The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 101: ①⑩①Play around


He didn't tell anyone about Fu Yanjun drinking the sterilization pill.

If Su Qiaorong found out, she would definitely blame herself. He didn't think it was necessary, and he didn't do it for people to see.

When he secretly went to see his wife and unborn child the next night, he just said lightly that no one in the harem would be pregnant again. This child, male or female, will be his last.

It is also his favorite. But he didn't say that, after all, Su Qiaorong also likes Qingxi and Qiuqiu very much.

Su Qiaorong was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask any further questions, thinking that the emperor used other methods to interfere with the concubine's conception. Maybe it's the birth control pill, maybe it's the sterilization pill.

People in this era would not easily doubt a man's ability. Even if a man marries N concubines and has no children, they will not think that there is a problem with the man's body.

Or, just push the blame on women, saying that wives and concubines are fighting each other and framing each other. In other words, the main wife is jealous, and if she can't give birth to herself, she won't let others live.

Or, it is a man who is destined to be childless, which is a pity.

In short, if a woman cannot give birth, she is a hen that does not lay eggs, and if a man does not give birth, her life is bad.

They don't think there is something wrong with the man's body, and subconsciously ignore this possibility. This is true for outsiders, especially for women in the backyard.

They refuse to believe that their husbands are infertile, and they lie to themselves or others, or they never think about the possibility. In short, the emperor will not reveal his secrets by doing this, and the sterilization medicine is not a medicine that people will not use.

In the future, the harem will still be favored, but it is impossible to have children.

If there is, it is really a green grassland above the head.

Seeing that Su Qiaorong didn't ask any more questions, Fu Yanjun quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Coaxed my daughter-in-law to eat more, and then accompanied her for a walk in the yard.

Su Qiaorong's body is a little weak, and she is a little too old for pregnancy. If you don't take care of it carefully, this baby will definitely be dystocia.

The experienced nanny said that by walking around more often, she will have more strength and less danger during childbirth. Fu Yanjun immediately paid attention to it, and asked Su Qiaorong to walk around twice a day, and the surrounding palace people had to watch her, not allowing her to be lazy.

Su Qiaorong is very helpless, she is not a child, would she still be lazy

However, her husband cared about her and the children, and she was very useful.

Strictly speaking, this is the first baby that Fu Yanjun has personally accompanied since pregnancy.

When Qingxi was born, she was still at the stage of seizing the heir apparent. Although Fu Yanjun usually seemed to be playing around and not doing business, he was actually very busy. I don't have time to accompany the pregnant Mrs. Wan, so I can only take the time to visit and stay outside during the delivery.

Later, Qiuqiu stayed outside the palace all the time, and Shen Yuqing inside the palace clearly had a fake pregnancy, even if he was with her, it was just a fake pregnancy. Not to mention An Jieyu's baby, Fu Yanjun knew from the very beginning that it was a stillborn baby with a deformity.

Then there is the child concubine Xian concubine has exhausted all her efforts to calculate. The emperor doesn't want to see him, so naturally he won't accompany him.

After counting and counting, there are only a few times, and I have never cared as much as this time. His Majesty the Emperor left Su Qiaorong's yard, and he still misses his wife all the time in other places. I don't know if Su Qiaorong has a good meal and rest, and I don't know how cute the child will be after it is born.

The sun was too high today, so Shen Yuqing didn't go out, and gave her daughter a day off, fearing that she might suffer from heatstroke from practicing kung fu. She and the Queen Empress sat next to Qingxi and taught her how to draw, and the other sat beside Qiuqiu and played with Qiuqiu building blocks.

His Majesty the Emperor used the excuse of visiting his son and his concubine, so he stuck to Shen Yuqing's place and refused to leave. As a result, as soon as he came over, after playing with his son for a while, he started to be in a daze, thinking about his unborn baby and his mother Bao.

Shen Yuqing held her daughter's hand and drew a little butterfly. When she looked up, she saw that this guy was distracted, with a dreamy smile on his face. Short for short, giggle.

