The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 32: Evil weapon


evil weapon.

As the name suggests, they are some evil special tools.

Most of the evil weapons are artificially refined, and only a few are naturally formed.

Compared with magical weapons, evil weapons are much rarer. At least Chen Xian has been working in the Ninth Secret Bureau for so many years, and he has never seen evil weapons with his own eyes.

"Isn't that something harmful?" Chen Xian frowned, his expression a little unnatural, recalling the records of evil weapons he had seen in the materials, he couldn't help resisting, "I still want to buy a magical weapon."


The old liar cursed angrily, touched the beard on his chin a few times, a strange light flashed in his dry and slender eyes, like a look eager to try.

"Come upstairs with me, I'll show you something good!"

Before Chen Xian could ask any more questions, the old liar trotted out of the back room with a cigarette in his mouth, and hurried up to the second floor.

Although Chen Xian was a little puzzled in his heart, it was undeniable that he was also a little curious about the "good things" that the old liar said.

Does the old liar want to show me an evil weapon

After thinking about it, Chen Xian decided to follow and have a look.

Seeing the girl watching TV with all her attention, Chen Xian walked over and told her seriously: "Stay here and don't run around, understand?"

The girl stared intently at the TV screen, not knowing if she understood, but nodded anyway.

Are family ethics dramas so good-looking

Chen Xian frowned, and thought for a while with a serious expression. Finally, he still felt that it was not good for a child to watch this kind of program, and it would not help his physical and mental health. So he picked up the TV remote control on the table and helped her change the channel.

"Peter... let's catch jellyfish..."

That's right, this is the show that hunks (beauties) should watch.

Seeing the girl watching with gusto, Chen Xian couldn't help feeling relieved, making sure that she would not run around while all her attention was on the TV, so she went to the second floor with peace of mind.

There are ten rooms on the second floor of the store. Except for the room for photography, the remaining nine are used as warehouses. Most of these rooms are closed and locked. The only room with the door open and the lights on The room was in the corner, and it was the only room Chen Xian had never been to.

"Come here quickly! What are you waiting for!"


Along the wooden corridor covered with mottled traces, Chen Xian walked into the room slowly. The room was a bit dark, except for a dim incandescent lamp, which should be in the 1980s and 1990s. The lampshade was covered with thick dust, and the switch was just a rope hanging vertically by the wall. When Chen Xian entered the door, it was shaking gently.

This room feels very strange, at least Chen Xian thinks so.

The four walls of the room, as well as the ceiling and floor, had been painted over by the old crook with some special black paint. The only area that was not painted with black paint was the window of this room, which was sealed with a layer of reflective aluminum foil covered with wrinkles. , Looking at it under the incandescent lamp, I dazzled my eyes.

This room is a bit more spacious than other warehouses, and it is not as full of goods as other warehouses. Except for some messy wooden boxes in the corners, the rest of the room is mostly empty, and only eight belts are placed against the wall. Vertical cuboid display case with glass cover.

Each display cabinet is numbered, and the things in the cabinet look a little weird.

"These are all evil weapons?"

"Yes, take a look."

Chen Xian couldn't help leaning forward curiously, and carefully looked at the exhibits in the cabinet. Obviously at first he was still very resistant to such harmful things as evil weapons, but at this moment, his eyes were shining with excitement, like a little boy. The child saw the new toy and walked over excitedly.

Chen Xian once again proved the law of true fragrance with himself.

In showcase No. 1 is a rough pottery urn, about 30 centimeters high, with many dense red spots on the surface, like a patient suffering from smallpox, which makes people feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"This is the six ghost urn I found from Guangxi, and it was taken from a folk stranger." The old liar stood beside the display cabinet, half a cigarette in his mouth, and introduced to Chen Xian, "It is said that the two There was a shipwreck at the local pier ten years ago. A ship was overturned by a typhoon, and all six members of the family died in the sea. It may be a coincidence. Their spirit bodies did not sink into the sea and turned into water ghosts, but into this little urn at the bottom of the sea."

"The little urn was found by that stranger again by chance, and it ended up in my hands." The old liar shook the soot and said.

"Are they... still inside?" Chen Xian asked tentatively.

