The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 72: Anticlimactic battle


In the dark housing area in the south of the city, black snowflakes like embers were falling in the sky, and the cold atmosphere was like an ominous shadow, covering the narrow and deep alleyway.

Pieces of black embers wrapped in flame veins fell silently on the ground, like snowflakes falling on feathers in winter, so quiet that no sound could be made, and the fleeting dim light of the fire would have no sound. The alleyway of the lighting facilities flickers on and off.

"Four... six... eleven..."

Chen Xian pressed the control button of the meat saw knife with his hand, and spread out its blade completely with a bang. His hands seemed to be holding a hideous giant ax with a strange shape. The pungent bloody smell was like a flood from an open gate , instantly poured out from the metal gap between the blade body and the handle, and quickly diffused in the alleyway.

The cold and dark old alleyway is now covered by a strong smell of blood. Lu Yisheng glanced at Chen Xian from the corner of his eye with the light of the flashlight, only to find that he could not see his silhouette clearly, only the outline of his figure could be seen. His eyes that glow faintly in the dark.

In the shadow, the thin Chen Xian didn't look obtrusive, as if he himself was a part of the shadow, and he didn't resist the darkness around him at all, on the contrary he seemed to be used to it and even enjoyed it a bit.

In fact, Chen Xian has urinated like this since he was a child.

He doesn't like to stand in a place with light, and he doesn't dare to stand in front of people at will. He likes to find some corner where there are no people and stay quietly, because only this is the safest way, at least he thinks so... Darkness can The sense of security brought to him was unparalleled, and hiding himself had already become his nature, deeply rooted in his bones.

From a certain point of view, his various behaviors have long deviated from the trajectory of normal human beings. This is also the reason why he often suspects that he has a mental illness.

"Can you get in touch with the outside?" Chen Xian's voice suddenly came from the shadows, and he said unhurriedly, "The current situation is not consistent with the information they dictated. You can pass it out and ask them to record it. Solving the case helps."

Hearing Chen Xian's voice, Lu Yisheng didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took out a small black box from his jacket pocket. When he pressed the red button on the left side, a piercing electric sound came out from the speaker of the black box. .

"As they said, there seems to be something here that can block the signal." Lu Yisheng asked cautiously, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"At present, I can sense fifteen targets. They are all located in the south, which is the place we just passed before. They may have run out of those residential areas." Chen Xian spoke in a very soft voice. He was also very calm, and his mood did not change due to the current situation. "You are responsible for paying attention to the movement in the north. If there are other strange targets approaching us from the north, please remember to call me."

"Call you?" Lu Yisheng was stunned, and turned to look at Chen Xian, "Boss, what do you want to do? You don't want to split up with me, do you? I can't handle them alone!"

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Chen Xian walked slowly in the darkness along the shadow of the corner, and when he spoke to Lu Yisheng, his tone was so calm that it was frightening, as if he didn't take the current situation seriously at all.

At this time, Chen Xian's emaciated body exuded an extremely disturbing aura. He was not like a stranger who was about to step forward to meet the enemy, but like a beast lurking in the dark, approaching leisurely Prey that has yet to show up.

When Chen Xian walked past Lu Yisheng silently, Lu Yisheng couldn't help but shudder, and a feeling of fear suddenly appeared, because he felt... Chen Xian's eyes were not human Eyes as they should be.

That kind of gaze hidden under the calmness is enough to make any normal human being terrified, even if his gaze is not on you, you will feel that you have become a prey to be slaughtered by him, as if you will be swallowed alive by him at any time into the stomach.

"Getting closer..."

Chen Xian murmured in his heart as if talking to himself, his hands gripped the handle of the knife more and more tightly, every muscle in his body was mobilized as much as possible, and his body leaned forward slightly into a half-bent attitude.

Slowly, Chen Xian took a few steps forward.

At this time, those creatures who walked in the darkness like him gradually came into his sight...

In the narrow and cramped alleyway, more than a dozen twisted and skinny figures were walking towards Chen Xian rubbing shoulders. Their walking postures were extremely strange, as if their upper bodies could not be supported by their uncoordinated waists. Take a step forward, and the body will swing with a huge range, making a very disturbing... sound like wood being torn.

