The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 92: Miracles in the water


Chen Xian hadn't felt the feeling of being enveloped by the breath of death for many years. After being punched by the yellow scarf wrestler, Chen Xian's chest was deformed and sunken from the waist... It was like a A plastic product that was squeezed hard by people, his body lost the normal outline of a human in an instant. Compared with a human, at this moment, he looked more like a deformed and twisted monster, like a man struggling to maintain a clear consciousness. , Continue to gnaw at the monster of the old man.

At this moment, Chen Xian's thoughts are very simple, even if I want to die, I will drag you to be buried with me!

What's more... Chen Xian might not necessarily die, he thought about this very clearly, so he dared to seize this one-on-one opportunity and try his best to deal with it.

If the abnormal life is ranked among the categories, then the abnormal life that Chen Xian hates the most is the existence of those human figures, and the more the target looks like a living person, the more he hates it, because he knows how much he has. When he was alive, if all combat methods were ineffective, then his last choice must be to eat the opponent.

Although Chen Xian is not a picky eater, he still has some requirements for the form of food. After all, he is still a normal person, not the kind of pervert who suffers from cannibalism. Things... He was still very resistant in his heart.

But it is bound to be strong, and many times he has to continue to do it even if he resists, because he doesn't have so many choices.

"The heart rate has slowed down..." When Chen Xian bit the old man's body in the black water, he also quietly observed the changes in it. When the neck was almost broken, the old man's self-healing ability continued It is running, but the speed of self-healing has obviously slowed down a lot, and the strength of the struggle has also been reduced by at least 50%.

It seems that doing so is still useful.

Chen Xian breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to do what he should do.

Under the black water, Chen Xian can get some comfort, because this place is different from the shore, although it is all dark, the visibility here is lower than that on the shore, even if Chen Xian has the ability to see things in the dark, he can't see things close at hand The old man, he completely controlled his "attack" direction by relying on his sense of touch.

The pool was deeper than Chen Xian imagined, about three to four meters long. As it gradually sank, Chen Xian gradually realized that his analysis seemed to be correct. The black liquid in the pool was probably mentally ill. The kind of nutrient solution that appeared in the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the water, he felt the familiar sense of belonging. Even if the water temperature here was bitingly cold, he would still feel an inexplicable warmth, as if he had returned to his own home. During this time, this strange feeling was constantly tearing at Chen Xian's nerves, causing him to involuntarily stop all attacks, and his consciousness gradually became blurred...


Lu Yisheng was already dumbfounded. He stood there with dull eyes, holding the half-crippled wooden man in his arms, completely unaware of what he was doing here.

Did I read it right just now

Boss let that monster fly away with a punch? !

"Damn it!" Lu Yisheng woke up from his sluggish state at this moment, couldn't help but exclaimed, his pale face turned red from being too excited, "Where did this monster come from? !"

Mu He also stood beside Lu Yisheng in a daze. After seeing Chen Xian being punched into the pool by a monster, a look that had never appeared in her eyes faintly flashed.

That's anger.

Before Lu Yisheng could stop it, Mu He had already run out at an incomprehensible speed, and it took almost two seconds to reach the yellow scarf wrestler who was tens of meters away, acting like a child fighting. He raised his hand and punched the yellow scarf warrior on the knee.


There was only a loud noise, like a giant hammer ramming earth from a construction site hitting the ground, and a deep pit was instantly sunken in the knee of the yellow turban wrestler. hair pungent.

"Sister-in-law! Don't be impulsive!" Lu Yisheng almost covered his face and screamed. He didn't dare to think too much, and ran towards Muhe, for fear that she would be hammered to death by the yellow turban wrestler.

Facts have proved that his worry is not unreasonable. Although the yellow turban warrior has temporarily escaped the control of the old man, it has become more dangerous. It has a certain ability to think for itself, as if it has really become a creature that can exist independently It's not a puppet. After being attacked, its first reaction is to fight back!


This loud noise was louder than Mu He's attack, and even the ground trembled with the punch.

At this moment, the yellow turban wrestler is like a gorilla who has been provoked to anger. Like a heavy hammer beating a drum, he keeps waving his arms and hitting the ground indiscriminately. His fists seem to have turned into drumsticks, chasing wood He's figure, and the bang, bang, bang, shook the sky, and even Lu Yisheng, who rushed over, couldn't stand still, and felt that it was no different from an earthquake now.

Perhaps because of the complete loss of control, the yellow turban wrestler became more and more like a wild beast that had escaped its shackles. While slamming the ground, it kept making deafening roars. That strange sound was like a roar of a human and a howl of a tiger. , The stench and pungent gas also began to spit out from its mouth one after another, quickly spreading in the cave.

That gas seemed to be harmful to people. Lu Yisheng felt dizzy when he smelled it. He reacted so strongly to this strong and irritating special gas that he had to put on the breathing mask he had just removed.

Compared with Lu Yisheng, Mu He's reaction was better, but only better. Although she did not cough violently like Lu Yisheng, when she smelled the irritating gas in the air, The speed of her movement was indeed a little slower, and she couldn't help raising a hand to cover her nose.


The yellow turban wrestler punched down again, and a huge deep pit instantly appeared on the ground. Mu He seemed to be affected by the air wave caused by the yellow turban wrestler hitting the ground. He shook his body a little, and his pace slowed down accordingly. step.

At this step, the yellow turban wrestler instinctively seized the opportunity, raised his thick arm and punched it down, hitting Mu He's feet impartially, the huge impact caused Mu He to fly uncontrollably. After going out, he landed in a pile of rocks in the corner of the burrow in a state of embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yisheng grabbed the wooden man in his arms and was about to throw it to the rescue, but he never thought that the wooden man was also afraid of death. It seemed to feel how terrible the yellow scarf wrestler was, and before Lu Yisheng threw himself out, It hugged Lu Yisheng's arm with its backhand, and its little head buzzed wildly to express its rejection.

"You timid grandson! You won't die if I don't die! Hurry up!" Lu Yisheng couldn't help cursing.

The wooden man was still shaking his head frantically, not listening to Lu Yisheng's persuasion at all.

"Then I'll do it myself!" Lu Yisheng gritted his teeth and said, although he was full of fear of the yellow turban wrestler, he finally lifted his feet and ran towards Muhe, avoiding the yellow turban wrestler as much as possible.

Although Lu Yisheng often gives people a feeling of being unreliable, only those who are familiar with his character will know that he is not a person who likes to owe favors, not to mention that Mu He only saved him before, which is beyond the limits of human favors. The category is completely kind, like this kind of great kindness, even if it is death, you have to pay it back!

Watching Muhe being killed by a yellow turban warrior

For a machismo like Lu Yisheng who is obliged to repay his kindness, he absolutely cannot do this kind of thing, even if he loses his life because of it...he can't do it!

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, the yellow turban Lishi stopped walking towards Mu He, and looked back instinctively.

The first thing it saw was Lu Yisheng who was approaching him.

The second thing it saw... was a huge vortex that appeared out of nowhere in the pool.

The center of the pool sank without warning, and a huge spiral-shaped vortex formed there silently, and the black liquid in the pool also began to tumbling and surging crazily, as if they were all attracted by the vortex In the past, accompanied by the sound of rushing water, a miniature waterspout even gathered on the surface of the pool.

This kind of vision was not only seen by the yellow scarf warrior, but also inevitably fell into the eyes of Lu Yisheng.

"Could it be..."

Lu Yisheng stared at the center of the waterspout, his bloodshot eyes widened and his voice trembled uncontrollably, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"The boss is not dead?"