The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 24: Shadows of childhood


Chen Xian felt that today's night was a bit long, much longer than before.

Maybe it has something to do with having one more person in the family.

Is it right or wrong to take her in

Chen Xian was lying on the bed thinking about this question very seriously, his eyes were fixed on the ceiling, and his expression vaguely meant that he was unlovable.

Girls are clingy, at least in Chen Xian's view.

From the moment she arranged for the girl to sleep in the side room, she stared at Chen Xian to death. Every time Chen Xian closed the door to let the girl sleep, she would finally sneak out without a sound, until Chen Xian returned to his bedroom, The moment the door was closed, it was discovered that there was a big living person behind him.

Why is she always clinging to me

Chen Xian was a little confused. He wanted to turn over and change his position to continue sleeping, but found that the girl was hugging half of his body tightly, hanging on him like a koala.

At this time, let alone turning over, it was very difficult for him to move.

The girl is not an ordinary person. Judging from the fact that she has been able to fight alone with Chen Xian for several rounds, she is not weaker than Chen Xian in terms of physical fitness. In terms of strength alone, she is not much different from Chen Xian, almost on par.

So that sentence is true, the greatest enemy of human beings is themselves.

"It's three o'clock... and no one is allowed to sleep..."

Chen Xian glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, his expression became more and more helpless, he tried to push the girl, but still failed.

Apart from not liking napping until dusk, Chen Xian also hated another thing.

Chen Xian is very disgusted with other people's physical contact with him. This may be regarded as some kind of mental illness of his, and it is also a personality defect that cannot be concealed. Perhaps this has something to do with his childhood experience.

When he was a child, he had already discovered that he was different from ordinary people. Not only could he see those who had already died, but he could also quickly heal himself after being injured.

Although Chen Xian's grandfather has always warned him to hide his abilities and never expose himself to outsiders, there are always accidents.

It was when Chen Xian was in the third grade of elementary school. Because of an accident, the scene of his body repairing the wound was seen by his female classmates. The phenomenon of rapid hemostasis, and the skin wriggling by itself... These are undoubtedly telling the little girl that he is a monster.

Children's thoughts are often very simple, but at the same time they are very vicious. Perhaps this is also a biological nature. They will reject those who are different from themselves, so everything has changed since that accidental exposure.

The little girl who witnessed Chen Xian's abnormality with her own eyes often said that he was a monster in private, and deliberately united with her classmates to isolate Chen Xian.

During those years that Chen Xian didn't want to recall, the only thing that could make him feel a little warm, besides his grandfather, might be those few teachers in the school. Guan Guan is not good at communicating with others, but generally speaking, he is still a relatively well-behaved child. He is sensible and independent, and his teachers and parents never worry about his studies.

But the only warmth is still a drop in the bucket for Chen Xian's psychological trauma, and since then, Chen Xian has become more and more withdrawn.

With the growth of age, this withdrawn personality has not changed in any way, but it is like an inescapable virus that keeps recurring in Chen Xian's body.

He doesn't like to have in-depth conversations with people, and he doesn't like others to have physical contact with him. All this stems from his specialness. He is afraid that others will regard him as a monster.

In the domestic alien circle, there are not a few aliens with self-healing power, and most religious practitioners have similar "supernatural powers". Simply put, they have a unique way to absorb yin and yang particles in the air.

With the help of these abnormal energies that ordinary people cannot touch, it helps the cells in the body to evolve, and promotes and strengthens the activity of cells.

The level of cell activity can determine the level of cell regeneration ability.

When their cell regeneration ability exceeds the level of normal people, the self-healing and regeneration ability after injury will inevitably be stronger than ordinary people, and the regeneration of flesh and blood is only mediocre, but it is undeniable that this self-healing ability also has certain limitations, such as the location of the injury Whether it is the head or important organs, it is very difficult to recover from such injuries.

Therefore, Chen Xian's ability is unique in the country, and his self-healing power is so strong that it has reached a state that is almost indestructible.

