The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 108: ①⑩⑧Admiring the moon


Do you think that the booklet that played a huge role is a small book written by His Majesty the Emperor himself? Not really.

It was a small book of The Dark Guardian.

His Majesty's little book hadn't been thrown out yet, so he kept it in the imperial study as a treasure, planning to wait for the final blow to Prime Minister Yu.

The dark guard's small notebook records Yu Xiang's recent years, especially the transactions of officials and nobles during this period. His Majesty the Emperor has a lot of records. The Yu family has recorded all kinds of bullying and domineering things, ranging from state affairs to trivial matters.

This is really the same operation as when the empress used to remember those Fu family's little books who said bad things about him.

Fortunately, they are brothers and sisters.

Shen Yuqing was lucky enough to flip through it once, and found that there were also small details such as "repeatedly contradicting the Holy Majesty at the court meeting" in the notebook. If it hadn't been naive and stingy to count the number of times of contradicting, he might not have written "repeatedly", but how many times.

Although, remembering this stuff seems very childish and petty.

Shen Yuqing rolled her eyes and stuffed the booklet back for him.

After the official power of the Yu family was swayed at the court meeting, His Majesty the Emperor took advantage of the victory to pursue and made trouble, and also slapped the few who followed the Yu family the most.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys works well. The remaining survivors of the Yu Party tucked their tails so obediently, they dared not jump anymore.

His Majesty the Emperor accepted it as soon as he saw it, and did not continue to pursue it for the time being. Lest they jump over the wall in a hurry, but force them to rebel.

What's more, it is obviously unreliable for such a huge Yu party to clean up all of them within half a month. You can only hit a big stick first, and follow up to see their reaction. Boil the frogs in warm water, slowly killing them.

Although they can't be dealt with directly, Xi Jieyu and other party members in the harem can deal with them.

His Majesty's anger never subsided, he directly ordered Xi Jieyu to be imprisoned in the most corner of the palace next to the cold palace. There is a very small palace next to the cold palace, Guan Xijieyu is more than enough for one person.

Not only was Xi Jieyu dumbed down by the poison, but all the dumb servants were assigned to go. There are some palace servants in the palace who have made serious mistakes and will be poisoned and dumb and thrown away to work in other places to make amends. These are the dumb servants.

Xi Jieyu was imprisoned next to the cold palace, and there was no one living there. She can't speak by herself, and surrounded by a group of dumb servants who can't speak and can't read, I'm afraid that the silence alone is enough for her.

However, His Majesty's order is that she is not allowed to go crazy, and she is not allowed to die. At the same time, she didn't say how long she was going to be detained here, and she wouldn't be given a happy one.

Shen Yuqing nodded after listening, and had no opinion.

Now the emperor was very angry, and she didn't want to get into trouble when she saw someone biting someone. Although she felt that such a treatment was a bit cruel, Shen Yuqing, who came down from the battlefield, was never merciful to the enemy. Cruelty is cruel, the enemy army she met back then used even crueler methods.

As for the court lady Ru Yue, Concubine Xian originally planned to silence her, but her people were all swept out, so there was no way she could do anything. Although Ru Yue herself was ready to die, waiting for death and voluntary suicide were two different concepts. At least Ru Yue didn't have the courage to commit suicide, and even if she did, she didn't have any conditions around her to commit suicide.

In prison, there is no sharp weapon, unless she kills herself by biting her tongue, she will not die. During this period of time, the meals brought to her were all steamed buns, and they didn't even have a chopstick that could stab her to death.

Thinking of the pain of biting her tongue, Ru Yue didn't dare to bite her tongue, and stayed quietly in the prison waiting for the verdict.

As she wished, the verdict came quickly.

Ling Chi executed.

"No!" Ru Yue backed away in horror.

It's better than biting her tongue, but she no longer has the chance to bite her tongue. The executioner removed her jaw to prevent her from biting her tongue.

"Where are the other palace people?" Afterwards, Shen Yuqing asked.

Most of the people in Xijieyu's palace were placed by the Yu family. Some were sent by Prime Minister Yu, and some were also sent by Mrs. Yu.

