The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 7: Mysterious Square


The mental hospital is a back-shaped building. According to Hong Jinxi, the courtyard space in the center of the building exists completely independently.

The surrounding walls are all closed, and the only exit to the outside world is this secret corridor hidden in the dean's room.

The fire was started outside. Although the fire was huge, it should only burn on the outer layer of the character "Hui". Could it be possible... that the independent space at the end of the corridor happened to avoid the fire

If this assumption is true, then there is a high possibility that there are still living people in this mental hospital.

Because there is a small building in that independent space, according to Hong Jinxi, the gold bricks purchased by the hospital were sent into that small room.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, Chen Xian's voice brought Fatty Huo back to his senses. Before he could say anything, Chen Xian stretched out his hand and grabbed him, forcefully pulling him behind him, keeping him away from that strange door.

Chen Xian's nose has always been very sharp, and it was no exception at this time.

After being straightened by Fatty Huo, he moved a little closer to the gate, and he could smell the stench of corpses coming from the gate in an instant.

That's right, it's the smell of corpses.

It smelled like a dead body that had been severely decomposed in a hot environment, and the stench was also mixed with a lard-like fishy smell.

"Eleven... twelve..."

Chen Xian stuck his head into the hole in the wall, talking to himself calmly, his eyes became strange.

"Forty-four... there are forty-four discernible voices..."

Hearing what Chen Xian said, Fatty Huo couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Although the panting sound behind the door was heavy and it sounded rather noisy, it was certain that it could not be made by one person.

But... how on earth did he hear that there were forty-four people

And judging by what he meant, it seemed that there were more than forty-four people in the door, and forty-four different voices could only be recognized temporarily.

"You go back first, I'll open the door and have a look."

While talking, Chen Xian kicked the wall fiercely with his feet, and collapsed the remaining empty wall as fast as he could, and the door in the wall was soon completely exposed.

It was a metal door with a twistable round handle, but above the handle was a password electronic board with many buttons and a small black frame for fingerprint authentication.

Seeing that this door has so many high-end configurations, Chen Xian couldn't help but turned his head, looked at Fatty Huo for a while, and then fell silent.


How do you get in here

No wonder Hong Jinxi wants to use the "key" to open this door. Without the key, who can unlock all the combination locks and fingerprint locks

"Why don't we withdraw?" Chen Xian asked tentatively, "Go back and call for reinforcements. When the people from the Armed Forces Department come, just use explosives to blow the door open!"

Fatty Huo gave Chen Xian a blank look, and said angrily, "Until the key is found, destructive methods cannot be used in the search work here."

Chen Xian sighed helplessly, didn't say anything, can't use destructive means? Then isn't this nonsense!

He is good at tidying up spirit bodies, but when it comes to unlocking...he really can't!

Looking at these complicated password keys, Chen Xian frowned more and more.

The general combination locks are all numbers like 1234, but why are all the patterns on this keyboard

Or a hieroglyph that resembles a pattern.

Is it Oracle

But it doesn't look like it.

Frowning, Chen Xian stood outside the gate and looked at the mysterious password input board. He didn't know whether it was itching or wanting to try it casually, so he raised his hand and pressed a few times blindly on it.

Sure enough, there was no reaction.

No key clicks, no feedback, nothing.

Just when Chen Xian was at a loss, Fatty Huo suddenly stepped forward, as if he had discovered something, he followed Chen Xian's example and pressed a few times on the password input board.

"No sound? Could it be broken?"

Fatty Huo muttered, raised his hand and turned the doorknob, only to hear a click, and the door opened a crack.

Fatty Huo couldn't help being stunned by this sudden change, and then looked at Chen Xian, feeling that the surprise came so suddenly that he was a little caught off guard.

"The door is unlocked!" Fatty Huo said in surprise.

"It's fine if you don't lock it, you follow me, be careful."

Chen Xian stepped forward and took the doorknob from Fatty Huo.

