The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 115: ①①⑤encounter


The lion dance team quickly jumped onto the wooden stakes with their objects, and then began to perform.

Fu Qiushui watched with great interest, this lion dance team still has some real skills. They don't simply dance by stepping on the stakes. Sometimes a "lion" will climb on top of another "lion", that is, people step on people.

This difficulty factor is a bit high, if you accidentally slip your foot, you will fall down.

Afraid of something, suddenly a lion dancer slipped his foot while jumping on another wooden post, and fell down with an exclamation.

It would be okay if it just fell into the water, but there is a short wooden stake underneath, so the wooden stake would probably hit the abdomen right after falling down like this, which may cause internal injuries. Shen Yuqing's expression changed, she flew out, and quickly appeared on the water, grabbing the man by the collar in desperation and throwing him out.

This is still a girl, you can tell from the exclamation just now.

It is not uncommon to have a girl in a lion dance team, but it is somewhat rare for a girl to be a lion dancer.

Shen Yuqing took a look, she seemed to have thrown someone into the crowd... It would be bad if it caused accidental injury, and if the girl's house fell on the man, she would be innocent.

She sighed, and had no choice but to fly over lightly, and when the girl was about to hit a young man, she held the collar of the girl in one hand to rescue him, and with the other hand, the boy who was so frightened that his foot slipped and was about to fall to the ground The son picked it up.

The movements are smooth and flowing, done in one go.

The girl stood still in shock, and she didn't recover from being let go. After a while, accompanied by the other companions who came after him, he thanked Shen Yuqing.

After such a change in the performance, it is natural that the performance cannot continue. The lion dance team ended hastily and went back to rest.

The reason why the performance went wrong this time was not because of the girl's carelessness. It is purely that they are too tired, they have performed six or seven times in a row, and now it is late at night, so they will naturally be sleepy.

This time, she was lucky enough to be rescued by Shen Yuqing, and if something happened next time, there would be nothing she could do.

Instead of continuing to perform at risk, it is better to go back and take a rest. The performance can continue tomorrow. Anyway, this time the festival lasts for several days, and today is just the first day.

The girl left obediently after thanking her a thousand times, but the young man didn't seem to intend to let it go.

He was wearing crescent white clothes, and he was a bit small, not as tall as Shen Yuqing. But the fabric of the clothes looks good, and the family background should be quite good. It's just that there was no servant by his side, so I don't know if he got separated, or if he deliberately got rid of the servant.

At this moment, this petite young master was looking at Shen Yuqing affectionately.

Shen Yuqing was shocked: "Do you have anything else to do?"

She subconsciously took three steps back to keep a distance from the other party.

The little prince suddenly looked at her sadly: "You saved me..."

"...So?" Shen Yuqing had a bad premonition.

The little boy pursed his lips and smiled, and said shyly: "I... I am willing to promise you with my body..."

Shen Yuqing: "!!!"

No, brother, are you serious

Don't, we can't love each other if we are of different genders. No, they are still the same gender on the surface, but the problem is that Shen Yuqing doesn't like men!

Wait, isn't the question, big brother, why do you, a big man, want to commit yourself to a man? Could it be that she went to the wrong set and entered the world of Tanmeiwen

Shen Yuqing was taken aback, and for a moment thought that she had not just traveled through a world, but had traveled through a book, and even met the protagonist Shou.

But in the next second, she denied this unreliable idea, and remembered what she had heard before. The south wind is prevalent in the Jiangnan area, whether it is Qi brothers or male wives and male concubines, it is very common.

So here, it is possible to meet some purebred gay men.

Shen Yuqing thought back to the mirror she looked in before going out in the evening, and remembered that her current attire was basically that of a flamboyant love veteran, and she saved her life a little. Therefore, it seems that it is not difficult to deceive the heart of this innocent young man.

