The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 109: ①⑩⑨exposed


In order not to expose her pregnancy, Concubine Xian didn't even attend the family banquet.

But I can escape the family banquet, but I can't escape the greetings that I have to come every day.

On the second day of Mid-Autumn Festival, Concubine Xian came wearing a loose dress.

The clothes are very loose and don't show the belly. The four-month-old belly is only slightly protruding. After wearing such clothes, it is not conspicuous, and no one finds out that she is pregnant.

But she probably knew in her heart that she couldn't hide it for long.

Shen Yuqing would not allow her to continue to hide it. In fact, after the emperor rectified the palace staff, there would be even fewer chances of playing tricks. It doesn't matter if the pregnancy news broke out, Shen Yuqing's main reason is that she doesn't want to see this person stay out of it, as if she didn't do anything.

Ru Yue belongs to Concubine Xian, and Jinli found out about this when she thoroughly investigated where Ru Yue learned about the nightmare technique. But Concubine Xian probably felt that she hid it well and didn't reveal anything.

Since her claws stretched out so long, she had to chop them up. The reason why the emperor wanted to clean up the palace people was to prevent the concubine Xian from continuing to be a demon.

Moreover, if Concubine Xian's pregnancy was revealed by herself, she would still be able to say "worry about the instability of the fetus" after hiding it for so long. If it was exposed by others, the nature would be different, and it would be called "The Concubine Xian and the Imperial Physician deliberately deceived the Holy Majesty".

It would be nice to give Concubine Xian a hat.

When Concubine Xian entered the door, she felt a chill behind her back, and she had a bad premonition.

She immediately made up her mind, and when she saw that everyone had arrived, she immediately stood up stroking her belly and pleaded guilty to the empress.

"Empress, my concubine has something to report."

Shen Yuqing frowned, she was quite sharp.

She rushed ahead of Concubine Xian and said: "Sister Xianfei, what are you trying to say? Could it be that you have been pregnant for more than four months?"

The expression on Concubine Xian's face remained unchanged, but the alarm bells were ringing in her heart. Sure enough, what was supposed to come still came, and her premonition was not wrong.

"I didn't expect that the noble concubine would be so clear about the affairs of my sister's palace." Concubine Xian smiled dignifiedly, as if she just said it casually and didn't take it to heart. But the more she behaved like this, the more she made concubine Shen Gui, who had a bad temper, look like a vexatious shrew.

The imperial concubine didn't like her, she chuckled lightly: "I don't know what's going on in your palace, His Majesty told me this."

This man wanted to set her up, saying that she was secretly inquiring about the affairs of the other palace, which was a good idea.

Since she said so, don't blame Shen Yuqing for moving out of the emperor directly.

The imperial concubine smiled and looked at the concubine Xian whose face changed slightly. You deliberately kept the matter from the emperor. The emperor not only knew about it a long time ago, but also told me in advance. Are you panicked

I thought I was hiding it very well, even if any concubine knew about it, it didn't matter. Unexpectedly, it was not the concubine who knew, but the emperor.

It has been such a long time, and she has kept it from the emperor for three months. I don't know what the emperor thinks of her.

Do you think she has a deep scheming heart, or do you understand her painstaking efforts to protect the child? It's okay to say the latter, but if it's the former, there's been prejudice for three months, and it's not like the concubine Xian can break the emperor's thoughts back with a few words.

Concubine Xian's heart sank, she didn't expect that things were worse than she thought.

The emperor knew but didn't say anything, what was he thinking

But she felt that it should be the latter. If it was the former, the emperor should have come to her long ago instead of helping her hide it for so long.

Concubine Xian concubine honey juice finished thinking confidently, her beating heart slowly fell back to the original place. She smiled slightly: "It turns out that His Majesty already knew about it, and concubine Kui wanted to surprise His Majesty."

Surprised or not, thank you, don't put gold on your face, His Majesty the Emperor doesn't want your baby at all.

Concubine Shen Gui rolled her eyes, sneered, lowered her head to drink tea, and ignored her.

Concubine Xian was left in place, a little embarrassed. But when she looked around, the concubines around her didn't intend to rescue her.

