The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 88: Gold does not call


In Chengnanfang District, several black jeeps with foreign license plates were parked outside the temporary tent set up by the sub-bureau. Among them, the license plate of the leading jeep parked on the side of the road was even more eye-catching. The identity of the person coming by the car is extraordinary.

On the folding conference table in the tent, Fatty Huo was smoking a cigarette in silence, next to him sat Zhao Song and Song Jueming who were also silent, and Tu Sen was sitting in the shadow far away, smoking a cigarette and saying nothing .

"If you can't solve this matter, then our provincial bureau will solve it." A man in a coat was sitting on the main seat, flipping through the materials in his hands, and he spoke with a shockingly relaxed tone without raising his head. , it seems that he didn't take this case seriously at all, and he didn't pay attention to the people present, "I knew that the establishment of a branch office at the headquarters was a superfluous move, and I didn't expect it to be fulfilled so soon."

"It's inappropriate to say such things at this juncture... Director Jin, isn't it a bit inappropriate?" Fatty Huo suppressed his emotions as much as possible, and tried his best to make his tone more harmonious and friendly, "Our people are still inside I'm working hard, I can't tell when I'll be back, isn't it too urgent to bombard this place now?"

In the eyes of Fatty Huo, Director Jin, who deserved to be hacked into pieces, had an extraordinary identity.

His surname is Jin, and his real name is Jin Buhuan. He is the main leader of the provincial branch of the Ninth Secret Bureau.

From a certain point of view, he is the immediate boss of all members of the Secret Keeping Bureau in the province, so no matter how violent Fatty Huo is, he dare not mess around in front of him at this moment.

Although Jin Buhuan's age is similar to him, this status and position... is indeed a gap that cannot be easily crossed.

"Which one of you can guarantee that this anomaly will not spread?" Jin Buhuan said, flipping through the summary of information collected and compiled by the branch members, with a smile on his face, "If this disaster is not stopped by us in time , spread out from the south of Ningchuan City, and by then...who of you will be able to take this responsibility when the trouble becomes serious?"

Hearing this, everyone present fell into silence.

Fatty Huo was silent while smoking a cigarette.

Zhao Song and Song Jueming frowned tightly, as if they were thinking about the same thing, their eyes were fixed on Fatty Huo's back, and the expression in their eyes was very complicated.

Everyone is well aware of how tricky this strange case is, and they can also imagine what kind of disaster it will eventually lead to if this abnormal phenomenon spreads this time, but... the regulations of the Bureau of Secrets are not like this!

As long as there are people at the scene of the crime desperately.

As long as the situation does not reach the most critical moment.

Excessive action of any kind is absolutely not allowed.

The Bureau of Secrets is not a place that likes to talk about human touch, but this regulation is full of human touch. Although sometimes it seems that this rule is not so rational, it is just that irrationality is part of human nature. No, I'm afraid I really can't keep people.

"That's not how things are done." Fatty Huo opened his mouth with a gloomy face, "The conditions are not allowed, and the rules are not allowed, or is it that Director Jin has received orders from his superiors and is ready to implement the last resort?"

Hearing this, Jin Buhuo paused for a moment while flipping through the documents. He raised his head and looked at Fatty Huo, as if he didn't expect that the fatty would dare to contradict himself at this time.

"According to your information, a large part of the threat of this strange case is caused by some kind of virus. Although we can't be sure what it is, let's assume it's a virus..." Jin Buhuan smiled, and from his pocket He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one for himself, then gave out a circle of cigarettes enthusiastically, but no one answered them.

It has to be said that no ordinary person can be the leader of the provincial branch, such as Jin Buhuan at this moment.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, even if they don't turn against Fatty Huo and the others, they will at least be too embarrassed to speak, but this is not the case with Jin Buhuan. It will be this kind of reaction, so I have expected it to be so.

"Abnormal viruses are far more difficult to deal with than abnormal lives. You are members of the Bureau of Secrets, and you should know this." Jin Buhuo smoked slowly, and the expression on his face became serious, "Now we can't find them on corpses A virus, but it does not mean that this thing does not exist, judging from the information you gave me, this thing should be highly contagious."

"It's highly contagious, but it doesn't mean it's a virus." The chief of the investigation section, Song Jueming, opened his mouth. While speaking, he stared at Jin Buhuan, as if he was very wary of this superior. "After our preliminary analysis, this is very serious. It might be a spell, but I can't be sure what kind of spell it is."

"A highly contagious spell is equivalent to a virus." Jin Buhuan shook the soot, and did not follow Song Jueming's words, "This year, the virus classification given by the Scientific Research Department is one more than before. You should have heard of it, right? Particle virus."

