The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 76: Case level up


Outside the housing area, Fatty Huo and the others had been busy for nearly ten minutes. They searched within a kilometer radius, but even so they couldn't find Mu He.

"Huo Ju, are you overly nervous?" Song Jueming came out of the tent with a cup of hot coffee in his hand, rubbed his red eyes, and yawned profusely as he spoke, "Maybe that little girl is bored?" I went home by myself, do you have her phone number? Give her a call and see!"

"It would be great if there is." Fatty Huo smiled bitterly, remembering Chen Xian's instructions to him before, saying that he must keep an eye on Mu He and not let her run around, because her brain is not good, so it is easy to do some dangerous things thing.

The more he thought about this, the more anxious Fatty Huo became. Although Mu He didn't have a deep relationship with him, but with Chen Xian in it, Fatty Huo really didn't dare to lose Mu He, let alone the girl. The impression she left on him was not bad, but just losing her like this caused her to have an accident... I can't bear it on my conscience!

"Look! Keep looking for me!" Fatty Huo said angrily.

At this time, Fatty Huo began to feel that this matter was a bit strange, but he did not delve into it, only thinking that it might be a coincidence.

The staff stationed near the tent are all employees of the Ningchuan branch of the Bureau of Secrets. Ninety percent of the members have received professional education, and their physical fitness is definitely better than ordinary people. It can be said that this is an enhanced version of the police.

But even so, hundreds of people failed to find Mu He's trace. Even when she left the tent before, no one except Song Jueming found her. Mu He just slipped from their noses so easily. Slipped away underneath, no one would believe this kind of thing!

"Don't worry, I'll ask my men to look around." Song Jueming walked to Fatty Huo and comforted him.

Among the employees of the sub-bureau who came to the south of the city to handle the case this time, their investigation department had the most people. In Song Jueming's view, the girl's disappearance was just a coincidence. There was also a problem with the way to find her before. Shit, the housing area has been sealed off by them eight lifetimes ago, even flies can't fly in, let alone a living person? If you want to find it, you have to go back along the road!

At this moment, Song Jueming firmly believed that his analysis was correct, and began to assign tasks to the investigators. He selected some people from the staff who blocked the housing area, and started to search along the road.

"Old Huo!"

Zhao Song's yelling attracted the attention of many people at night, and many people nearby subconsciously looked towards him, including Fatty Huo, who saw Zhao Song raising his hand and pointing to the sky...

In the night sky of Fangfang District in the south of the city, there is a large group of "clouds" that emit a strange red light. It is like the thundercloud that appears with low-pressure weather in a thunderstorm climate. It seems that it is not far from the ground, but It doesn't seem to have anything to do with wind and rain. When the clouds squirm up and down and blend together, it doesn't make thunder, but only shows a depressing silence, like the calm before the storm...

Ningchuan is very windy tonight.

Fatty Huo and the others standing in the open space were all squinted by the continuous cold wind, and the tent cloth behind them was also rustling. I am afraid that this tent will have to be blown into the sky by the strong wind.

"Something's wrong..." Fatty Huo looked at the red cloud in the sky, and a panic expression gradually appeared on his slightly swollen face, "The wind is so strong... how did it stop in place..."

"Seeing red clouds at night is like seeing blood, this is an ominous omen..." Song Jueming frowned tightly, "Who saw how this cloud appeared? Did it come from afar?"

At this time, someone in the crowd answered Song Jueming's question.

"It seems to have risen from the housing area!"

"It rose from the housing area?" Song Jueming looked at the man in bewilderment, and Fatty Huo and others beside him were also confused, "How did it rise?"

"Did you read it wrong?" Someone in the crowd also questioned, "I have been watching the movement in the room just now, why didn't I see it rising?"

"Yeah, I didn't see it either!"

"Me neither."

After the investigator said that he saw clouds rising from the building area, most of the people denied it, because they didn’t see what the investigator said, and they only thought that he had misread it or was too tired to appear. hallucinations.

