The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 59: unusual equipment


Abnormally, the meanings of these two words are far more complicated than ordinary people imagine.

In the circle of aliens, "abnormal" is an extremely broad concept. Objects that cannot exist in the worldview of normal humans can be classified into the category of abnormal.

Chen Xian remembered very clearly that if classified according to the system of the Bureau of Secrets, there are roughly four types of anomalies as follows.

Abnormal life... This concept is actually very vague, but what is certain is that as long as it is an object that is beyond the world view of ordinary people, and is recognized as existing in a certain form of life, then such an object can be included in the vast and complex category of abnormal life Among them, the most common ones are those spirit bodies transformed from souls, or those special lives mutated from human corpses, and the legendary demons and evils can be included in them.

Abnormal virus... This type of "abnormal" is relatively rare. According to the public information in the Secret Bureau, the known types of abnormal viruses include bacterial viruses, fungal viruses, animal viruses, etc., and the most common virus is called " White umbrella fungus", which is also the main reason for human corpses to turn into zombies. This white umbrella fungus parasitizes dead corpses in the form of fungi. Particles will actively be attracted to it and gather, and eventually the corpse will become stiff. The reason why ancient legends say that zombies have hairs on their bodies is also because of this.

Abnormal medium... This kind of anomaly is an extremely rare type. Even though Chen Xian is a senior temporary employee of the Secret Keeping Bureau, he has never seen the so-called abnormal medium in these years. He has only seen some vague records in internal materials. The general description is that abnormal media are some "non-living bodies" with special abilities. They will use themselves as a medium to create, trigger and maintain certain abnormal phenomena. The most famous anomalous media is public information The object recorded in it and has been forcibly "controlled" by the Bureau of Secrets... the last train of midnight 375 that has been running in the capital for 21 consecutive days.

Abnormal equipment... This category is the weirdest and least common. If it is explained in the simplest way, then the so-called abnormal equipment is actually a simplified form of abnormal medium. They cannot actively create abnormal phenomena, and external forces must intervene in them In order to show your ability.

For example, the master key that Chen Xian and Fatty Huo were looking for in the mental hospital not long ago, that special ancient appliance, is actually a kind of abnormal appliance.

If the magical artifacts in this list are top-notch treasures that are priceless, then the following two abnormal artifacts are the best among the rare treasures... It is impossible to measure their value with money!

"Jiubeile's cinnabar pen (abnormal utensil)... first appeared in the 19981103 Ghost Shadow Case of the Forbidden City. All the functions of the utensil can't be determined yet. The functions that have been determined so far are... It can secrete cinnabar ink in an unlimited amount (the cinnabar ink can be scraped and retained) , when the pen tip touches the spirit body, it can cause a lot of damage to the target. On the "rice paper", the complete humanoid pattern drawn by the author with the cinnabar pen will leave the paper in the form of a "spiritual body" and appear. This special spirit body is abnormal. The attack power of the derivative is extremely low, and it lasts for about five minutes. (Note: no side effects, special filing is required)”

"The Sufferer (abnormal device)... first appeared in the Yushan Mine Disaster Case in 19910201. All the effects of the device are currently uncertain. The effects that have been determined so far are... It can make the wearer immune to the possession attacks of most known spirits, In a short period of time, it can promote the secretion of adrenaline and dopamine of the wearer, and rapidly enhance the cell activity, nerve response speed, etc. in the wearer's body. (Note: The side effects are extremely serious. After many tests by the scientific research department, 25 % chance of falling into a bloodthirsty state, and the chance will increase to 50%...70% after ten minutes, and the chance of being affected will also change with the wearer's psychological state, so it is not recommended for people with psychological defects to use this device) "

"The cinnabar pen... looks like it's just an auxiliary tool... I don't think it's useful for me..." Chen Xian murmured in his heart, analyzing the pros and cons of his choice meticulously, and carefully considering which abnormal tool would be more useful to him , "The sufferer looks good... but this side effect is also troublesome..."

At this time, Fatty Huo had already drank his third cup of tea, and refills himself with ease.

"Have you chosen yet?" Fatty Huo looked up at Chen Xian, and seeing his tangled face, he softly comforted him, "I'm not urging you, you can choose slowly."

Chen Xian sighed, with a helpless expression, as if he didn't know which one to choose.

Before seeing these two abnormal tools, the only targets Chen Xian wanted to choose were those evil weapons, or some special tools that could be determined not to require the basis of religious practice. Choose among appliances.

This kind of thing is rare, and if he misses it, he will probably regret it for the rest of his life.

"Can I choose both?" Chen Xian asked calmly.

"Of course not." Fatty Huo smacked his lips, raised his short fat palm and scratched his head, with a helpless expression on his face, "This is the rule of the superior, and I can't help it. If I can have the decision-making power, I wish I could leave it to you. Well, there's nothing to lose anyway."