The information given to Chen Xian by the Armed Forces Section and the Investigation Section was not wrong. These targets lurking in the housing area waiting for an opportunity were indeed paper dolls, but they were different from paper dolls in the traditional sense.

Their bodies are not made of ordinary colored paper, even Chen Xian wonders if the layer on their surface is paper

From the visual texture, their "skin" is like some kind of translucent plastic film, and the color is like orange after the oil has rotted. Through this layer of musty skin, Chen Xian can He vaguely saw the skeletal structure made of bamboo slices in their bodies. Apart from these, Chen Xian also saw something that even he couldn't believe it.

The torsos of these paper figurines are covered with blood-colored and green silk-like networks, just like the blood vessel tissue and nerve tissue in the human body. Except for the absence of internal organs, the "physiological structure" of these paper figurines is already close to that of humans!

"What the hell are these... Isn't this a paper doll?!"

Lu Yisheng couldn't help exclaiming, his face covered with fine beads of sweat was also full of fear, maybe his voice was too loud to stimulate these abnormal existences, almost all the paper figurines turned their heads in an instant, ignoring the barriers. Chen Xian, who was in the middle of the alleyway, looked straight at Lu Yisheng, with a strange and stiff smile on his face.

At this moment, Chen Xian had already walked forward without a sound. At a distance of about 1.5 meters from the paper figurine, he suddenly raised the meat saw in his hand, and chopped it down like an axe.

Accompanied by a sound similar to paper being cut by a utility knife, the three paper figurines at the front were directly split in half, and the saw knife also split the paper figurines because of Chen Xian's excessive force. It sank into the ground, leaving a huge crack about half a meter long on the concrete floor that had been baptized by the years.

Before the other paper figurines could react, Chen Xian raised the handle of the knife with a calm face, pulled out the saw blade covered with mottled marks from the ground, and took a step forward to chop again.

For Chen Xian, this kind of battle is really not at all challenging. It takes almost as much energy to split the paper figurines as to chop wood, and their reaction speed is also slower than Chen Xian expected, and there is no chance of dodging them at all. This large "paper cutter".

Fights come and go quickly.

But in just a few tens of seconds, under Chen Xian's operation like chopping melons and vegetables, the flesh sawing knife exuding a pungent smell split the bodies of fifteen paper figurines one after another.

When the last paper figurine fell, Chen Xian frowned, feeling that something was wrong with the situation.

These paper figurines... why are they so weak

If their combat power is only as good as it is now, how could the investigation department have killed so many people? How could the soldiers of the Armed Forces Section be thrown out in such a mess

At this level, even if there are more than a dozen of them, Lu Yisheng is more than enough to deal with them, right

Chen Xian was thinking suspiciously, looking at the wreckage of the paper figurines all over the place, feeling a little confused but not daring to relax, still staring at them with great vigilance.

"Boss... Is this done?" Lu Yisheng was a little unresponsive, looked at Chen Xian, and then at the pile of wreckage on the ground, his expression became more and more confused, "Are you too strong or they are too weak? Killed?"

"It's not right."

Chen Xian frowned tightly, took a step back, and distanced himself from the nearest paper figurine.

"The Yin Qi in their bodies hasn't come out, it's still flowing...the flow is speeding up...they're still alive!"

When Chen Xian said the last sentence, all the remnants of the paper figurines on the ground were like tattered paper shells blown by the wind, trembling and shaking frantically, making a weird buzzing sound.

Under Chen Xian's vigilant eyes, the remnants of these paper figurines began to gradually split, and then... grow.

Their translucent surface "skin tissue" and the bones made of bamboo and wood in their bodies seem to be able to grow freely at will, and every piece of remnant body has fallen into a state of crazy growth...

"Do you still remember what Section Chief Tu said?" Chen Xian asked abruptly, with a bit of astonishment in his eyes, but also a bit of understanding, as if he had already guessed what would happen next.

"What did Chief Tu say?" Lu Yisheng was very nervous, and couldn't think of so much for a moment, so he subconsciously asked Chen Xian, "What did he say?"

Chen Xian watched the strange changes in the paper figurine's remnant body, and said word by word.

"They are killing more and more, and they can't kill them all."