The empress is naturally on the side of her family, Concubine Wei has always followed the lead of Concubine Shen. Concubine Yun is cold, her eyes are clean, and she doesn't chat casually. Mrs. Mei is wise and safe, and doesn't get involved with what shouldn't be.

Mrs. Lan has been proud of the spring breeze recently, and she was the only one who was favored in the previous period. Although the emperor didn't come to stay with her recently, he didn't go to other people's places either. At least the emperor still remembered to send her things here and there. This kind of honor was the first in the palace, and no one else even took anything.

Xue Shuyuan is a boring gourd, and she can't type a word with three sticks.

Except for these people, there was no one else in the house.

Concubine Fu was in the palace, but Liu Zhaoyi said she was ill and did not come. Concubine Xian has been able to win over all low-ranking concubines during this period, none of them are qualified to come here to pay their respects, and she doesn't even have an ally.

Concubine Xian frowned slightly, this is not going to work.

But Concubine Yun is not easy to get in touch with. Mrs. Lan has been a little drifting lately, so she probably looks down on her. Don't expect anything else, it is indeed difficult for her to move an inch in the palace.

The situation is not optimistic.

Concubine Xian had no choice but to find a step for herself, and said with a smile, please don't blame the empress, the concubine took it for granted. After receiving the queen's nod, he could finally sit down and rest for a while.

Although the excuse of "surprise" she made up temporarily was a bit clumsy, but at least it could give her a fig leaf. Concubine Xian breathed a sigh of relief for the time being, thinking about how to deal with the emperor later, and inquired about His Majesty's attitude.

The empress didn't care what she was thinking, she just said: "The eldest son of the emperor will be one year old in two more months, and the first birthday banquet must be arranged in advance. If Ming Guifei has any requirements, let's talk about it now."

What request could the imperial concubine have, she responded with a few words casually, saying that everything should be done according to the regulations.

"How can that be done?" Empress Fu said lightly, "Your Majesty only has this prince now. He is the eldest son, and his biological mother is also a noble concubine, with a prominent family. Besides, I have always regarded him as my own son. The palace has already brought him over to raise him as the eldest son. The emperor's eldest son's first birthday banquet must be held grandly, even if the regulations of the eldest son are used, it will not hurt."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

The empress's words were already very obvious. She and the imperial concubine formed an alliance again. Even if the previous awkwardness was over, they were still stable stakeholders. Now the two of them plan to support the eldest son of the emperor, and even want the eldest son of the emperor to exist as the eldest son, in order to become the crown prince.

"Empress, is this inappropriate?" Mrs. Lan, who is the most favored nowadays, and Concubine Xian, who is pregnant, are the most anxious. Violating the rules of etiquette, after all, the eldest son of the emperor is not the eldest son of the royal family... "

Empress Fu interrupted her forcefully: "I have already asked His Majesty, and His Majesty agreed."

That's what she said, but Mrs. Lan thought, maybe it wasn't that they asked the emperor, but the emperor himself brought it up on his own initiative.

After all, if this matter was brought up by the Queen and the others, wouldn't it be obvious what they were thinking behind the scenes? The emperor was afraid that not only would he not agree, but he would scold them for misbehaving.

But now the emperor has agreed, so it is more likely that the matter itself was thought up by the emperor himself.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty the Emperor cared so much about the eldest son.

Everyone's objections were invalid, and the matter of the birthday party was settled like this. The eldest son of the emperor enjoys the treatment of the eldest son of the royal family, and the chance of being crowned prince will be greater in the future.

Perhaps it was because this incident gave Mrs. Lan too much sense of crisis, she let go of the arrogance that she had been spoiled for a while, and picked up her previous cautious style. After everyone dispersed, she took the initiative to find Concubine Xian who hadn't left yet.

"I've been in the palace for so long, and I haven't had a good talk with my concubine Xian. I don't know if my sister welcomes me to Feiyue Palace?"

Concubine Xian couldn't ask for more, and it would be best if Mrs. Lan was willing to cooperate.

The two of them went back to Feiyue Palace all the way, retreating left and right, leaving only the confidant palace maid.

"Queen and Concubine, why..." Mrs. Lan couldn't figure out why the Queen would cooperate with the Concubine, and why would she even support the Concubine's child.

