The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 42: office


The time for Xu Sanhan and the others to "visit" was at night, which was also the quietest time of the day in Laoluoguxiang, so Chen Xian knew very well that this matter might have become a big deal.

From that Sha's door-to-door killing, to Xu Sanhan's door-to-door... gunshots, screams, roars, all kinds of sounds have appeared, and the volume is definitely not low.

In such a silent night, the only ones who cannot hear these voices are the deaf.

Although most of the people living in Laoluoguxiang are old people, and most of them are deaf people, but it is undeniable that there are still some young people renting here, so... Chen Xian can only deal with this matter officially.

After sending Xu Sanhan away, Chen Xian took out his mobile phone, regardless of the fact that it was five o'clock in the morning, he found Lao Zhou's number and dialed it.

After ringing for about ten seconds, the phone was connected.

"Xiao Xian?" Lao Zhou's voice sounded dazed, probably woken up by the call in his sleep, "Call me at this hour?"

Chen Xian glanced at the two corpses in the yard, and said calmly, "Someone came to kill me."

"Someone killed you?!"

Lao Zhou woke up in an instant. Hearing the voice over there, he seemed to be sitting up from the bed, and his tone became a lot more anxious: "Are you all right now? Who is going to kill you?"

"I'm fine." Chen Xian replied, he could feel the concern in Lao Zhou's tone, and the expression on his face couldn't help but soften a bit, "There were two people who broke into my old house, and both were arrested. I killed me, but there is a lot of noise here, I am afraid that the neighbors in the neighborhood will call the police, Master Zhou, can this matter be handled in the bureau?"

"Nonsense, I'm sure!" Old Zhou replied hastily, "Stay in the old house and don't go out. I'll find someone to help you deal with it now!"

"Okay, then I'll wait at home, thank you Lord Zhou." Chen Xian said with a smile.

"Don't be polite to me, you... are you okay?" Lao Zhou asked cautiously, as if he was afraid that Chen Xian would hide his injury.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Hearing Chen Xian's reply, Lao Zhou also heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Wait for the call, I'll ask him to contact you later."

Saying that, Lao Zhou hung up the phone.

"Chen... leisure..."

The girl called Chen Xian's name inarticulately, leaned beside Chen Xian, and looked at him anxiously.


"I'm fine."

As Chen Xian said, he wanted to raise his hand to pat her on the shoulder to comfort her, but when he saw that his hand was full of smelly and sticky blood, he gave up this thought, and instead showed a more serious look to the girl. easy smile.

"Blood..." The girl raised her head, staring at the wound on Chen Xian's head, her eyes were red, "It hurts..."

"I learned very quickly, and now I will ask people if it hurts." Chen Xian smiled, like a parent who saw his child get a high score in the exam, and his expression was indescribably gratified, "I don't hurt, you don't have to worry. "

Suddenly, Chen Xian seemed to realize something, and hastily raised his hand to cover the healing wound on his forehead.

"Don't look! Don't scare you!"

"Well... not afraid..." The girl raised her hand and gently grabbed Chen Xian's hands covering the wound, "I'm not afraid..."

Hearing the girl's serious tone, Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, and seemed to want to make sure of something, and slowly put down his hands covering his forehead, exposing the bloody wound to the air.

At this time, most of the wounds on Chen Xian's body had healed, but the most superficial skin tissue hadn't been fully repaired. The blood mixed with brain tissue residue stuck to the hair, sticking to the scalp in a mess, looking hideous and embarrassing.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Xian at this time is absolutely not much less terrifying than those abnormal beings.

"Are you really not afraid of me?" Chen Xian frowned lightly, staring at the girl intently, no smile on his face, but a serious expression.

The girl didn't seem to know what wound infection was, and she wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty. She raised her hand and wiped the wound on Chen Xian's forehead, mumbling: "It doesn't doesn't hurt..."

Seeing that the girl was really not afraid, the corners of Chen Xian's mouth raised a little, and his eyes softened a lot.

