The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 20: Accident



Chen Xian sat up suddenly from the bed, the clothes on his body were soaked in cold sweat, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the muscles on his body were tense instinctively, as if he was ready to fight.

But soon Chen Xian calmed down, and gradually realized that everything before was just a dream, just a very real nightmare.

Sitting on the bed, Chen Xian recalled the scenes in his previous dreams. He felt that those pictures seemed to be experienced by himself, and they couldn't be more real, especially the blood-colored giant tree... Have you seen it before? Why do you become more and more familiar with it

After thinking about it silently for a while, Chen Xian couldn't find any similar images in his memory. He could only think that he was thinking too much. He thought about it day and night and dreamed about it. Something weird isn't surprising either.

Chen Xian fell asleep from early morning to evening, and felt a little depressed after waking up.

If everyone has something they particularly hate, then one of Chen Xian's most hated things is taking a nap.

Of course, it can also be said that what he hates is the feeling of loneliness when he wakes up suddenly after sleeping until dusk.

Outside the window are the lights of thousands of houses, the streets are full of traffic, the bustling crowd is noisy and at ease, only his own house is empty and silent, he feels like he has fallen into the biggest black hole in the universe, the kind of rushing and deep-rooted emotion Loneliness only made him feel like he was torn out of this world by some unknown force.

Taking out a pack of refrigerated sauced beef in ten catties from the refrigerator, and taking out the two roast chickens left over from yesterday, Chen Xian started to work in the kitchen.

Due to his special constitution, his appetite is not the same as that of normal people. Basically, the amount of a meal is equal to that of other people's family of three a day, or even more.

If it weren't for the better benefits of being a temporary worker, Chen Xian might not even be able to support himself. This way of eating ten catties of meat... really hurts money.

The Chen family’s old house is very large. In addition to the main room as the living room, there are eight side rooms that can live in. The kitchen is a separate room, and the two bathrooms are also separate cabins. If you add the front yard and backyard corridor, etc. , the total area of this old house is at least 350 square meters, and it is considered the largest house in Laoluoguxiang.

Chen Xian likes this place very much.

They are even ready to live here for the rest of their lives.

Although the decoration of the house is outdated and looks old-fashioned, Chen Xian doesn't dislike it. On the contrary, he likes the traces left by the years in the house. Every bit is his childhood memory, which can remind him of those good things day.

Ningchuan is a famous tourist city in China, and it is also a city that enjoys comfort and comfort. Compared with other developed cities, the pace of life can be said to be very slow, and there are all kinds of entertainment venues in the city. The air is good and there is no trouble of smog. , so whether you want the elderly to provide for the elderly, or want the young to squander their youth here, Ning Chuan is competent.

But Chen Xian has lived here for more than 20 years, and he doesn't think this city is very interesting. His life is not as colorful as that of his peers. Instead, he is like an old man living in this city, spending every day in boredom.

Of course, maybe most old people have a more interesting life than him. At least they can play chess and mahjong with friends, or go out for a trip together, or even dance in the square.

On the other hand, Chen Xian, except for necessary work outings and food purchases, Chen Xian hardly ever goes out. He looks like an otaku but is not a real otaku. He does not play with his mobile phone or computer. He is either sleeping or eating every day. Just in a daze.

Needless to say, even he himself felt that he was wasting his time, but he never thought about changing this kind of life, because he couldn't even say what he wanted, and there seemed to be nothing that interested him... No, It seems that he can't say that, he is still very interested in dealing with those abnormal cases.

Just when he was bored, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Chen Xian lay on the recliner in the yard and almost fell asleep. When he heard the ringtone, he became more refreshed. When he checked the caller ID, it was Lao Zhou, the internal contact person of the Detective Department.

"Hello? Xiaoxian, can you hear me?"

There was a slightly old voice on the phone, and the crisp sound of many people typing on the computer keyboard, it sounded like a mess on the other end.

"I can hear you." Chen Xian replied. To this familiar contact, Chen Xian's attitude was quite enthusiastic. "Why did you call me suddenly? Is there a case that I need to deal with?"

"There is no case for the time being." Lao Zhou smiled, but the voice over there was still very noisy, and there were constant buzzing sounds, as if he was constantly flipping through the paper materials, "Are you at home now?"


