The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 37: Xu Sanhan


The half of the head cut off by Chen Xian with a meat saw seemed to have become an independent living body. It was completely separated from the body of the rotten woman, and started to attack the enemy crazily as if it had a self-awareness.

Those long black hairs were its tentacles. It used those filamentary objects to bounce up from the ground before, and it could also adjust its direction in mid-air. It hit Chen Xian's face with a rancid smell.

Chen Xian swings the knife very fast, and his reaction speed is far beyond ordinary people. Seeing the half of the head rushing towards the sky, Chen Xian swung the meat saw almost instinctively. He chopped it up with a fishy wind.

At this time, Chen Xian is like a hunter living in prehistoric times, and that rotten woman is the prey. He doesn't know anything about combat skills, so now he is fighting completely by instinct.

The collision of sawtooth and flesh did not make the slightest sound, and it was only at this time that Chen Xian realized how weird this strange weapon was.

Although its broad blade was almost blunt, when it hit the half of the head, it didn't feel the slightest hindrance. It may also be because the opponent is a "spiritual body".

But no matter what, that extremely smooth feeling... only made Chen Xian feel fascinated.

Chen Xian chopped it down with a knife, and he split the remaining half of the head in two again. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the main body of the rotting female corpse rushed forward, as if trying to swallow him alive.

Before Chen Xian had time to react, his arms were entangled by many black strands of hair. The two halves of the head that he split earlier were now clinging to his calves, and those strange strands of hair It just drilled out from the cross-section of the skull, and was desperately holding his arms...

"What the hell are you?"

On the side of the street outside Laoluoguxiang, a Land Rover with the windows closed was parked. In the dark car sat two men and two women, both about the same age as Chen Xian.

"Ah Xu, we won't be discovered by the Secret Service if we do this?" The girl sitting in the co-pilot suddenly said, and looked back at the young man in the back seat with some worry, "We just saw him in Yinshi today, sir. Come to look for it at night...wouldn't it be a little too obvious?"

"Xiaoxue, what are you afraid of?" Another girl also said, with a disdainful expression on her face, "Did you dare to arrest Brother Xu without direct evidence?"

The burly man driving in front suddenly lit a cigarette and answered the conversation with a slightly hoarse voice: "Don't worry, brother Xu and I were arrested by the Bureau of Secrets last year? In the end there is no evidence, so we can only Let it go? As long as we wipe our asses clean, the Bureau of Secrets won't be able to threaten..."

"Shut up and don't distract me."

The young man sitting in the back seat suddenly opened his eyes and looked coldly at the other people in the car.

This young man is what they call Brother Xu, and he is also the only leader of the group of four.

His name is Xu Sanhan, and he is from the Xu family.

There are many Xu families in China, but in the circle of strangers, there is only one Xu family that can be well known by strangers in the circle.

Speaking of the origin of the Xu family, we must talk about the Lushan School of Taoism.

The ancestor of the Lushan School was named Xu Xun, who was a master of Taoism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the religious classics, Xu Xun is called the Four Great Celestial Masters together with Zhang Daoling of the Celestial Master Dao, Ge Xuan of the Lingbao School, and Sa Shoujian of the Shenxiao School.

And the Southeast Xu family mentioned in the alien circle is the descendant of Xu Xuan, Xu Xun's disciple.

The Xu family in the southeast is a family of aliens. Their family has a unique advantage in practicing Taoism. They were born with the guidance of their elders on how to practice. When they become adults, they can even comprehend the secret Taoist talisman "Taifu Jing" left by Xu Xuan. ".

It is said that the Xu family passed down this "Taifu Jing" from generation to generation. The content is mainly based on traditional Taoist talisman techniques, and there are dozens of Taoist secret arrays. Most of them are mainly used to suppress demons and evil. There are poems...

Daogao three mountains, dragons and tigers crouching.

Virtue and the five mountains are magnificent.

Cut off all the roses of the world.

The rule of law is not righteous.

However, only the Xu family's direct lineage is like this. As for those collateral lines...they have learned more complicated things.

