The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 93: The long knife is broken


Under the dark and gloomy black water, Chen Xian is like a ghost floating in the void, his whole body is strangely suspended in the center of the vortex, even though the undercurrent is surging under the water, his body still maintains a certain subtlety. The balance of the body neither floats nor sinks, nor does it drift with the current, as if it has become an existence isolated from this space.

His slackened consciousness was like chaos, as if he had entered some kind of coma... No, it should be some kind of deep sleep that made him feel extremely comfortable. The last time this feeling appeared was in the nutrition cabin of the mental hospital, that short " "Sleep" made him extremely satisfied and full of aftertaste.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is willing to sleep peacefully like this for the rest of his life.

In the not-so-broad pool, Chen Xian was like the biggest whirlpool. Countless black liquids frantically gathered in his direction. The moment they touched him, they would be absorbed by his skin and enter his body again. As if it was newborn blood, it was constantly flowing and circulating in his body...

If he was in a waking state, at this moment he would definitely find that his body was undergoing some kind of change, or...evolution, just like the limbs and bones that had been hungry for many years were constantly devouring this black liquid, and the hundreds of millions of cells in his body were also swallowing this black liquid. Carrying out an indescribable transformation, that strange change seemed to be turning him into another life.

"I can't see anyone..." Lu Yisheng stood far away from the pool and looked towards the whirlpool, his eyes were nervous and disturbed.

At first, Lu Yisheng thought that Chen Xian was going to come out of the water, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, he still didn't see Chen Xian's shadow. He only saw that the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and the black liquid in the pool was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Disappeared, the speed at which the water level dropped made him feel like someone had opened the drain valve of the pool.

The water level in the pool is dropping almost every second, sometimes even several centimeters in a second!

What exactly is going on

Lu Yisheng was puzzled. Although he couldn't figure out whether the sudden vision was dangerous or safe, the uncontrollable uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

That is the inherent ability of all living beings, and it can be regarded as a kind of instinct to predict danger.

Lu Yisheng is a stranger, and this instinct is stronger than that of ordinary people, so the feedback from his sixth sense gradually made him feel creepy.

Although this pool of black water shields all underwater things, making it impossible to see the bottom at a glance, Lu Yisheng can feel that there should be some extremely dangerous existence hidden under the water.

Like a demon in myths and legends, or some kind of more terrifying unknown life form...

The vitality that is so powerful that it cannot be described in words is constantly clearly coming out from under the pool.

In Lu Yisheng's eyes, the black pool at this moment has become like a dark abyss at the bottom of the sea, extremely cold and oppressive, but he can't see the bottom at a glance, and can only vaguely feel the existence that lives in the abyss.

Is that the boss

Lu Yisheng was very contradictory. He instinctively felt that the living body was not Chen Xian, because he had met Chen Xian many times in reality. He knew that Chen Xian was powerful, but he could never be so strong... Although he thought so , His reason is also telling him that the underwater creature will not be Chen Xian, but it is undeniable that he still has a lot of hope in his heart.

If the unknown existence underwater is not Chen Xian but something else, the reality may become worse, because judging from that terrifying life force, its threat level will definitely not be weaker than this giant carrion, or even more powerful!

At this moment, Mu He has crawled out of the pile of rocks. She is covered in dirt and dust. She looks extremely embarrassed, but she has no scars on her body. It is impossible to tell that she was hit by the yellow scarf just before. Fly out too.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Mu He's body function is strong enough to compete with the Yellow Turban Wrestlers.

The punch that sent her flying before didn't really hit her. The main culprit for sending her flying was the shock wave caused by the fist after it hit the ground. Chen Xian's footsteps.

"Run! Don't fight with it!" Lu Yisheng saw that Mu He didn't run away after crawling out of the rubble, but was still walking towards the Yellow Turban Lishi recklessly, and shouted hastily, "We are not its opponent. ! Retreat first!"

Mu He couldn't hear what Lu Yisheng said, maybe she heard it too, but she couldn't listen.

All she could hear was Chen Xian's words.

This should be the second time Chen Xian was injured in front of her eyes.

The first time was when Xu Sanhan came to the house to "kill" Chen Xian, and she saw Chen Xian's "corpse".

She still can't forget the feeling in her heart at that time.

It was a kind of despair that had never been seen before, as if the heart was crushed alive, and it seemed that the soul that had been put together with great difficulty was torn apart again. The bloody pain made her dare not recall the memory of that day. She can only selectively forget the picture as much as possible, and bury what happened that night in the deepest part of her memory.

During this period of time, with Chen Xian's company, she lived happily every day. Even though Chen Xian often scolded her and called her fierce, she still felt that Chen Xian was a very good person.

Right, good man

That's what it says on TV.

After leaving the mental hospital, she entered this world with Chen Xian's company. Although this world was very strange to her and made her feel alienated from this world, but with Chen Xian's company... she felt very at ease .

Mu He is not as curious about the world as Chen Xian imagined.

She is only curious about the world where Chen Xian exists.

