The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 103: ①⑩③Orphan bet


Concubine Fu's heart skipped a beat, and she stammered back: "Big, it's probably because the energy you absorbed from the previous practice was limited, so you have to do it again after a while?"

Concubine Shen Gui gave a meaningful "Oh": "I see, my cousin really knows a lot."

"..." Concubine Fu unexpectedly recalled what Shen Yuqing had said about her "knowledge of sorcery very well" when Shen Yuqing yelled at her just now.

She made a mistake, and she actually stumbled twice in the same place.

Most of the women in this palace have small horizons and relatively simple methods. It's really embarrassing for them and Shen Yuqing, who likes to play straight balls, to be straight, but not right, it's very embarrassing and embarrassing.

The imperial concubine didn't speak anymore, she didn't have any friendship with Concubine Mei, so it would be nice to say a few words for her. For the rest, she might be suspected of standing in line again in her early days.

Shen Yuqing winked at Concubine Wei.

Concubine Mei is now a rare obedient person in the palace. Although His Majesty the Emperor will not let her suffer any real punishment, it would be best to have less twists and turns and less dirty water. She helped Concubine Mei to say a few words, at most Concubine Mei owed her a small favor, Concubine Wei stood up to rehabilitate Concubine Mei, then Concubine Mei owed Concubine Wei a big favor.

Concubine Wei is a very nice girl, and Shen Yuqing is also happy to praise her.

After receiving the order from the imperial concubine, Concubine Wei immediately stood up with a smile: "Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"I love my concubine, but it's okay to say." His Majesty the Emperor's expression softened a lot.

Concubine Wei looked at Concubine Fu: "This palace man, concubine met a long time ago. At that time she was talking with sister Xi concubine in the corner, concubine thought she was wrong, so she paid more attention. "

Even if the concubine sees some eyeliner, she usually won't take the initiative to see it. A dark line like this is basically for the humble little eunuch and little palace maid to meet and convey my thoughts.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable for Concubine Wei to say that she "thought she was wrong", so she "had more attention". It was because she found it strange that Xibi had to meet an eyeliner in person, so she paid more attention to it.

And because I paid more attention, I can still remember the appearance of that palace man and recognize him.

The logical logic of such a remark made Fu Bin want to criticize her and say that she couldn't even speak nonsense.

It is impossible for ordinary people to tell such a rigorous lie temporarily. Concubine Wei didn't have anything to criticize except that she didn't know why Concubine Xi wanted to meet an eyeliner alone.

Concubine Fu opened her mouth, she is not Concubine Xi, she can't blame Concubine Xi, and asked her "Why does Concubine Xi want to meet an eyeliner in person", right

She didn't refute, and Concubine Wei continued: "Therefore, my concubine suspects that this person is a secret thread laid by my concubine Xi. And, how did she get the hair of my concubine Xi? Unless someone close It might be possible."

This is an era when the body, hair and skin are the parents, and everything on the body is highly valued. Things like hair will be kept properly, and it is impossible for an outsider to get it easily.

What's more, hair has always been used in all kinds of magic. Who would lose his hair so that others could cast spells on him

Concubine Mei can know Concubine Xi's date of birth, and it can be said that Concubine Mei and her mother are siblings, so she knows. Hair is different, it has to be stolen at a risk.

"Sister Wei Concubine, it's hard to say." Liu Zhaoyi said without thinking, "When I comb my hair, there will always be a few strands of hair falling out. Maybe Sister Mei Concubine bought off the personal maid next to Sister Xi Concubine!"

As soon as she said this, Concubine Fu knew it was going to be bad.

"Do not... ... "

Concubine Wei immediately turned cold and interrupted Concubine Fu's words: "The close maid betrayed the lord? Your Majesty, this can't be taken lightly. It's better for someone to arrest the maid and torture her."

Fu Bin was dumbfounded.

The situation is obviously good, why is the situation suddenly out of her control

His Majesty the Emperor almost choked on his saliva, when did Weiwei get spoiled by Shen Yuqing, why didn't he find out? Looking at this momentum, it's really bluffing.

Concubine Yun, who was sitting opposite Concubine Wei, suddenly raised her head and glanced at her, with a smile flashing in her eyes.


