The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 21: Big monkey


The person standing in the courtyard was Patient No. 13 of Wushan Mental Hospital.

Ever since we parted from the mental hospital, Chen Xian has been worried, even thinking about it while eating, should he take advantage of the chaos and go to the mental hospital to find her? Maybe if you find her, you might even have a chance to bring it out!

But thinking about it carefully, the current Wushan Hospital has been sealed off by the armed forces, and their method of sealing off abnormal areas is different from Fatty Huo and the others.

Fatty Huo and the others were just observing, tracking, and more politely intercepting.

What about the Armed Forces

When they deal with strangers who break into the blocked area, they will first judge whether the other party is a foreigner. If the other party is an ordinary person, it is fine, maybe they will just be knocked out, or forcibly controlled to temporarily restrict their personal freedom.

But if the opponent is an alien, there is a high possibility that members of the Armed Forces will directly shoot and kill the intruder.

Chen Xian was not afraid of death, but he sneaked into the mental hospital when the armed forces closed the mountain... He really didn't dare to do this kind of thing. If he got involved, there would be a lot of trouble, not to mention that even if he found the girl, would he be able to bring her back intact? She came out and it was a big problem.

This kind of mental activity of wanting to save her but not daring to act hastily had already troubled Chen Xian for a long time.

But he never expected that the girl could come out by herself!

"Hello? Xiaoxian, are you still there?"

Lao Zhou’s voice still kept ringing on the phone, Chen Xian also calmed down a little at this time, put the phone to his ear and said, “Master Zhou, my phone’s screen flickered just now, and I couldn’t hear you clearly. Let's talk."

"Oh, that's it..." Lao Zhou didn't doubt him, and smiled heartily, "Okay, let's talk next time, I have to get busy, after all, this case is not completely over yet, and there are too many things to do .”

After saying a few words, Lao Zhou hung up the phone.

Chen Xian put the phone back into his pocket, and carefully looked at the little girl standing in front of him, with unconcealable surprise still in his eyes.

How on earth did she escape? Does she have the ability to break through the blockade of the Ministry of Armed Forces


Before Chen Xian could recover from his surprise, the little girl had already run to him and grabbed the hem of his clothes, yelling and pulling Chen Xian twice.

It has to be said that her strength is still so great.

The girl didn't seem to use much force, but there was only a stabbing sound, and the white shirt on Chen Xian was torn apart halfway by her.


Chen Xian looked at her hesitantly, but he was not angry, because he knew that the girl didn't do it on purpose. After all, she didn't look like a normal person, and it was reasonable to do some weird things...



Chen Xian looked at the half-stretched white shirt on the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and asked her in a polite and friendly way: "Can you stop tearing it..."

It seems that for a girl, the white shirt on Chen Xian is just a toy, and the prickling sound when the fabric is ripped apart is nothing more interesting!

So Chen Xian's words were basically useless to the girl, and in the end Chen Xian couldn't stand her.

Seeing that she was about to continue tearing, Chen Xian hurriedly grabbed her arms and said in a hurry, "Don't tear it, I only have this shirt!"

What Chen Xian said was not an exaggeration. For a deep nerd like him, going out to shop and buy clothes has never been a thing before. In addition, he is an old man who doesn't like to socialize, so he seldom spends time on dressing himself up.

I bought this white shirt last year when I was doing the routine registration of temporary workers. I’m not kidding, it’s really the only shirt...

Being grabbed by Chen Xian's arm, the girl raised her head to look at him, and blinked her eyes while screaming "Hmmmm".

"What do you want to say?" Chen Xian asked tentatively. From the girl's eyes, he saw a desire to tell, as if he had something to tell himself.

The girl looked at Chen Xian anxiously, patted her stomach, and let out two murmurs of unknown meaning.

Chen Xian was a little confused, and was about to ask her a few more words, so as to figure out what she wanted to say, but only heard a gurgling sound from the girl's stomach...

In an instant, Chen Xian understood that she was hungry.

With her follower, Chen Xian went to the kitchen to rummage for a while, and found three packs of instant noodles, two pieces of elbow flower ham sausage, and two bags of unopened dumplings. These were the last stocks of the old Chen family.

"Don't worry, it will be ready soon." Wearing an apron, Chen Xian helped the girl cook the instant noodles, and cut up a piece of squashed ham, and put it in the frying pan to cook slowly.

