The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 46: The lost soul


When the staff of the logistics department finished cleaning up the scene, it was almost noon.

I have to say that the Bureau of Keeping Secrets is beautiful.

Not to mention cleaning up the two corpses and the blood on the ground, they also helped Chen Xian deal with it with disinfectant and freshener. The refreshing floral fragrance immediately covered up the stench.

Until finally, several staff members moved in a large box from the outside and placed it carefully on the ground.

The carton box was tightly sealed, and outsiders couldn't see what was inside. Chen Xian was very curious and couldn't help but leaned forward to have a look.

The staff opened the package in threes and fives, and there was a 70-inch large TV inside.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xian was stunned for a long time.

"Treat this matter as a misunderstanding." Zhao Song stood smoking a cigarette outside the gate, pointed to the TV set that was moved into the living room by the staff, and said, "If a neighbor asks, just say that the TV set is broken. Those voices I heard before were all misunderstandings."

"Are you sure you want to say that?" Chen Xian looked back at the TV and asked tentatively, "That time is not too short. Does anyone believe that?"

"Don't care whether others believe it or not, you just believe it yourself." Zhao Song said, holding his head down and holding the phone, he didn't know what he was fiddling with, with a serious expression on his face, "After half a month or a month, this matter will be gone. People can remember."

Chen Xian nodded suspiciously, and seemed to be a little worried, his brows were tightly frowned.

"Don't think so much." Zhao Song smiled and comforted, "People in our department are good at changing clothes. Before, they went out for a few laps in police uniforms. They also explained to some neighbors on the way. Many people Believe it all, it's not as complicated as you think, after all, the credibility of this dress is still there."

"Since you said that, I'm relieved." Chen Xian heaved a sigh of relief.

"You should keep this TV. It seems to be a new model just released this year. The picture and sound effects are pretty good." Zhao Song smiled and put the phone in his pocket. You'll have to pay for it yourself next time."

Zhao Song is a strange person, at least in Chen Xian's view.

When doing business, he is unsmiling, rigid like a zombie, but sometimes he will show a friendly side, and the contrast between the front and the back is not ordinary.

"Now that this matter has been dealt with, I will lead the team back first, and I will contact you later."

"Thanks for your hard work. I see you haven't eaten yet. Why don't we go have a meal together?"

"Need not."

Zhao Song directly rejected Chen Xian's invitation, and waved his hand to call other members of the logistics department to withdraw.

It was almost noon when Chen Xian sent them out of Laoluoguxiang and watched them drive away.

On the way home, Chen Xian met many neighbors in the neighborhood, and received a series of staring gifts as expected, and some gossiping old men and women came over and asked him what happened last night.

Chen Xian's answer was taught by Zhao Song, and it was just one sentence.

"The television does not work."

When Chen Xian used this sentence as an answer, he was still quite guilty, but he kept hypnotizing himself, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Go back to the house, close the door and lock it.

Chen Xian stood in the empty yard for a while, took a deep breath, and made sure he couldn't smell the stench from before. Then he completely relaxed, turned and walked into the corner room.

The side room used to be used as a guest room, but Chen Xian's family is different from other families, it may be because Chen Ba has no relatives and friends, and Chen Xian has little contact with outsiders, so in his memory, that guest room has always been It was empty, and it was only used once today as a waste heat.

Standing outside the side room, Chen Xian listened quietly for a while, and found that the girl seemed to have not woken up, and there was no movement in the room, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

In order not to wake up the girl, Chen Xian gently took out the key and opened the door carefully.

As soon as he opened the door, Chen Xian saw the girl sitting on the bed in a daze.

The girl should have woken up a long time ago, but she didn't make a sound. Up to now, she still kept sitting cross-legged on the bed, with her head tilted, as if she was dying of boredom, and kept yawning.

Seeing that the door was opened, she didn't show any reaction, she still stared blankly outside.

After a while, she seemed to come back to her senses slowly, looked at Chen Xian blinking and blinking, suddenly jumped, jumped from the bed to the ground happily, and ran to Chen Xian's side.

"Chen... leisure..."

