The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 119: ①①⑨Yin Qing


After hearing the gossip, the imperial concubine became very interested in that Miss Mo.

This person is a smart person, so she chose to take the initiative, instead of living a good day and waiting for the truth to be revealed. After taking the initiative to propose, the Mo family will naturally appreciate her understanding of the general situation, and will send more money.

Moreover, the love of nurturing for so many years is not covered. In the future, Miss Mo will be blessed by the Mo family wherever she goes.

She didn't die to drain the Mo family's goodwill towards her, so the Mo family naturally still miss her. Even if you know that she is the wrong child, but a so-called relative who pops up suddenly, and someone who has been with you since childhood, normal people will get closer to the latter, right

"The Mo family really didn't know Miss Mo came to Lin'an?" Shen Yuqing asked.

Dong Xiao shook his head: "I think I know."

I heard that the county magistrate treats Ms. Mo with extra courtesy, which can also be explained because Ms. Mo has a huge amount of money, which makes the county magistrate feel that she has a lot of background and dare not offend her. But even the prefect of Lin'an secretly protected Miss Mo, which was obviously the result of the operation of the Mo family.

A single girl with so much money can't do without the protection of the government. In case a gangster comes, she is the fat meat waiting to be slaughtered.

However, the Xiaoshan County under Lin'an, since Boss Yin came, the law and order has improved a lot. Over the years, not a single case came out.

In the beginning there were people who did evil, but after Boss Yin took care of them, no one dared to trouble Xiaoshan County anymore.

Xiaoshan County is a good place, with a good geographical location, very close to the main urban area of Lin'an, and located on the south side of the lower reaches of the Qiantang River. Rich soil and water, beautiful scenery. A little further south is Shaoxing, which is also a prosperous city.

One side supports the other side, and there are many beautiful girls on Xiaoshan side. Qingxi was turned into a face control by Concubine Yun, and she couldn't take her eyes off her. Shen Yuqing patted her on the head, and she reluctantly retracted her head from the car window.

"It's beautiful," she said.

Pretty folk girls generally won't enter the palace. After all, they have a bad family background and have no future in the palace. Women in the Jiangnan area understand this very well, so most of them cherish themselves and choose to marry a well-matched man. With their faces, they can't win the heart of their husbands.

Therefore, in the general elections over the years, all the women from the government and businessmen were elected, and few folk girls participated. On the other hand, a girl from a poor family who is not very good-looking but well-behaved, likes Xiaoxuan to enter the palace to be a maid, and then come out gilded, just like a returnee. It can not only subsidize the family and reduce the burden on the family, but also have a great future.

As a result, she could always see some beautiful girls on the road, which surprised Concubine Yun who thought that all beautiful women would participate in the general election.

Before coming here, Shen Yuqing heard Concubine Yun muttering, "This is different from what is recorded in the history books", "I knew there were so many beauties outside the palace, why would I enter the palace?" I don't know what Concubine Yun was thinking when they went to the West Lake and saw more beautiful girls.

"Your Highness, don't worry, we'll be there soon." Miss Dongxiao wiped Qingxi's sweat and coaxed her.

Qingxi, who was already restless, obediently did not move when she heard the words.

Dong Xiao was right, Xiaoshan County was indeed ahead. The carriage quickly entered the county seat, and the guard soldiers knew that it was either rich or expensive when they saw the specifications of the carriage, so they didn't dare to stop it, and let it go immediately.

There will be so few cars like this every month, more in the past few years. They were all here for the genius doctor in the county, and they had long since gotten used to it.

The soldiers didn't look much, and continued to stand guard to maintain order.

The common people, carrying vegetable baskets and driving ox carts, slowly lined up to enter the city. They have to pay two cents to enter the city, and if they sell things in the city, they have to pay taxes. You can't make much money in one trip, which is hard money.

However, it is much better than before. Dayan's commercial tax ratio in recent generations has been getting lower and lower, and he is not so strict with merchants.

Boss Yin's tavern is in the northwest of the county, next to the Qiantang River. She takes the water from Qiantang River, filters it with special techniques, and then makes wine.