She changed her posture, no longer sitting upright, but half leaning on the back of the chair, sipping tea casually, watching the play comfortably.

Concubine Yun hasn't spoken much since she entered the palace, and everyone will not take the initiative to offend her when they see that she is not easy to provoke. Every time something happens, Concubine Yun is a spectator, but she usually has nothing to do with herself, and she is rarely so reckless.

Concubine Wei noticed her gaze, turned her head to look at her, and blinked in confusion. Concubine Yun still looked at her steadfastly, without any expression.

Concubine Wei only felt that she was a little strange, but she didn't think too much about it. After sitting back in her seat, she continued to pay attention to the development of the situation, leaving Concubine Yun alone.

Now the situation is very clear, not to mention Fu Concubine fighting alone, there is also a "pig teammate" Liu Zhaoyi by his side. Not only can't help, but also make trouble secretly.

Concubine Mei didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and the suspicion was almost cleared. I really can't tell that this person is the irritable and gloomy Concubine Yu two years ago. When she is in trouble, she suddenly has a bunch of allies who can help her when she is in need, which is very strange.

Could it be that Concubine Mei's popularity behind her back is really that good? Why didn't she see it before

Fu Bin bit her lip, but still refused to flinch.

She finally got such an opportunity, but after tossing for a long time, she didn't get anything, and the bamboo basket was empty, she was not reconciled. It's a pity that concubine Xi pretended to be sick and didn't come, otherwise she wouldn't be pushed back by a few people in a few words.

She simply gave it a go and said, "Even if this person was a secret agent of Sister Xipin a long time ago, who can prove that she has betrayed Sister Xipin now? It could be that she took advantage of Sister Xipin's trust and got her hair , took refuge in Concubine Mei."

Hearing the words, the palace servants knew what Concubine Fu meant, and trembled all over. She knelt down and kowtowed, pleading guilty: "The slave girl was indeed someone who cherished the concubine, but the concubine threatened the lives of the servant's family, and the slave had to do things for the concubine."

Concubine Mei looked at her mockingly, but did not wait for anyone to speak for her. The matter has developed to this point, she should also stand up and defend herself, she can't always rely on others.

"Your Majesty, Sister Fu concubine and the palace people are singing together. It's quite interesting for the concubine to watch. As for whether the concubine used the trick behind the scenes, or the concubine's sister blamed the concubine, I believe His Majesty can give the concubine justice. .”

Now all the sophistry and so forth are false, and everyone can't convince anyone at this point, and it's meaningless to rely on lip service to justify. It's better to let Jinli investigate directly, the truth can always be found out.

Concubine Mei is very confident about this.

Although Jin Li had wrongly accused her in the past, she still felt resentful when she was grounded in the palace. But since she believed in Chanjuan, Chanjuan began to explain some court affairs to her slowly.

Mrs. Yu really took great pains for this daughter, she specially trained Chanjuan, not only let Chanjuan learn the tricks of the back house, even taught some superficial affairs of the previous court. Although it is superficial, it is enough for someone like Concubine Mei who doesn't know anything about court affairs.

Only then did Concubine Mei understand why Jinli would settle the wrong case and wrong her.

It's not because Jinli didn't find out the truth, it's all based on His Majesty's will.

Whoever the emperor makes innocent is innocent. Whoever he wanted to be punished, even if he was innocent, he had to suffer.

But now, the innocent she is the object of the emperor's favor, so she is even more confident.

Concubine Fu obviously had great confidence in Jin Li, and she had the confidence that Jin Li would solve the wrong case. After all, when she entered the palace, she drugged herself and pretended to be someone else to frame her. And Jinli did only find out what she wanted Jinli to find out, so she didn't think Jinli could find out the truth this time.

Jinli will definitely check for mistakes, she firmly believes.

With everyone's high expectations, Miss Jinli went down to investigate the case.

She was in a very bad mood. Before, His Majesty the Emperor asked her to rummage through the ice silk cloth, and then there was a case. I'm so annoyed to death, why are these women so troubled.

So Jinli found an excuse to drag Manchen to help. Miss Manchen is also very good, and she will definitely provide important help for the investigation.

Man Chen: I believe your evil :)

Manchen was called away, and the little mink she raised had no one to take care of her. But the adults fell in love with playing mink, and took his mink brother around the house every day.

