The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 113: ①①③Suzhou


Fireworks in March, the emperor went out of the palace in micro-clothes, and traveled to the south of the Yangtze River.

Accompanying him were a queen, a noble concubine, a fourth concubine, the eldest princess, two little princesses, and His Royal Highness the crown prince. Concubine Yan and the Empress Dowager are living in the house and refuse to travel.

His Majesty the Emperor was very sad. Originally, he was planning to take his family on a trip, but he didn't take any of the imperial concubines. In this case, his mother, daughter-in-law, children, younger sister, imperial sister, and brother-in-law are all there, and it is indeed a whole family.

However, the queen mother and daughter-in-law were too lazy to go out, and Concubine Yun threatened him with force, forcing him to add her and Concubine Wei. In the end, it became a concubine who could go to the position, so there was an obtrusive concubine Lan, and a very obtrusive concubine Xian and her daughter on the road.

Her Royal Highness the Second Princess was spoiled by a concubine and concubine since she was a child, and because her mother and concubine are of high status, she often sees her father, so her personality is inevitably a bit squeamish. To put it bluntly, it is "pampered and self-willed".

This princess is very ghostly, very domineering in front of outsiders, but very good at pretending to be obedient in front of the emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor would not care about a little girl, so he acquiesced to the waywardness of the second princess. Anyway, Concubine Xian restrained her, so she would not do anything excessive.

Shen Yuqing doesn't like this second princess, she is different from Qingxi. Qingxi is just joking, and she has a sense of proportion.

The second princess is just the opposite. I don't know if she has been with Concubine Xian for a long time. She has a better perception of Concubine Xian's true face, and her three views will inevitably be affected. Therefore, the second princess tormenting others is not just for fun, she just rushes to torment people half to death, and takes pleasure in it.

If Concubine Xian hadn't been restrained, she would have been spoiled so much, she might grow into that kind of psychologically twisted person in the future. Just like those nobles who like to watch men and beasts fight and seek bloody excitement.

In order to prevent her own cubs from being affected, Shen Yuqing ordered the two little guys not to get close to the second princess, preferably not even going to the West Harem. If they met on the road, they had to avoid them. Therefore, in the past five years, the second princess seldom met the prince and the eldest princess, and even less had a conversation.

If you don't meet, you can't compare. The second princess couldn't see how the eldest princess was at home in the palace, and felt that she was the most favored, so she was naturally more arrogant.

Occasionally there is a palace banquet, and the second princess is just jealous that the eldest princess can sit next to the empress, thinking that the eldest princess will receive more respect from her status as a queen, not from the emperor's favor. Therefore, she just hoped that her mother and concubine would quickly take the position of empress empress, but she never hated the eldest princess.

However, this perception was quickly shattered.

After going to the south of the Yangtze River, the naive thoughts of the second princess disappeared, and she found that compared with Qingxi, she was like heaven and earth.

Qingxi is not as unlucky as she thought, neither because she has the title of concubine and is not favored by her father, nor is she worthless and no one cares about her. The eldest princess Qingxi is not only loved by the emperor, but many times the prince can't compare to her, and Qingxi herself is also very good.

There is always no shortage of such a school ruffian in the world. Not attending lectures, not making up lessons, and copying homework, but leaving others behind every time in the exam, it is worse than a bully.

Qingxi is like this.

The grades of her princess's main classes are all good, this is what the second princess asked Madam Cao to find out. Moreover, Qingxi is proficient in some skills that a princess is not necessarily required to have, such as riding.

The second princess just observed Qingxi secretly a few times, and realized that this eldest sister was not comparable to her at all. Regardless of her demeanor or demeanor, she looked like a village girl standing next to the other party, which was very embarrassing.

"I don't like Qingxi!" Back in the cabin, the second princess Yingxia was so angry that she broke a diorama.

The five-year-old girl who grew up in the palace was very precocious and learned to love beauty at an early age. She found that she was not as good-looking as Qingxi, so she didn't even like to look in the mirror.

