The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 35: uninvited guest


When Chen Xian saw the black liquid gushing out from the serrated blade, he subconsciously thought of the nutrient liquid that had appeared in the mental hospital.

Compared with the two black liquids, they are almost exactly the same in terms of color texture and smell.

"It can absorb human blood..." Chen Xian carefully observed those fine water droplets, and kept analyzing in his heart, "Could it be that these things were also sucked away by it?"

In the mental hospital, Chen Xian was "fortunate" to lie in the nutrition cabin once, and he probably absorbed most of the black liquid in the tank, that is to say... it is possible for him to retain a certain amount of nutrition in his body liquid.

As time passed, the phenomenon of black water droplets coming out of the serrated blade began to gradually stop, and the smell of herbs in the air also disappeared for the most part.

"Master Ge, do you know what's going on?" Chen Xian asked calmly.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it!" The old liar took out a gold-encrusted magnifying glass from his pocket, and studied it carefully in front of the serrated knife, his face full of doubts, "I don't know much about it, either. Several masters have not studied it thoroughly, so this may be a natural phenomenon, right?"

Chen Xian nodded without making a sound, and continued to observe for a while.

Although this situation was a bit weird, Chen Xian didn't think it was a bad thing, at least he didn't think it was dangerous or harmful to himself, so Chen Xian decided not to waste time thinking about it, but instead studied how to give weapons to Fold it back.

To him, it was a big toy, and a very functional toy at that.

Now Chen Xian only regrets that he met this weapon too late. If he had met it sooner, he wouldn't have to spend all that money to buy a magic weapon.

Just as Chen Xian lowered his head and focused on fiddling with weapons, the voice of the old liar rang in his ears.

"Do you have any special feelings? For example, you are suddenly very pessimistic and want to commit suicide?"

Chen Xian didn't speak, but raised his head and gave the old liar a white look.

"No? It's okay if you don't... Then did you see anything special?" The old liar asked persuasively, "Like a black figure or other weird things?"

"No." Chen Xian replied.

The old liar was silent, or rather closed himself off.

This is really weird in the Tamar Gobi... How is this evil weapon not evil

It seems that there is something wrong with this kid. Could it be that he is not only an insulator for religious practice, but also an insulator for the backlash of evil weapons

"Did I quote you the price just now?" The old liar asked suddenly.

Chen Xian was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes instantly became vigilant: "What's wrong?"

"How much did I pay?" The old liar pretended to lose his memory, like a poor old man with dementia, and blinked his innocent little eyes at Chen Xian, "It's one thousand, right?"

"Yes, one thousand yuan." Chen Xian said calmly, and even praised the old liar, "You have a really good memory, and I will transfer the money to you right away."

Hearing Chen Xian's answer, the old liar laughed back angrily: "You bastard is darker than me?"

"You are so good at raising prices from the ground, I can't do it if I'm not black." Chen Xian said with sincerity on his face.

The old liar's words were full of dissatisfaction, and his tone was also unwilling, but he always had the most genuine smile on his face, as if he felt that after Chen Xian found a handy weapon, he would be able to bother him less. It can be regarded as an end to a serious problem.

"Okay, let's just three hundred, it's still the original price, and I won't yell at you anymore." The old liar patted his butt and stood up, happily took out a cigarette and lit it, "If you use this evil weapon to sell What's the problem, remember to come to me in time, don't try your best, understand?"

"Okay." Chen Xian nodded, folded the weapon carefully, and wrapped it tightly with the bandages with the talismans painted on it before putting it back into the leather case.

The old liar stood by and watched, at Chen Xian, and at the suitcase in his hand.

"Why do I feel that this business has lost money?" the old liar muttered.

Chen Xian said in relief, "How could someone as smart as you lose money?"

"That's true." The old liar nodded, and Chen Xian's compliment was very useful, "Then let's go downstairs and transfer the money. Do you want to invoice you?"

"I can't report it even if I open it." Chen Xian said helplessly, "The subsidy given by the Bureau of Secrets does not include the purchase of personal items. You don't know about this..."

Before Chen gossip was finished, he heard a muffled bang from downstairs.

"What sound is this?" The old liar was also taken aback by the sound, and ran downstairs in a hurry without even thinking about it.

At this moment, Chen Xian also seemed very nervous, because there was no one downstairs, only the girl was watching TV in the back room, she might have made the noise... She wouldn't be idle and smash the front hall on the first floor, right

This is not good!

How much do I have to pay the old liar for his dark nature? !

Thinking of this, Chen Xian was so anxious that his ass was on fire, and he chased after him with his suitcase.

It turns out that Chen Xian thought too badly of the girl. When he ran downstairs with the old liar, the girl was still obediently staying in the back room, watching the cartoon on TV. The loud noise just now had nothing to do with her .

It was the sound of kicking the door, and there were guests coming, but these guests were not very polite.

"Damn, is there anyone?! No one answered after calling for a long time!"

There were two men and two women standing in the front hall, both of whom seemed to be in their early twenties.

It can be basically judged from their clothes that these people's family conditions should be good, especially the person who kicked the shop door to say hello, dressed in fancy brand-name goods, and has a kind of arrogance that has been pampered for a long time.

"You fucking don't know how to knock on the door? Are your hands white?" The old liar was never polite, especially when he saw that young man was so ignorant, he was so angry that he almost went over and gave him a big mouth.