Such a big cloud rises from the house area, can you see it but others can't

"I... I seem to have seen it too..."

Suddenly, another female staff member raised her hand, as if she didn't dare to face other people's suspicious eyes, she kept her head down when she spoke, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito's.

"Did you read it wrong?"

"Yeah, if you can see I sure can..."

"Give me peace!"

Fatty Huo yelled loudly, calming down all the staff present, and the open space, which was as chaotic as a vegetable market, fell silent for a moment. No one dared to speak indiscriminately at this juncture, for fear of offending Director Huo.

"You, and you, are you the only two who saw it?" Fatty Huo asked while scanning the crowd, "Is there anyone else who saw it? Tell me if you see it!"

Amid Fatty Huo's inquiries, more than a dozen employees scattered and raised their hands, expressing that they saw the spectacle of clouds rising from the building area.

Next, Fatty Huo called these witnesses into the tent again. Under the observation of several other section chiefs, he briefly asked these witnesses how they saw the clouds rising from the building area. Have you seen any other visions or heard any special voices...

After a few minutes of interrogation, Fatty Huo and the others found that the experiences of these witnesses were surprisingly similar, and the possibility of hallucinations or delusions can be completely ruled out.

They all suddenly saw a red light in the room area, but before they could tell others about the situation, the red light turned into thick smoke, and gathered into a group and quickly rose to the sky...

From appearing to rising into the sky and forming a cloud, this process will not take more than ten seconds.

"Old Song, you know these strange things the most. Do you know what happened to that cloud?" Fatty Huo asked Song Jueming after thinking for a long time and still couldn't get an answer, " It shouldn’t be a good sign for this cloud to come out, right?”

Song Jueming didn't speak, and his decadent expression became gloomy as water, as if he sensed danger, and his whole body gave off a feeling of mental tension.

"I don't know... This cloud is very different from the blood cloud recorded in the book... Maybe I was wrong before..." Song Jueming spoke in a hoarse voice.

"You must have read it wrong." Zhao Song said from the side, standing by the tent door observing the red cloud in the sky, and said without looking back, "I have seen the blood cloud you mentioned before, and it was six years ago. When I was on a mission in Inner Mongolia, the sky was filled with the blood clouds you mentioned, but now this one is obviously not, don't you think the light it emits looks like fire?"


Hearing this, Song Jueming hurriedly got up and walked forward, and took a few more careful glances at the sky.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the red cloud in the sky had undergone some changes, the light from its body had become much dimmer, and those red lights were no longer coming from all directions, but from cracks in the cloud layer. ... Like charcoal or paper that is about to burn out, the countless interconnected and intersecting cracks are like some unknown mysterious lines, flashing an ominous red light from time to time.

"There seems to be something falling down there. Is it raining?" Zhao Song squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. He seemed to be unable to see clearly at the end, so he asked someone to bring a telescope.

But before he could look at it, Fatty Huo took it away...

It has to be said that the telescope prepared inside the Bureau of Secrets is much stronger than ordinary ones. Even in the middle of the night when the brightness is extremely unsatisfactory, it can still clearly see everything that is happening in the sky.

While the clouds were wriggling and churning, Fatty Huo saw many unexpected things.

That's snow.

black snow.

They carried the light of fire, like burning embers, scattered to the ground overwhelmingly.

"Director! The headquarters has sent a message!"

At this time, a liaison officer suddenly ran in from outside the tent, perhaps because he was too anxious to pay attention to the road, and almost bumped into Fatty Huo when he rushed in the door.

"A message from the headquarters?" Fatty Huo frowned, seemingly puzzled, "I remember that we haven't asked the headquarters for help yet? Why did they send the message?"

"It's not about this!" The liaison officer was sweating profusely, and he was so nervous that he couldn't speak fluently, "The headquarters said that the rating of this case is too low, and it has exceeded the category of high-level cases. They have already raised this case to special level. I also asked if you need support from the headquarters!"