While Shen Yuqing was in a daze, the young master was still trying to hold back his shyness, and recommended himself: "I am the youngest son of the local Li family in Sucheng, young master, don't forget to come to propose marriage..."

"..." Brother, your progress is a little faster...

Shen Yuqing wiped her face, there is a famous Li family in Sucheng, there are several masters of calligraphy and painting, they can be regarded as a very famous family among scholars in the world. With a scholarly family, no one is an official, but it should not be underestimated.

How did the famous Li family teach such a shy and unrestrained young master

Shen Yuqing's head is getting big, and she even provoked Mr. Li's family when she came out, how will she explain to her daughter-in-law and brother-in-law when she goes back? She immediately decided to pull out her daughter-in-law as a shield. She already has a sweetheart, so the young master should give up, right

So she immediately interrupted Mr. Li's words: "Sorry, I already have a sweetheart."

The young master opened his mouth, a little surprised, subconsciously said: "You lied to me..."

Shen Yuqing disappeared in place, and took Fu Qiushui from the tree. The two came to him hand in hand, their gestures were intimate, they looked like a couple of lovers.

Only now did Mr. Li believe Shen Yuqing's words, and he was very sad.

"You actually have someone you love." He choked up a bit, "Then why did you come to provoke me?"

Shen Yuqing: "???"

Is there any mistake, big brother, obviously you did it first, right? Can she be provoked if she just pulls it casually

Sensing that the daughter-in-law next to her was looking at her more and more dangerously, Shen Yuqing wanted to cry without tears, so she quickly asked to have a good fight with him. But Mr. Li didn't reason with her. He felt that he was being played with, but this man was damn good-looking, so he was still a little moved.

Really reluctant to argue with Shen Yuqing, he had no choice but to wipe his eyes to wipe away the little bit of water vapor that had appeared.

Then, he stared at Shen Yuqing with bright red eyes, and said: "Well, since you already have a sweetheart, I won't interfere. But you have to remember, I will always wait for you, if you two After we break up, remember to come to me."

"..." Cursing others to break up is not kind little brother!

Fu Qiushui's face was gloomy, and he pulled Shen Yuqing behind him, gave her a look of "go back and clean you up", and then calmly swore sovereignty to Mr. Li: "Don't worry about it, Mr. I will never be separated from him in this lifetime. "

As a rival in love, he would not be happy to hear this. Mr. Li has a childish temper again, so he immediately resisted and insisted on choking with her.

"Then I will be with him in my next life!"

Fu Qiushui: "..."

It's okay, you are amazing, slip away, you can't afford to mess with a love-brained child.

The Empress didn't plan to tell him anymore, but Shen Yuqing felt that it was not kind to leave like this. Although she is also very inexplicable, and she doesn't know why she has won the heart of a man, but she still has to completely dispel the other party's thoughts. Otherwise, she left in a cool way, and the other party will miss her forever for no reason, and she will feel that she is a scumbag.

Although, she felt that Mr. Li's love might not be that long.

Shen Yuqing sighed and said something to Fu Qiushui. Empress Fu was not very happy, but she didn't stop her, and just watched her tossing with a cold face. Concubine Shen had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward, telling Mr. Li to talk to her in the corner.

There are too many people nearby, and what she wants to say is not suitable for being heard by too many people.

Mr. Li obediently agreed, and followed her to the corner foolishly and sweetly, not afraid that she would suddenly attack him and beat him with a sap.

"What do you want to say?" Mr. Li looked at her eagerly.

Shen Yuqing told him crisply in the original voice: "I am a woman, and I disguised myself as a man. You like men, so don't hang yourself on my tree."

Mr. Li is stupid, what

"You, you, you are a woman?!" He was so surprised that his voice was distorted, "You are actually a woman!"

The true feelings he just paid were in vain!

After Mr. Li came back to his senses, his nose was so angry that his nose was crooked. He pointed at Shen Yuqing's nose and cursed: "Man! Scum!"

