The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 6: Skeleton key


"You know the Mawangdui tombs, right?"

Lighting a cigarette again, Fatty Huo began to talk to Chen Xian about the "key". The secret corridor that Hong Jinhee mentioned.

"Mawangdui in Changsha?" Chen Xian thought for a while and asked, "Is it the tomb group where the uncorrupted female corpse was unearthed?"

Fatty Huo nodded, walked around the room, and continued talking to Chen Xian.

"In 1972, five keys were unearthed at Mawangdui. From a certain perspective, they go beyond modern people's concept of ancient cultural relics, and are more like a product of high technology."

Hearing this, Chen Xian's interest suddenly became stronger, and his eyes became more curious.

"How high-tech?"

"You'll know it when you hear it."

After the five keys were unearthed that year, the superiors quickly paid attention to them and put in strict protection measures, requiring all departments to cooperate fully and send the five keys to the capital headquarters as quickly as possible.

But no one thought that accidents would happen under such strict protection.

On the way, no one could touch the safe where the keys were stored. There were dozens of armed guards around, and eight 24-hour surveillance video cameras were placed up, down, left, and right to ensure the safety of the five keys.

It can be said that in that era, being protected like this was considered the ultimate.

But when the transport vehicle arrived at the research institute at the headquarters, the experts opened the box and took a look...

Only four of the five keys remain, one of which has disappeared.

"No one knows where the key went or how it was lost." When Fatty Huo said this, he seemed to think of the chaos that year, and he couldn't help shaking his head, "Our department is also in chaos. Started a thorough investigation, first checked our internal people, and then checked other people, but in the end no clues were found."

"It wasn't until the end of the 1990s, when the surveillance video of Hong Jinxi's theft of the Lin family's treasury was exposed, that we discovered that the key was with him."

"He stole the key back then?" Chen Xian asked curiously.

"Probably not, the time is not right." Fatty Huo shook his head and said, "We also wonder why the key is in his hands, but now that Hong Jinxi is dead, this clue is also broken."

After all, Fatty Huo took a puff of his cigarette and continued talking with a subtle expression.

"After expert appraisal, these keys have little to do with the Mawangdui Han Tomb, and are not products of the Han Dynasty. They can be traced back to a long time, even surpassing the Xia Dynasty before BC. Moreover, the indented characters on the keys have never been seen before. More complicated and harder to decipher than oracle bone inscriptions."

Chen Xian listened with great interest, and motioned Fatty Huo to continue.

"Of course, no matter how ancient objects are, they are considered cultural relics. The reason why I say that they exceed modern people's concept of cultural relics is because of their characteristics."

"What characteristics?" Chen Xian asked.

A strange look flashed in Huo Fatty's eyes, his tone became a little complicated, and he replied in a low voice.


That's right, the most unbelievable ability of these ancient keys is to open locks.

Electronic, mechanical, digital, password.

No matter what kind of lock it is, these "keys" from ancient times can open it, and the unlocking method is so strange that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Those keys seem to be smarter and can identify all locks. As long as they are placed against the unlocking position, a lot of powder will flow out of the top and force their way into the interior of the lock. The color looks like lead powder."

Fatty Huo had seen the other four keys before, so when he said these words, he couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"The powder that comes out of the key is thicker at the beginning, and the powder behind it is very fine. In the end, it can't be seen directly, at least invisible to the naked eye."

"So...the key is unlocked by those powders?" Chen Xian asked thoughtfully.

"Yes." Fatty Huo nodded.

"Any kind of lock can be opened. This is the master key." Chen Xian smiled, and probably understood the superior's eagerness to find the key.

Not to mention how useful the key will be after they get it back, as can be seen from Hong Jinxi's incident, they can't bear the consequences of letting the key go to the people.

Whoever has this key and has a little anti-reconnaissance awareness, wouldn't he become a thief

"I've said everything that should be said and should not be said. You must be strict with your mouth. Don't talk nonsense. The matter about the key is considered a secret in our department. If you tell it, you will have trouble." Fatty Huo warned.

"I know." Chen Xian nodded with a smile.

After satisfying Chen Xian's curiosity, Fatty Huo also slowly became anxious.

Because after wandering around the dean's room more than a dozen times, he still couldn't find the entrance to the secret corridor.

Fatty Huo smoked fiercely, his brain was running fast, recalling the scenes of interrogating Hong Jinxi.

Didn't he say there's a corridor here? Why can't I find it? Could it be that he lied to me

"Where the hell do we have to find this!" Fatty Huo was a little anxious. He stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand and threw it on the ground, stomping on it hard. I don’t believe it…”

"Are you sure there is a corridor here?" Chen Xian asked.

Fatty Huo told him about the corridor before, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and Chen Xian also felt a headache.

"Anyway, that's what Hong Jinxi said." Fatty Huo frowned, with a distressed expression.

Chen Xian nodded, and started to walk around the corner in silence, knocking on the wall with his hands while walking.

According to the architectural structure of the mental hospital, it should be a conventional frame structure. Except for some non-load-bearing walls, the rest of the walls should be solid concrete walls.

The dean's room is close to the interior of the corridor, and the non-load-bearing walls on the left and right sides, the knocking sound is relatively clear, but the sound feedback from the front and rear walls is much duller.

Under Chen Xian's patient tapping, he gradually heard a different voice.


This sound is extremely crisp.

There is a slight echo, and it can be heard that the inside is hollow.

"Is it in the wall?"

Chen Xian looked at the wall with some doubts, and Fatty Huo hurried over and knocked on the wall a few times with his hands.

"Here... it should be right!"

Fatty Huo also heaved a sigh of relief, a rare smile appeared on his heavy face, and he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hong Jinxi said that the corridor is just behind the dean's office. This location is facing the door of the dean's office. If we can match the number, let's... hmm?"

Fatty Huo was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xian who was doing leg presses, and asked confusedly, "What are you doing?"

"Open the door, we can't go through the wall, can we?"

Chen Xian smiled, continued to press his legs a few times, and then slowly stood up.

For his own strength, Chen Xian was still very confident. In his opinion, kicking open such a hollow wall was no problem at all. Rather than using tools to chisel the wall, it would be better to simply kick it.

Before Fatty Huo could stop him, Chen Xian jumped up and kicked the wall with a mighty force, making a loud bang.

In an instant, the wall dented.

Judging from the big hole that Chen Xian kicked out, the inside is indeed hollow.

"Sure enough, it's inside! We really found the right thing!" Fatty Huo saw the metal door frame inside through the gap in the pit, and he was relieved immediately.

It seems that Hong Jinxi didn't lie, this is indeed the entrance to that corridor, as long as you pass through this metal door, and then pass through the corridor behind the door, you can finally reach the most secret patio space.

"The corridor you mentioned is behind this door?" Chen Xian asked.

"Yes, you will see it when you open the door."

After Fatty Huo finished speaking, he leaned over to the hole in the wall again and looked inside carefully.

The outer wall is only as thin as a brick, no wonder Chen Xian can kick it through, and the door inside is still nearly 20 centimeters away from the wall...

Why did they hide this door in the wall

Is it possible that every time you go in, you have to cut open the wall

Don't they find it troublesome

Fatty Huo was even more puzzled when he thought of this, but at this moment, he heard a strange sound.

The voice was very noisy and voiced, and it came from that door.

Sounds a lot like some sort of panting sound, and judging by the sound...

It wasn't just one person who was panting.