The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 120: ①②⑩Past events


The Anshi Rebellion is over...

Shen Yuqing was silent for a while when she heard the words.

Fu Qiushui and Qingxi couldn't understand what they were talking about, but they didn't interrupt. Seeing that Shen Yuqing was in a complicated mood, they all sat quietly aside.

"It's good that it's over." Shen Yuqing put down the wine bowl, "Li Tang should be satisfied too."

Li Tang is the mastermind of the game. After the game server is launched, it is no longer controlled by the game company. Therefore, the subsequent game plots are all determined by the mastermind.

For example, the beginning of the Anshi Rebellion was promoted by the mastermind Li Tang.

Regardless of whether it is for the survival of the fittest or for something else, in short, now that the war is over, everyone can live in peace.

but... ...

Shen Yuqing looked at Yin Qing: "Qingxi go out to play for a while, we adults have something to say."

Qingxi reluctantly agreed, and went out obediently.

Without the ignorant Qingxi, Shen Yuqing and Yin Qing could say a lot. Yin Qing took a look at Fu Qiushui, and thought about it but didn't avoid her. This person should be Shen Yuqing's partner, and he probably knows a lot of things. Shen Yuqing didn't ask her to avoid it, saying that she didn't need it.

"what do you wish to ask?"

Shen Yuqing stroked the rim of the bowl: " did you time travel?"

What she actually wanted to ask was how did you die, didn't you mean that the Anshi Rebellion was over? It's not easy to kill yourself after it's over.

Yin Ting heard her subtext, and the corner of her mouth twitched. She couldn't expect Shen Yuqing to say anything good, and it really hurt her heart when she came up.

"My time travel was an accident." Yin Qing bit this point to death, and refused to say anything else.

You must never tell Shen Yuqing that she choked to death eating chicken legs after the war.

Shen Yuqing had a clear expression on her face, she was afraid of being stupid, so she didn't want to say it.

So she changed the question again: "How did you survive? I thought our group was wiped out."

The assassination group that went to assassinate the rebel leader An Lushan was composed of twenty-five guards from Jianning plus a master, with a total of twenty-six people. Twenty-five women and one man, basically two people from each sect, the man is from Shaolin Temple, and one of the women is a girl who tried to worship Shaolin but never succeeded, so she taught herself Shaolin Kung Fu.

The assassination was unsuccessful, and everyone showed their abilities when they fled for their lives, and basically all got separated. However, it was of no use. Shen Yuqing guessed that no one would survive unless she was lucky.

There are a total of 26 of them, 26,000 pursuers, you can feel it.

Yin Qing rubbed his nose: "I couldn't survive at first, but I stepped on the air and fell into a pothole. It seems to be a trap set up by a hunter to catch a large beast. I fainted after I fell into it." After passing by, the potholes were also buried by loose soil and the like, and they actually deceived the pursuit of the Spike Army."

This is the so-called shit luck.

"Besides me, there are two survivors. One is Yanyue. Didn't she get separated from us at the beginning? We all fled, but she just sneaked in and came to An Lushan's son." Yin Yin Qing said here that he couldn't help but despise this son named An Qingxu, "I don't know what An Qingxu thinks, probably because she is good-looking and helped her escape the pursuers. After that, she stayed by An Qingxu's side all the time. We all thought she was dead. A few years later, it suddenly broke out that An Qingxu had killed his father, An Lushan, and then the Spike Army was split into two, and An Qingxu and Shi Siming became two forces. "

The Spike Army after the split is easy to deal with, not to mention Shi Siming is brave and foolish, and An Qingxu has a brain hole. So it didn't take long for the two rebels to be beaten back outside Yanmen Pass by the counterattacking rebels, and the Anshi Rebellion ended.

Miss Yanyue contributed a lot to this, and I don't know how she managed to persuade An Qingxu to kill his father and make herself king when An Qingxu knew she was a spy. The beauty trick was used very well, and finally retreated unscathed.

"I was stunned when I saw her. She looked calm, as if nothing had happened. What do you think An Qingxu thinks? With such a beautiful woman by his side, he has been Didn't touch it?" Yin Qing lowered his voice, "Is he not good?"

Shen Yuqing patted Yin Qing's head back with a pia, with a blank expression on her face: "Looking at you, I'm expecting her to be kicked by An's pig?"

Yin Qing's face immediately changed drastically, and he shook his head suddenly.