Shen Yuqing opened the curtain and looked from a distance, a row of low houses are located in the south side of the tributary of Qiantang River. They are all exquisite huts, with the river water behind them, it looks quite artistic. The two sides of the tributary are full of houses, which are the characteristic buildings in the Jiangnan area. The middle tributary is like a small river passing through the city. There are people sailing on it.

When the carriage passed the bridge, one could see that besides the shop fronts on the stone slabs on the shore, there were also the backyards of common people's houses. A few mothers-in-law and girls are laughing and washing clothes and vegetables, which is also a good scenery.

"Miss Madam, we're here." The coachman is the son of the Shen family, and the whole family lives in this Lin'an courtyard and takes care of it.

Because the Shen family's old house is also in Lin'an, the ancestral home is here. However, the old house is in the county town in the southwest, a little far from the main city. Otherwise, with the frugal style of the Shen family, it might not be possible to have a separate courtyard here.

Shen Yuqing planned to go to the old house tomorrow to pay homage to the ancestors for Miss Shen and the others. After all, having occupied someone else's status for so long, it's not justified not to be filial for them.

As for the rule that women are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall, she doesn't care, just take a stroll around at night when no one is around.

Seriously speaking, she and Sister Du are of the same generation, so her seniority is quite high. Sister Du has been dead for hundreds of years, and I don't know if the Shen family has been passed down for so long.

The carriage stopped in front of the tavern, it seemed that because there were often noble people here, a space was specially vacated for people to park the carriage. Shen Yuqing got out of the car first, and then helped Fu Qiushui down. Qingxi was helped down by Dong Xiao. She couldn't hold the thirteen-year-old girl, so she had to take the footrest to let her go down by herself.

"It's here!" Shen Yuqing looked up, and saw the signboard of "Ten Mile Restaurant" hanging on the top of the door. The handwriting was majestic, and Shen Yuqing felt a little familiar.

It was afternoon, and it was the hottest time, because it was already past meal time, so there were not many people in the tavern. However, there are doors at the front and back of this tavern, one facing the street and the other facing the river.

Of course, it is estimated that individuals can be frozen to death in winter.

There were a few drunks in the room who were greedy for coolness and fell asleep on the tables, but there were still many empty tables. The counter is set in the left front corner of the entrance, which is equivalent to the upper left corner of the entire room, and the right point is the door facing the river.

The counter is a quarter of a circle, which firmly protects the inside into a fan-shaped area. On the wall next to the door, there are cabinets for medicine bottles. There is a door on the other wall, leading to the courtyard next to it, which is probably a place for wine making and living.

Shen Yuqing and the others saw it when their carriage came over the bridge. There was a large courtyard surrounded by high walls on the side of the road. I don't know what was inside, but it turned out to be the courtyard of a tavern for brewing wine.

A small door was opened in the yard, Shen Yuqing thought it was someone's residence at first.

At this moment, the proprietress was standing behind the counter to settle the accounts, her worrying hair was about to fall out, and from time to time she grabbed the bell hanging down in front of her, making a tinkling sound. This bell should be placed here for guests to ring. If she goes to the yard, she will know that there is a guest coming when the guest rings, and she will come over quickly.

Now being shaken by herself, it's rare that those drunks didn't wake up. I guess those drunks are used to it.

In front of the proprietress was an unremarkable servant girl who was talking to her about the pills. But the proprietress herself listened to each other, and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Someone buys medicine?" Dong Xiao took a look, "The figure looks familiar."

Fu Qiushui nodded, and frowned, wondering where he had seen that person before. But there was only one figure from the back, and it was obvious who it was.

Concubine Shen was uncharacteristically silent. Because, she saw the familiar... school uniform...

Cough, it should be said to be the martial arts disciple uniform.

The sect of the Beggars' Gang has a great feature. Most of the disciples' uniforms are brown, and the styles are similar. The female disciples of the beggar gang are okay, but the male disciples often wear a large area of their upper body naked in order to save cloth, and then replace their clothes with dragon tattoos.