Are you in your twenties and still don't know how to be a human being

How is it taught at home!

Looking at the crumbling store door, the old liar was so distressed, he hurried to the counter to find a clean rag, wiped the footprints on the door, and cursed: "You little bastards, this door is from Hainan. Huanghuali, how much will you pay me for going down?"

Hainan huanghuali

Chen Xian stared blankly at the old liar cleaning the door, seriously doubting if his memory had gone wrong. Wasn't that door ordered three months ago in a certain furniture market? I remember that the price is in the early 2,000s... Has the price of huanghuali dropped these days

"Who are you calling a bastard?" The man who kicked the door opened his mouth, staring at the old liar dangerously, speaking with a threatening tone, "You try to scold me again?"

"Hey, this is so fucking weird!" The old liar stared wide-eyed, and said to Chen Xian in disbelief, "I've lived most of my life, and I've never seen someone scolding me like this."

Hearing the old liar's words, Chen Xian couldn't hold back any longer, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and persuaded him softly.

"Master Ge, don't worry about them, it's not like you haven't seen such ignorant guests before."

"That's true." The old liar nodded, thought for a while and asked again, "I asked them to pay one hundred thousand yuan, is the price reasonable?"

"Do you want me to speak with my conscience or against my conscience?" Chen Xian asked calmly.

The old liar gave him an angry look: "Then stop talking!"

Compared with Chen Xian's pure temperament, the old liar's personality is much more irritable. When he comes up with a temper, he can hit and scold as he pleases, and he doesn't give anyone face. A child who is about the same age as Chen Xian...

Forget it, it's just ignorance, it's not worth comparing with them.

"One hundred thousand, right?" The old liar pointed to the door of the store, and asked politely, "Whether you want to pay by card or transfer, cash is also fine, I don't choose."

"One hundred thousand? Are you crazy?" A young girl next to her widened her eyes and looked at the old liar in disbelief, as if wondering if she had heard it wrong. "You dare to charge us one hundred thousand for this broken door?"

The corner of Chen Xian's mouth twitched twice, and he leaned into the old liar's ear and said, "It's a bit dark."

The old liar glared at Chen Xian, then turned to look at the girl, and said with a smile.

"Outside, this door is two thousand, and in Yinshi, this door is one hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand."

It was another young man who spoke. He was thinner than the strong man who kicked the door. He was wearing a very simple casual clothes and stood behind him. He looked very approachable with a smile on his face.

"Boss, my friend drank too much, so I'm a little ignorant, I hope you don't mind." The young man said, slowly took out his wallet, took out a card, and politely handed it to the old liar, " It doesn't matter if it's one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, just watch it."

"Isn't it enough to be so sensible earlier?" The old liar muttered, and he was not polite, took the bank card and took the young man to the POS machine to swipe 100,000 yuan, without asking them for a cent.

Seeing the young man paying the money so politely, the other three seemed a little reluctant. They felt as if they had been tricked by the old liar. They even looked at Chen Xian with vigilance, as if they felt that Chen Xian and the old liar It's a gang.

"Master Ge, let me transfer the money to you by the way."

Chen Xian also walked to the counter with his suitcase, and took out his wallet from his pocket to transfer money to the old liar.

The young man who had just paid the money to the old liar saw Chen Xian coming, so he looked at Chen Xian calmly, and at the same time, his eyes drifted to the suitcase in his hand.

"Brother, this box in your hand... did you just buy it here?" The young man asked suddenly.

Chen Xian glanced at him and nodded.

"This is the first time we've come to Yinshi in Ningchuan. We've heard a long time ago that there is a grocery store here that has a wide range of goods. There are everything from the sky to the earth, so this time we made a special trip from Shanghai to have a look." The young man Smiling, his expression was very sincere, "Although I don't know what's in your box, I can feel an evil spirit... I'm really interested, can you open my eyes?"

"Do you want to see what's inside?" Chen Xian asked.

The young man nodded.

"That thing is evil, what's so interesting about it." The old liar said a word, took the bank card from Chen Xian, and handed the card back after skillfully swiping the money according to the procedure, "Xiao Chen, you go back first." Well, I'll contact you when I'm done."

"it is good."

Put away the wallet, Chen Xian went to the back room and brought the girl out.

She still seemed to be obsessed with watching TV, and when Chen Xian took her out of the back room, she still didn't forget to look back at the back room, muttering about catching jellyfish and crab cakes.

"Master Ge, let's go first."

"Slow down on the road, I have already sent a text message to the little traitor, and asked him to wait for you in the parking lot."

Chen Xian nodded, took the girl's hand and walked out of the shop.

In the shop, the old liar lit a cigarette and smoked, stood behind the counter and kept accounts, never forgetting to greet these customers.

Since it is open for business, all visitors are customers, and they must have the professionalism they should have. If you have money, you don't make money assholes.

"Look around casually. The items in the front hall are magic instruments with clearly marked prices. If you want something, you can tell me. If you don't like it, I can show you something more high-end."

"A magic weapon?"

The young man who talked to Chen Xian before smiled and stared at the door of the shop intently, not knowing what he was thinking, but an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

"Boss Ge, we're not here to buy magic weapons."

"Then what do you want to buy?" The old liar was taken aback.

The young man turned around and looked at the old liar politely, the smile on his face was like a spring breeze.

"I want to buy an evil weapon."