After Fatty Huo walked back holding the pistol, Chen Xian slowly opened the metal door.

Behind the door is a deep and dark corridor, about ten meters long in a straight line and only about one meter wide.

The ground is covered with gray retro bricks, and there are many glass shards scattered, each one is as big as a soybean, and there are no large pieces.

After opening the door, the panting that Chen Xian and the others heard before gradually became louder and clearer.

"It seems to be in the corridor..." Chen Xian murmured, making sure that there was no danger in this corridor, he led Fatty Huo into it cautiously.

The moment he stepped through the gate, Chen Xian shuddered, and so did Fatty Huo.

"Did you feel anything?" Fatty Huo asked in a little panic.

"It seems to be a little colder suddenly." Chen Xian nodded and replied.

Fatty Huo said hastily: "It's not this one. I just felt something passing by me just now. It seemed to be a person. It passed by shoulder to shoulder in a cold manner."

"Why didn't I see it?" Chen Xian was taken aback.

Among the group of innate and extraordinary people, Chen Xian can also be regarded as the kind of person with extraordinary talents.

A pair of eyes can't be said to be able to see Yin and Yang, but there is no problem if you want to see the spirit body. As long as the spirit body is not hiding in the wall or in the ground, as long as they are in a position where you can see it at a glance, Chen Xian will definitely be able to see it.

But when he walked in, Chen Xian had already made sure that there was really nothing here.

Is there a spirit body that I can't see

Chen Xian was muttering in his heart, and suddenly remembered the dean he had fought against before.

"It won't be pulled into the domain again..." Chen Xian murmured softly, raised his head and sniffed the air carefully a few times, and then denied his speculation.

The domain created by the dean did not have too many loopholes, but it had a feature. Before falling into the domain of the dean, Chen Xian did not notice this feature, but he remembered it afterwards.

The domain created by the spirit body, the only characteristic that cannot be concealed is that the Yin Qi particles exceed the standard.

Although the domain constructed by the dean is perfect, and the smell of Yin Qi has been covered up much weaker, but there are some floating in the air, which can barely be smelled.

I thought it was all from the patients who died innocently, but after thinking about it, it shouldn't be. There is no smell of Yin Qi particles in other corridors, only outside the dean's room.

After Chen Xian observed carefully for a while, he was sure that he didn't feel the slightest yin, so he ruled out the possibility of the dean.

This place should be real, at least not an illusory scene constructed by the dean.

"Be careful." Chen Xian warned.

Fatty Huo nodded silently, and clenched the gun in his hand.

In this dignified atmosphere, Chen Xian led Fatty Huo out of the corridor slowly, and came to the most secret place of this building, the independent space in the courtyard.

Of course, this space is more like a wide circular square.

The area is about the size of a football field, and the ground is covered with things like broken glass.

There are only four light sources here, four orange-yellow oil lamps in the four directions of southeast, northwest, respectively.

They hung high on the wall, looking dim and oppressive.

The first time they walked out of the corridor, Chen Xian and Fatty Huo stopped, their faces full of unconcealable surprise.

It's not because this square is too shocking, but because the whole square is full of "people".

"I just said that the smell is different once you enter the hospital..."

Looking at the densely packed figures, Chen Xian felt a little creepy in his heart. This was the first time he saw so many corpses, so it was inevitable that he would feel panicked.

Doctors, nurses, staff, patients.

Before the fire came, all the living people in this hospital should have kneeled in this small square at this moment, and no one was left behind.

Roughly speaking, there are at least three or four hundred corpses here.

" about we evacuate first?" Fatty Huo asked cautiously, speaking in a very soft voice, he didn't dare to breathe heavily, for fear of alarming these hundreds of "dead ancestors".

The panting sounds he and Chen Xian heard before were from these corpses.

Yes, the dead are gasping.

With every breath, their chest cavity and ribs will swell up, and then slowly sink down.

Go round and round, repeating the same action.