Although many male disciples of the beggar gang don't think this is very domineering, but their leader thinks it is very domineering. So regardless of the resistance of the disciples, he simply and neatly decided that the beggar gang's disciple uniforms should inherit this feature, and did not intend to change it. It directly leads to looking at several generations of disciple uniforms, all of which are in this style.

However, this set of beggar gang disciple uniforms is a bit unfamiliar, and Shen Yuqing is sure that she has never seen it before.

Bandage-like tube top, belly exposed, large sleeves with flowing moiré patterns, heroic flowing long hair, and still a brown half coat, which is quite good-looking.

This is not the point, the point is that Shen Yuqing felt a familiar aura from the proprietress. Although she lowered her head and couldn't see her face, Shen Yuqing could be sure that this was definitely an acquaintance.

"Boss Yin, is there really no way to get in touch with the genius doctor?" The servant woman asked again without giving up.

The proprietress was a little annoyed by her question, she dropped her pen, and glared at her irritably: "No, no, no, is it over? Did you see me doing the calculation? Do you understand something? Can you keep nagging after I finish the calculation?" ?”

The maid was taken aback by her, as if she didn't expect a woman to call herself "Lao Tzu". After holding back for a long time, she finally said, "Then... is there any magic medicine to cure all poisons?"

Boss Yin was really speechless, and reiterated again: "Wait, I, calculate, finish, account, understand?"

It's not that the maid has no eyesight, it's just that she can't come out for too long, so she's a little anxious. Otherwise, she wouldn't have the guts to offend this evil star, but for the sake of her master, she still bite the bullet: "I'm really in a hurry..."

"Do you want to grind your body against the body? Why is it that you are not basic? Believe it or not, I will kick you to the base table!" - What are you going to do? Are you in a hurry, I am not in a hurry? Believe it or not, I will kick you to the opposite door!

Well, the dialect is forced out.

Shen Yuqing suddenly wanted to laugh, this familiar dialect in northern Jiangxi...

Shen Yuqing has a beggar sister friend who is from northern Jiangxi. But when I was a child, I don’t know why I begged and went to the Dongting area, and was picked up by the disciples of the Dongting Junshan Beggars’ Clan. Since then, I have become a glorious organized beggar.

After so many years, I haven't learned the Dongting dialect, so I still speak my hometown dialect when I get anxious. However, in this magical place in northern Jiangxi, the dialects of the two adjacent villages are different, so no one can understand what the dialect of the beggar sister is saying. Shen Yuqing and the others can only rely on their own understanding of the beggar sister over the years. , guess one or two.

For example, "Woji Biao", she has never figured out whether it refers to the opposite door, or the fence of her own house, or the main road at the door.

Her smile immediately attracted the attention of the two people over there. The proprietress and the maid Qi Qi turned their heads to look over, and then...

"Fuck! Shen Yuqing!" It was from the proprietress.

"!!! Shen... Madam..." This is from the maid.

Shen Yuqing glanced at the maid, she was indeed an acquaintance, Madam Cao. No wonder she was in such a hurry to take her things and leave. It turned out that she was afraid that someone would find out after she had been out for a long time. After all, the matter of Concubine Xian being poisoned cannot be spread to outsiders.

Sister Beggar, or Yin Qing, jumped out with her hands on the counter, strode up to Shen Yuqing, and looked at Shen Yuqing as if she were sizing up a magical species.

"Why are you here?" She yelled, "I thought I was the only one here!"

Shen Yuqing sneered: "Who are you?"

Yin Qing immediately changed the topic: "Do you want to drink? I brewed it myself. I'll give you a 12% discount. Isn't that interesting?"

Shen Yuqing squeezed her fist and smiled slightly.

"No money! Just drink!" Boss Yin, who had a strong desire to survive, quickly changed his words.

The imperial concubine sat down at the table, and glanced at her like an uncle: "Have you brought the wine yet?"