The noble concubine's family background is so good, she doesn't even need the help of the queen, and there is a high chance of being able to help her son up. Isn't she afraid that the imperial concubine will just use her and throw it away after using her? What could be more reliable than a son born by oneself? There is always a risk in flattering someone else.

Now that the queen does not rely on the Fu family behind her, but instead goes to the Shen family's line, it is really incomprehensible.

Concubine Xian has some guesses about this.

"I'm afraid the queen is unable to give birth." She said after deliberation, "Besides, she and the Fu family seem to have cut off contact for some reason."

Madam Lan's eyes widened.

If the queen herself can't give birth and has conflicts with the Fu family, then it can be explained.

She can only rely on other people's sons, but without the support of the Fu family, if she adopts the son of a low-ranking concubine, the possibility of her son becoming the throne is not high. After all, without the support of her natal family, how can she fight against Shen Yuqing who has the Shen family behind her

Instead of this, she might as well cooperate with Shen Yuqing. It wasn't her own son anyway, so why didn't she choose one who would be easier to ascend to the throne

The Shen family doesn't seem to be able to cross rivers and tear down bridges, and what Empress Fu wants is to live a comfortable life as the queen mother in the future, without hindering the princes of the Shen family. With such a promise, in exchange for the support of the Empress Dowager, and even the support of the Empress Dowager behind her, the Shen family will surely make a profit.

For example, now, the queen can help the eldest son of the emperor get the position of the eldest son, and the queen mother can help the eldest son win the favor of the emperor.

Concubine Xian felt that the emperor would agree to let the eldest son of the emperor use the first-year-old banquet regulated by the eldest son, which is definitely what the empress dowager said.

The emperor is a filial son, and the grandson his mother likes, he will definitely like Aiwujiwu more.

"This is difficult." Mrs. Lan bit her lip.

Just one queen is difficult enough to deal with, and there is another queen mother who is the queen's uncle and nephew.

"But why doesn't the Empress Dowager help the Fu family?"

The queen can't give birth, so the queen mother can support another daughter of the Fu family. Concubine Fu was very good before, and the queen mother even sent her into the palace.

The queen did not help her natal family because of conflicts with her natal family. But the Queen Mother should not, right

Today's aristocratic daughters have received the education of "everything is for the family" since they were young, and helping their mother's family to win honor is their top priority. So they are not thinking about whether they can't live a good life, but whether they can win an emperor who has a relationship with their mother's family.

Doesn't the queen mother want to do something for her mother's family

Concubine Xian's face is condensed, who knows. The Fu family has always had a weird style, who knows if the Fu family offended the Queen Mother too

If not, why did the emperor keep suppressing the Fu family all these years.

In Shengxiao Palace, His Majesty the Emperor is discussing the matter of Qiuqiu with Su Qiaorong.

"During the birthday party, block the ball and be the prince." Su Qiaorong said with a smile.

She feels that Qiuqiu is a ghost at such a young age, and she must be even more intelligent when she grows up. As long as he is guided well, he will definitely become a generation of Mingjun.

What's more, he is of decent royal blood, unlike Fu Yanjun and the child in her womb, who are fake and shoddy princes.

His Majesty the Emperor had no objection, he was only worried that if Su Qiaorong had a prince in his belly, would he be unwilling to be crowned the throne if he did not fall to him in the future.

Su Qiaorong was very calm: "What are you afraid of? If he is disobedient, let his brother beat him up. What's more, maybe this is a girl?"

Ever since she knew that Shen Yuqing was teaching Qingxi martial arts, Su Qiaorong knew that Qiuqiu must also learn. At that time, Qiuqiu will be able to beat her son ten times, and she will not worry about her elder brother not being able to teach her younger brother a lesson.

Moreover, Su Qiaorong is very confident in herself, she is sure that she can teach a child who does not covet the throne.

It wasn't his family's stuff in the first place, so why be reluctant to return it. The throne is not a good thing. Being an emperor is exhausting, you can't do many things, and you don't feel comfortable at all.

She hoped that her children could live a happy and unrestrained life, instead of being detained in the palace.

"I just don't know whether Qiuqiu wants to be emperor." Su Qiaorong was very melancholy, "If he doesn't want to, what should I do?"