The Yu family is obviously much more beautiful than the Fu family, at least the number of nails in the palace of the Yu family is not comparable to that of the Fu family. After the accident, Xi Jieyu still had so many "insiders" around her, while Concubine Fu had only a few people who could talk to her intimately in the palace.

"Go back to your mother, Xi Jieyu's palace servants have been executed."

No torture, just ordinary poisoned wine. Although it hurts when drinking the poisoned wine, it's better than Xi Jieyu's life and Ru Yue's Ling Chi.

Shen Yuqing was not surprised, she had already guessed the result.

"Even if this matter is over, don't bring it up in the palace in the future." She ordered.

So as not to irritate the dog emperor again and make him go crazy again.

When the emperor got angry, his corpse floated for hundreds of miles, it was no joke. Xi Jieyu died once, implicating many people inside and outside the palace.

Jinli bowed her head: "Yes."

On August 14th, Xi Jieyu's case finally came to an end.

Everything that needs to be done in and out of the palace has been done, except that the Fu family and the Yu party are seriously injured and start to hibernate, everything seems to be the same as usual.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and this year because of Xi Jieyu's incident, the emperor has no intention of holding a Mid-Autumn Festival banquet. The empress and concubine made up their minds and decided not to hold a palace banquet at all, but to hold a small family banquet and get together casually.

But His Majesty the Emperor obviously didn't want to see those annoying women, so the Empress specifically ordered that only high-ranking concubines be allowed to attend the family banquet. At least the rank of concubine is required, so only the queen, noble concubine, concubine Xian, concubine Yun and concubine Wei will participate in the palace banquet.

It is worth mentioning that the concubine Xian is on sick leave and does not plan to come.

She doesn't seem to plan to reveal the pregnancy for the time being, so she tries to avoid crowded places. Palace banquets are prone to accidents, and she doesn't want to bet on them. Although it has been four months, I have settled down.

It's just right that she doesn't come, and all the people attending the palace banquet are her own people. Seeing this, Su Qiaorong simply came, since there was no outsider anyway.

It is very pleasant for the family to eat and watch the moon in the Queen Mother's Shoukang Palace.

Su Qiaorong also asked Concubine Shen to return to the palace. Fortunately, the concubine is very strong, and it is not difficult to bring him back.

But it's one thing not to work hard, but it's another thing to get paid. The imperial concubine was not polite to the emperor at all, and the lion asked for a lot of labor fees.

His Majesty the Emperor would not dare to bargain when his wife and children were involved. He immediately compromised, afraid that Shen Yuqing would not be willing to help if something happened next time.

However, Su Niangniang obviously didn't understand his kindness, and actually ran to sit with the two princesses during the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, ignoring the resentful eyes of His Majesty the Emperor.

It's normal for Qingxi to come to the palace banquet, but Qixue came eagerly too. Shen Yuqing thought that this girl was imprisoned in the palace for several months, so she would not be able to sit still and wander outside every day.

"It's delicious." Qi Xue quietly ate the rice, and sighed in satisfaction after she was full.

It was rare for a group of people to sit around a round table in the palace, which was very lively and lively. She doesn't pay much attention to eating and sleeping, and Qixue paralyzed after eating, leaning on the back of the chair, as if she had no bones.

Su Qiaorong gave her a sideways look, to see that she was not asked to sit upright because of today's festival. Turning his head to pick up some food with chopsticks for Qingxi, he said softly, "Eat more."

"No concubine mother." Qingxi obediently put down her chopsticks, "I'm going to eat bean paste mooncakes later, and I won't be able to eat any more."

Qingxi eats sweets, and it is a rare opportunity to eat sweets as much as you want. She is bound to get the bean paste mooncake for a while, so she does not hesitate to eat less food to save her stomach for the mooncake.

Next to her was Concubine Shen, the concubine snorted coldly, but said nothing.

Qingxi immediately picked up the chopsticks: "I'm a little hungry, let's eat some more!"

Tears streamed down my face, her red bean paste mooncakes woo woo woo!

Su Qiaorong laughed out loud immediately, and coaxed: "It's okay, eat more. You can come to my place to eat mooncakes tomorrow, as many as you want, and I guarantee that your mother will not talk about you."