Particle virus is a new type... No, it should have appeared a long time ago. It is a virus that has been vaguely classified. In layman's terms, this virus uses particle energy as a carrier to spread and spread. Yin and yang and two qi (referring to common yin and yang particles), they are the most common particle virus carriers.

This kind of virus has a characteristic that they cannot be infectious without particle energy, and even they will die in a short period of time and cannot continue to survive. From a certain point of view, they are completely dependent on particle energy. Parasites, without particle energy as a nutrient supply, they will "die".

Yin and yang are very important to people, but this virus is equally important, so they are also considered to be very active by the Scientific Research Department of the Secret Bureau, and they are likely to be a type of living virus.

A total of 217 particle viruses have been discovered and archived so far, of which 210 particle viruses were created by religious people using metaphysical methods, such as the common descending technique in the industry, etc. It can be seen from this point , Most of these viruses are man-made.

According to the level of danger classified by the Bureau of Secrets, although particle viruses are highly lethal, it is undeniable that a large part of them have shortcomings, and this shortcoming is the so-called infectivity.

The infection of most particle viruses is mainly based on individual-to-individual infection. If multiple people come into contact with the virus body at the same time, the possibility of being infected together is very low, because most of these viruses are "targeted." ".

"It's not Gu, it's not Jiang, and it's not something from witchcraft." Song Jueming said word by word, with resistance written all over his sloppy face, "Without systematic testing and research, you can do whatever you want Is it a bit too much to characterize it?"

"Aren't you going too far?" Jin Buhuan looked at Song Jueming amusedly, "You haven't seen how contagious this particle virus is, and you have to argue with me at this juncture, don't you?"

Song Jueming smiled and did not speak.

"People are still inside." Fatty Huo mentioned this, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy, "If there are no people from us in the housing area, then you can do whatever you want, but now that there are, you can't mess around."

"According to the rules and regulations of the Bureau of Secrets, under the premise of the emergence of a highly contagious virus, all drastic measures to prevent the spread of the virus are allowed." Jin Buhuan said, his face also slowly lost his smile, then For the first time, dissatisfaction appeared in the pair of slender eyes, as if he had reached the limit of his patience, "After receiving the information about this case, the headquarters directly transferred me from the Provincial Headquarters to be the first person in charge. Now here I am Responsible, your people are also controlled by me... "

Jin Buhuan has a good attitude and can endure, but it doesn't mean he has no temper.

Fatty Huo and the others repeatedly refused to execute the order, which would inevitably make Jin Buhuan angry, because from the perspective of his position, Jin Buhuan felt that they had no right to refuse him.

"What I say, what you do, that's enough."

Jin Buhuo leaned back on the chair slowly as he spoke, his tone of voice gave people a great sense of oppression, and everyone present could feel the sense of threat in every word.

"Since you want to do things according to the rules, then go through the process according to the rules." Fatty Huo lit a cigarette for himself again, and he was only wary of Jin Buhuan, and he was not afraid. "Go to the scientific research department to get a certificate. Submit it to the Armed Forces Department of the General Administration for review."

Hearing what Fatty Huo said about kicking the ball, Jin Buhuan felt a bit of a headache.

"As for?" Jin Buhuo asked.

"As for." Fatty Huo nodded.

Jin Buhuan frowned tightly. Although his position in the Bureau of Keeping Secrets is higher than that of Huo Fatty, he can be said to be the highest leader in Henan Province, but no matter how high his position is, he must follow the rules. Press Huo Fatty, if you don't stab him out, you will be fine. Once you are stabbed to the headquarters... Jin Buhuan will also be in trouble!

The Bureau of Keeping Secrets is not an ordinary department, and the internal management is extremely strict. Even Jin Buhuan, the director of the Bureau of Southern Henan Province, still needs to be wary of those rules and regulations.

"Who is the person inside?" Jin Buhuan had a puzzled expression on his face, "Is it your relative or your brother? Why are you standing against me like this? After all, I am doing it for the good of everyone. If the virus contagious..."

"Don't worry, there are people from our sub-bureau watching from all directions. The transmission route of that kind of thing is physical contact, which is not as dangerous as you think."

Fatty Huo also knew that Jin Buhuan took a step back, so he offered him a cigarette, and the expression on his face eased a little.

"The person inside is Chen Xian, the Chief of the Detective Section of our branch."

Hearing this name, Jin Buhuan's expression froze obviously, and his eyes suddenly became suspicious.

"It's him?"