Suddenly disgusted: "Wipe your saliva, if you miss your wife, go to accompany your mother."

Is this man stupid? Never thought of such a good excuse.

Su Qiaorong and the Queen Mother live in the same courtyard, and if the courtyard door is closed, who knows if the emperor went in to see the Queen Mother or Concubine Yan

People in love are fools. It's been a long time, and I didn't even think of such an obvious excuse.

Concubine Shen awakened the dreamer, and His Majesty the Emperor immediately stood up: "You are right, I haven't seen my mother for a long time."

As soon as he said that, he walked out without looking back.

"..." Shen Yuqing was speechless for a while, then turned to look at her daughter, "Look at your father, you are so stupid."

Qingxi asked obediently: "What is Bulaji?"

Concubine Shen was expressionless: "Has your butterfly learned it?"

Qingxi immediately shut up, lowered her head obediently and continued drawing butterflies.

The Empress pursed her lips and chuckled, holding Xiao Qiuqiu's hand to put the last block on it. Looking at the colorful building blocks, Qiuqiu clapped his hands happily.

"Is Qiuqiu so happy?" Fu Qiushui kissed his chubby face, "So cute."

Qiuqiu happily yelled "Mother", and then pushed the building block house down with a push. After the pushing, the little boy didn't stop, he took Fu Qiushui's hand and pretended to ask her to make another one.

"Hey, why does this child deserve to be beaten so much?" A crisp voice came from the window, Fu Qiushui looked over, and saw Princess Qixue lying by the window, looking at her eldest nephew with a smile.

Qiuqiu ignored her, she scolded Qiuqiu.

Shen Yuqing was happy when she saw her, and waved to her sister-in-law. Sure enough, Qi Xue ran in in a hurry, and obediently called out: "Little Huangsao!"

That obedient appearance really resembles Qingxi's, everyone says that her niece looks like her aunt, and it really is.

Concubine Shen got up to give her the seat, and Qixue was pressed down by her without knowing why, not knowing what to do.

"Little sister-in-law?"

Just after asking, a hand was stuffed into her hand, it was Qingxi's claw.

Qi Xue lowered her head, staring at her eldest niece.

"Little aunt!" Qingxi called out crisply.

"Hey!" Qi Xue immediately bent her eyebrows with a smile, as expected her niece is the cutest.

At this moment, Qixue selectively forgot the terrible experience of being tricked into eating dark pastries by the little devil Qingxi last time.

Shen Yuqing smiled slightly: "Qixue, your niece is learning to draw, you can teach her."

"Okay!" Qi Xue foolishly agreed.

Just agreed, completely stupid.

Wait, when will she be able to draw

Qingxi showed a pure smile: "Then trouble little aunt!"

If the concubine mother doesn't stare at her, she can draw and make trouble!

Qi Xue opened her mouth, and realized that she didn't know how to save herself. Watching helplessly, the little sister-in-law ran to the side of the sister-in-law to play with her son. And she had to deal with the little devil's niece.

When the big devil meets the little devil, the result will naturally not be much better. One of the two people can't draw and has to work hard to teach, and the other just wants to draw blindly and refuses to study hard. After tossing and tossing, a piece of white paper was messed up by them.

With the last elbow, he knocked over the inkstone on the table, and the black ink spilled all over his body.

Qingxi's eyes lit up, as if she had suddenly discovered a new continent.

Qi Xue thought it was bad, but before she could make amends, her niece had already overturned the rest of the color ink palette, tossing both of their clothes into colorful colors.

"!!!" Qixue swore that the next time she sees a brat, she must beat him to death indiscriminately.

The two empresses who heard the movement looked over and found two tabby cats playing with ink.

Qingxi's little hands were stained with ink, and she cheerfully began to play with the clean spot on her aunt's clothes that survived the disaster and press her paw prints. Qixue blocked left and right, but she couldn't catch a child.

When she managed to grab Qingxi's two lotus arms, two slap marks were printed on her face.