Su Qiaorong's face still needs to be given, Shen Yuqing snorted, but did not refute.

"Really?!" Qingxi cheered, "Concubine Rong, I can go to your place to play all day!"

"Of course." Su Qiaorong agreed gently.

Qingxi immediately became interested in eating, and happily picked up another bowl of rice.

The corner of Shen Yuqing's mouth twitched, how much belly did this girl save for eating mooncakes.

Little Qiuqiu is almost ten months old now, running around all over the ground without stopping for a moment. Everyone gathered around the table to eat, but he was fine, running around the room, chasing the adults and the little mink.

A group of palace people ran around to protect him, for fear that His Highness would fall and knock him down.

Shen Yuqing looked dizzy, and when her son passed by, she quickly pulled him into her arms.

"Eat." Shen Yuqing hugged him with one hand, and fed him a spoonful of custard with the other.

Qiuqiu didn't feel hungry, but he didn't dare to move around in front of his mother. He curled his mouth, ate the custard in aggrieved manner, his eyes fixed on the adult who was still chasing the glazed ball.

Adults playing glass balls are different from other cats. Instead of grabbing them and playing with them, she slaps them away with a slap, and then runs after them. This game is like cat and mouse, catch it and then let it go, and then chase it after you let it go.

However, catching mice is the end of the game when the mouse is exhausted, and there is no possibility of exhaustion of the glass ball after chasing the glass ball.

But obviously, the glazed ball has more problems. For example, it rolled into the crack under the cabinet and got stuck, so it couldn't be pulled out.

The adults were so anxious that they meowed, and the palace people sweated profusely to take out the glazed ball for it, but they didn't take it out after a long time.

The empress stretched out her hand to hug the adult: "Okay, okay, I'll give you another game later. Let's calm down for a while, and look at the little mink, it's not as active as you are."

Xiao Mink, who was not being chased by Qiuqiu, has already found a blanket to lie down to rest. To be honest, it is not interested in the game of you chasing me, but Qiuqiu grabs it and grabs its tail. In order to avoid being turned into a bald-tailed mink by this strange force, it can only run around like being chased by a flood of beasts.

The eating part of the family banquet finally came to an end in this chaotic atmosphere, and the family moved to the yard to enjoy the moon.

A round table has also been placed in the center of the yard, and it is filled with moon cakes.

Qiuqiu doesn't like fruit, he is very sensitive to sour taste, and this kid won't eat anything sour. So he didn't touch the fruit at all. As soon as the carefully peeled grapefruit was placed in front of him, he pushed it away in disgust.

"Don't Qiuqiu like eating grapefruit?" Qi Xue came over to tease him cheaply.

Qiuqiu tilted his head and glanced at her, showing a pure and cute smile, which immediately made Qi Xue's face bloody.

Seeing this, the brat reached out and grabbed a piece of grapefruit, stuffing it into her grown mouth.

Qixue was overwhelmed by flattery, she never expected her eldest nephew to be filial to her!

She immediately began to savor it carefully, and it turned out...

"Bah, bah, bah! I'm so sour!"

Qiuqiu turned her head nonchalantly, reaching for the fresh meat mooncakes on the table that smelled like meat.

Shen Yuqing almost laughed and split her arms.

She just tasted this piece of grapefruit and found it very sour, so she used it to tease Qiuqiu. Who would have thought that Qiuqiu would be so smart. He didn't know whether it smelled sour or guessed that it was very sour, so he refused to eat it anyway. As soon as Qixue came, Qiuqiu gave it to Qixue maliciously, not only playing tricks on Qixue, but also solving the very sour grapefruit.

The upright girl Qixue didn't notice the sinister intentions of her eldest nephew, maybe she didn't think such a young child would have so many eyes.

She bitterly wiped away her tears: "It's the first time for Qiuqiu to be filial to me, but unfortunately I really can't eat this grapefruit."

So throw up all over.

While gnawing on the mooncake, Qingxi shrunk her face behind the mooncake and watched secretly.

She looked at her younger brother who was trying to eat mooncakes, and quietly made a face.