Yin Qing curled his lips, he did not dare to confront Shen Yuqing. The value of force is not comparable, and the value of intelligence is crushed, so he can only accept it obediently.

Mammy Cao watched this development dumbfounded, unable to understand why the imperial concubine would know this grumpy proprietress.

Shen Yuqing was too lazy to talk to Cao Mama, and let Dong Xiao deal with it, and she took her friends, wife and children to talk about the past.

"Don't sit here, let's go to the yard." Yin Qing glanced at the lobby, there were so many people, it was really inconvenient.

Shen Yuqing nodded, and said to Dongxiao: "Help Boss Yin look around the store for a while."


Yin Qing casually pushed open a small cabinet in the counter, and it turned out that the way in and out was here. But she usually finds it troublesome, so she just jumps in and out with both hands.

Stone tables and chairs were placed under the big tree in the yard, and the four of them sat on each side. Yin Qing brought wine and side dishes to accompany the wine.

"You also sell food and drinks here?" Shen Yuqing looked at her, the meaning in her eyes was clear - can the food you cook be eaten

There is no way, Yin Qing is a typical kitchen killer. She can't even cook a chicken outdoors, let alone use a pot in the kitchen. The only thing that can be eaten is beggar's chicken, but it is only edible.

In the past, Yin Qing walked outside and had nothing to eat, so he could only beggar chicken. If you don't catch a chicken, you can become a beggar rabbit. You really can't be a beggar egg or a beggar fish. Anyway, she only knows how to cook chicken, and she dare not eat other ways.

Yin Qing was questioned about her cooking skills, but she didn't become angry because she couldn't beat her. She acknowledged her shortcomings and said: "The appetizers are from the restaurant next door, and I only serve wine here."

She reached an agreement with the proprietress of the restaurant next door, and the two sides cooperated for mutual benefit and win-win. The proprietress was also a hard-working person, and finally the family got better and opened a small restaurant, but the family member died unexpectedly. She was kicked out by her mother-in-law with her daughter, and it was Yin Qing who came to the door and asked for a restaurant for her so that she could support herself and her daughter.

The in-law's family seemed to be scared by Yin Qing's beating, and the restaurant was getting better and better, but I didn't see them coming to play the autumn wind. The county magistrate turned a blind eye to Yin Qing because Yin Qing sent some medicine. Her husband's family went to the yamen to sue, but was frightened by the officials, and never dared to provoke them again.

Since Yin Qing didn't do it herself, Shen Yuqing felt relieved to eat it.

Not to mention, Yin Qing's cooking skills are not very good, and his ability to make wine is really a challenge. Before, Shen Yuqing knew that her wine was good, but because of the nature of Shen Yuqing's job (killer), she couldn't drink too much, so she basically never tasted it. Now that she has changed her career to become a concubine, it doesn't matter, she can drink as much as she wants.

"How is it? Not bad, right?" Yin Qing complacently said.

Her wine is not worse than Yujiu, but she was not willing to brew it on a large scale before, so she only brewed it for herself and rarely gave it away. When it came to Dayan, her wine was not inferior to tribute wine, but no one dared to force her to pay tribute because of her strength.

The empress took a sip and thought she had drunk it, Yin Qing explained: "Probably some official bought it and paid tribute."

She didn't care either, the wine sold didn't have much to do with her, and she didn't bother to care about it as a gift or something.

"Your wine is so good, nobody knows about it." Fu Qiushui sighed.

Yin Qing casually twisted a peanut and threw it into his mouth: "I don't want to be famous."

If it wasn't for the matter of the pills that couldn't seal the mouths of those people, she wouldn't even let people outside Xiaoshan County know about the pills. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. She is not interested in dealing with those noble people who are pretentious, and noble servants who are arrogant.

"They're annoying to death." Yin Qing scratched his hair, "Are they blind to the price tag posted on the wall? Why don't you catch me and ask?"

There are no paintings or other decorations on the wall in the lobby, just a row of menus. A small part is about all kinds of wine, and a large part is the price of those pills, and the effect of the pills is attached.

