he reliable?" Zhang Dahai came over.

Fatty Huo sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"Who knows, I hope he is a capable person, otherwise this time..."

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

Fatty Huo stopped his voice, raised his head and glanced at the sky, his slightly swollen eye sockets became a bit deeper, and his eyes also became heavy.

Zhang Dahai was very winky, and he quickly noticed the change in Fatty Huo's expression.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhang Dahai asked cautiously.

Fatty Huo took out a cigarette and lit one, then threw the cigarette case to Zhang Dahai, and said, "It's going to rain."

"What's wrong with the rain?" Zhang Dahai was a little confused.

Fatty Huo shook his head and didn't explain anymore. He strode into the hospital with a flashlight, and followed behind Chen Xian in a hurry.

"It's raining." Fatty Huo asked in a low voice, "Will something happen if we go in and investigate now?"

According to the department's scientific statement, late at night is the time when Yin Qi particles increase sharply, and rain is a natural substance that promotes Yin Qi particles. The two are combined together, and so many people died in this hospital... Ordinary spirit bodies might have the ability to hurt people.

"Follow my command and nothing will happen."

Chen Xian replied without turning his head, his tone still so calm.

But in the next second, he suddenly stopped and raised his hand to signal Fatty Huo to stop.

"What's wrong?"

Fatty Huo asked, instinctively raised the flashlight, and took a look in the corridor ahead.

This casual look made him sweat all over from fright.

The corridor, which should have been empty, was full of people at this moment. Each of them turned their backs to the aisle and faced the wall, as if they were facing the wall and thinking about their past.

Those people seemed to be unable to stand still, and seemed to be out of their minds. Their bodies were shaking back and forth, and they kept banging their heads against the wall, making very slight noises.

The sound was very small at first.

But gradually, bigger and bigger.

"Bang... bang... bang..."