The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 4: wack


From the moment he stepped into the dean's room, the door disappeared without a trace from the room as if it had been swallowed by darkness, and Fatty Huo, who was standing outside the door, also panicked at this moment.

"Where are people?!"

Fatty Huo rushed to the door and shined it with a strong flashlight without hesitation. It wasn't until then that he realized how weird this office was.

Any light would be sucked away by it, or... swallowed by it.

When the flashlight shines on it, it's like shining on a reflective black wall.

Can't see anything but black or black.

"How did this happen..."

Fatty Huo frowned, he never thought that things would turn out like this, what is going on here

In all fairness, Fatty Huo is not the kind of uninformed investigator. Before he became a small leader, he had seen countless weird cases. What kind of monsters and evils had he not seen

But this time, he opened his eyes.

The dean's office seemed to be torn apart from the real world and became an independent space. Fatty Huo had the courage to stretch his hand in a few times, and the touch felt very strange.

It seemed that the palm was not in the air, but in a puddle of cold and viscous water. The sticky, slippery but chilly feeling made Fatty Huo feel more and more uncertain.

The spirit body... really has the ability to do this

Or is it not a spirit at all

"Xiao Chen! Can you hear my voice!"

Fatty Huo didn't care about the danger here, so he yelled a few times into the office, his expression becoming more and more nervous.

"Xiao Chen, are you okay! Xiao Chen!"

Unlike Fatty Huo's panic, when Chen Xian found out that the door of the dean's room had disappeared, he acted extremely calm.

Chen Xian seemed to be used to this kind of situation, he just walked back a few steps, searched carefully, and made sure he couldn't find the location of the gate, and then a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

No wonder the corridor outside the door was as clean as new, and there was no trace of the fire. It turned out to be like this...

"I didn't expect that the spirit body here is so powerful that they can create such a powerful domain." Chen Xian looked around and couldn't help being amazed.

In the old legends in the past, there is often a saying that ghosts hit the wall. It is said that there are unclean things that captivate the eyes, causing people to lose their sense of direction, and they keep spinning around in place, unable to get out of the lock that was locked by ghosts. address.

Facts have proved that such a situation does exist, but in modern times, it should be called a "domain".

The most basic domain is not only the common ghost hitting the wall in the legend, which will make people lose their sense of direction, but it is not absolutely perfect, and there are ways to get out.

As for advanced domains... such as the current one.

In fact, Chen Xian and the others have walked into this domain made by spirit bodies from the very beginning, and the corridor outside with no trace of fire is part of the domain.

In short, a "domain" doesn't have to be a fictional picture.

The more powerful the spirit body is, the higher the Taoism is, the more real the "domain" they can create, and they can even achieve the effect of constructing another reality.

"The coverage area is very wide..." Chen Xian estimated the area of the previous corridor in his heart, and couldn't help being amazed. It was the first time he had encountered such a large-scale domain.

While feeling emotional, Chen Xian also looked away and looked forward.

The "creature" sitting at the desk and writing is very similar to a human being, and it is a living one. The chest will rise and fall with the breath, and the beating of the pulse can be faintly seen under the dry skin.

But no matter how it looked like a human, Chen Xian could still smell the dead breath on it.

It is definitely a spirit body, but compared to the spirit bodies I have seen before... it seems to be more active

Yes, like a living person, that feeling is hard to describe in words.

Looking at the skinny figure, Chen Xian pondered for a while in silence, then raised his foot and walked slowly over, with the calm expression on his face as before, as if he was used to this kind of scene.

Before that, what Chen Xian said to Fatty Huo was not nonsense and perfunctory, he was indeed not a religious practitioner, and he didn't understand the so-called yin and yang techniques at all.

So when encountering this kind of situation, Chen Xian has only one way to break the "domain".

Get rid of the spirit body that created the domain, and even the real domain will be wiped out.

"can you hear me?"

Chen Xian walked up to the strange man, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of it, his movements were casual and relaxed, as if he was not afraid that it would bite him.


The weirdo didn't react at all. He was unmoved by Chen Xian's voice and body movements. He still lowered his shriveled and sunken head, and frantically wrote something in the notebook with a pen.