"You go and stay in the house, I'll take a shower."


"Yes, I need to take a shower and change into clean clothes..." Chen Xian said, his brain was also running fast.

If there are no accidents, this matter should not be difficult to solve.

But there are a few points that must be paid attention to. There must not be too much blood left on the body, and it is best not to leave traces of injuries. The clothes that have been torn by bullets must also be replaced.

If the handlers of the Bureau of Secrets find out that he has been injured, he will definitely send himself to the department for an injury check. By then, there will not be a single scar on his body... How to explain this

The only solution is to change clothes, wipe off the blood on his body, and clean up all the liquid he left in the courtyard before. The amount of work is definitely not small.

"Go to the living room and sleep again."

While talking, Chen Xian also stretched out his hand to hold the girl. Although the movement was a little unnatural, it was more than a little bit stronger than before. At least the expression became natural, and it didn't look so stiff.

The girl liked being led by Chen Xian very much, it seemed that this would make her feel a sense of security. After being led to the living room, she obediently crawled on the sofa, blinking her eyes and waiting for Chen Xian to come back. Follow him closely.

"I'll be back soon."

"it is good… "

After the girl was settled in the living room, Chen Xian hurriedly ran to find a change of clothes, and almost sprinted into the bathroom at a speed of 100 meters to start taking a bath.

At such a time, Chen Xian appeared to be extremely agile. It only took five minutes to complete the big project of scrubbing and washing his hair. When he changed his clothes and came out of the bathroom, it took less than six minutes in total.

After taking a bath, Chen Xian didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and hurriedly took a mop and a few large dry bath towels, and started the first round of cleaning in the yard.

The only thing he wanted to eliminate was the traces left by himself. As for the two mutilated corpses, as well as the blood stains or organ fragments they left behind, he didn't need to take care of them, they just left them where they were as physical evidence.

Chen Xian dragged it back and forth three times, making sure that the traces left by him were almost eliminated, so he dared to rest and breathe a sigh of relief.

I have to say that Chen Xian's timing was just right.

As soon as I took the mop to clean it up, the phone rang immediately.

When I took it out, it was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Hello, who is it?" Chen Xian answered the phone.

"Chen Xian?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side. His voice was very rich, but it was inexplicably rigid, and his words would give people the feeling of being meticulous. "I am from the Ning Chuan Division of the Logistics Department Zhao Song."

Before Chen Xian could say anything, Zhao Song stepped forward and said: "You responded to your superiors in a timely manner in this case, and it would be very troublesome if it was later, but I have already dealt with it, and there may be two minutes before I will be ready." I will go to the place where you live, and please be careful not to damage the scene, this case needs to be filed in the case file, and it will be very troublesome if the scene is destroyed."

"I know." Chen Xian replied, turned and walked towards the living room.

"Okay, I'll be right there, please wait a moment."

At the same time as hanging up the phone, Chen Xian also walked into the living room, intending to put the girl in the corner room. After all, her certificate has not yet come down, and the troubles that can be avoided should be avoided as much as possible.

When I entered the living room, I saw that the girl was already fast asleep on the sofa. Even if Chen Xian walked up to her and pushed her gently a few times, she didn't intend to wake up.

"Hey! Wake up!"


"Don't sleep!"


Seeing that Zhao Song was about to come to the door, Chen Xian hesitated for a moment, and decided not to waste time calling her. According to her temperament, after waking up, she would have to be dumbfounded for a long time, so it is better to let her continue to sleep.

"Sleep well, don't come out and trouble me." Chen Xian didn't care if she could hear her or not, bent down and carefully picked her up and walked towards the side room.

It was also at this time that Chen Xian realized that the girl was much lighter than he had imagined, like a small and exquisite doll, so light that she couldn't feel much weight.

When Chen Xian had just settled the girl, covered her with a quilt and locked the door, someone knocked on the door of the old house.

The time was calculated just right, and nothing was wasted.