It's too much for a woman to pretend to be a man to deceive other people's feelings!

The young master from a scholarly family doesn't know how to swear, and after holding back for a long time, he only has these two words. After scolding, he glared at Shen Yuqing angrily for several times, and then walked away gloomily, still feeling very upset.

Shen Yuqing was in a daze the whole time. She thought that the young man would be shocked after telling the truth, but she didn't expect him to be not only shocked but also cursed. Inexplicably, he got the title of "human scum", and the imperial concubine was wronged.

"Qiu Shui, he actually scolded me." Shen Yuqing ran back to find her daughter-in-law to comfort her.

The hard-hearted daughter-in-law did not comfort her at all, and said that she would set the house rules when she went back, and if she violated one, she would be punished.

Meow meow meow? Don't do this, she is also a victim!

The empress did what she said, and after returning home, she really worked hard overnight, writing down three full pages of family rules. The content is probably similar to "the first family rule, don't get too close to other men and women, otherwise the family rules will deal with it".

As for the family rules, there are several levels. For example, in the first grade, if you get too close to other people, you need to stay alone for one night; in the second grade, if you have physical contact with others, you need to kneel down for an hour, and if you break a piece, you need to kneel for an hour; for the third grade , entangled with others for a long time, and need to wear high heels to accompany the queen to go shopping all day.

After reading it, Shen Yuqing felt that she was completely useless, and she had become a useless meow.

I knew that she would not tell Fu Qiushui about the interstellar era. Last time I talked about high heels, and the empress was very interested in this kind of shoes that can increase the height. The result of her interest is that she ordered someone to make a few pairs, and they brought them out.

But after she tried it on once, she never wore it again because her feet were tired. Now being taken out as a punishment for Shen Yuqing, it can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

However, the imperial concubine who has never worn high heels and does not like to wear high heels wants to cry but has no tears.

Going shopping in high heels all day is a nightmare.

The worst part was later, because Shen Yuqing had a good time with the girl from the brothel before, and was entangled by Mr. Li again. The queen's anger was up, and she immediately decided to implement the third punishment plan. So, tomorrow Shen Yuqing will wear high heels to go shopping with the empress.

The punishment came so quickly that it was caught off guard.

Shen Yuqing talked all kinds of things, but she didn't succeed in changing her daughter-in-law's mind. The one who should be punished was still punished, without mercy.

So the next day, when Concubine Shen Gui changed into her high heels, she was completely numb.

Today, the imperial concubine still wears men's clothes, but she changed her clothes to cover her feet. There are no high-heeled shoes in this era, and people will definitely be regarded as monkeys if they see it, so it is better to use a robe to block it tightly.

Women's dresses have long skirts, so it's not a problem to cover them up. Most men's clothes don't cover up so tightly, so Shen Yuqing spent a long time choosing clothes.

Fu Qiushui wore women's clothing today. After all, it seemed weird for two big men to go shopping, but a man and a woman can pretend to be husband and wife. It is relatively common for women to go shopping and buy.

So Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui pretended to be husband and wife and went to the street.

Today, there is no sponsorship from His Majesty the Emperor, and the money is paid by the imperial concubine herself. But as long as she can appease her daughter-in-law's anger, she will be happy.

The most frightening thing about high heels is not that they are not easy to balance after wearing them, but the most frightening thing is the series of discomfort caused by wearing them. For example, some high-heeled shoes grind the feet, the front grinds the instep, and the back grinds the heel; another example is that high-heeled shoes may squeeze the feet, and the five toes are squeezed so painful; another example is that high-heeled shoes will cause sore feet and cramps after wearing for a long time, and then walk with them Painful as on the tip of a knife, the higher the height, the easier it is to make the feet sore.

People who are used to wearing it will be better, but for a novice like Shen Yuqing, after wearing it for a short time, she can't hold it anymore. As if being tortured, it is no better than kneeling pastry.

