The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 63: Ningchuan Branch


When the elevator reached the 65th floor, Chen Xian's face had already turned pale, and a dense layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he looked a little dazed.

Chen Xian is not afraid of death, to be precise, he seems to be afraid of nothing in the eyes of most people.

Perhaps only he himself knows that he is afraid of the weightlessness that breaks away from gravity, and he is also afraid of climbing high and looking into the distance... It is really ridiculous to say that he is not even afraid of death, but he suffers from a certain degree of fear of heights. He himself couldn't figure it out.

"Are you okay?" Fatty Huo glanced at Chen Xian, as if he had sensed the change in him, and couldn't help asking, "I think your complexion is a little bad, are you not used to taking this elevator?"

Chen Xian nodded, put his left hand behind his back and clenched his fist tightly, his palm was covered with cold sweat.

"I'm not used to it." Chen Xian forced a smile and said, "I'll just get used to it gradually in the future."

Hearing this, Fatty Huo didn't think much, nodded and led him and Mu He out of the elevator.

This floor is the highest floor of Ningchuan Building. Different from other floors, there are very few rooms here. Judging from the doors that can be seen from the corridor, there should be only eleven rooms.

In this deep corridor, there are five black metal doors on the left and right, and at the end of the corridor is an oversized crimson wooden door, which looks particularly abrupt compared with the snow-white wall.

Fatty Huo led the way, and Chen Xian took Muhe all the way to the end of the corridor.

When passing those black metal doors, Chen Xian also looked at them calmly. Although he didn't say anything, he was still very curious about the Ningchuan branch of the Bureau of Secrets.

There is a touch screen recessed on the right side of these metal doors, which looks very similar to the touch screen in the elevator. It seems that you need to swipe your palm to get in, and there are signs hanging on the top of these doors.

"The Office of the Chief of the Armed Section... the Living Room of the Chief of the Armed Section..."

The rooms on both sides of the corridor belong to the section chiefs of five departments. In addition to the section chiefs of the Armed Forces Section, there are also the Detective Section, Investigation Section, Logistics Section, etc...

The two rooms near the end of the corridor are the office and living room of the director of the Ningchuan branch.

"Come on ahead, the legal counsel has already drawn up the contract, let's take a look first..."

With that said, Fatty Huo pushed open the door of the conference room at the end of the corridor.

As soon as he opened the door, thick smoke wafted out of the meeting room. The smell of nicotine mixed with cigarette tar was indescribably choking, and even Fatty Huo, an old smoker, couldn't help frowning.

"Are you little comrades fucking qualified?" Fatty Huo said this sentence as euphemistically as possible, as if he was still putting on the airs of the bureau chief, even if he cursed, there was an elegant taste, "Smoking is not enough. You know how to open the windows for ventilation, are you all pig brains?"

There were eight young men and women sitting in the meeting room, and Lu Yisheng was among them. Before Fatty Huo opened the door and came in, he was sitting on a leather chair and smoking with his legs crossed. Now that Fatty Huo scolded him like this, let alone The direct subordinate of Lu Yisheng, even the young people in several other departments did not dare to sit down, they all stubbed out their cigarette butts and stood up, hurriedly ran to open the window to breathe.

"Uncle, don't be angry. We didn't open the windows because we saw the wind and sand outside. The central air conditioner is broken today, otherwise the smoke wouldn't be so loud..." Lu Yisheng explained awkwardly.

"Next time you want to smoke, go downstairs and smoke it for me, or go to the toilet to squat and smoke, what's wrong with this!" Fatty Huo said while lighting a cigarette for himself.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yisheng and the others dared not speak out, they could only curse in their hearts.

This fat man is really not a thing, is it not clear that only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps

"Oh, isn't that right, I seem to want to set an example?"

In an instant, Fatty Huo came to his senses. He seemed to realize that he was a leader. He wanted to snuff out the cigarette butts in his hand to set an example for other young people, but then he thought about it... This pack of cigarettes was bought with his own money, and the money was also his own. Hard-earned hard-earned money, isn't it a crime to waste money for nothing

Think before and after, carefully consider.

Fatty Huo took a deep breath of his cigarette with a serious expression, then raised his head, looked expressionlessly at the young people smoking in the meeting room, and showed the demeanor that a leader should have as much as possible.


In just three seconds, the meeting room was emptied by Fatty Huo's verbal attacks.

Except for Chen Xian and Mu He who remained in the conference room, everyone else walked out in a desperate manner, but when they passed by Chen Xian and the others, they couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

Whether in the eyes of ordinary people or strangers, a combination like Chen Xian and Mu He always attracts a lot of attention inexplicably.

Most of the men would stare at Mu He, after all, she was indeed so good-looking that people couldn't take their eyes off it, while the eyes of women could not help but stay on Chen Xian.

