The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 58: list


Fatty Huo was very surprised, because he never thought that Chen Xian would have such a reaction... He didn't simply refuse like before. Does that mean there is something going on this time

Thinking of this, Fatty Huo couldn't help getting excited, but he still didn't dare to reveal too much, and still put on that businesslike look.

"Xiao Chen, I'm not afraid to tell you, in the eyes of my superiors, you are a very worthy object." Fatty Huo's way of talking is very direct, maybe this has something to do with his previous military experience, he doesn't like being so oblique Whispering, "If you are willing to join the Bureau of Keeping Secrets, the benefits are more than you can imagine."

"Benefits?" Chen Xian showed an interested expression, slowly picked up an orange from the table, and peeled the fruit leisurely.

Chen Xian is a person who is very focused on everything he does.

Even if he was just peeling the oranges, his meticulous movements seemed to be carving a work of art. The kind of focused gaze on the oranges reminded Fatty Huo of those artists who had no distractions.

"Since you speak so directly, I'll show you the truth."

As Chen Xian said, he handed the peeled orange to Fatty Huo, and then peeled another orange and handed it to Lu Yisheng.

Lu Yisheng was flattered and held the orange like a treasure, his eyes were both excited and excited, but at the same time he was secretly relieved, because judging from Chen Xian's behavior, he didn't take what happened last time to heart. Or that there is no meaning of revenge at all.

"Thank you idol!" Lu Yisheng couldn't help saying, he ate the orange in small bites, his expression was like chewing ginseng fruit, he couldn't bear to swallow it in one bite, he was only willing to savor it carefully.

Hearing Lu Yisheng call himself an idol, Chen Xian was stunned for a second, and looked at him suspiciously: "What idol?"

"It's an idol." Lu Yisheng said with a chuckle, with the leader Fatty Huo beside him, he didn't dare to talk too much, only dared to hold half an orange and laugh.

Chen Xian didn't waste any more time on this topic, and continued to chat with Fatty Huo.

"I don't know how sincere the Bureau of Secrets is, but..." Chen Xian looked at Fatty Huo, and said the next words in a very sincere tone, "Uncle Huo, you have come to me to talk about this matter again and again, to be honest , I can feel your sincerity, so even if I don’t really want to join the Bureau of Secrets, I’m still willing to have a good talk with you.”

Hearing this, Fatty Huo immediately laughed, and the more he looked at Chen Xian, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

This kid is so sensible!

"Let's not talk about those nonsense, let's talk about the truth." Fatty Huo didn't beat around the bush, seeing that Chen Xian wanted to continue the conversation, he started to quote straight to the point, "As long as you join our Ningchuan branch, money is not a problem , the basic salary is around 500,000 a month, which is on the same level as me, but compared to other benefits, the basic salary is nothing."

Chen Xian nodded, motioning for Fatty Huo to continue.

"As long as you join, I guarantee that you will be an elite of the detection department, at least a department-level cadre at the beginning, and there is still a lot of room for promotion in the future." Fatty Huo finished talking about money, and then calmly talked about power.

This time, Chen Xian thought for a while before nodding his head to signal Fatty Huo to continue.

"Of course, these are not the most important things. I know that idle cranes like you are not very interested in power and wealth, so I have prepared some special things. This is also a condition for the approval of the superiors. You can see them when you look at this list. How much I value you... "

Fatty Huo took out a list that he had printed out in the morning from his pocket, and it still smelled of ink.

Seeing Lu Yisheng approaching curiously, Fatty Huo blocked it with his hand, and looked at him seriously: "Turn your head away, you can't look at this."

"This has to be kept secret? What will happen if you see it?" Lu Yisheng dodged left and right, trying to sneak a peek.

"You'll die if you look at it." Fatty Huo said calmly.

In an instant, Lu Yisheng changed into an extremely serious expression, staring straight at the half orange in his hand, sitting upright like a javelin: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, I will take care of it."

Fatty Huo gave him a blank look, handed the list to Chen Xian, and motioned him to read it himself.

Chen Xian was also full of unstoppable curiosity about this list that he didn't know the contents of. Since it has nothing to do with power and wealth, the things in it... should be very attractive, right

Turning over the folded paper, Chen Xian glanced at it, and his expression suddenly became surprised.