The younger brother is also a little villain, but she is a good sister, and she will not expose him in front of her aunt, hum.

However, as an older sister, I must stop my younger brother's misbehavior!

With a righteous expression on her face, Qingxi stretched out her hand and dragged the plate of fresh meat mooncakes a little far away, out of the reach of Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu: "???"

"You are too young to eat mooncakes." Qingxi educated her elder sister's majesty.

Qiuqiu looked at her quietly for a while, then suddenly burst into tears.

Still no thunder but no rain.

The adults at the table watched silently, without any intention of coming up to make a break. They all knew that this kid was crying fake, and his fake crying could only fool Qingxi.

Sure enough, Miss Qingxi was at a loss, she couldn't coax him for a long time, and silently dragged the moon cake plate back to him.

"Eat, eat, eat." Qingxi coaxed brokenly, but she didn't care.

The imperial concubine finally had enough of watching the show, reached out and took the plate away, and taught her daughter a lesson: "As an older sister, how can you give your younger brother mooncakes? He is only so young, so ignorant!"

Qingxi: EXM? ?

Qiuqiu stared pitifully at the plate of mooncakes that was farther away, and his sadness flowed like a river.

After educating the daughter, go on educating the son. The imperial concubine grabbed Qiuqiu's chubby face and sneered: "Want to eat mooncakes? Do you believe that my mother made you into fresh meat mooncakes?"

Qiuqiu silently performed his tried-and-true moves, turned his head away, pretended not to understand, and reached out to reach Mr. Mao who climbed onto the table.

The Empress thought it was very interesting, she carried her son over and gave him some tea. Dry howling is also very strenuous, Qiuqiu should be thirsty.

However, Qiuqiu is not a peaceful little angel. While drinking water, he still does not forget to reach for the cat's tail. The effect was not good, and the adult easily left his aggression range and ran to the other side to play.

"Wow..." Qiuqiu pointed at the adult, "Maomao..."

Fu Qiushui ignored him and imitated his moves, pretending that he didn't understand him and wanted to play with Maomao.

Qiuqiu was aggrieved, she shrank into the empress's arms and did not move. After a while, I snored a little and fell asleep.

"Let him stay with me to sleep, don't carry him back to Jianjia Palace, it's too much trouble." The empress dowager said so dearly to her grandson.

Shen Yuqing couldn't wish more, how wonderful it would be without her son as a light bulb

So cute Qiuqiu was carried into the house, and Xiao Diao, who was also asleep, was also carried into the house.

The adults are still very energetic, and it is estimated that they can spend another hour. Shen Yuqing didn't care about it, she only cared about watching the moon and recognizing the stars with her daughter-in-law, it was so romantic.

I don't know any constellations, and I can't find the Cowherd and Vega. I don't know what the Big Dipper looks like, the only thing I know is the moon.

After the empress pointed out a few stars to her, she couldn't recognize them when she turned around. I was very speechless for a while, and finally I was really impatient, so I simply gave up the romantic activity of recognizing stars and changed to counting stars.

But she made some mistakes, counting the stars was extremely hypnotic, and she fell asleep before counting to a hundred.

Concubine Shen looked at Concubine Yun and Wei who were whispering together, then at Qixue who was acting coquettishly with her mother, then at the emperor who surrounded Su Qiaorong and served him, and at Qingxi who was sitting quietly eating mooncakes. Immediately, I felt that there was nothing to stay here, so I might as well take my wife and go back to sleep.

So he greeted everyone, and carried Fu Qiushui back to Jianjia Palace.

As soon as she left, Concubine Wei and Concubine Yun simply left too. However, it seems that the two of them haven't chatted enough, and they probably will continue to chat when they go back. With no one else around, we should be able to have a more enjoyable chat.

Qi Xue found out that the person had left halfway, and immediately lost interest. After eating mooncakes again, I ran to read the storybook.

She also tried to pull Qingxi away, but Qingxi defended her chance to eat sweets to the death, even if she grabbed the table, she couldn't pull it off. Qixue had no choice but to go back by herself.

When reading novels, I don't have my niece masturbating, so I am happy.

