The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 43: Zhao Song


When Chen Xian opened the door of the old house, he vaguely saw many dark figures outside.

Taking a closer look, those black shadows were all strangers in black uniforms. They were probably members of the logistics team brought by Zhao Song. There were about a dozen of them, and there was not much difference in age.

"Hi, I'm Zhao Song."

The middle-aged man standing outside the door nodded to Chen Xian as a friendly greeting.

Chen Xian didn't dare to neglect, and politely replied hello.

Zhao Song is a man in his early forties, just as Chen Xian imagined, he looks very rigid and serious, revealing a feeling of meticulousness from head to toe.

"You wait outside, don't let strangers approach."


After greeting those team members, Zhao Song turned around and followed Chen Xian into the old house.

As soon as he entered the yard, Zhao Song could smell a stench coming towards him.

"It's just the two of them?" Zhao Song frowned, looked carefully at the two corpses on the ground, took out his mobile phone from the briefcase he carried with him, took a few pictures left and right, and asked, "Do they have any more?" Any other accomplices?"

"I don't know either." Chen Xian shook his head, "Anyway, they are the only ones who broke in and attacked me."

After taking the photos, Zhao Song put away his mobile phone, took out a notebook and a pen, and began to make preliminary records on the scene.

He first walked around the two corpses a few times, and wrote a lot of things in the notebook. After finishing these records about the corpses, he walked to Chen Xian's side.

"Why did they come to attack you?" Zhao Song asked, "Do you know the reason why they attacked you?"

Chen Xian nodded, and roughly told about the evil weapon. During the process, he didn't deliberately delete some information, basically he just told Zhao Song the truth.

Of course, after Xu Sanhan and the others came to the door, there were some things that could not be explained clearly. Basically, 60% of the cuts and deletions were made, and the process of fighting with them was shortened as much as possible.

"You mean, you killed the two of them in just ten seconds, right?" Zhao Song asked, no superfluous expression could be seen from his rigid face.

"Yes." Chen Xian nodded.

Zhao Song took a deep look at Chen Xian, wondering if he really believed his words, and lowered his head to record meticulously in his notebook.

Accompanied by the swishing sound of the pen tip slicing across the paper, Zhao Song continued to ask questions.

"Before they came to the door, they controlled a Sha to attack you, and they came after the Sha was eliminated by you, right?"


"How long is the interval?"

"Maybe a few minutes, I can't remember the details." Chen Xian rubbed the center of his brows, and replied calmly, "I haven't had a good rest during this time, and I still feel dazed..."

Zhao Song is like a robot, with no expression on his face. Unlike Chen Xian's calm Ruoshui, his calm is extremely rigid, which makes people feel nervous.

If ordinary people face him, they may be unable to help showing some flaws, because Zhao Song's eyes are too weird, as if he knows the truth of everything and is just asking you as a matter of routine.

"The evil weapon you mentioned is that cunning weapon, right?" Zhao Song glanced at the meat saw outside the living room door, his eyes changed slightly.

"Yes." Chen Xian nodded, and asked proactively, "Do you need me to bring it over for you to see?"

"No need." Zhao Song said, closed the notebook for recording, put the cap on the pen meticulously, and put the pen in his pocket.

During this process, Chen Xian has also been observing Zhao Song, because he knows that this matter is big or small. If the Bureau of Keeping Secrets investigates him mercilessly and finds out some doubts, then maybe it will eventually happen. He was judged to be too defensive, but according to the past situation, the Bureau of Secrets should be on the side of the outside staff...

As long as the preliminary investigation proves that the other party has indeed come to seek trouble, then naturally there will be no such thing as overdefense.

"You are in self-defense, so don't worry so much." When Zhao Song said this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, he raised his hand abruptly, and lightly patted Chen Xian twice on the shoulder: "Before it was just It's just a business process, did I scare you?"

"No." Chen Xian shook his head, but his eyes couldn't help becoming puzzled, because Zhao Song's transition was too abrupt, but the natural smile on his face didn't look like a fake.

