The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 30: old liar


The old liar's surname is Ge, and his real name is Ge Ci. He is a well-known person in Ningchuanyin City. Everyone says that he has hands and eyes, and he has countless wild ways. You do it.

Yes, you can really do anything.

As long as you can think of it, he can do it for you if the money is in place.

Not to mention those businesses that are too high-end, but those that are closer to the lives of the people.

If your home insurance burns out and you want to find an electrician to help you deal with it, or if the bathroom drain is blocked and you need someone to clear it, or even if your phone is broken and you need someone to replace the screen, if your computer system has problems and you need someone to help you fix it... He can do all kinds of miscellaneous things. , really no joke.

As long as he has money, he can do anything, and he can do it well.

Aside from those small business accidents that sound unreliable, the old man also does a lot of "big" businesses, such as helping others exorcise evil spirits, watching feng shui fortune-telling, or buying and selling religious instruments, and selling license plates for household registration information. wait…

Basically, he can do anything that Chen Xian can think of, so from this point of view, Chen Xian still admires this old liar.

Whenever I have a headache and encounter a problem, I am sure to find him.

Going up to the second floor, the old liar took Chen Xian and the others to the room where ID photos were taken.

The girl was quite obedient, and Chen Xian asked her to stand and make sure to stand still, so the whole process of taking ID photos was relatively smooth.

"Have you changed your equipment?" Chen Xian asked as he glanced at the SLR camera in the old liar's hand.

"Good eyesight." The old liar smiled and fiddled with the camera in his hand, "This is a new model from Canon that just came out this year, and it cost me a lot of money."

Hearing this, Chen Xian couldn't help laughing, thinking that you don't usually play camera, you just take ID photos, is it necessary to follow the trend so closely

But if you think about it carefully, the old liar seems to have always been like this.

He is ruthless enough to steal money, and he is also ruthless to spend money.

I remember that when latex mattresses first became popular in Yinshi a few years ago, the old liar bought six beds by himself, and replaced all the mattresses in all the rooms in the store. The total cost was more than 70,000.

Chen Xian was there the day I bought the mattress, that's what the old liar told Chen Xian.

"The salesman said that this is a standard Thai latex mat, which is very good for the body. If I sleep on it for a long time, I may live a few more years."

The old liar at that time was very high-spirited, thinking that he had found the secret to longevity, but he didn't feel so the next day, because he found out that these cushions were not from Thailand, and the labels were from Yiwu, and Chen Xian was very special. "Kindly" helped him take a look on Taobao.

Eight hundred and eighty-eight one bed, free shipping.

"what are you thinking?"

Suddenly, Chen Xian heard the old liar's voice, and immediately woke up from his memory, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "I didn't think about anything."

"Why do I feel that you look at me strangely?" The old liar muttered, but he didn't care about it, and asked Chen Xian, "Do you have any special requirements for household registration information and personal files? If you don't ask, I will just look at them." Made it up!"

"Request... a little bit." Chen Xian frowned.

"You say." The old liar nodded.

"The household registration information can be compiled according to the set of the orphanage. As for the personal file, it can be compiled like this..." Chen Xian confirmed it again and again in his mind, and then added, "Make her an orphan in the Sunshine Welfare Institute in our city. , and only came out of the orphanage half a month ago. She has received many donations since she was a child, most of which are donated by my grandfather. As for the others, there are no requirements. You have more experience, so you can figure it out. "

Hearing these requests from Chen Xian, the old liar was stunned for a while, his expression became strange.

"Xiao Chen, who is she?"

The old liar muttered, the more he looked at this girl, the more he felt something was wrong.

She looked dumbfounded and didn't speak... Could it be that she was abducted? Could it be that the kid surnamed Chen has fallen? Bought a wife

"You didn't buy her, did you?" The old liar still couldn't help asking.

"No." Chen Xian's face darkened, his expression a bit ugly, "Why do I buy someone if I have nothing to do?"

"Being a wife." The old liar analyzed, only feeling that Holmes had possessed him, and the more he analyzed, the more he felt that this was the truth. "Your personality is so bad, who can fancy you?"

The corner of Chen Xian's mouth twitched again and again, holding back for a long time, he still couldn't help but want to refute.

"Do you think I still need to buy a wife?"