It was the same on the street before, most of the women passing by on the road would stare at Chen Xian and couldn't move their eyes, and there were also some shy and reserved girls who only dared to look at Chen Xian secretly.

To be honest, Chen Xian's skin is no worse than Mu He's. Compared with those stars in the movie, he may not have so many illusory and hazy light and shadow effects. He only has the most simple sense of reality on his body. Rather, his unique personal temperament is the key to attract attention, not the kind of deliberately artificial iceberg, but only some kind of unspeakable silence.

Most women would feel uncontrollable curiosity just by seeing his calm eyes. If possible, they would like to come to Chen Xian right away, wanting to explore the stories hidden in his eyes.

This kind of psychological activity does not only appear in ordinary women, even those female aliens are unavoidable.

There were three girls who were scolded out with Lu Yisheng and the others before.

They didn't come here secretly to smoke, but because of the special geographical location, most of Ningchuan City can be seen in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, so when they came here, they just took their mobile phones and took various selfies of the location, and when they were scolded by Fatty Huo They didn't react with any fear. Instead, they laughed and called the director hello, and then walked out with Lu Yisheng and the others.

When passing by Chen Xian, the eyes of the three young girls kept scanning him. The shining eyes were as careful as searchlights. It can be seen from their expressions... If Fatty Huo was not present, In all likelihood, they would come up to Chen Xian to ask for WeChat ID.

Chen Xian has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze from the opposite sex, and never took it to heart.

But Muhe is not.

Although she didn't understand anything, she was still very angry, like a kitten protecting food, only feeling that someone was staring at the fish in her bowl...

"Chen Xian!" Mu He pulled him suddenly, so strong that he almost threw Chen Xian to the ground, and his pink face became swollen, even though those girls went out and closed the door, She was still staring at the door of the meeting room worriedly, her eyes full of vigilance, "They...the bad guys..."

"What villain?" Chen Xian was a little confused, after all, he was a straight titanium alloy man who was straighter than a steel straight man, so he couldn't comprehend Mu He's thoughts at all.

Mu He raised his head to look at Chen Xian, then looked at the closed door, and muttered a few words that Chen Xian couldn't understand, as if talking to himself, and didn't explain anything to Chen Xian anymore. But she hugged Chen Xian's arm even tighter, as if she was afraid that others would snatch Chen Xian from her.

All this fell into the eyes of Fatty Huo.

have to say.

This fat man is really not a good thing.

"Oh, that's great." Fatty Huo smiled at his loving aunt, his fleshy fat face was full of gossip, and his small soybean eyes had completely turned into squinting eyes at this moment, "You're still young what."

"What's young?" Chen Xian was even more confused.

Fatty Huo laughed a few times without explaining, and beckoned Chen Xian to sit down at the conference round table, then went to the locker next to him and took out two packs of unopened snacks, which seemed to be his private possession The food reserves are also posted with the words "For Director Huo's special use, whoever dares to steal them will be damned dead".

"What's the girl's name?"


"Muhe?" Fatty Huo nodded, and the gossipy smile on his face gradually turned into a very sincere smile. He handed a few packs of snacks to the girl, and pointed to the leather sofa next to him, "You go there first. While looking at the scenery, I still have something to talk to your brother, and I will ask him to take you out to play when I am done."

Mu He hesitated for a moment, but after seeing Chen Xian nodding his head, he took the snacks from Fatty Huo.

This was the first time she had dealt directly with someone other than Chen Xian.

"Thank you." Mu He looked at Fatty Huo, speaking in a very soft and thin voice, as if she was still a little cautious, but after opening the snack bag and eating two bites of potato chips, she became cheerful and filled her mouth full of potato chips. Suizha's right hand yanked Chen Xian, pointed at Fatty Huo and said, "He's...a good guy..."

Hearing this, Fatty Huo was immediately happy, and his eyes became even warmer.

Maybe Fatty Huo believed Chen Xian's words, and really regarded Mu He as an orphan born with mental disabilities, so when he looked at Mu He, his eyes were a little distressed, and he sympathized with this poor child from the bottom of his heart.

"Eat more if you like to eat. Uncle Huo doesn't have much else here, but there are a lot of snacks." Fatty Huo laughed and said, he was very relieved that Mu He called him a good person, "There is also a seafood buffet downstairs for staff meals. Yes, you can also... "

At this moment, Chen Xian interrupted Fatty Huo abruptly.

"Uncle Huo, did you just say... there is a staff meal?" Chen Xian asked calmly.

"Yes." Fatty Huo nodded, "We have kitchen bags for three meals a day, and we don't eat the same thing every day. I'll take you down to have a look later?"

"Not urgent."

Chen Xian took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that his wallet could be looser.

"There's no rush to eat or anything. After all, it's important to do business. Uncle Huo, show me the contract quickly. I'll sign it now if there's no problem... By the way, the staff canteen downstairs doesn't need to pay, right?"