What the hell is going on with him

You're not blowing me up, are you

Thinking about this, Chen Xian became more and more wary of him.

"I knew you a long time ago, but you don't know me. This is our first meeting." Zhao Song touched the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his smile slowly subsided, and his expression became serious, "You We have been in charge of the archives of , so the things you have done... basically I know."

"What have I done?" Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "What is it?"

"Maybe you have misunderstood me when I said that. I am referring to the cases you have handled." Zhao Song said shyly.

Hearing this, Chen Xian didn't dare to speak casually, but just nodded, quietly waiting for Zhao Song's next words.

"The cases you have handled over the years have been sorted out by me and then handed over to the headquarters, so I know a lot of things and what kind of person you are."

Zhao Song squatted beside the two corpses, he didn't seem to feel that the blood was dirty, he stroked it with his hands naturally, and then took the blood from his fingertips to his nose to smell it.

"You are a smart man." Zhao Song said, as if he meant something.

Chen Xian looked at Zhao Song's back silently. Since his back was facing him, Chen Xian could not see the expression on his face.

"You seem to be different from other strangers, and Lao Zhou often mentioned you to me, so I'm very interested in you."

While Zhao Song was speaking, Chen Xian could feel the sincerity in his words, it didn't look like he was being polite at all, but it seemed like he was telling some kind of facts. What he can confirm for the time being is that he has no hostility towards him.

"You know Lord Zhou?" Chen Xian asked.

"It's an old friend." Zhao Song nodded, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes, "He is my senior, I was brought out by him, and he also helped me a lot when I entered the Secret Bureau .”

When Chen Xian heard Zhao Song say this, he felt a little relieved, but he didn't dare to let go of his vigilance. Who knows if he was just talking about himself

Zhao Song is also a smart person. Although Chen Xian's expression and tone showed no flaws, he still felt a little wary and distrustful.

Regarding Chen Xian's reaction, Zhao Song said he didn't care, and started talking to himself.

"Xu Sanhan's information has always been linked internally. Although he is not registered, he is indeed a recognized dangerous person. In the past two years, there have been six murders related to him, but we lack evidence and cannot arrest him."

Zhao Song sat on the steps outside the living room, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and took two puffs on his own.

Different from old smokers like Fatty Huo, Zhao Song's smoking is very particular, but it's not about his movements, but the meticulousness revealed in his gestures. If I really want to describe it... He is a very serious and delicate People in China pay attention to a steady rhythm even if they smoke.

"Those cases all have one thing in common. The deceased were the owners of certain evil weapons, and after they died, the evil weapons disappeared inexplicably."

When Zhao Song said this, he slowly took a puff of his cigarette, his brows and eyes full of disgust.

"These cases all have the shadow of Xu Sanhan, but there is no direct evidence left. We also took him for interrogation, but he is stricter, and there are regulations above, we can't torture him, at least when there is no direct evidence... Can't do that."

"Just because there is no evidence? It shouldn't be that simple, right?" Chen Xian said suddenly, with a complicated expression on his face. It was rare for him to talk too much in front of Zhao Song. "He is from the Xu family in the southeast. The family should also come forward... "

Zhao Song glanced at Chen Xian, then nodded with a sullen face.

"Are you afraid of the Xu family?" Chen Xian asked.

"Not afraid." Zhao Song shook his head, "We are the law, and the Xu family is the people. It is the Xu family who should be afraid of us."

"Then why don't you dare to catch him?" Chen Xian frowned and looked at Zhao Song with a puzzled face.

"There is not only one Xu family in China, but there are many other families like theirs. One hair can affect the whole body. Some things are not so easy to say."

Zhao Song stood up slowly and patted the dust on his pants.

"Before I came, the leader called me."

Hearing this, Chen Xian sat up straight and looked at Zhao Song with nervous eyes.

"The leader said that this time is an opportunity. Our next actions may affect you a little bit, but we can guarantee that you will not be in danger."

"What do you mean?" Chen Xian asked subconsciously.

Zhao Song showed a smile, leaned closer to Chen Xian, and said in a low voice.

"Big rectification."