His Majesty the Emperor reassured her and said, "Don't be afraid, if he doesn't want to be the emperor in the future, then he will abolish his crown prince and pick one from the clan. If he doesn't want to be the prince either, he can die. "

Su Qiaorong thought so too.

In fact, it is not necessary to establish a prince now, the main reason is to suppress the arrogance of Concubine Xian. By the way, calm down the hearts of the courtiers.

Dayan these years, the surrounding countries are ready to move, no one knows if they will find an opportunity to assassinate the emperor. If there is a prince, the courtiers can at least comfort themselves. Even if the emperor had an accident, there would still be a prince to succeed him, instead of rushing to choose the prince to push him up.

Although the emperor currently has only one son, he is pregnant with two more. Who knows if it is a boy or a girl

What's more, after having a prince, you can cultivate the prince-son-party in advance. After the death of the emperor, others tried to rebel to the greatest extent.

Moreover, Concubine Xian is due to give birth in six months, if she gives birth to a son then, it will be terrible. Concubine Xian has such great ambitions, and she doesn't know how many courtiers the Cao family has wooed behind their backs.

It is better to establish the crown prince earlier than to give Concubine Xian six months to prepare, let her find more followers, and push her son to the position.

After discussing with Su Qiaorong, the emperor went to discuss with Shen Yuqing.

"Being the prince? I have no objection." Shen Yuqing said casually, "I'm not the prince anyway."

His Majesty the emperor had a black line: "Can you care about your son?"

Shen Yuqing blinked: "Okay."

Then she grabbed her son who was running around and kissed him.

"Qiaoqiu, do you want to be the emperor? If you want to, mother will immediately kill this ugly dog emperor in front of you and push you to the throne."

His Majesty the Emperor: "...don't make trouble."

Qiuqiu doesn't know what an emperor is, but he is very smart. He looked at His Majesty the Emperor who was dressed in a black dragon robe, and thought of how respectful those people were to the Emperor in ordinary times. He nodded and said loudly, "Yes!"

Shen Yuqing rubbed his head with a smile, and said in a bewitching tone: "If you want it, don't go back on your word."

"No, no!" Qiuqiu said happily.

Shen Yuqing looked at the emperor: "Look, he is willing."

His Majesty the Emperor felt unreliable, this kid didn't even know what it meant to be an Emperor, okay

But now there is no other way, and it is impossible to communicate with such a young child, let alone explain clearly what it means to be an emperor. Let it be like this, at worst, when he is inappropriate in the future, he will make a fuss again.

So the matter about Qiuqiu was settled like this. At the first birthday banquet, Qiuqiu will become His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. From then on, he will gain a bunch of followers and is expected to inherit the Great Yan Dynasty.


Qiuqiu was also very happy and ate half a bowl of custard for dinner.

"Hic." He spat out a small hiccup contentedly, and dozed off while nestling in his mother's arms.

So cute.

Concubine Shen Gui lowered her head and kissed her, feeling very happy in her heart, her son is still the best looking, he must be much better than the one born by some virtuous concubine in the future.

The next day, the emperor went to Feiyue Palace.

Now that the matter of Concubine Xian's pregnancy has been revealed, he naturally wants to talk to Concubine Xian.

Concubine Xian prepared a speech all night, at least she coaxed the emperor, but at least she was not punished. But other people didn't have such good luck. Concubine Xian was not unlucky, and the palace maids around her and Cao Momo were all punished.

Concubine Xian can't help with this matter, it's good that she can protect herself and the child. Originally, the emperor wanted to beat her together, but he gave up considering that she was pregnant.

But even so, she still failed to please.

Pregnancy was originally a great thing, and one could get a lot of rewards, even titles and promotions. Now that the number of concubines above Xian is full, she cannot climb up, but she can still get rewards. Concubine Xian can also add another title, just like Concubine Yishu before.

But now, there is nothing left.

It’s not bad if you don’t get punished, but you still want a reward? Go dreaming.

He didn't get any benefits, and he had to coax the emperor nicely. Concubine Xian's mentality was a little broken, and she realized that she was taking things for granted.