"Choose these things... Are there any necessary conditions?" Chen Xian asked cautiously, his eyes became a little wary, "What do I need to pay?"

Fatty Huo stroked his chin and thought quietly for a while.

"There are no conditions, as long as you join our Bureau of Secrets and become a regular." Fatty Huo smiled, his words were full of delusion, "You can choose not to sit on duty and not participate in most activities in the bureau, but when there are tasks , if you need to come forward, you must come forward, this is the rule... You should know it?"


Chen Xian frowned. After listening to Fatty Huo's simple description, his expression was not relaxed.

"Just clean up those abnormal lives?" Chen Xian asked.

Fatty Huo didn't hesitate this time, instead he straight to the point and mentioned to Chen Xian: "There are strangers."

Hearing this, Chen Xian became quiet, and his eyes became a little more complicated.

Chen Xian is more willing to face those horrifying abnormal beings than getting involved with those aliens, at least in his opinion... those abnormal beings are much easier and easier to deal with than aliens, after all People's hearts are the most unpredictable, and aliens are much more troublesome than those targets who only know how to fight and kill.

"Anyway, the situation is like this. You should think about it carefully. If you really don't want to... then don't force yourself." Fatty Huo said, taking out a cigarette case from his pocket to smoke a cigarette, but when he saw the empty cigarette case , the expression on his face suddenly became sad, and he turned his head to tell Lu Yisheng, "Xiao Lu, please come and go outside and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

"I have it here." Lu Yisheng said while taking cigarettes out of his pocket, but after thinking about it, he finally pulled out his hand again, got up silently and went out to buy cigarettes for Fatty Huo.

When Lu Yisheng went out, Fatty Huo took out an unopened pack of cigarettes from his inner pocket, lit it for himself slowly, and smoked a few puffs seemingly enjoying himself.

"Xiao Chen, what Uncle Huo said may be a bit unpleasant, but I hope you can think about it." Fatty Huo said this while his expression gradually became serious, "The Xu family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, even if you don't People from the Xu family must not let down their vigilance, even though there is the Bureau of Secrets watching now, they dare not come to trouble you openly, but secretly... you don't want to encounter those troubles, do you?"

Chen Xian nodded, put the list in his hand on the table, and helped Fatty Huo refill a cup of tea.

"Although our Bureau of Keeping Secrets is strictly guarding against the Xu family, some things are beyond our control. After all, no one can guarantee that we can keep an eye on them 24 hours a day, or protect you in all aspects 24 hours a day. " Fatty Huo spoke with a heart-to-heart feeling, as if the elders were reminding the younger generation, "If they secretly murdered you, and if there is no direct evidence left, the Bureau of Secrets can't deal with them casually. .”

"I know." Chen Xian nodded.

"But if you join us and become a regular employee, then things will be simple..." Fatty Huo smiled, "If they still want to touch you, there will naturally be superiors who will come to you to deal with them. This kind of treatment is enjoyed by temporary workers. No, it’s a bit impersonal, but I hope you can understand.”

"How much you give and how much you get, I know that human kindness is not in this place." Chen Xian had a rare smile on his face. He understood Fatty Huo's straightforward and calm statement, and he didn't feel that the reality is cruel and the world is cold. , after all, this society is like this, even the circle of strangers is not immune.

Fatty Huo nodded, took a puff of cigarette slowly, and asked tentatively: "Then your choice is to join or?"

Chen Xian was silent for a few seconds, looking at the list with wandering eyes.

"You can join, but I have a few conditions."

"Say it!" Fatty Huo beamed with joy.

"First, I don't work. I don't like a life that is too restrictive, and it's hard to get used to it." Chen Xian said, thinking about his words, while replying to Fatty Huo, "Second, I'm the same as the original request. , the location of the mission is only near Ningchuan City, I will not participate in missions that are too far away."

Fatty Huo touched the stubble on his chin, his expression was tangled and painful, and he nodded after a while.


"Third..." Chen Xian flicked his fingers on the table slowly, as if he was casually playing the piano, and the cadence of his speech became a little more obvious, "I have the right to withdraw."

"The right to quit?" Fatty Huo frowned, his expression changed a bit.

"Now I can't guarantee that I can work for the Bureau of Secrets for the rest of my life. Maybe one day I will withdraw voluntarily. I hope that the Bureau will not make things difficult for me." Chen Xian looked at Fatty Huo very seriously, "If there is such a day, Apart from leaving the normal salary, I will return everything else to the Bureau of Secrets, is this okay?"

Fatty Huo didn't say a word, and began to think silently.

Confusion, contradiction, expectation, loss, all kinds of expressions are changing on his face.

He thought about it for almost ten minutes, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I promise you, I will add this to the entry contract at that time."