But don't, this sister Xiu is a black-bellied, yes, she is one of the black-bellied foursome. Expecting her to be arched? If Sister Xiu knows this... Hehehe, let me know about the little scissors from Qixiufang

"Apart from Yanyue, what else?" Shen Yuqing squinted.

Yin Qing wiped his face: "There is more? Can't you guess?"

"I guessed it. Gu Lian."

The leader of the Twenty-Five Guards, Gu Lian, a disciple of the Five Poisons.

Poison Sister Gu Lian is a legend, not only in Dayan, but also in Datang. After all, this is the only one who can be called a cancer of the rivers and lakes and will not be thrown into the camp of the Valley of the Wicked.

The last cancer in the Jianghu was Mo Yu, the young master of the Evil Valley, the next one was Tao Hanting, the deputy valley master, and the next one was the valley master Wang Yifeng. If you continue to count forward, you can count the top ten villains for you, believe it or not

Poison Sister ranks first in strength and second in intelligence in Twenty-five Guards. The others are basically either well-developed in limbs and simple in mind, or good in brain but slightly lacking in fighting. Shen Yuqing was not surprised that she survived, but since she survived, she wouldn't make herself stupid, so why did she still wear it

After Shen Yuqing asked this question, Yin Qing was very surprised: "What?! She also wore it?!!!"

The dazed beggar sister shivered.

After finally escaping from the claws of the poisonous sister, how come there is her in another world? Also let people live!

Shen Yuqing looked at her unpromising look with contempt: "Okay, she has been dead for hundreds of years. Have you never read the history of the previous dynasty? You know that there was a princess of the Five Immortals during the reign of Emperor Rui of the previous dynasty Called Gu Lian, is there a national teacher who is a disciple of Chunyang?"

Yin Qing asked three questions and shook his head blankly.

How could she, a brewer, know the history of the previous dynasty? There are no history lessons here, and no history books are passed around.

"..." Okay, you always have your reasons.

Although Yin Qing had never heard of these two people, she quickly grasped the point: "The previous dynasty? Emperor Rui? Hundreds of years ago?"

Doesn't that mean that Gu Lian is dead

"Is he dead?" Yin Qing asked vigilantly, "Don't tell me that this lunatic has developed an elixir of life!"

Shen Yuqing almost wanted to sigh, everyone is twenty-five guards, why are you so handsome.

Fu Qiushui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "She's fine, but she's not here either."

"What do you mean?" Yin Qing's mood was ups and downs, and he couldn't get better.

Fu Qiushui frowned: "Although it is recorded in the history books that the princess and the national teacher left the capital to travel around the world, it is not recorded like this in the secret royal history. They said that Emperor Rui, the national teacher, the eldest princess and the princess were four One day, the national teacher presided over the practice at the altar. When the practice was performed, the world suddenly changed, and the four of them disappeared, leaving only the imperial decree of Emperor Rui to let the prince succeed. Later, after the succession, the prince took charge of many Two years later, they also disappeared suddenly. The person who wrote the secret history suspected that the national teacher opened the passage to the fairy world, so they disappeared suddenly, and they became immortals."


Very good, very in line with the world's imagination of supernatural phenomena.

Shen Yuqing decisively turned her head and asked Yin Qing: "Tell me everything about Gu Lian before you crossed over."

Yin Qing was not that stupid after all, and immediately reacted: "You mean that Gu Lian may have traveled through time, and then with the help of that Chunyang disciple, the national teacher, he found a way to time time back?"

"Well, I think it's possible."

Chunyang's disciples still have some real skills, maybe they can really find a way to travel back.

Yin Qing nodded and told about Gu Lian.

Du Jie actually didn't do much, after escaping, she settled down for a while, and then made a big news.

"After two or three years after the assassination, Prince Li Heng started acting like a demon. He contacted Huihe and promised Huihe that if they help recover the lost land of the Tang Dynasty and drive away the Spike Army, when the capital is recovered, the man The land belongs to us in the Tang Dynasty, and all the women, gold, silver and treasures return to Huihe."

After the news came out, Jianghu was furious.

They felt that the prince had simply lost his mind, not to mention the tiger's skin, but also agreed to such a crazy condition. Especially chivalrous women, wishing they could kill the prince every minute.

The number of chivalrous women in the Jianghu of the Tang Dynasty is not much less than that of chivalrous men, and there are many very powerful female chivalrous men in every sect. Not to mention that Yangzhou Qixiufang was still a sect that only accepted women, and it was only after the Anshi Rebellion began that it took in homeless little boys. It is a pity that Qixiufang was disbanded after the rebels entered Yangzhou. But after the rebellion ended, Yanyue went back to help rebuild Qixiufang.