"When I received this evil weapon, they were still inside, but then I superseded them." The old liar smiled and said with a wink, "This urn is very evil, I suspect It is some kind of ancient religious instrument, it can trap most of the known spirits, and it can also place a medium in the souls of those spirits to control them."

Speaking of this, the old liar patted the glass of the showcase, and the six ghost urns inside shook accordingly.

"Now there is a spirit body in it?" Chen Xian asked curiously.

"There are six harmful evil spirits. I threw them in after I surrendered them. If you like them, I can give them to you as gifts." The old liar said with a smile.

"Is this thing easy to use? How many spirit bodies can it hold at most?" Chen Xian asked curiously, having a lot of interest in this six ghost urn.

"It should be able to hold at least dozens of them?" The old liar muttered, thinking about it carefully for a while, and said, "I only tested it once, and I installed a maximum of thirty-two. As for the difficulty of its use... You know how it works like a fool Is it?"

According to the old liar, there is an ancient shamanism array at the bottom of the six ghost urn, as long as you carve your birth date in the middle of the array with a knife or other sharp tools, and then drip a proper amount of your own blood, the vicious spirit in the urn will They will all be controlled by the Blood Dropper.

"This pile of evil weapons must have a certain foundation of religious practice before they can be used. The only one that does not require a foundation of practice is this six ghost urn." The old liar pointed to the glass display cabinets next to him, and said mutteringly, "That's what I did the year before last. The human skin drum I got from Shenyang, and the one next to it is the moving bell I got in Handan, which is the coffin of the five evil spirits dug out from the ground by the Daodou people in Qinling..."

"These are all evil weapons that I found in China. Insulators like your religious practice can't be used. The other evil weapons are all from abroad, and they are more difficult to use than these."

"Overseas?" Chen Xian glanced left and right, and pointed curiously at the display cabinet by the window, "Which country is that evil weapon from?"

The evil weapon Chen Xian was referring to was a slapped human mummy. The surface of the body was coated with a thick layer of gold powder, and the two holes without eyeballs were filled with many red pigments, which looked a little weird.

"That is Anuza baby from Thailand, and Anuza's spirit resides in the corpse."

The old liar said, and when he walked to the display cabinet, the expression on his face became a bit serious.

"This evil weapon is very dangerous. If it is used improperly, it will eat back at the host, so I don't dare to sell it casually. After all, I have to be responsible to the customer... Do you want it?"

"don't want."

Hearing Chen Xian's resolute refusal, the old liar smiled maliciously. He walked back to the display cabinet of the six ghost urns, tapped the glass lightly, and the urn inside also trembled, as if the prisoner was imprisoned inside. The evil spirit is screaming and struggling, trying to break through the cage of the urn body, it looks terrifyingly evil.

For ordinary aliens, getting this kind of evil weapon that can be used without any foundation is definitely like adding wings to a tiger, but for Chen Xian, this urn doesn't have much effect.

Instead of believing in those controlled spirit bodies, Chen Xian believed in himself more.

"I knew you would not want it. In fact, this thing is quite useless. It can't hold back even a powerful spirit body, and the price is not cheap..." The old liar sighed pretentiously, "It seems that this business can't be done. gone."

"Is there nothing else besides these evil weapons on display?" Chen Xian asked unwillingly. Although he was very resistant to evil weapons at first, looking at them now, the evil weapons are quite interesting.

Whether a utensil is evil or righteous mainly depends on what kind of person the user is. As long as you use evil utensils to do good things, isn’t it all right

Chen Xian thought very clearly, and it was only at this time that he discovered the allure of evil weapons. They are more lethal than ordinary magic weapons, and they are less difficult to use, but... It seems that I have seen them in books before, saying The reason why evil weapons are stained with the word evil is because they have great repulsion power.

If there is not enough power to suppress them, the evil weapons will turn back against their masters.

"In addition to these evil weapons... there is one more thing." The old liar took the ashtray from the side, shook the ash, and had a heavy expression on his withered face.

"Can I use it?" Chen Xian asked curiously.

The old liar nodded and said yes.

As soon as the words fell, the old liar walked out of the room.

Chen Xian only heard a jingling noise coming from outside, as if the old liar was rummaging for something in the next room.

Soon, the old crook came in dragging a heavy suitcase.

Even if the box hadn't been opened, Chen Xian could smell the bloody smell coming out of it.

It smells... like human blood.