Qi Xue was going crazy, it was the first time she realized what a terrifying creature Xiongzi was. At this moment, she finally realized how broken the hearts of the people she had tormented before.

It's really one thing and one thing.

Qixue took a deep breath, and decided to educate her niece: "Qingxi, it's wrong for you to be like this... right..."

On the exposed calf, something lightly touched it. Qi Xue froze for a moment, feeling a little itchy, and paused in the middle of her words.

She looked down and found that a snow-white kitten was leisurely raising its paw, leaving another small paw print on her calf.

Seemingly realizing that someone was watching him, the lord raised his head and gave Qixue a "meow". The small appearance should be as cute as it is, and the milk voice is also very cute.

Qixue's gaze wandered for a moment, and she found the inkstone and palette that had been overturned beside the adults. After printing two paws, the adult found that the color printed was not strong enough. It pressed the claws into the palette again, and printed again.

Qixue: "..." As a cat, how can you have such a high IQ!

Seeing that the storm was about to spread to her master, Shen Yuqing immediately floated over with ease and took the kitten away. As for the aunt and nephew, let's continue to toss.

In just a short while, Qingxi took the opportunity to break free from Qixue's restraint, and made handprints on Qixue's body again.

Qi Xue's attention was immediately attracted, she gritted her teeth, bent down and flicked her hand into the inkstone on the ground, and began to fight back at Qingxi.

The aunt and nephew were having fun, so Shen Yuqing didn't bother them anymore. I didn't call them after the meal time, and took my son and daughter-in-law to have dinner.

When Qingxi's stomach growled, the two stopped panting, realizing that they had been arguing for too long.

Concubine Shen Gui came in slowly after eating, with her hands behind her back, and took a look: "Yo? Have you played enough? Go eat, I left some leftovers for you."

The two proud girls who have never eaten leftovers in this life: "..."

It is not vague to say it is leftovers. There are not many dishes on the table, and the two empresses both advocate thrift and don't waste. So they usually eat less than ten kinds of dishes, each of which is very small, just a few chopsticks.

The two people saw these little leftovers, but they didn't dare to express their opinions. I went to the house to wash and change clothes, and after cleaning myself up, I hurried over to eat.

But when I arrived, I found that the leftovers on the table had been replaced with untouched ones. Concubine Shen was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, at least she didn't really give them leftovers.

Qingxi didn't talk nonsense, she sat down, picked up her chopsticks and started eating. Seeing this, Qi Xue immediately sat down, like a child, as if she wanted to compare with Qing Xi, eating faster.

Qingxi glared at her and speeded up.

The two naive ghosts competed with each other for eating speed, and quickly finished their meals. Then, Qingxi had a stomachache and Qixue choked.

The palace people turned their backs on their backs immediately, those who invited imperial physicians invited imperial physicians, and those who handed water handed water. It took a long time to serve the two masters well, and I felt like I was going to collapse.

After the two returned to the previous room, they were greeted by Concubine Shen's merciless ridicule.

The childish ghosts dared not speak out, nor did they dare to stare at Concubine Shen Gui. I can only stare at the innocent and silly little Qiuqiu, but it is a pity that Qiuqiu has a wide heart and a fat body, so it is not affected at all.

"Our Qiuqiu is really cute." The imperial concubine hugged her son and squeezed his paws, "You have a good mentality, and you must be great when you grow up."

What responded to her was Qiuqiu's cute smile and the hair that was pulled down by Qiuqiu.

Concubine Shen: "..."

This baby is born with great strength, and if he grabs his hair, don't try to pull it back before he gets tired of playing with it. You can only endure the pain of pulling your scalp, after all, you can't reason with an eight-month-old baby.

If the empress's hair was pulled, Empress Fu might have endured it. But is Concubine Shen a tolerant person? she won't.

So she slapped the fat claw, completely ignoring Qiuqiu's red paw, and said coldly, "Let go."

Qiuqiu was hurt by the slap, and he let go of his hand in aggrieved manner, with water in his eyes. But this kid can only fake cry, not real tears.