"You are very good today." Chen Xian nodded and looked at the girl with satisfaction. Like comforting a small animal, he gently rubbed the girl's head twice, as if praising a child, his voice became rare and gentle , "You didn't run around or make any noise, and no one else noticed you. You behaved very well."

The girl threw herself into Chen Xian's arms happily, her little head kept rubbing against Chen Xian's palm, as if she wanted more.

"Today they sent us a TV, don't you like watching TV?"

Perhaps Chen Xian was afraid that she would run around bouncing around again, so he held her hand subconsciously, and slowly led her out of the room.

The old house seemed to have changed and became a little strange.

The former old house was filled with a dead and gloomy atmosphere, which made people feel a little inexplicably cold, as if these houses had been shrouded in a perennial shadow, and the sky that could be seen from the yard would always be dark. It was gloomy, but now...

The courtyard full of green bricks seems to have lost a little of the fairy air, and a little more of the smoke and fire that should be in the mundane world.

Some hustle and bustle, some noise.

Maybe this is what life should be like.

After Chen Xian helped the girl adjust the new TV, he went out alone to the farmer's market to buy some vegetables. Compared with yesterday, today's girl looks more reassuring. At least Chen Xian can let her stay at home and watch it alone. Animation, instead of throwing her into the room like a prisoner as before.

The sunshine in March is always so perfect. Chen Xian, who was walking in Laoluoguxiang, felt deeply about it. Although the afternoon sun was a bit harsh, it was still soft, and the warmth fell on his body, which was indescribably comfortable.

After buying vegetables and going home to cook, a little smoke rose from the old house.

When Chen Xian and the girl sat down at the dinner table again, the sky just happened to be gloomy, and the clouds seemed to be about to rain.

"Chen Xian... head..." The girl is not as edible as before, perhaps because she is thinking about other things, her appetite does not seem to be strong, and a pair of light and lovely eyes are always circling on Chen Xian's head, He was still muttering, "Chen Xian...head... hurts..."

"My head doesn't hurt, the wound is already healed, look." Chen Xian tilted his head at the girl, motioning for her to see the wound that Xu Sanhan had left on him.

Of course, that can't be considered a wound, it can only be said to be the place where it was injured before. The skin on that piece is fair and smooth, and it can't be seen that it has just grown out at all, and there is almost no color difference from the skin on other parts.

The girl opened her eyes wide, lying on Chen Xian's head as if looking for lice, watching very carefully.

After watching for about three or four minutes, the girl was completely relieved and went to eat happily.

During this process, Chen Xian has been observing her.

From the point of view of the most basic expressive ability, the girl has made great progress. Although sometimes she still has slurred speech and intermittent sentences, but compared with before, at least her expression is easier for people now. She understands, and she can understand more than before.

It seems that I haven't communicated with her much during this time, she spends most of her time on TV... Could it be because of watching TV

Chen Xian silently analyzed, and looked at the girl from time to time, as if trying to find some answers from her face.

But every time the girl seems to be able to sense Chen Xian's gaze. When she finds that Chen Xian is looking at her, she always raises her head and looks curiously back and forth.

After the meal, Chen Xian was packing the cutlery on the table when his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, who's there?" Chen Xian held the phone between his shoulders, tilted his head to answer the phone, looking a little awkward, neither his left nor right hand was free, and he was so busy that he was sweating.

"Looking for you!" The voice of the old liar came from over there, and his tone seemed to be quite anxious, "Are you all right, boy?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Chen Xian replied, he didn't take the initiative to talk about what happened last night, and he didn't intend to let the old liar know, so as not to disturb him.

The old liar was silent for a few seconds, and asked in a low voice, "Did someone trouble you last night?"

"This matter..." Chen Xian put the bowls and chopsticks in the sink, took the towel next to him and wiped his hands, his tone was calm as if nothing had happened, "Yes, but it has been resolved."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xian seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked the old liar before he could open his mouth.

"Ge Ye, I found something wrong with this evil weapon."

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" the old liar asked suspiciously.

"Those killed by it..."

As Chen Xian said, he turned his head and glanced at the yard through the window, as if he was recalling the scene of last night.

"Their souls seem to be gone."