Mother Cao was taken aback, and quickly pulled Yingxia aside to check carefully whether she was injured by flying debris.

"What's wrong with you, Your Highness? Why are you suddenly angry?" Mammy Cao asked worriedly, and she didn't forget to remind her, "Your Highness, you can't call His Highness by his name directly, you have to call him Sister Huang."

Ying Xia became even angrier when she heard this: "She is not my sister! I don't need a sister! It's enough for Father to have me as a daughter!"

Grandma Cao was at a loss for words for a while, the second princess was spoiled too much.

But there was no way, the second princess had been taken care of by Luqiao before, and she was responsible for recuperating the master's body. I don't know why these years, the master's body is obviously very good, but he still can't conceive a child. In the past few months, it has been even worse, and the bones of the body have actually weakened.

Mammy Cao used to have time to help Luqiao teach the princess, but now she really can't take care of herself. She suspected that the master had been poisoned by some kind of chronic poison, but she couldn't find out what kind of poison it was, so she was anxious every day, neither could find out the source of the poison, nor did she know how to cure it.

Without Mammy Cao watching, Luqiao naturally pampered the little master lovingly.

Luqiao doesn't know much and doesn't know how to take care of children. The only advantage is that she is strong in martial arts and can definitely protect the princess. Concubine Xian became suspicious because of her frail health, and suspected that there was an inner ghost around her, so she didn't dare to trust other people too much, and only asked Luqiao to protect her daughter.

But she underestimated how much Luqiao doted on Yingxia, and she never expected that her daughter, who was still able to control her at first, was completely spoiled now.

Cao Mama saw that the situation was not good, but at this time she tried to break it up, but she couldn't break it back.

Fortunately, the second princess still listened to what Concubine Xian said, so there was no need to worry about her doing something that would not end for the time being.

"Your Highness, be considerate and considerate of your empress, now you can't be caught by others because of what you said, and implicate your empress." Cao Mama said earnestly.

It took her mother-in-law five years to soften the attitude of the emperor, so that the emperor would no longer be so vigilant about herself and the Cao family. Now the emperor's sense of empress has improved a lot, and everything is developing in a good direction, but the sound insulation effect on this ship is not very strong, if the partition wall has ears to spread Yingxia's words, Concubine Xian will definitely suffer for her daughter.

The development of the Cao family in the past five years has not been very good, much slower than expected. If the emperor hadn't been vigilant against the Cao family, General Cao might have become a general with a heavy army now, but there is no if. General Cao is still only in charge of Shu, and the few generals who could have been recruited in the plan ignore him, and Concubine Xian's chips have not yet reached one third of the expected one.

Moreover, she doesn't have a son by her side, so even if she has enough power, she can't push her son to the top.

Now she has been poisoned even more. Although she is relieved that the toxicity has not continued to increase since she went to the south of the Yangtze River, she still has no idea how to remove the toxins accumulated in her body before.

In short, the current situation is still very serious, and there is no room for Concubine Xian to slack off.

Yingxia didn't understand the painstaking efforts of the concubine mother, she was only five years old, she only knew how to do things according to her own likes and dislikes, and didn't think about the overall situation at all. After hearing Cao Mama's words, she not only shut up without cooperating or lowered her voice, but shouted loudly: "I understand her, why doesn't she understand me! She is useless at all, Father doesn't dote on her very much, Father The emperor likes that imperial concubine Yan even more!"

Children are the most sensitive creatures. They can always see through the disguise and discover the truth.

The sad thing is that Cao Mama didn't take it seriously, she just thought that what the second princess said was angry. She had a headache and didn't know how to discipline Her Royal Highness.

But today the princess's words must not be known to the empress, otherwise the empress will definitely be angry when she hears the sentence "Father did not spoil her very much". This matter has long been a heart disease for Concubine Xian, and no one is allowed to mention it easily.

After six years in the palace, she has the title of Concubine Xian, and she has no favors at all. Concubine Xian is the most taboo for someone to mention this.