When kneeling, Shen Yuqing can rely on her good arm strength to quietly support the ground to reduce the burden on her knees, but don't even think about walking in this dress. Should she support Fu Qiushui and leave her feet off the ground

Shen Yuqing had a look of bitterness and hatred on her face, and every step she took was suffering.

She suddenly missed her soft and comfortable cloth shoes very much, and she will never dislike the fancy cloth shoes worn by the concubine in the future.

Fu Qiushui walked happily all morning and bought some useless things, but she was very happy. The joy of shopping is not in how much you can use, but in the two behaviors of "selecting" and "buying".

As soon as she was in a good mood, she stopped flirting with Shen Yuqing. She even turned her head amicably, looked at the distorted Shen Yuqing, and asked softly, "How do you feel?"

Shen Yuqing showed a toothache smile: "Not really..."

All she wanted to do now was sit down, get her feet off the ground, and rest for a while.

Fu Qiushui looked her up and down for a while, and seeing that she had indeed been taught a lesson, he mercifully let her go, and waved his hand, indicating that she could change her shoes in advance.

But what needs to be tapped still needs to be tapped: "I'm only letting you go because you are the first offender. If you violate the house rules next time, you must wear it for a whole day, and you must not lose even a moment."

Shen Yuqing nodded immediately as if she had received an amnesty, expressing that she remembered it.

If you have wine today and are drunk today, take off your shoes now is the business. As for other things, let's talk about OTZ after passing this level first!

The two found an empty alley and changed their shoes. Fortunately, Shen Yuqing still had shoes in her system backpack, otherwise she would have to buy them now.

Putting on the concubine's comfortable cloth shoes, Shen Yuqing quickly came back to life. She let out a long sigh of relief, and shook her feet in turn to relieve the soreness.

But this is only a drop in the bucket, and she still urgently needs to sit down and rest.

The imperial concubine stared at her daughter-in-law eagerly, hoping that the other party would be considerate and considerate of her, and quickly find a teahouse to rest.

But the empress failed to accept the information, or maybe she pretended not to understand it on purpose. So not only did she not go to rest, she also planned to continue shopping.

She is willing to let Shen Yuqing change her shoes. It's not bad. Sit down and rest? Don't think about it, let's talk about it after a full day of shopping.

So the husband and wife team entered the shopping mode again, and Shen Yuqing still suffered from pain in her feet, but this time it was reduced from hell-like torture to difficult torture.

After walking around the street like this, when Empress Fu finally felt tired and planned to take a rest, they ran into a familiar person.

"It's you!" As soon as the other party saw Shen Yuqing, they immediately became extremely jealous.

Shen Yuqing suddenly felt overwhelmed, she didn't understand why such a big city of Suzhou had such bad luck to meet Mr. Li again

I just beg the young master to stop tossing about, she doesn't want to wear high heels for another day!

But she thought too much, Mr. Li had completely given up his feelings for her, he had cut off all the bad karma, and only anger was left. Liang Zi was married anyway, and the image of Shen Yuqing as a scumbag was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As soon as Mr. Li saw Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui who was intimate with her, he became even angrier.

This Fu Qiushui looks very similar to the boy in black from last night, they should be two brothers and sisters. I hate this damned scum, who is intimate with his elder brother and can't get along with his younger sister. And most importantly, she is still disguised as a man!

Yesterday, this person avoided talking to the young man in black and told him that he was a woman, so the young man in black probably didn't know about it. In the same way, the younger sister of the young man in black should also be kept in the dark.

Mr. Li looked at Shen Yuqing suspiciously, and felt that although this person was well dressed, what he did was really not a good person. Could it be a scammer from outside, deliberately disguised as a man to deceive the relationship between the brothers and sisters, and then cheated money from the brothers and sisters

Mr. Li's anger value, whose sense of justice was overwhelming in an instant, began to rise again. He pointed at Shen Yuqing and shouted: "You scoundrel, how dare you appear in front of the young master!"