This is a list of special appliances.

"Maha Santu Mirror (Advanced)...An ancient Dingguang teaching tool in the Tang Dynasty, the mirror is inlaid with seven treasures and gilded. There was once a man with great supernatural powers who blessed it with a fixed mantra. "Three Ways of Hell Karma." (Stock Quantity 1/1).

"Jiu Sheng Xi Shen Drum (Advanced)... The ancient five-door artifact of the Qing Dynasty. Corpse Alchemy." (stock quantity 1/1).

"Dongxuan Five Elements Fan (Advanced)...An ancient five-element teaching tool in the Ming Dynasty. The fan bone is the "essence of the five elements".

"Sanqing Xie Niemu (Advanced)...Ancient Magical Artifact for Washing the Gate of Resentment in the Qing Dynasty..." (stock quantity 1/1).

"Shanhe Town Taisui (Advanced)... Ming Dynasty Ancient Shanhemen Dharma Artifact..." (Stock Quantity 1/1).

"Eighteen Falling Evil Sons (Advanced)... The "Medium" of the Ancient Jiangmen of the Yuan Dynasty..." (stock quantity 1/1).

Each of the utensils listed on the list has relevant introductions. Although the introduction is not many words, judging from the description between the lines, Chen Xian can clearly feel... how different these utensils are from the utensils he has seen before. difference.

In this list, whether it is a magic weapon or a special medium used in some religions, its level is the highest level known.

Although the evaluation is just as simple as the word "advanced", the meaning it represents is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The old liar once chatted with Chen in private. The real rich and powerful alien organization is only the Bureau of Secrets. The other organizations or families are eight miles away from the Bureau of Secrets.

Magical artifacts that can sell for eight-figure prices in Yinshi may not be rated as high-end within the Bureau of Secrets. It is no exaggeration to say that any magical artifact in this list can be sold in Yinshi There are priceless existences on the black market, and they can even be regarded as family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation in those families of strangers!

"It's a pity that I don't know how to use it..." Chen Xian silently looked at the dozens of religious utensils listed on the list, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, "If I can practice systematically in a religious way... any one I choose should be Good choice...”

At this time, Lu Yisheng was sitting on the sidelines and was about to die of boredom. Since Fatty Huo said hello first, he didn't dare to mess around at this time. Even if he was bored to death, he could only take out a third-order Rubik's cube full of Taoist talismans. Playing around, he glanced at Fatty Huo and Chen Xian from time to time, then lowered his head and continued to remain silent.

Fatty Huo seemed to know what Chen Xian was thinking, even if Chen Xian didn't say a word, Fatty Huo could clearly feel his disappointment and helplessness.

"You must like the stuff in the first one, but you probably won't need it. I've heard about you. It's an insulator for religious practice, huh?" A mysterious smile, "You can look at the second list, you should be very interested in the things on it."

Hearing this, Chen Xian hastily turned the page and began to quickly scan the second list.

There are obviously a lot fewer things on this list, and in addition to the evil weapons he is still familiar with...

"I can choose what is written on it?" Chen Xian suddenly raised his head and looked straight at Fatty Huo.

Fatty Huo hummed, and said, "You can choose anything on the list, but whether it's on the first page or the second page, you can only choose the same thing."

"Are you sure... I can choose these things too?" Chen Xian asked again, his expression gradually becoming excited.

Fatty Huo seemed to be able to understand Chen Xian's emotional changes, he smiled while smoking a cigarette, nodded and said, of course.

After getting this affirmative answer, Chen Xian lowered his head and carefully looked at the list, his eyes kept on turning around the last two items in the list.

They are not any religious instruments or mediums, nor are they evil weapons like meat saws that Chen Xian can use at will, and they are not even weapons... These two instruments are labeled as abnormal in the list The name.

If it is said that evil weapons are the rarest special objects, then these anomalous tools are one in a million. Of course, from a certain point of view, they are more evil and elusive than evil weapons .

Looking at the two abnormal instruments in the list, Chen Xian's excited eyes also had a vague look of surprise flickering.

"It seems that the Bureau of Keeping Secrets is really investing money..."