"The Tiance Mansion was rebuilt relatively early. On the eve of the end of the war, General Cao temporarily reorganized the Tiance Army." Yin Qing likes to talk in divergent ways when talking about things, a little bit here and there, and now it involves the Tiance Mansion. .

Tiance was the second sect to be destroyed, but it was the first to be rebuilt. The Cangyun army was the first to be destroyed, and it was rebuilt after the war ended, which was about the same time as the rebuilding of Qixiufang. The other sects are all well preserved, at least the old nest has not been destroyed, but the disciples suffered heavy casualties.

Shen Yuqing endured it, so she didn't hit her: "Get to the point!"

"Oh oh oh!" Yin Qing immediately brought back the unrestrained topic, "This prince is going to die, everyone is very angry. Gu Lian became even more angry, so she ran to assassinate the prince. Then she succeeded, but I heard from her that there were a few twists and turns in the middle of the journey. The first assassination was unsuccessful, but the second one was successful."

The first time she was about to fight, a stupid Chunyang disciple broke in and saw that she thought she was the prince, so he fought with her and alarmed the guards. There was no other way, the two of them could only run away quickly, and after getting rid of the guards, they had time to talk, knowing that the other party was their own.

So they decided to join forces and discussed the battle plan for a few days. In the end, I found that the plan could not keep up with the changes, so whatever plan I made, I just went up and did it. So the two abandoned their plan and sneaked into the prince's tent again.

This time he succeeded in killing the prince, but it was inevitable that he would alarm the guards when he escaped. So it was another narrow escape, and finally escaped safely.

"I don't know if you remember that Taoist Master Chunyang, but he is quite famous. His disciple under the name of Lingxu is called Lingsu, and he is a charlatan."

How could Shen Yuqing have never heard of this name before, she said blankly: "This is the name of the national teacher."

Yin Qing: "???"

If the national teacher is this Chunyang disciple... .

"Maybe they did have an accident when they escaped for the second time, so they traveled here. Later, they found a way to go back, so they escaped 'safely'." So in fact, they may not have escaped safely at all.

Yin Qing said that he didn't understand how you thought of it.

Shen Yuqing rubbed the center of her brows: "It's actually very simple. After Gu Lian escaped from hunting and came back, did he suddenly have an extra partner?"

Yin Qing frowned: "I don't know, but I know that not long after she came back, the Tiance Mansion was rebuilt. Gu Lian and I went to watch the ceremony, and then we met a female general in Tiance, who always looked after her with the expression of a heartbreaker." Lian. Gu Lian didn't know her at first, but they got together soon."

"Then there's nothing wrong with it, the eldest princess is a female general."

The eldest princess who disappeared with Gu Lian was a heroine, and both of them went to Datang. It is estimated that Gu Lian temporarily lost his memory after going back through the transmigration, and did not remember the time travel, but the eldest princess remembered and found her, so Gu Lian must have recalled it later.

These past events are actually not important, the important thing is: "Gu Lian can go back, so should we."

Shen Yuqing said quite seriously.

Yin Qing's eyes widened suddenly: "You mean!"

If this is the case, then she really has to think about whether to go back. After all, there is not much difference between here and there, but there is no need to worry about being controlled by others here, but there is still a high-ranking mastermind in the game. But there are her friends and relatives, here she is a loner.

Fu Qiushui suddenly grabbed Shen Yuqing's hand, feeling a little nervous.

Shen Yuqing suddenly came back to her senses and looked at her: "If you can leave, are you willing to accompany me back?"

Fu Qiushui also looked at her without speaking.

She didn't know, after all, when she didn't really face this choice, she couldn't tell whether she would choose love or family affection.

Shen Yuqing didn't mind her silence, and smiled: "Actually, it's pretty good here."

It means that if she doesn't want to leave, then Shen Yuqing won't leave either.

It is enough to know that the friends are living well in the original world, and it is not necessary to go back to get together. And after so many gay friends died back then, she only knew that Gu Lian and Yan Yue were in the original world, and the rest were still scattered, dead or alive.

Shen Yuqing would rather that they were all alive and traveled through time. As long as everyone is safe and taking care of themselves, it will be fine.

Getting together is not important, finding a companion is the most important thing. Otherwise, when she goes back to face a group of single dogs who have traveled through a round and are still single, she is afraid that she will become the target of public criticism.