When you are tired, you will squat on the mink's head, and when you are not tired, you will scratch the mink. The little sable was aggrieved and played with by the slave, not daring to resist.

Concubine Shen Gui began to teach her daughter specific moves, first teaching life-saving skills, and then teaching attacking skills.

Qingxi agonized over the six secret books for a month, and finally chose the two books of mind teaching by Mingjiao. So in the future, Qingxi will become a glamorous cat, who will come and go without a trace just like Concubine Shen Gui.

But now, Qingxi didn't even learn the lightness kung fu well, and the cultivation of the mind method was still at the elementary stage. That is - the beating stage.

There are two mental methods of the Ming religion, "Fenying Shengjue" and "Mingzun Liuli Body", the former focuses on attack, and the latter focuses on defense. To put it simply, the former one was the beheader, and the latter one was the beheaded one.

Mingzun's glazed body increases defense power, making him invulnerable in the later stages of cultivation. But in the early stage, Qingxi needs to be beaten by her mother and concubine every day, in the name of exercising her ability to resist beatings.

Qingxi suspects that her mother is taking this opportunity to beat her up to avenge herself.

Probably because she is usually too bear

Her Royal Highness, who had been beaten up again with a bruised nose and a swollen face, hugged the imperial concubine's thigh and howled, "Mother, concubine, I am good, please be gentle!"

"Get up." Shen Yuqing twitched her leg out in disgust, but she couldn't pull it out, feeling very helpless, "Go and wipe off the medicine, and then go to practice the holy words."

The word of pilgrimage will force the surrounding enemies to attack you, and at the same time reduce the damage you receive. But this trick is very gorgeous and beautiful, and it is very practical to tease girls.

Qingxi wanted to pretend to cry again when she heard the words, Chao! Holy! Word! She doesn't want to practice this trick anymore! No matter how good-looking it is, I don’t practice it anymore!

No, it should be said that she didn't want to practice any of the tricks in Mingzun's glazed body.

Why in the world is there such a wonderful move? Force people around you to attack yourself after using it? This is simply self-abuse, okay

It's a pity that the imperial concubine was unmoved and warned her not to eat candy after she didn't practice.

Qingxi immediately got up and patted her buttocks: "Don't, mother, I'll go right away, save today's sugar cake for me!"

After speaking, he picked up two small wooden swords and ran to the yard, not daring to be lazy at all.

Concubine Shen nodded in satisfaction, and directed the secret guard girls to surround her.

—Yes, the hidden guards, that is, the team of hidden guard girls in the empress's palace.

As a secret guard with strong martial arts, he was reduced to be a training partner for a seven-year-old girl. If it is normal, they may feel that they have been insulted and kill chickens with a bull's knife. But if there are imperial concubines and empresses nearby, they will not enter or get angry, and they will be flattered.

The imperial concubine's martial arts are so high, just a little bit of advice can benefit them infinitely. What is sparring? Even if they are asked to come over and be beaten, they are willing.

Although the little princess is still laying the groundwork, when the imperial concubine empress points out the moves, she can still make the onlookers comprehend and enlighten them. So they were very active, and the imperial concubine said it would be over, without any delay.

Therefore, this group of people were Qingxi's "enemies" when she was practicing.

As soon as Qingxi uttered the holy words, the secret guard girls immediately attacked obediently.

However, they were unarmed and controlled their strength for fear of hurting the princess. The princess fought back with a wooden sword in her hand.

The huge gap in strength made Qingxi have been beaten. Although it didn't hurt, it was still unacceptable to take the initiative to be beaten. After being beaten for a long time, Qingxi also felt very tired.

Fortunately, her mother was watching over her, so she didn't dare to stop and be lazy.

The way I choose, I will be beaten even if I cry.

As long as she thinks about how her mother and concubine came here when she was a child, Qingxi's heart will be filled with motivation... and joy.

Probably similar to the sour feeling of "I'm not the only one who is unlucky".

Seeing her daughter like this, the empress felt very distressed. So she prepared a lot of Qingxi's favorite sweets to reward her, and Qingxi was very moved.

A month later, as expected, Qingxi had tooth decay.

