The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 34: Deceitful weapon


This evil weapon... No, just from its appearance, it is more appropriate to call it a weapon.

After dismantling the bandage covered with talismans, Chen Xian was able to see the whole picture of the weapon.

It is like a strange combination of a hand saw and a machete. The length of the blade is about 80 cm to 90 cm, the width is about 50 cm, and the thickness is as wide as three fingers. The whole body is dark black with many mottled marks. Chen Xianguang is You can feel its heaviness just by looking at it.

This hideous weapon looks like a knife and a saw. In terms of overall outline and proportion coordination, it looks like a bone-chopping knife used by chefs. As long as half a finger, there are many dark red and black rust spots on it, and a strong and pungent bloody smell spreads out.

There is a strange metal part between the black blade and the metal handle, which seems to be similar to the principle of a folding knife. The handle has been folded up. If it is fully unfolded, the length of this weapon may reach about 1.7 meters.

What caught Chen Xian's attention the most was the back of this weapon.

It was an extremely weird object, like a long piece of rotten meat, with obvious muscle texture, like a U-shaped baffle protecting the back of the knife, covering the back of the knife tightly, without any metal exposed True color.

When Chen Xian carefully observed this weapon, the long strip of carrion on the back of the knife suddenly squirmed, like the relaxation and tightening of human muscles, which made Chen Xian's heart tighten.

Is this weapon alive

Although this kind of thinking is very unrealistic, Chen Xian really thinks so.

This hideous weapon highlights the aesthetics of violence everywhere. The jagged blood and mottled rust merge into one, and the rotten flesh is connected to the black blade. The strange and terrifying shape... made Chen Xian even more interested. !

Perhaps this is Chen Xian's hidden taste.

"How is it? Doesn't it look interesting?" The old liar said with a smile, as if he was very satisfied with his collection.

"Interesting... I've never met a weapon that I like so much..." Chen Xian replied without raising his head, his eyes were sizing up this weapon, and his tone made no secret of his love for it.

The old liar stroked his beard on his chin, and looked at Chen Xian with a strange expression, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "Do you want to take it out and have a look?"

"Is it possible?" Chen Xian was taken aback.

The old liar nodded: "Take it out and try it out. If you feel it threatens you, then I don't suggest you buy it."

Hearing this, Chen Xian didn't hesitate, and stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the knife.

He wasn't afraid of threats at all.

A person who will never die, what else is there to be afraid of

"It seems to be nothing..." Chen Xian said, carefully feeling the changes in his body, and then slowly raised this hideous weapon.

This weapon is surprisingly heavy, and I don't know what kind of material it is made of. The density of the metal should be very high. What kind of.

Of course, compared with those magical weapons he bought in the past, this weird weapon is completely overweight and overweight, but Chen Xian just likes this. To him, a heavy weapon feels good in the hand, and it is too light to play with. On the contrary, there is no bottom.

Chen Xian held the handle of the knife tightly in his hand, and waved it casually a few times. After feeling the steady feedback, he couldn't help but love this weapon even more.

But soon, Chen Xian discovered something was wrong. The metal knife handle stuck to his palm without warning, as if it had been coated with super glue.

"Why is it stuck?" Chen Xian was full of doubts.

Before the old liar had time to answer, Chen Xian suddenly felt a chill in his body, as if a lot of things had been drained from his body, extending along his arm to the handle of the knife... It seemed to be sucked away by this weapon.

Could it be that what was lost was the essence and blood mentioned by the old liar

Chen Xian frowned. Although his expression was serious, he was not nervous or afraid, because he knew very well how strong his self-healing power was. Even if he lost it at this time, wouldn't he make up for it in a few minutes

"It's sucking your blood." The old liar moved closer to Chen Xian, carefully observing every change in his body, with a little worry in his eyes, "How do you feel? Can you hold on?"

"It feels okay."

Chen Xian said this lightly, as if the lost blood belonged to someone else. Anyway, he couldn't put down the weapon for the time being, so he picked it up again and began to look at it carefully, or to say... admiring it.