Yin Qing was impatient to deal with them, and wanted these people to give money directly and tell them which pills they wanted, and then she would pay the money and deliver the goods. But after these people came, they insisted on inquiring where the miracle doctor was first. They really couldn't find out before they would honestly buy things.

But let’s just buy things, they are still habitually blind to see the price list on the wall, so she has to let her choose pills for them after listening to the description of their illness. It's not over after the selection, they don't know how to find the price by name, and they have to ask her to quote the price.

If she could remember the price, why would she write a price list? In the end, you don't have to search again according to the price list.

Shen Yuqing heard her say that she has a bad memory, and she suddenly felt itchy and wanted to beat someone.

"By the way." Yin Qing looked at Qingxi meaningfully, "Is this your daughter? She looks pretty. I just heard that old woman say that you are Mrs. Shen. Are you married? So quickly?"

Shen Yuqing sipped a glass of wine slowly: "I found a man to get married as a fake marriage. It's not like you don't know that I like women. This is my daughter, my husband and other women, but she was raised by me and my wife since childhood." Bian. Qingxi, this is your Aunt Yin, hurry up and call someone."

"Auntie, you are tall! Call me sister."

"Then you are a generation younger than me." Shen Yuqing looked at her stupid friend with contempt.

Yin Qing was taken aback for a moment: "That's right... I'd better call you a godmother, and let me live the addiction of being a mother."

Shen Yuqing thought for a while: "Okay."

Yin Qing had a hunch that there was a conspiracy, why did Shen Yuqing suddenly become so talkative

But Qingxi had already received the instructions from the concubine's eyes, and sweetly called out "Godmother". Such a well-behaved little girl called her mother sweetly, and Yin Qing was hit in the heart immediately, and immediately answered with a smile on her face.

"Since the godmother has already recognized her, why don't you come up with more gifts? There is also a gift that the godmother wants to give to her goddaughter, and there is no shortage of any of them." Shen Yuqing took the opportunity to say.

Yin Qing: "... Is it interesting that you are so rich and exploit me as a beggar?"

"Yes." The imperial concubine nodded of course, "Don't talk nonsense, you used to beat the Wolf Fang Army to death as soon as you caught him, until he didn't even know where you were or who you were, don't think I don't know you I snatched a lot of good things from the Spike Army. The gifts must not be shabby, or I will beat you."

Yielding to violence, Yin Qing took a look at Qingxi, and silently took out the good things she kept at the bottom of the box.

In fact, it's useless for her to keep those things, it's better to give them to Qingxi.

But what she gave was not something from the Spike Army, but a serious Mingjiao disciple uniform.

"Yanyun set." She put this set of disciple clothes on the table.

Each sect has many generations of disciples' uniforms, bringing forth the new through the old. But all sects are generally changed at the same time, and the names are the same. For example, everyone wears Dinguo suits, and then everyone changes into Shuoxue suits when changing generations.

It is estimated that the major sects are too lazy to think of names, so several sects discussed and named them in turn. This year the leader of the Mingjiao will be in charge, and next year the leader of the beggar gang will be in charge, and then everyone will have the same name, so there is no need to worry about naming or abolishing.

Yin Qing pointed to the suit on his body, and sighed a little: "This is the Yanyun suit of our Beggar Clan."

Shen Yuqing blinked: "I haven't seen it before."

"You were dead when the Yanyun trick came out." Yin Qing said flatly, "When I crossed, I had already gotten out of the Weijin trick, and the Anshi Rebellion was over..."

The Yanyun set has been eliminated, but Yin Qing thought it looked good, so she never changed it.

The author has something to say: My roommate may be deaf. The phone was so loud that I felt it was harsh when I was five steps away from her.

Of course she can't hear it, because she has hearing problems from the deafening noise :)

When I hate coding the most, someone plays a song and watches a video, which affects my coding efficiency. The speed is at least half, and it doesn’t work even if I wear earplugs.

Thanks to mine: Gogo with x2, six lines

Thanks for the nutrient solution: An Ran +60, you are really counseling +20,. . . +39, thin not subject to +1