Before, she thought that the emperor pretended not to know in order to protect her and the child, but it turned out that she thought too much, and the emperor didn't want to protect her child. Not only was she unhappy, but she also told Concubine Shen about the matter in advance. If she hadn't been keenly aware of it, and took the initiative to stand up and admit it, she would have been exposed by Shen Yuqing that day, and she wouldn't be able to step down from the stage.

Concubine Xian is a little skeptical about her life, obviously she was always in the Central Plains and Huaijing before.

Not only those noble girls pursued her and felt that she was good-tempered and easy-going, but those young masters also liked her. Even noble wives are very fond of such a dignified daughter-in-law like her.

It's a pity that once entering the palace, all these are gone.

The low-ranking concubines are after her, but more out of wanting to curry favor with her. She is a virtuous concubine, if she gets close to her, she might be able to soar into the sky.

But the man and the elder queen dowager didn't care about her.

After sending the emperor away, Concubine Xian frowned, she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

After being punished, Madam Cao was taken back to the house and given medicine. Concubine Xian went to have a look at her, and talked about her doubts by the way.

Mammy Cao sighed, thinking that the master is still too young.

Concubine Xian is only nineteen years old. Although her means are good, there are always some things that are not well thought out. She said: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? Before entering the palace, you and those young ladies were not rivals in love, and there was no apparent competition. Naturally, those young ladies would not associate with you with malice."

If there is no prejudice at the beginning, it will be easier to agree after getting along. So after being managed by Concubine Xian, they all liked Concubine Xian.

But it's different now, those people regarded Concubine Xian as an enemy from the beginning. Concubine Xian wants to be "friends" with them, so it's no wonder they talk to Concubine Xian.

Let's talk about the Queen Mother: "After all, you are not the main wife, but a concubine. The concubine is dignified and decent. Could it be that you want to take the position of the main wife? The Queen Mother thinks that you are big-hearted, so naturally she doesn't like it."

The Empress Dowager has her own decent niece, and the niece is still the Empress. Of course, she doesn't like Concubine Xian to compete with the Empress for the position of wife.

Generally, concubines should look like concubines, and regular wives should look like regular wives. Don't look at ordinary women whose mothers-in-law don't like their sons are as arrogant as Shen Yuqing, but they don't like their son's concubine's business to have a good reputation, and they look more like a regular wife than a regular wife.

Mother-in-law generally likes concubines who are well-behaved and obedient. And the main wife needs to be decent and decent, and be able to take her out to make her son and family look good.

Now the queen empress is a dignified persona, and if the concubine Xian pretends to be like this, the two will surely win or lose when they fight. The Empress Dowager is out of her mind so she doesn't support her niece, but praises the virtuous concubine instead.

In the past, those wives liked Concubine Xian because Concubine Xian was not married yet, and such a dignified daughter-in-law was exactly what they wanted. But after getting married, they will not continue to like each other. You already have a perfect daughter-in-law, why bother to bring out another one to compete with your daughter-in-law? Do you think your son's backyard is not messy enough

As for the emperor, it is better to guess.

"For men, concubines are worse than wives, and stealing is worse than concubines. Regular wives are good, but they don't have much taste, so they don't like them." So men will like gentle and careless ones, like flamboyant ones, and cute and cute ones. But dull and boring, they are fresh at the beginning, and naturally they don't like it after a long time.

If it is the main wife, they can still respect it a little bit. But a concubine doesn't need to be respected, so she naturally abandons her if she doesn't like it.

Mammy looked at Concubine Xian and sighed again: "Madam only cares about cultivating the empress to look like a mother, but she forgot that there are different ways of being a concubine and being a wife."

If Concubine Xian is the queen as soon as she enters the palace, then she naturally has no problems now. She is a perfect empress, but unfortunately she is not, no matter how high her status is, she is still just a concubine.

It doesn't even count as a concubine, anyway, Shen Yuqing can still be considered a concubine.

The author has something to say: Wall Crack Amway Hi Dingding’s pudding powder, just search this store on Taobao, brew it in hot water, and it will solidify into pudding after a while, which is very convenient wwww

Thanks mine: Ah slow

Thanks to Grenade: Gogo for

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Jin Yan +5, Shoubu +1, zjcnh +10, One Chia Cat +1, Praying for the Moon +5