Concubine Shen was unmoved, and continued to educate him: "What's wrong? You are not allowed to grab people's hair. Next time I see you doing something bad, try it."

Although the child is still young, he must be well educated. He doesn't understand the reason now, but at least he is afraid of pain. Some things can’t be done just can’t be done, and it’s not necessary to start teaching from being sensible.

Some children are very obedient at the age of three, and some children's families think that they know something at the age of three, so they let him make a fuss, spoil him, and let him toss. As a result, after taking him out, he not only tortured himself, but also tortured the people around him.

These children don't care about other people's feelings, they don't know how to behave in a quiet environment, they just cry wantonly. That's all, after all, children.

But if they are not taught well and are always pampered and given what they want, these children will see that they have everything they want and take it for themselves. It's useless to try to grab things that you like from others, and cry if you don't give them.

At this time, if you beat him and scold him and tell him that it belongs to others and cannot be given to you, he will not listen.

He obviously gave everything he wanted in the past, how could he understand what is called someone else's thing? What he wants is his, and he will get it even if he is a stalker. This is the wrong perception conveyed by parents to their children.

The educated Qiuqiu pitifully withdrew her paws, turned her head away, and went to play with building blocks, pretending nothing happened.

Fu Qiushui looked distressed, and softly persuaded: "He is still young and ignorant, so don't be so strict."

Shen Yuqing didn't speak, she narrowed her eyes and stared at her son who was playing with building blocks as if nothing had happened.

Is this kid ignorant? No, he's shrewd.

Don't think that children really don't understand anything, babies are smarter than you think. They can perceive people's emotions, know who likes them and who doesn't like them, and can distinguish who will spoil him and who won't.

He really didn't know that pulling his hair would hurt? Shen Yuqing didn't believe it, this kid knew it. But he found that Fu Qiushui would pamper him, so he pulled happily, and thought it was fun.

That's how the brat got used to it, but the younger the brat, the more he couldn't get used to it.

Shen Yuqing would pamper Qingxi and let her make trouble because she knew that Qingxi was a sensible and obedient child. Before coming to her side, Qingxi was so well-behaved that it made people feel distressed. She knew the rules and knew what not to do.

So Qingxi has a sense of proportion when making a fuss, and won't go too far. Occasionally, Shen Yuqing would teach her if she went too far, and she would not do it again next time.

But Qiuqiu doesn't understand, he is so young, who taught him the concept of right and wrong? nobody. Such a young child does everything according to his preferences, but people's preferences are not always right. If some people don't stop it, it looks like pulling their hair now. Who knows if it will turn into cutting and bloodletting in the future

In essence, isn't such behavior all about wanting to hurt others

The Qiuqiu toy that was stared at by the mother couldn't go on playing anymore, so she withdrew her hand with a guilty conscience. He turned his little head to look at Shen Yuqing, timidly grabbed the concubine's clothes, and called "Mother" obediently.

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "Stop calling 'cool'?"

Qiuqiu pretended not to understand, but still called "Mother" obediently.

The imperial concubine snorted and didn't bother with him, but just reiterated that no bad things are allowed. Xiao Qiuqiu accepted the teaching listlessly, grabbed a red building block and handed it to his mother as an apology.

"This is not an example." Concubine Shen Gui accepted the building blocks, and her face softened.

It's hard for this kid to tell that she likes red.

This incident just passed, and Qiuqiu learned to behave a little better. He found that his mother didn't seem to spoil him unprincipled, so many bad habits that he thought were wrong gradually changed.

Empress Fu intuitively felt this. When she hugged her son, she found that the number of times she was pulled by her hair, collar, and bowls and chopsticks was significantly reduced.

When feeding Qiuqiu before, he sometimes saw mushy sweet potatoes in the bowl, and he didn't like to eat them, so he knocked them over on purpose. Because the paste is not too hot, and it is paste-like, it spills out slowly and is easy to avoid.

Now Qiuqiu turns his head away if he doesn't want to eat, at least he won't kick his hands and feet deliberately, and then "accidentally" spill the bowl.