Fortunately, the partition wall has no ears, and now no one cares about what happened to Concubine Xian, so what Ying Xia said did not spread.

Ever since the concubine Xian's poison started, Shen Yuqing and His Majesty the Emperor have entered the sage mode.

The former is too lazy to take care of it. After Concubine Xian poisons herself to death, Concubine Lan will take care of it easily. She is about to complete her mission, and then she can take her daughter-in-law and fly away, no matter what happens.

His Majesty the Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief, no longer having to plan every day how to cheat his little wife. It was rare for him to find out that he treated Concubine Xian better with his conscience, like a gift before death.

The two began to change their minds to be good people, no longer shady people behind their backs, and decided to enjoy the beautiful holiday to the fullest.

So the imperial concubine and the empress stopped acting in love with the emperor, and the emperor didn't bother to pretend to be lucky concubines. Now the imperial concubine runs to the empress's place every day, and the emperor takes his daughter and the prince for a stroll on the boat every day, occasionally pretending to force the two children to tell something they have never seen before, enjoying a good addiction and satisfying being a Father's vanity.

Although, the thirteen-year-old girl Qingxi is not as easy to deceive as she was when she was a child because she understands a lot of things. And His Royal Highness, the young man, is not easy to fool.

However, the lack of cooperation of the two audiences did not extinguish His Majesty's desire to explain. He still babbled enthusiastically every day, as long as the two children were listening, he was satisfied. As for whether he can get the expressions of admiration, admiration and admiration from the two of them, that's up to him.

During this tour to the south, His Majesty the Emperor and his concubines pretended to be a noble family with honorable titles.

He is the master, the queen is the main wife, Shen Yuqing is the second wife, and the others are concubines. Qixue is an unmarried young lady, Qingxi is the eldest daughter, Qiuqiu is the eldest son, and Yingxia is a concubine. Their family came from Huaijing, and they were going to visit relatives in Fuzhou in the south.

Cutie Dudu didn't come. Although he was five years old, it was difficult for him to show up before Concubine Xian died, so as not to be blackmailed by Concubine Xian.

Concubine Yan is in charge of the overall situation in the palace, but Dudu has recently started to practice skills to lay the foundation. This little brat is very turbulent, he is a little devil who is more troubled than Qingxi, and he is about to cause trouble if no one looks at him. Concubine Yan couldn't see him alone, so she sent him to Xiao's house.

The Xiao family is full of powerful generals, more than enough to suppress a little cub. The person was sent by Shen Yuqing, and he didn't say that he was the second prince, but he only told him to beat him if he didn't practice well.

The younger generations of the Xiao family didn't have so many ideas, and they really tossed and tooted according to Shen Yuqing's statement. As long as this guy doesn't practice kung fu well, just beat him up until he is willing to practice kung fu.

None of the elders are worried, the Xiao family has a sense of proportion, at most it will make Dudu hurt and not get hurt. After being taught a lesson, Dudu should behave himself.

Except for His Majesty the Emperor who loves the youngest son very much, the other parents are all gods, as if Dudu picked it up.

Shen Yuqing didn't give Dudu a choice either. The elder son learned Chunyang's exercises, and the daughter learned Mingjiao's. So it's better to leave Dudu with the five poisons. So she rudely decided on Dudu's future, without asking Dudu's opinion at all.

Because it's useless for this brat to ask, he will definitely choose to learn from others. If you don't give it, you will make trouble, and the bear boy is particularly annoying.

Shen Yuqing felt itchy every time she saw him and wanted to beat him up. But I am too embarrassed to argue with a five-year-old child, so I can only endure it.

After all, if she beats her up, Emperor Erkong will definitely make trouble with her

"How long until Suzhou?" Shen Yuqing stood on the deck, looking into the distance.

The waterway they took went down to the south of the Yangtze River. Huaijing is actually considered the Jiangnan area, but it is the north of the south of the Yangtze River. Further north is probably not considered Jiangnan, and the south includes the area of Jiangsu, part of Anhui, eastern Jiangxi, Zhejiang and northern Fujian of later generations.