Xu Sanhan is a member of the collateral lineage of the Xu family, and one of the most outstanding young people in the collateral lineage of the Xu family in recent years. Apart from his good skills in subduing demons, he is also good at suppressing the bottom of the box.

Yu Sha.

In Zong. "Sha" in teaching theory is an extremely broad concept, most commonly found in Feng Shui and Numerology, but the Sha mentioned here is not an elusive thing in those theories, but an extremely rare abnormal life.

This kind of abnormal life is mostly created artificially.

Using the three souls and seven souls of the evil spirit as an introduction, and then using certain techniques to urge out the resentment of the soul, seal these resentment and the seven souls of the evil spirit in the magic weapon, and after several years of refining … What comes out of the ritual vessel is Sha.

As for the three souls left after refining "Sha", they become the remote control used to control "Sha". As long as the warlock keeps the three souls in their hands, "Sha" will become an unconditional subject Slaves of command.

From a certain point of view, this method of controlling evil spirits is very similar to Maoshan's method of controlling roses, but evil spirits are much more difficult to entangle than ordinary spirit bodies. Its biggest feature is that it is difficult to eliminate.

If you want to destroy it, you have to find the three souls of Sha, or completely destroy its seven souls, otherwise it will continue to heal and regenerate itself, but how easy is it to destroy its seven souls

Because Sha only has seven souls, it belongs to the special spirit body with incomplete soul, so the general means of exorcism are ineffective against it. It can almost be said that it is immune to most of the spells to exorcise evil and destroy evil. Wanting to deal with it in the same way as dealing with a spirit body... is simply a dream!


Xu Sanhan sat cross-legged on the car seat, as if he was meditating, with a very serious expression on his face, and he was pinching some kind of spell with his hands. On his lap was a small figure wrapped in white cloth, That is the container where the sha is stored, and it is also where the three souls of the sha are located.

"I've kept this evil for five years, and it's more than enough to deal with ordinary aliens. He won't be able to hold it in five minutes at most..." When Xu Sanhan said this, there was still a spring-like smile on his face. But at times like this, his warm smile makes people shudder.

The reason why he approached Chen Xian was very simple.

He wants to use evil to nourish evil spirits.

The reason why Xu Sanhan came to Ningchuan all the way was because he had visited the Yin market in the southeast for a long time, because there were a lot of aliens there, and there were many rich people there, so in the large In the market environment, the price of evil weapons over there is generally much higher than that of Ning Chuan, and his vision is extremely tricky. There are not many evil weapons that can catch his eyes, and even if there are, they are expensive. Sorry.

He basically looked at the evil weapons in the old liar's shop. Although the individual prices are not high, the quality is above average. To him, the price/performance ratio is very high, but Xu Sanhan didn't buy any of them, because he The target has already been chosen, what he wants is the evil weapon in Chen Xian's suitcase.

Although he didn't know what was in it, and he didn't ask the old liar, but he can be sure... there is definitely a terrible evil weapon in it.

He is a person who raises evil spirits and is very sensitive to evil spirits. feel.

After his preliminary judgment, the pile of evil weapons in the warehouse of the shop together could not be worth half of the evil weapon in the suitcase, not even a third of it.

It can be said that he has never seen such an evil tool, the evil spirit that makes his hair stand on end, only makes him have boundless greed.

Kill Chen Xian, then take the evil weapon, and finally return to the southeast.

The plan is so simple, and in his opinion, there is no flaw, because it is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

Just set fire to the scene after the person dies, and then change the car after leaving the city, try to fart as much as possible. If the ass is wiped clean without leaving any direct evidence, then the Bureau of Secrecy can't do anything to him.

After all, he is a member of the Xu family. Even if he is a collateral branch, he cannot be easily arrested by the Bureau of Secrets. As long as there is no direct evidence to prove that the murderer is him, he will be interrogated for two days if he is arrested. He bailed out.

Xu Sanhan's smile was very warm, but every word in his words was more terrifying than the cold winter months.

"Every man is innocent but he is can't blame me..."