Of course, this is all for later. Miss Qingxi was still very happy for the time being, she didn't expect the tragic ending later.

But little Qiuqiu grew up very fast. After being able to crawl and talk, he soon learned to walk again. Although there are still some stumbles, it is already remarkable.

This kid tried to run before he learned how to walk. He refused to walk slowly and always ran around. If he stopped and walked slowly, he "should" be able to walk very steadily, but unfortunately he never walks slowly, so you can only see him stumbling around.

"Mother!" The little fat ball rushed over happily from a distance, like a deep-water-fish-thunder, slammed into the arms of the imperial concubine, and kissed the imperial concubine's face, slapped her face drool.

Concubine Shen took out her handkerchief to wipe off her saliva in disgust: "Why do you have so much energy every day? Can you calm down for a while, my Highness."

Qiuqiu smiled cheerfully, pretending not to understand.

"Qiuqiu here to drink watermelon juice." The Empress herself brought the bowl over.

The foodie Qiuqiu immediately abandoned his mother, and hit the empress again like a cannonball.

Then he lost his balance and Paji fell down.

This is the consequence of having too much appetite. Running around every day, the sum of falls is more than the milk he has ever eaten.

The empress is used to it. From the very beginning when she saw him fall, she ran over to pick him up in a hurry, and now she is still calmly doing her own thing. There is still time to call Qiuqiu to get up quickly, otherwise there will be no watermelon juice to drink.

Qiuqiu was self-reliant, climbed up firmly, and did not cry. He ran to the queen mother, opened his mouth obediently, and waited for her to be fed.

After practicing her skills, Qingxi went into the house in disgrace, snatched Qiuqiu's watermelon juice with her hand, swiped her mouth after gulping, and was so unrestrained that she didn't look like a princess. Qiuqiu looked at her sister stupidly, and after a while, suddenly burst into tears.


Still no thunder but no rain.

Except for Qingxi, no one would feel sorry for being cheated, and naturally they would not feel sorry for him.

The silly Princess Qingxi panicked when she saw her younger brother crying, and coaxed the little chubby with her arms: "Don't cry, don't cry, sister will bring you another bowl!"

Turning her head, she glared at the maid who was watching the play: "Why don't you bring the watermelon juice for the eldest son of the emperor quickly? You bad girl, you know how to read jokes."

The court lady blinked innocently, and didn't dare to say, "Isn't the watermelon juice of the eldest son of the emperor in your stomach, princess?".

After drinking the sweet watermelon juice, the cunning eldest son of the emperor, Xiao Qiuqiu, stopped howling. He weakly snuggled into his sister's arms and pretended to be good, his pitiful eyes made Qingxi's heart soften, and he immediately made N promises, taking the initiative to lend his toys to his younger brother to play with.

Qiuqiu succeeds in his plot and runs away with the toy after drinking the watermelon juice.

As soon as they were out of Qingxi's sight, they all moved back to their own room and hid them away. From now on, it will be his.

"How long do you think it will take for Qingxi to notice Qiuqiu's tricks?" Concubine Shen put her arms around her daughter-in-law with a smile, and whispered to her ear.

Empress Fu glanced at her silly daughter, and helped her forehead helplessly.

But let's put it down, Qingxi looked at his brother with a filter, probably in another ten years, he won't find out that his brother's belly is full of bad things. Perceived being tricked? nonexistent.

So who did Qiuqiu follow? Neither his parents nor his mother are thoughtful people.

"Follow you." Concubine Shen Gui was serious.

Her daughter-in-law's sesame stuffing is also full of bad water.

The empress refused to admit it, and mercilessly pushed Concubine Shen away. The reason is that she slandered herself and punished her to face the wall and think about her mistakes.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as "kneeling on the washboard" at the moment, otherwise it would not be such a simple thing to face the wall and think about it.

After messing around for a few days, no matter how lazy Miss Jinli is, she should find out the matter.

She took an opportunity to announce the result.

It was no different from Shen Yuqing's expectation, Jinli insisted that this matter was concubine Xi and concubine Fu slandering concubine Mei, and the reason was that the two were jealous of concubine Mei being favored.

It is very clear that the cause and effect have been found out, the palace man is Xi Concubine's person, and he was not threatened by Concubine Mei at all. She helped Concubine Xi frame Concubine Mei, and after revealing her identity, she simply said that Concubine Mei was threatening her.