Accompanied by the sound of sizzling, the ham in the pot gradually gave off an attractive aroma, and the smell of the meat after frying was more like the smell of roasted meat.

The girl kept swallowing her saliva, and wanted to take it out of the pot several times in the middle, but fortunately, Chen Xian reacted in time, and gently beat her back with chopsticks.

After Chen Xian finished cooking the instant noodles and adding ham, about eight minutes had passed, and the little girl also looked like she was about to starve to death, staring at Chen Xian pitifully, giving the impression that Chen Xian was deliberately starving her .

"Let's eat."

Looking at the bowls and chopsticks in front of her, the girl was confused, but soon she understood how to eat them.

At least she thought so.


"Hey, don't use your hands directly!" Chen Xian hurriedly grabbed the girl, fearing that the hot soup in the bowl would burn her. Now he can understand that this girl doesn't have any survival skills. It is an existence derailed from the world.

If she is locked up in a mental hospital as a patient, then many phenomena are a bit hard to explain. She can't even eat with chopsticks, even if you give her a fork, she can't speak...

Although it is a bit insulting to think so, how does Chen Xian feel that this girl is not very smart? Could it be that she is born with some defects in intelligence


The girl looked at Chen Xian, then at the instant noodles in the bowl, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, she didn't understand why Chen Xian didn't let her eat with her hands.

"This is hot, you can't use your hands directly...forget it."

Chen Xian sighed, patiently picked up the noodles with a fork, and slowly handed them to the girl's mouth.

After the girl happily finished eating the fork noodles, Chen Xian picked up another piece of ham and repeated the above actions over and over again. It can be said that he spent all his patience in this life here.

This was the first time Chen Xian took care of someone, and it was also the first time he experienced what it was like to have a child.

"Just eat like this, understand?" Chen Xian tried his best to show an amiable look, and handed the fork to the girl.

Taking the fork, the girl blinked her big innocent eyes, and handed it to Chen Xian again.


She didn't seem to understand what Chen Xian said.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xian was completely helpless, so he could only feed her patiently.

The girl seemed to enjoy Chen Xian feeding her food, maybe because she didn't have to do it herself, she quickly ate up all the instant noodles in the bowl.

Chen Xian thought she was full and wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with her more, but what he never expected was...


The girl touched her belly, looked up at Chen Xian pitifully, and yelled twice.

"Still hungry?"



Under Chen Xian's almost nanny-like service, the girl finished all the old Chen's inventory, and even drank up the only two bottles of fat house happy water left in the refrigerator.

Only then did she feel full, and she patted her stomach contentedly, and looked up at Chen Xian from time to time, smiling silly.

At this moment, Chen Xian was yawning continuously, feeling extremely tired, as if he had gone to "work", he didn't even bother to take off his apron, and leaned on the dining table to stare at her.

"How on earth did you escape?"


"Forget it, I didn't ask."

Chen Xian rested his chin with his hands, looked at the girl lazily, thinking about what to do next.

Just leave her in the old house

Then find a way to find clues about his life experience through her

Wouldn't this idea be a bit unrealistic...

Chen Xian muttered in his heart, this girl doesn't look very smart, she is smiling merrily, maybe she will be able to learn to speak in the Year of the Monkey.

"Ding... Ding..."

Hearing the long ringing of the bell, Chen Xian became a little more energetic.

When I picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Chen Xian? Is it Chen Xian?"

Fatty Huo's voice came from the phone, and his tone was very anxious.

"I'm Chen Xian, why did you call me all of a sudden?" Chen Xian could not help but sit up straight, glanced at the girl from time to time, with a nervous expression on his face, "An accident happened again in the mental hospital?"

"That's not it! The Armed Forces Department is fucked up! Forget it..." Fatty Huo beat his chest and scolded, and then hurriedly asked, "Do you still remember when we were attacked in the underground facility? ?”

"Remember." Chen Xian replied cautiously.

"Didn't you miss the person who attacked us and let it run away?" Fatty Huo asked again.

Chen Xian hummed, looked at the girl sitting across the table, touched his nose and said, "Yes."

"It's the sneak attack thing! It ran out of the mental hospital in the chaos! I can see it clearly! It looks like a big black horse monkey!"