After shouting, he looked at Fu Qiushui again, and said earnestly: "Girl, don't let her fool you! She is actually a woman, not a son at all, he is a scum who cheats people's feelings! I saw her with you last night. Brother is ambiguous!"

Concubine Shen: "..."

Little brother, I beg you, fill in your brain hole that breaks through the sky!

Fu Qiushui was startled, and was stunned for a while, almost unable to hold back his laughter. Fortunately, she held back.

However, the expression of holding back the smile was not pretty. In Mr. Li's eyes, his expression changed, with shame, shock and sadness intertwined, pain and anger.

Seeing this, he couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

I'm fine, it's just a crush on love at first sight, I turned around and let go. After all, he and Shen Yuqing were not familiar with each other, and the feelings they had when they met by chance would soon dissipate. But the girl in front of her is different. I'm afraid she has been deceived by this scum for a long time, and she has already fallen in love with her deeply.

Mr. Li looked at her unbearably, and softened his tone: "Don't be sad, I will help you teach this scumbag a lesson."

"No need." Empress Fu finally regained her composure, and she hurriedly stopped Mr. Li.

Mr. Li's yelling just now had already attracted everyone's attention, and she had to quickly smooth things over for Shen Yuqing.

"This son may have some misunderstandings. This is my husband. He is indeed a man. The man you saw last night is not my brother. I don't have a brother. That man is me. But it's not safe at night, so I changed Put on men's clothing and go out with your husband to watch the excitement."

When the onlookers heard it, they suddenly realized. It is estimated that the young man misidentified the gender of the two last night. It should be that he accidentally discovered that the lady was a woman disguised as a man, but somehow mistakenly thought that the husband was a woman, and made such a joke.

Mr. Li didn't believe what Fu Qiushui said at all, he thought it was a lie told by Fu Qiushui to protect his face. But it's also understandable, after all, the girl loves face, and it's definitely not acceptable for a while to be pointed out in public that her sweetheart is a liar.

When I go back, the girl will definitely verify whether the other party is a man or a woman. If Mr. Li doesn't believe her, she won't be able to find out.

but... ...

"It was really you last night?" Mr. Li asked suspiciously.

Fu Qiushui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's me, do you want me to describe what happened last night and prove my identity?"

Mr. Li waved his hand: "That's not necessary."

Since it was all her words, then this scumbag should have only cheated on one girl, not her brother, so it's okay.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, then I'll leave first." Mr. Li turned around and left without further arguing, lest he stay and embarrass the girl.

Shen Yuqing was speechless, and Mr. Li's expression obviously did not believe Fu Qiushui's words, and he probably still felt that she was a scum in her heart.

But for a son with such a big brain hole, you can't think about it again. Maybe she and Fu Qiushui are both women, and they are a couple? Just allow the south wind to prevail, and not allow the mirror to prevail together

However, Mr. Li really did not expect this. After all, women are already in a disadvantaged position in this era, and the love between women and women is not as easy to be accepted by the world as between men. Even Mr. Li may not have thought about the possibility of women falling in love, nor heard of such cases.

Shen Yuqing had a headache.

The only fortunate thing is that because of this accident, the Empress decided to end her shopping early and agreed to go back to the boat.

Shen Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, she could finally rest!

The author has something to say: Mr. Li still has a role to play. When the emperor brings the queen and concubine to Li's house as a guest... ... rollover scene 23333

Today's update is late_(:з」∠)_I was paralyzed after returning from the road, and I paralyzed past the usual codeword point

Thanks to Landmine: Gogoyi, Liuyao

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Healthy Lunch Box +5, Warm Smoke +10, Sentence Unbroken Spicy +40, GCSYD +20, Old Demon +20, Nine +10, Gray Feather +10, Gone with the Wind +10, Yu White +140, thin not subject to +8, "" +30, listening to Yiqi +10, praying for the moon +6