"I read the information they sent... Your task has been completed... The leader's evaluation is quite high." Lao Zhou smacked his lips, looking a little emotional, "The salary has already been posted, and it is estimated that it will be sent to your card tomorrow. , I will follow up the bill for you here, and you should pay attention to check it when the time comes."

"Okay." Chen Xian said politely, "Then I will trouble Master Zhou."

The phone didn't hang up just yet, Lao Zhou was silent and seemed to want to say something, Chen Xian didn't ask any further questions, just lay quietly on the chair and waited.

"I read in the information... You found out that there is a Taoist formation in that mental hospital... It's called the Luosi formation, right?"

"Yes." Chen Xian replied.

"Has that formation been broken?" Old Zhou asked cautiously.

Hearing this question, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Xian's eyes, and he slowly sat up from the chair, "We didn't break it, and the formation doesn't seem to be activated."

"It's not activated..." Old Zhou pondered for a while, then asked suddenly, "Can you be sure it's not activated?"

Chen Xian thought for a while and said, "At least when we left, the formation was in a state of disuse, and the formation map at the eye of the formation was also wiped by me, although I don't know if it will be useful..."

"When you left the underground facility, those corpses were still panting, right?" Lao Zhou asked.

Chen Xian recalled for a while, and replied: "They are still panting, similar to when we went in before, and those corpses haven't changed much."

Lao Zhou was silent and said nothing.

Chen Xian seemed to feel something, frowned slightly, and asked, "Did something happen in the mental hospital?"

"This..." Lao Zhou hesitated, as if he was thinking about whether to say it or not.

"It's not convenient to say it." Chen Xian said.

"I checked, and it's not a secret. It's like this..." Lao Zhou lowered his voice, and said to Chen Xian in a low voice, "The Armed Forces arrived at Wushan to participate in the operation six hours ago. Nothing happened, but just in the square in the middle... something went wrong."

there is a problem

Chen Xian frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"When the armed men collected samples, they seemed to have touched the spines of those corpses." Lao Zhou whispered, his tone a little nervous, "Just touched one, and they all came back to life!"

Hearing what Lao Zhou said, Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered those scenes in the mental hospital.

Those corpses kneeling in the square...

Those weird and dazzling golden spines...

At that time, Chen Xian found it strange that there was no requirement for the spine in the battle formation. It can be said that from the formation to the start of the formation, there is not a single requirement related to the spine.

If those corpses were really the sins of the dead, then this matter is really a little hard to understand. Why did the people in the mental hospital use gold to give them spines? Is it really too much money to burn

"Do you need my help?" Chen Xian asked.

Thinking of the scene of those hundreds of corpses coming back to life together, Chen Xian felt terrified. Can the Armed Forces withstand so many crimes

"I don't need help for the time being. Wushan has been sealed off by the Armed Forces Department. Those abnormalities should not be able to escape the mental hospital. If the conventional treatment methods don't work, they may take further measures..."

At this point, Lao Zhou didn't continue talking.

"Anyway, you don't need to meddle in the matter of Wushan. You should also pay attention to it during this time. Don't run to Wushan. I know how harmful your curious temper is." The tone of Lao Zhou said this Obviously much more serious, he told Chen Xian seriously, "The nature of this case is very complicated. If you are involved, there will be a lot of unnecessary troubles, understand?"

"I know, Master Zhou, don't worry." Chen Xian smiled, and his concern for Lao Zhou was very useful. After all, he and his grandfather Chen Ba were old acquaintances, and he was half of the credit for becoming a temporary worker.

From a certain point of view, Lao Zhou is Chen Xian's special guardian, and many cases are handed over to Chen Xian by him.

"Don't worry? I won't worry if you do less dangerous things!" Lao Zhou couldn't help complaining up to this point, babbling like the most ordinary kind of old man, revealing his love Chen Xian's concern, "Take the last case as an example, you dragged the spirit body and jumped from the sixth floor, your life will die? And last time..."

Chen Xian blinked helplessly, but he didn't interrupt Lao Zhou's words, instead he listened patiently.

But at this moment, there was a muffled bang suddenly behind Chen Xian, as if something had fallen on the ground, and he instinctively turned his head to take a look...

"And the last time, I didn't say you, Xiao Xian, you really don't worry... Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?"

Lao Zhou's voice still rang on the phone, but Chen Xian's attention was not on him, no matter how much he shouted, there was no response.

All of Chen Xian's attention was attracted by the person standing in front of him, and he couldn't take his eyes off at all.

"How could it be you?"