In fact, Concubine Wei has never seen her and Concubine Xi meet secretly at all, it was made up by Concubine Wei on the spot. She didn't expect to scare her, it seems that she did meet Xibi in private.

Concubine Xi and Concubine Fu refused to admit it, but instead said that Jin Li was wronging them. It was just a stubborn resistance, His Majesty the Emperor would only believe the evidence that Jin Li found, and turned a deaf ear to their wailing and pleas.

In order to compensate Concubine Mei, the emperor promoted her status, and now she is Mrs. Mei. As the mastermind, concubine Xi was demoted to Jieyu Xi. Concubine Fu was not demoted, but was grounded like Concubine Xi.

"Foot grounded?" Shen Yuqing paused after hearing that, and put down the ice bowl.

Being grounded in the palace is not the same as being grounded in the palace.

The foot is restricted in the palace, and after the restriction is lifted, he can continue to come out to see the emperor, and he is expected to regain his favor. They are confined in the palace, and after they leave the palace, the two of them will continue to be locked in the palace, and they will have a chance to regain favor when the emperor comes to escape the summer heat next year. Otherwise, even if the ban is lifted, they will continue to stay in the palace without the emperor's order and cannot return to the palace.

However, a concubine who made a mistake and was banned, even if the ban was lifted, would the emperor think of her? Even if I remembered it, how could it be a good impression? Don't think about it more and more disgusted.

"How long are you grounded?"

Qingqiu bowed her head and replied: "Xi Jieyu three months, Fu concubine one month."

One month is not bad, at least he can go back to the palace with them. Three months, but it won't work.

When the ban is lifted, the day lily is cold.

If Xi Jieyu can't do something to atone for her sins before the ban is lifted, she will have to stay here for a year. The problem is that the emperor may not come to escape the summer heat next year. After all, sometimes the emperor will not leave the palace if he is busy with government affairs.

Xi Jieyu, I'm in a hurry.

What made her even more unbalanced was that it was obvious that she cheated on Mrs. Mei together, but in the end she not only lost her position, but also had to stay in this damned palace for at least a year. But Concubine Fu was different, she was only grounded for a month without any importance, and in fact there was no punishment at all.

When she returned to the palace, she was still the Concubine Fu sitting high above the Yunxiang Palace, and Xi Jieyu not only lowered her position, she might even give up her long-drunk palace lord to Mrs. Mei.

Now that she is Jieyu, she is not qualified to live in the main hall. As for Mrs. Mei, she can justifiably enter the Changzui Palace, and no one can say anything.

When Xi Jieyu heard the news, she went completely crazy.


She is the daughter of the Right Prime Minister, and Concubine Fu is just one of the daughters of the Fu family. Fu Bin's family background is not as good as hers, so why is he luckier than her

Ru Yue, the maid beside her, sighed: "Your Majesty, the Yu family still has Mrs. Mei. The Fu family has only Concubine Fu."

Her tone was light, but it hit Xi Jieyu's heart heavily.

That's right, the Yu family lost her and her sister, Mrs. Mei, so her father would not put pressure on the emperor because of her falling out of favor. But the Fu family is different. Empress Fu does not help the Fu family. The Fu family puts all their treasures on Concubine Fu. They will not allow Concubine Fu to fall out of favor.

So what if there is no one in the Fu family court now? As a big aristocratic family, the Fu family doesn't rely solely on their connections in the court.

Xi Jieyu's eyes were bloodshot with hatred, and she tightly clenched the handkerchief in her hand.

"Ru Yue, what should I do?"

Ru Yue came over, knelt down to pick up the incense burner that Xi Jieyu had knocked over, and lowered her head so that Xi Jieyu couldn't see the expression on her face clearly for a moment, and she didn't know that she curled her lips quietly.

I only heard her say: "Your Majesty, the only option is to rely on nightmare techniques."

The author has something to say: This book will be completed at the end of July without any accident, and the next door will be opened at that time.

The supernatural book was updated together with this one. I haven’t thought about what to write after I finished writing supernatural. Do you have any topics you want to read

Thanks to Landmine: Liu Yao

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Mo Yan +240