Jiangnan is actually a big place, so this trip will take a long time.

The emperor means to visit more places, since it is a tour, stop and have a good time. He didn't intend to leave after a quick stroll, so he walked very slowly along the way, and he stayed at each place for a long time.

The next stop was Suzhou, and the emperor said he wanted to see Taihu Lake.

Shen Yuqing asked him if he wanted to see the "girls" in Taihu Lake, but obviously did not get an answer.

There are many such special "painted boats" in the Qinhuai River in Huaijing, or "flower boats" are more appropriate. Because they use flower boats, which are decorated with various lanterns and silk flowers on the outside. There are also real flowers, but they are relatively rare because they are easy to wither.

Ordinary painting boats are mainly decorated with colorful lights, but not necessarily in flower shapes.

This kind of flower boat is actually a different kind of brothel, but it's just on a boat. Suzhou naturally also has it. Taihu Lake is such a beautiful place, how can it live up to the beautiful scenery without Huafang

The big boats used for brothel painting are very beautifully decorated, even if you don't go in to call girls, it's still pleasing to look around. The beautiful scenery with flower boats looks like a painting.

Shen Yuqing was a little ready to move, she wanted to go and have a look. I don't know if there is any difference between Dayan's brothel and Datang's.

However, she looked at her daughter-in-law and didn't dare to say anything.

I feel that I will be punished, sleeping on the floor or something.

Unexpectedly, the empress of her family said instead, "Would you like to go and see the boat? Let's go in men's clothes."

Shen Yuqing looked at her in surprise, and refused with a righteous face: "No, I'm a decent person, how can I go to a brothel disguised as a man?"

She felt that her daughter-in-law must be testing her, and she had to hold on and not expose it.

However, she thought too much.

The empress gave her a strange look, muttered in her heart, "What's wrong", and then said: "You don't want to go, I will go alone."

"..." Shen Yuqing changed her words immediately, "I'll go, it's too dangerous for you to be alone."

Fu Qiushui: "... Oh."

So what's wrong with Yuqing's family, she goes there for a while and doesn't go for a while.

In the end, the two empresses still changed into men's clothes and slipped away quietly.

The boat docked at the Suzhou Wharf in the evening. During the few days of playing, I basically stayed in a nearby inn, but if you don’t like it, you can stay on the boat. Shen Yuqing and the others decided to stay on the boat so they could sneak out to play.

Because on the boat, the palace people above are all their own people, and they can disappear and run away at any time. But when you go to the inn, you will inevitably be seen by the waiter and the like. If they turned the window because they came back too late and didn’t go through the main entrance, and then left the next morning in a fair manner, the waiter will definitely think that they have run into a ghost.

So to avoid trouble, I simply stayed on board. They weren't seasick anyway, so it didn't matter.

Concubine Yun and Qixue seemed to think the same way, and finally the emperor brought Concubine Lan and Xian Concubine and three children to live in the inn.

The waiter at the shop knew they were fat sheep when he saw their clothes, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello: "A few guest officials, please, do you want to stay at the shop?"

With a smile on her face, Miss Jinli took two steps forward to negotiate with the waiter in the store, and she handed a silver ticket to the waiter: "I want a courtyard for the waiter."

This inn is the largest in the city, and there is a courtyard at the back for nobles with their servants to live in. The courtyard of the second entrance was almost exactly where they lived. The emperor lived in one courtyard with Qingxi and Qiuqiu, and Concubine Xian and Lanfei lived in the other courtyard with Yingxia. The respective servants follow the master, and there is also a guard house dressed as the imperial army.

The emperor didn't intend to hide from those people when he went out this time, so although he visited privately in a micro-service, he was only hiding it from ordinary people who didn't know the truth. There are people in this inn who have already got the news from the previous city, knowing that the emperor may live in this inn this time, so the courtyard is prepared in advance, which is many times better than the courtyard provided by the inn on weekdays.