While sucking his blood, the piece of carrion on the back of the knife kept wriggling, looking a little disgusting, like a bloody maggot parasitic on the back of the metal knife.

"Do you feel okay?" The old liar looked at Chen Xian confusedly, and said hastily, "If you don't feel well, don't be brave, you boy, don't..."

Before the old liar finished speaking, Chen Xian suddenly interrupted him, as if he had discovered something, with a puzzled tone: "Master Ge, why did this piece of meat turn black?"

"It's turned black?" The old liar was taken aback, and hurriedly looked down.

The maggot-like blood-colored carrion on the back of the knife is now turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and is also rapidly shriveling.

"That's not right..." The old liar was a little confused, mumbling, "I remember that's not what the German guy said in his notes. He said that the more blood this weapon absorbs, the more color the parasitic flesh on the back of the knife will become." Hong, why did you turn black?"

"How do I know?" Chen Xian also looked very depressed, thinking that this is obviously the product you sell, and you know much more than me, but now you turn around and ask me

The old liar carefully looked at the changes in the rotten flesh, and said in a cautious tone: "Your blood essence isn't poisonous, is it?"

Chen Xian's face darkened: "Does this count as a personal attack?"

"That's not what I mean, I'm analyzing..." the old liar muttered.

This cunning weapon sucked blood for a very long time. From the beginning to now, it lasted at least ten minutes. In the end, Chen Xian couldn't hold back anymore, his face was as white as paper, and he wobbled a little bit unsteadily. .

Seeing this, the old liar hurriedly found a chair for him to sit on.

"How about I get it off for you?" The old liar looked at him with a worried face, and persuaded him earnestly, "Don't spoil your body for a while, it's not so easy to replenish your blood!"

Chen Xian shook his head and said no, it shouldn't be long.

He is the person involved, and he is the most sensitive to the changes in his body. He can feel that the rate of blood loss is slowing down. It may be that this evil weapon is about to run out.

Whether Chen Xian's blood essence is poisonous or not, he can't say for sure, but he can be sure that his blood essence is not the same as that of ordinary aliens, and the change of this evil weapon is the biggest proof.

The blood-colored carrion that was still wriggling on the back of the knife before did not move at this moment, as if it was dead, it was completely shriveled, and it could not see the strange appearance before, but it looked like the embossed pattern specially made when casting the blade Thick ribs, exuding a unique luster of metal under incandescent lamps.

Is this meat or metal

I thought it was alive before... why is it dead now

Is my blood really poisonous

"It seems to have stopped."

Chen Xian said suddenly, looked down at the handle of the knife, and found that the feeling of confinement before had disappeared, so he tentatively and slowly let go of his palm.

Sure enough, the handle of the knife and the palm of the hand have been separated smoothly, and there is no way to see that it was still stuck a second ago.

"How do you feel?" The old liar asked this question tirelessly like a doctor.

"feeling not bad."

Chen Xian replied calmly, then carefully erected the weapon, and soon found a metal button at the connection between the hilt and the blade.

He pressed lightly out of curiosity, and there seemed to be spring-like parts installed in the handle of the knife. With a bang, the blade bounced out instantly, and the entire weapon was extended to its longest state.

Chen Xian held the handle of the knife and stood up and waved it a few times. It felt more comfortable than the previous folded state, as if it was tailor-made for Chen Xian. The incomparable holding feeling instantly made him unable to put it down.

At this moment, the sound of dripping water suddenly resounded in the room, and many black drops of water emerged from the hideous and terrifying sawtooth of the weapon without warning, continuously flowing down the gap between the teeth It dripped, exuding an extremely pungent bloody smell.

This phenomenon made the old liar somewhat unexpected.

"What's going on here... I've never heard of it emitting black water..."

Chen Xian didn't make a sound, and the expression on his face was a bit weird, because he felt that these black water droplets looked familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere not long ago.

He recalled it for a while, and his eyes suddenly became suspicious.

These black waters...

Why is it a bit like the nutrient solution in a mental hospital