For this situation, Chen Xian still has a headache. After all, he doesn't really like to fight with spirit bodies. There is no need to make things so complicated if he can communicate with them, but now it seems... the possibility of communication is not very high. !

"Why are you so focused on writing..."

Seeing that the strange man wrote so fascinatedly, Chen Xian couldn't help leaning over and glanced at the dilapidated notebook.

It is densely packed with words.

There is no gap between each word, it looks very depressing, and the content of the whole article is only four words.

It's four words that keep repeating.

"She's out!"

The handwriting on the record book was rather scribbled, and one could even see the sense of panic of the writer from between the lines, and the fear conveyed through the words was something Chen Xian had never encountered before.

"She came out she came out..."

Looking at these four words that kept appearing on the paper, Chen Xian felt confused.

she came out

who is she

Could it be another spirit body

Just as Chen Xian was thinking about this, the strange man in front of him suddenly stopped.

It stopped writing, but looked down at the lines of writing on the notebook, and smiled strangely.

"Hee hee hee… "

Its laughter is intermittent, like a mental patient who is crazy to the extreme, and the tone of his voice fluctuates greatly.

The hoarse and distorted voice continued to come out through its shriveled throat like a dead tree branch, and the body trembled accordingly, as if it couldn't help but laugh out loud, and the shoulders kept trembling.

"Can you hear me?" Chen Xian confirmed again, bent slightly, and shook his hand in front of it.

This time, Chen Xian got a different response.

The wizened man raised his arm without warning, and directly pierced Chen Xian's palm with the pen he used to write before.

The whole process took an instant, and even Chen Xian couldn't react.

"Hee hee..." The shriveled weirdo was still smiling, holding a pen in his skinny hand, and his twisted and sunken face was covered with crazy smiles.

The pen was like a huge nail, firmly nailed to Chen Xian's palm, and the skin at the wound was sunken, and the blood that exuded a fishy smell flowed out from the gap at the edge in an instant. .

Feeling the piercing pain, Chen Xian almost instinctively raised his arm, and hit the shriveled weirdo on the face with a sideways elbow.


After being hit by the elbow, the strange man let out an extremely miserable howl, and his whole body flew out uncontrollably, but in mid-air, it suddenly grasped the balance, like a skinny wild cat, lying on all fours. fell not far away.

Chen Xian glanced at the strange man who was staring at him, and then looked down at the wound on his palm, with no expression on his face.

He can feel pain, but he is surprisingly not afraid of pain.

That kind of bone-piercing pain is a kind of torture to ordinary people, but in his eyes... Maybe it's really nothing.

Grab the pen and pull it out abruptly.

Chen Xian pulled the body of the pen out of his palm expressionlessly, and the torn skin also turned over and rested on the hole left by the pen, the whole wound looked bloody and bloody. appalling.

At this time, the strange man lying not far away couldn't bear it any longer, and howled like a beast. It didn't stand up, but started running on all fours, and rushed straight to Chen Xian.

Its speed was so fast that there was only a shadow left, and it ran in front of Chen Xian almost instantly, and rushed towards him with all its fangs and claws, as if it wanted to bite his neck off.

But it never expected that Chen Xian's movements were faster than it.

Chen Xian did not dodge. Instead, he stepped forward, grabbed the weird man's arm with his right hand first, and gave it a shoulder throw with a sideways swing.

When the shriveled monster landed on the ground, Chen Xian took advantage of the victory to pursue it, and directly stepped on its neck with his foot.

If the movements of this strange man were like a beast before, then Chen Xian was not much better.

Amidst the strange man's screams, Chen Xian slowly opened his mouth, revealing two rows of glaring white teeth. Without waiting for the strange man to resist, he followed its waving arm and bit down on it.

Judging by the naked eye, the body of this strange man is very real, almost no different from a living person.

But after being bitten by Chen Xian, the lump of meat directly lost its substance, and turned into a cloud of green smoke, which he swallowed in one go.

From a scientific point of view, a spirit body is a life in an abnormal state, and it is also an aggregate of unconventional matter and energy. In the energy used to construct the body, except for ten percent of the matter that is temporarily unknown, the rest Ninety percent of them are Yin Qi particles.