These are all things that officials who want to please the emperor do at their own expense, such as decorating the courtyard or something. As long as he doesn't use the emperor's own money, he is happy and doesn't stop him. But he was very bad, pretending not to know what those officials were doing behind the scenes, enjoying the benefits offered by them, and had no intention of repaying them.

Anyway, I've said it all, he's in a microservice, so he thinks it's normal for him not to be exposed, so of course he won't know that those people flatter him. Those people didn't dare to come to the emperor to ask for compensation after suffering from being dumb. After all, what they did was actually against the emperor's will.

The emperor has said that he wants to take micro-services, but you still specialize, are you mocking the emperor for not pretending to be good, or are you deliberately confronting the emperor, insisting on finding out what identity people have gone where

Although, the emperor's micro-service is too conspicuous this time. A family from Huaijing brought two wives and four concubines, two daughters, a son and a younger sister. This fool knew that it was the Emperor and his party.

But unless His Majesty prevents them from recognizing him, they will not be able to recognize him, and must cooperate with the emperor in acting.

Xiao Er took the bank note and smiled, because there was a piece of silver wrapped in the bank note, which was not light, and it was a tip for him. He hurriedly and courteously led the way and led the group to Tianzi No. 1 courtyard.

Along the way, he still sighed in his heart that it was no wonder that this nobleman even treated the adults behind the inn with care. Just looking at the maids brought by them, their demeanor and behavior were no worse than those of ordinary young ladies. All servants are like this, let alone the master's house.

"My lord, this is the main courtyard." He smiled and sent people into the courtyard, and then pointed to the hanging flower door next to him, which is the second entrance. "The main courtyard and the backyard are cleaned every day, and they are very clean. Woolen cloth!"

In fact, they prepared two courtyards, one with two entrances and one with three entrances, just to consider the possibility that the empress and the others would not come to live. The two courtyards are called "Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard", which are specially prepared for them and do not receive other guests.

Xiaoer looked at the two empresses, saw Concubine Xian was the leader, called her Madam, and asked if there was anything that needed to be changed. These things are usually decided by the wife of the main house, and Xiaoer also habitually asked Concubine Xian.

As a result, Concubine Xian's face turned ugly after hearing his address.

Originally, Concubine Xian's body has been weak recently, but after such a toss, her face became even paler. She suppressed the displeasure in her heart and did not reply.

She wanted to admit that she was the wife of the main house, but unfortunately she was not. Not only was she unhappy when Xiao Er yelled that, but she also felt that she was being ridiculed.

His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand after hearing this: "These two are my concubines, Madam did not get off the boat."

Xiao Er secretly thought it was bad, he admitted the wrong person. Fortunately, the nobleman didn't care about it, he quietly let out a sigh of relief, and went to Jinli to ask for arrangements.

Fortunately, Miss Jinli is very reliable, and she directed the palace staff to quickly toss the main courtyard according to the preferences of His Majesty and the two Highnesses. As for the backyard, she didn't care about it, and only asked Xiao Er to find Concubine Xian and Concubine Lan's confidantes.

Concubine Lan was very cooperative, she was a little seasick, she didn't want to waste time on this, she just wanted to lie down and rest quickly. Concubine Xian didn't pay much attention to the mistress, but the persona she had maintained for so long made it impossible for her to directly embarrass him, so she had to let Mammy Cao deal with it.

Madam Cao also didn't want to make more troubles, she was worrying about the second princess. She quickly explained the request and let Xiao Er go.

After such a toss, by the time the masters settle down, it will be dark already.

The author has something to say: It suddenly occurred to me that the second princess is a secondary character in "The Wind of the Lost".

At the beginning, I asked her, are you sure you want this? The second princess is very spoiled and annoying.

She said sure.

I don't know if I regret it now...

Thanks to Landmine: Ge Ge Yi, Liu Yao, Wei Xiao

Thank you for the nutrient solution: this person can sleep +1, sunJOJO +50, Xiaosheng Moya +20, Lan +30, skinny +1, domestic corgi +10, grilled small fish +2