Fortunately, there was still the left-behind cat, Qixue's eyes lit up, she picked up the cat that was patrolling the territory on the table, and ran away. The adult was taken aback, meowed, and patted Qixue's arm vigorously, but Qixue didn't put it down.

The adults are angry.

What is the experience of kidnapping a cat to accompany me to read paper novels? Probably the cat brushed and brushed and tore the book to pieces before I even read two pages.

Qixue wants to cry but has no tears, and she has to appease the adult who lost her temper, lest the little emperor's wife will find her to settle accounts tomorrow.

There was only Qingxi eating mooncakes left in the yard, and even the queen mother said she was tired, so she went back to the house to rest. His Majesty the Emperor glanced at his daughter, thinking about whether to take her with him.

Qingxi was keenly aware of his gaze, and immediately shrank back holding the plate, exuding the aura of "rejection" all over her body.

His Majesty the Emperor had no choice but to give up and took Su Qiaorong back to Shengxiao Palace.

Now there are no spies in the palace, only our own people and innocent palace people are left. And in order to prevent the concubine from letting people go out secretly at night to do shameful things, such as spreading news, such as burying things to frame others, a curfew was simply imposed.

After a certain hour, the palace people are not allowed to leave the residence and run around. The entire palace is only patrolled by the imperial guards. If you catch a palace man who sneaked out, you will be taken into custody immediately, unless there is an emergency.

But even if there is something urgent, you have to go to the nearest guard station and ask them for a "night order" before you can go to work.

Of course, some empresses do not have to abide by this rule. For example, for the group that participated in the family banquet today, the palace people in their palace can come out at night at will.

Since there is a curfew, naturally no one will come out. No eyeliner could see which palace the emperor went to, so the emperor could go to Shengxiao Palace to stay overnight.

In fact, even if there was no curfew, they would not be able to inquire.

It's too conspicuous to let one's palace man go out, but there is no eyeliner of one's own outside. At most, they can only spend money to get some news from the mouths of some innocent palace people, but now that the curfew is out, even this way is blocked.

The concubines stayed in their own palace obediently, thinking of those concubines who attended the family banquet in Shoukang Palace, they felt jealous and helpless.

Those empresses have high status and more opportunities than them. Those with low ranks like them have not yet had a chance to face the saints, and they don't know when they will be remembered by the emperor, and then they will be favored once.

Although the number of palace people has been greatly reduced recently, more and more concubines are going out to seek chance encounters. It's probably broken and broken, there is no other way.

In the past, they could still find someone to find out where the emperor was, and then rush over to meet him by chance. Now he is blind in both eyes and wanders around casually. The emperor didn't meet by chance, but he met his concubines every day.

If things go on like this, these concubines will either end up with each other and form a big enmity, or they will simply do nothing and keep seeing each other.

It is also very bitter.

But these thoughts are destined not to let the bosses care, they don't bother to care about how these women who are willing to fall into the palace are doing.

Since you agree to enter the palace, you should think about these things before entering the palace. You can't just imagine what will happen to you after being favored, you have to plan for the worst in advance, and figure out how to survive if you are not favored.

The imperial concubine carried the empress back to the Jianjia Palace. She wondered if there was a little commotion on the road, and the empress woke up.

Seeing that she was awake, Shen Yuqing simply suggested drinking and enjoying the moon together instead of going to bed so early. The empress readily agreed, although the two of them laymen couldn't enjoy the moon.

In the last month, I didn't appreciate much, and the two drank a large jar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

Shen Yuqing originally thought that since she could drink well, she would definitely be able to get the queen drunk. Unexpectedly, the Queen's capacity for alcohol is not bad, both of them were slightly tipsy after drinking, so they went back to the house to have sex with the sheets.

What month is the reward? I can't eat it, so it's better to have something practical.

The author has something to say: Car? It doesn't exist, let's find out about it in Harmonious Society

Thanks to Landmine: Gogo Yi, Filling in the Dream, Liuyao

Thank you for the nutrient solution: You are really counseling +20, Mamma Mia +70, Oni sauce +10, passerby Bingding +10, Ruoshui Sanqian +20, Xiaojia +2