Hearing this, the old liar woke up 90% in an instant, took a closer look at Chen Xian's appearance, nodded and said, "I've ignored this point, you don't have to worry about being chased by someone, when I mentioned this, I suddenly remembered …Last time, a vixen asked me to inquire about you, and asked me to ask for your WeChat ID."


In terms of appearance, Chen Xian was born with a good-looking skin, which is the consensus of everyone around him, but compared with his eye-catching appearance, his temperament is more impressive.

If you want to compare it, Chen Xian is like a cat.

Although he doesn't like to have too much contact with people, he doesn't want to reject people thousands of miles away. His quiet and indifferent temperament always makes people want to get close to him inexplicably.

So the old liar thought about it, and felt that his previous guess was unreliable. With Chen Xian's appearance, the number of women who are willing to pay for him is too many to count. How could he worry about not being able to find a wife

"Okay, do as you want."

The old liar found a notebook and wrote and drew on it with a pen, as if he was recording something.

"It's a bit cumbersome to handle a whole set of documents like this. In addition to creating official files, you also have to create files in the local institutions where the victim lived, such as the orphanage." The old liar looked at the densely packed book. without raising his head, he asked Chen Xian, "Are you sure you want to get to this point?"

"Sure." Chen Xian nodded.

"OK." The old liar grinned, smiling confidently, "According to the normal file creation speed, the whole process will take at least a week, but I will speed it up for you, up to 48 hours, when the time comes, I will ask the little traitor to send the ID card to you." The account book will be sent to you."

Hearing this, Chen Xian's expression became a little more relaxed. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ge. I know it's not easy to do this. Please give me a price."

"I won't ask you for a high price either." The old liar looked quite casual with a cigarette in his mouth, and waved his hand and said, "I didn't expect the sword to break so quickly when I sold it to you last time... this time I will make it up to you. Five hundred thousand."

After receiving the quotation from the old liar, Chen Xian was obviously stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Although Chen Xian is not engaged in the business of issuing illegal certificates, he has learned a lot from dealing with old liars over the years, and he also has a little understanding of the market for illegal certificates, such as applying for a full set of certificates for girls, and Even the official can't find out the authenticity of the request... Can it really be done for 500,000 yuan

Chen Xian didn't believe it.

In order to get a full set of materials, in addition to establishing files in official institutions, files must also be established in orphanages, and even countless scattered and trivial files need to be fabricated. It is no exaggeration to say that this is completely compiling a life out of thin air. And this false life, there is sufficient evidence to prove its authenticity.

Generally, if it’s just for a certificate, the asking price is not as high as 500,000, but it’s okay to ask for something like a girl... a million is not too much!

"Mr. Ge, you are at a disadvantage in asking for a price of 500,000 yuan. Tell me the market price." Chen Xian looked at the old liar seriously, and spoke in a very candid tone, because he didn't like to take advantage of others, and he didn't like to owe others. favor.

"The prices I quoted are all market prices. Tongsouwuyou understand, besides, I open my own shop, and I can order as much as I like. You are quite lenient!" The old liar glanced at him. I wanted to speak with a disgusted expression, but I couldn't help laughing while talking.

Chen Xian looked at the old liar helplessly, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Although the old liar is quite an asshole most of the time, he often sells low-priced things at high prices, but it is undeniable that apart from physical transactions such as buying and selling goods, he is relatively reliable in other things, so Chen Xian is not good at him. general trust.

But it was because he trusted him too much and knew that he could handle this matter well that Chen Xian was unwilling to let him suffer.

"Ge Ye, you'd better ask a higher price, you know I'm not short of money..."

"At this price, I can do it if I like it." The old liar was also a little annoyed when he said this, as if he felt that Chen Xian had no eyesight, so he raised his hand and slapped Chen Xian on the back hard, and said cursingly, "What do you think?" Am I short of money?"

"Hard to say."

Chen Xian thought about it seriously, looked at the old man with a look of astonishment, and gave him a rather euphemistic objective evaluation.

"Usually you give me the feeling that you are a stingy person. When you are doing business, you often look for opportunities to blackmail others, as if you have never seen money in a few lifetimes, so I always thought you were short of money."


The old liar's face was as black as charcoal, and his shriveled mouth moved a few times, as if he was swearing.