If he didn't dare to show his specialness when he was young, it was because he was afraid that others would treat him as a monster. Then when he grew up, he still deliberately concealed his abilities, even in front of different people of the same kind. Complicated.

Six years ago, a strange man appeared in a well-known first-tier coastal city in China.

This person's name is Li Fenghan, he is only seventeen years old, and he is a high school student.

Li Fenghan awakened his special ability much later than ordinary aliens. He didn't carry this ability when he was born, but only awakened when he was seventeen. His ability is almost the same as that of Chen Xian. The self-healing power is very strong, and the extremely strong cell activity gives him the ability to regenerate blood and flesh.

Once he fell headfirst from the sixth floor due to an accident and did not die. He just recovered after recuperating at home for nearly half a month. This kind of self-healing ability, which can be called abnormal level, is not generally rare in China. .

At least in Chen Xian's opinion, he is the only one with the strongest self-healing ability among the known aliens besides himself.

At that time, many people came to "visit" Li Fenghan, most of whom were strangers. They were all curious about how Li Fenghan's ability came about

Since he only awakened at the age of seventeen, would it be possible that he possessed this ability due to certain incentives, just like some other people who awakened in their later years

On the fourth day after Li Fenghan's ability was exposed, this rookie who had attracted the attention of countless strangers suddenly disappeared.

It is said that there is only a pool of stinking blood in his house, and Li Fenghan himself has completely lost contact. As for his parents, they were beheaded with a sharp weapon. Many strangers were horrified by the tragedy.

Chen Xian didn't know why Li Fenghan disappeared, but he was certain that his disappearance and the death of his parents... were all because of his ability.

Human beings and other creatures have one thing in common, which can also be said to be a kind of indelible nature, and the obsession with life is more than anything else.

This kind of obsession is not a threat to ordinary aliens, and it is not even comparable to them, but to an alien with special abilities like Chen Xian, the threat becomes extremely huge.

Who wouldn't want to have this freaking self-healing ability

Although this is a peaceful and prosperous age, the peace is only used for those ordinary people, the infighting among aliens, the struggle against those abnormal beings... these have never stopped.

With this abnormal self-healing power, basically one or even dozens of lives can be saved. Who wouldn't want such a good thing

In fact, if you think about it carefully, those who took Li Fenghan away were a bit stupid.

Li Fenghan's ability is naturally awakened, even if he is captured, even if it is tortured, he will definitely not be able to ask a fart. They can't forcefully transfer Li Fenghan's ability to themselves, right

Such things as transfer ability only exist in fantasy, and never happened in reality. Therefore, when talking about Li Fenghan, many strangers would always say that the gang of kidnappers were designated as fools, and that they would just do it for some illusory things. Go kill yourself.

At that time, the case had been taken over by the Bureau of Secrets. If they were allowed to find out the clues, those kidnappers would have to live on the run for the rest of their lives, which is not enough to describe it as miserable.

If he hadn't escaped, but instead fell into the hands of a violent department like the Bureau of Secrets... the tragic consequences can already be imagined.

Chen Xian was inspired by Li Fenghan's case.

If his ability is exposed, he might become the second Li Fenghan.

Although Chen Xian often feels that life is boring, and feels that every day is like wasting time, but compared to being kidnapped by unknown people as a sample, he feels that his current life is quite good.

It is also because of this that Chen Xian hides his secrets so deeply, and even resists other people's physical contact with him, but now...

Chen Xian glanced at the koala-like girl and couldn't help but sigh.

"Can you let go?" Chen Xian asked tentatively, struggling slightly.

The girl didn't wake up, but her instinctive reaction in the dream was to hug Chen Xian tightly, she didn't want to let go at all, she was still muttering, making some unexplained "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" sounds like talking in sleep .

Chen Xiansheng looked at the ceiling hopelessly, thinking about that serious question again.

take her in...

Is it right or wrong