Yin Qi particles are harmful to people. If there are other aliens like Chen Xian who directly swallow part of the spirit body into their stomachs, then it is no different from courting death.

In mild cases, the internal organs were corroded by yin qi, and in severe cases, the viciousness attacked the heart and killed him on the spot.

In the alien registration files of Fatty Huo's department, only Chen Xian was able to do such a feat as eating a spirit body.

Temporary workers are numbered and also have code names, which is why Chen Xian's code name comes from.

Alien Eater.

A person capable of eating anomalous life.


Following the muffled sound, Chen Xian was kicked out abruptly by the strange man, and landed on the desk a few meters away impartially.

Due to the sudden force of the impact, the slightly crude desk collapsed immediately, sawdust flying and dust everywhere, and the objects on the desk were scattered all over the floor.


Chen Xian quickly got up from the ground, and there was obvious blood on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care, he raised his hand to wipe it casually, then put his palm on his right rib, and touched it lightly a few times.

There was an obvious depression in the ribs, and several ribs should have been broken. The severe pain made it difficult for him to breathe, but the expression on his face was still terribly calm, as if he was not injured but someone else, and he just took a few deep breaths. Down, stood up again.

"Who are you?!"

Just when Chen Xian was about to go forward to continue educating it, the shriveled weirdo suddenly spoke. Although the voice of the speech was a bit vague, he could roughly hear the content.

The voice is hoarse, like the voice after the vocal cords are damaged, and the tone of the voice fluctuates greatly.

"Why are you in my office?!"

Hearing the ear-splitting roar, Chen Xian stopped in his tracks and looked at it with some surprise: "Have you recovered your sanity?"

From what it said, it can probably be judged that this strange person is the director of Wushan Mental Hospital.

"You are not from our hospital... who are you!"

The dean was still questioning angrily, and pressed on step by step, and began to move closer to Chen Xian on his own initiative.

But slowly, it realized a certain point.

"I... I'm dead?"

The Dean’s footsteps paused for a moment, as if he had just realized the changes in his body. His face, as thin as old tree bark, suddenly had a few more wrinkles. He lowered his head and kept looking at his body, and his tone became more and more panicked. .

"Yeah... I remembered... She came out... Everyone died..."

When the dean said this, his body suddenly trembled, and a humanized expression appeared on his already terrifying and sunken face.


"Who came out?" Chen Xian asked subconsciously, he was still more concerned about this matter.

From the short information revealed by the dean, Chen Xian could roughly know that the changes in the hospital... including the fire, might be related to "her".

But who is she

"Patient No. 13... She came out... No, no! I want to hide!"

The dean has lost his sanity, just like a real mental patient, after Chen Xian gnawed off one hand, he hugged his head with his remaining right hand, yelled wildly, turned around and ran into a dark corner go.

When Chen Xian reacted and chased after him, the dean had already disappeared.

For the spirit body, it is not difficult to penetrate the wall, not to mention that this is the "domain" it created. In this space surrounded by ghosts hitting the wall, as long as it wants to escape, Chen Xian may not be able to stop it .

"You should speak clearly before leaving..."

Chen Xian stopped in great depression, and then he also noticed the changes in the dean's room. The darkness around him was gradually disappearing, and the door that had been covered by the darkness before also quietly recovered.

"Xiao Chen! Are you okay! Can you hear my voice!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Chen Xian frowned, and didn't turn around, but put his injured right hand into his pocket calmly, he didn't want Fatty Huo to find the wound on his hand.

Chen Xian raised his hand and touched his ribs, he could feel the bones "moving", the sunken ribs were swelling up again, and it would not take long for them to return to their original state.

"Xiao Chen, are you okay?!"

Fatty Huo had already strode into the office, standing next to Chen Xian as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he kept scanning the left and right with a flashlight, for fear that there might still be danger lurking here.

"I'm fine."

Chen Xian smiled, still had that friendly smile on his face, his right hand in his pocket didn't move, and his body stood up straight, making it impossible for anyone to see the abnormal shape of his ribs.

"I met the dean just now, but it ran too fast and couldn't catch it. I'm sorry, Uncle Huo."