When Chen Xian left her sight, she would often subconsciously look for him, until she saw Chen Xian again, she would explore this strange world with peace of mind and curiosity.

Every time Chen Xian asked her to be left alone, she acted like a child who was sensible but did not dare to reveal her true thoughts. People silently bear the fear of this unknown world.

If possible, Mu He wished she could cling to Chen Xian every minute. Only when Chen Xian was by her side would she feel safe and her world was complete.

Even if she still can't fully understand the meaning of "world".

Mu He is really stupid, if Chen Xian is still here, he will definitely feel that her IQ needs to be improved.

From what happened to Xu Sanhan, it can be seen that it is impossible for Chen Xian to die, at least it is difficult to die, but Mu He can't think of that much... At this moment, she is just a humanoid runaway machine controlled by despair.

She can't think of anything.

She just wanted the monster to die.

"Don't be impulsive! Come back!"

Amid Lu Yisheng's anxious shouts, Mu He deftly dodged the yellow turban wrestler's fists, and seized the opportunity with her gifted fighting instinct. At the moment when the yellow turban wrestler raised her hand to attack again, she succeeded. Going around behind the yellow turban wrestler and leaping high, a heavy punch hit the yellow turban wrestler on the back of the head.


There was a loud bang, like the beating of war drums.

At the same time that Mu He's phalanx deformed slightly, the back of Huangjin Lishi's head also sank into a big pit, and unknown yellow-green liquid kept gushing out of this wound like a floodgate, and even the liquid that flowed together With the vitality of a yellow turban wrestler...

But this wound looks terrible, but it is not enough to kill the Yellow Turban Warrior, because it shows more fighting power after the injury than before, and it is more desperate.

Accompanied by the screaming and frightening roar of the yellow turban wrestler, those thick and terrifying arms turned into long-armed pendulums for siege, and they kept waving them crazily, as if they wanted to hammer the person who attacked him into a pulp !

Mu He also instinctively dodges, but she is not a superman after all, and her body function is barely equal to that of Chen Xian. It is really impossible to completely avoid the attack of the yellow scarf warrior.

After dodging with all his strength, the yellow turban wrestler still rubbed against Mu He's right arm and hammered it. The gust of wind was like an invisible siege hammer, sweeping Mu He directly and throwing her far away. She landed in a pile of fluorite shining with faint green light in the corner of the crypt.

After landing, Mu He could no longer stand up.

The gust of wind broke her right arm bones almost instantly, causing her right arm to appear too twisted and deformed due to the fracture.

Every time Mu He struggled to get up, there would be a unique rubbing sound of broken bones in her arms, as if the muscles were also torn by the strong wind without knowing it, and the whole arm became swollen, which made people feel uncomfortable. It looked creepy.

"Chen Xian..." There was a smear of scarlet blood on the corner of Mu He's mouth, but she didn't seem to feel the pain, the persistence and despair in her eyes never faded, and she murmured with red eyes, "Go home... I... Want to go home... Let's go together..."

At this time, the Yellow Turban Lishi was like a giant beast caught in a rage, and ran towards Mu He crazily, and Lu Yisheng ran this way regardless, he didn't even care about his fear , just want to save Muhe before the Yellow Turban Lishi arrives.

But the reality is extremely cruel.

The movement speed of the yellow turban wrestler is definitely not proportional to its size. It moved in front of Mu He almost instantly, and then stretched out its giant hand full of carrion, like grabbing a broken doll. Mu He, who was covered in bruises, lifted her up from the ground.


Lu Yisheng roared furiously. While running, he also quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and frantically poured bullets at the head of the yellow turban wrestler, hoping to distract the yellow turban wrestler's attention, but he didn't expect that The yellow turban warrior's focus on the "enemy" is far beyond his imagination.

The yellow turban wrestler seemed to be hungry, and the Muhe in front of him was its food.


Amidst Lu Yisheng's desperate roar, Huangjin Lishi held the thin Muhe in front of him, and then slowly opened his bloody mouth...

"you wanna die."

At this time, a familiar voice interrupted the movement of the yellow turban warrior, but before the yellow turban warrior turned back, a long knife extending like a giant ax came directly through the air with a scream that tore through the air. Unbiased and deeply chopped into the arm of the yellow turban warrior.

for a moment.

The long knife fell to the ground, and the arm broke.

Amidst the shrill and painful screams of the yellow turban wrestler, Mu He also fell from the air, but before she fell to the ground, a black shadow flashed and gently caught her thin and thin body .

Chen Xian was holding the bruised Muhe in his arms, and he didn't care that the yellow scarf wrestler who was close at hand had already raised his fist. His calm eyes still couldn't see any emotional fluctuations, but judging from the bloodshot eyes that kept emerging , he seemed to be deliberately suppressing something.

At the same time, the meat saw knife that fell to the side also seemed to sense the change in the owner's mood, trembling crazily as if it had come to life, and the piece of rotten flesh that had disappeared for a long time on the back of the knife reappeared, and it continued to flow out. Bloody fluids of uneasiness, those fluids...

like blood.