It wasn't until this moment that Fu Qiushui finally regained her strength. She was actually tricked by a baby. She thought her son didn't understand anything until he was only eight months old, but she was actually the one who was stupid.

"This kid..." The empress couldn't help complaining to her daughter-in-law.

Concubine Shen was not surprised at all, they knew that the church would take in orphans in the desert, and when food was in short supply, people living in the oasis had to abandon their children, including babies. Shen Yuqing has helped take care of the children. Although she hasn't taken care of the babies much, she has heard complaints from her classmates and knows that these children are actually very smart.

"In the future, don't get used to seeing him play tricks on you." Shen Guifei said, "Sometimes Qingxi does bad things and you will scare her with a cold face. Why are you biased when it's Qiuqiu's turn?"

Fu Qiushui didn't say a word, thinking that of course it was because she felt that Qiuqiu was young and ignorant, but Qingxi should be sensible at the age of seven.

"Qingxi behaves properly." Shen Yuqing sighed.

This girl used to be so good that it made people feel distressed, Shen Yuqing just wanted to pamper her more. It's okay to make such a fuss, so that she will always run to the queen mother and the emperor to give herself a sense of presence.

Although a son is more valuable than a mother, as long as Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui are around, Qingxi will not be truly forgotten by the emperor. But if Qingxi is still as well-behaved as before and admires her father very much, when Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui leave the palace, will Fu Yanjun still remember this daughter

He really loves his daughter, but don't forget that when Mrs. Wan was around, Qingxi was still ignored? It was too much for the emperor to visit her once a month.

Fu Yanjun is like a father who is busy with work, giving his daughter superior material conditions, and then coming over to take a look at it after a while. He dotes on the child, but he is busy with work and feels that the palace servants will obediently take care of his daughter's daily life.

There is no such thing as "mental health" in this era, and people don't think about whether children will have any psychological problems if they don't get along with their fathers.

So Qingxi can't rely on them all the time, she has to try her best to get her father's attention and get along with him.

Fu Qiushui agreed with this, the children of the royal family can't be so naive.

In fact, Qixue was also using this trick, Fu Qiushui didn't believe that Qixue was really such a "bear" when she was a child. Why would such a wise person as the Queen Mother indulge her daughter? Of course there is a reason.

She asked Fu Yanjun to pretend to be a dude to lower the vigilance of other princes. And Rang deliberately spoiled his daughter like a bear, and asked her to attract her father's attention.

In the palace, a princess who is not favored by the emperor is actually nothing. Sometimes they are directly married off by their relatives, and it will not cause any splashes if they die in another country.

At that time, the first emperor had only some obedient and sensible daughters around him, and at first sight of a daughter who could act coquettishly and cry, of course he would feel a sense of novelty. So Qixue has been favored since she was a child, by her father, queen and queen.

Later, when she grew up, the queen mother didn't break Qi Xue's temperament back. It's good that Qixue is like this, she lives freely, why bother to make her sensible and obedient

Qixue's use of this trick was instigated by the Queen Mother, she herself may not have felt it before, but I don't know if she has noticed it now. Qingxi thought of it by herself, and she felt even more sorry for this smart and sensible child when she compared it.

She actually knows everything.

The author has something to say: My eldest niece is very smart, and she speaks, walks and runs very neatly.

It was the last Chinese New Year when I went back to my hometown, and she happened to be one year old, and I accompanied her to watch other people set off firecrackers. There was a firecracker that exploded suddenly, and she and I were taken aback. She hid in my arms all the time, saying "I'm scared to death" and "I'm scared to death" (her nickname is Yiyi).

When talking to her, her logic is also very smooth, not like a one-year-old doll at all.

At that time, I felt that children were not as ignorant and ignorant as we imagined. They know a lot of things, and they know it's wrong to do it, but they still do it because they think it's fun.

Thanks to Landmine: Filling in the Dream, Miss Di, Liu Yao, Ge Ge Yi

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Lean not subject to +1, Miss Di +10