Those group of friends who are jealous and mean-spirited will definitely torture her ruthlessly. It's okay for others, but I'm afraid of the remaining three in the black-bellied foursome. Although her strength is not as good as hers, but she can't hold back and has so many tricks!

But the imperial concubine would not admit directly that she was intimidated, so she only said the previous paragraph in a high-sounding manner. Regarding the issue of being single later, I just complained to myself secretly, and didn't tell Yin to listen.

"What you said makes sense." Yin Qing nodded silly and sweetly, really thinking that Shen Yuqing's ideological awareness was so high. When it was over, she thought about it wrongly: "But you have a daughter-in-law, but I don't. So you can stay for your daughter-in-law and say a lot of big things, but I don't need it."

Thinking of her being alone, it is very desolate.

Shen Yuqing looked at her coolly: "Then ask my son to do a fortune telling for you tomorrow, maybe your Red Luan star has moved, and there will be good news in two days."

Yin Qing was very sad, because Shen Yuqing said this like a curse. Even if there is a peach blossom, it is probably a rotten peach blossom.

"You still have a son?" However, Yin Qing's focus is always difficult.

"Yes." Shen Yuqing took a sip of the wine, feeling happy, "You have both children, envy?"

Yin Qing pretended not to be jealous, and said stubbornly, "I didn't snatch it from your husband, and it wasn't born by you..."

Shen Yuqing was unmoved at all, and she corrected her earnestly: "I didn't snatch my son from him, but from another family. But I was adopted to him, if I have to say that I snatched it from him, also."

"..." Pooh, who asked you this!

"I found the Chunyang mental method from the book left by Gu Lian, and I gave it to my son. He should be good at fortune-telling. Let him do it for you tomorrow."

"May I ask, how old is your son?" Yin Qing's premonition grew stronger, and he was actually a self-taught.

Shen Yuqing smiled brightly: "Six years old."

Yin Qing: ...

Don't stop me, I'm going to fight her today!

It should be okay if I learned fortune telling at the age of six? Shen Yuqing, do you dare to touch your conscience and say it again

The imperial concubine has no conscience :)

"Want to fight?" Seeing that she was rolling up her sleeves, Shen Yuqing immediately got excited, "Come on! Fight!"

Yin Qing snorted, now she is not afraid of Shen Yuqing anymore. Because she suddenly thought that she is higher level than Shen Yuqing.

When Shen Yuqing crossed, the full level was still level 90. Although she was higher than the player level, she was only level 105. When Yin Qing crossed over, the full level was already level 100. No matter how weak Yin Qing was, he still exceeded level 110.

She is more than five levels higher than Shen Yuqing, and she is better equipped with weapons and the like, so is she afraid that she won't be able to beat her

Yin Qing geared up and decided to teach Shen Yuqing to be a man. She has been looking forward to this opportunity for a long time, but every time she can only realize it in her dreams, she is ridiculed by other gay friends as "delusion".

Shen Yuqing is not afraid of her, an NPC who relies on statistics will never become a top martial arts master. She will tell Yin Qing with facts and fists that even if her level is low and her equipment is poor, as long as her martial arts comprehension is better than hers, she can defeat her.

After all, this is a real world, and Dayan is not an online game world, so how can he only look at the data

So an hour later, Yin Qing was "satisfied" and was beaten down by Shen Yuqing.

Yin Qing: There is nothing to love in life.jpg

The one with the big fist was father, and Yin Qing withdrew unwillingly, and had no right to provoke the boss again. The poisonous sister is not here, the Taoist nun is not here, Shen Guifei can do whatever she wants.

"Actually, I feel that you and Taoist nun should be able to escape back then." Yin Qing said weakly lying on the stone table, "You three are the strongest. But it's a pity that Taoist nun wanted to protect her junior sister, and in the end the two became desperate couples."

The Taoist nun's name is Xie Caiwei, and she and her junior sister Li Lianyi are in love with each other. Everyone knows this. But this girl Li Lianyi is really a negative EQ, she didn't realize that her senior sister liked her, and she was still in sad unrequited love every day.

Xie Caiwei thought that she didn't know when she would die in Zhan Luanli. Rather than making it clear that she died after being together and making her junior sister very sad, it is better not to make it clear at all. In this way, the junior sister just died as an object of love, and she can come out of the broken relationship and find a good one again.

When mentioning the old man, Shen Yuqing also sighed, and then sighed: "I was too unlucky to escape."

She and Yin Qing are two extremes. One with poor strength escaped with good luck, while the other with high strength was stumbled to death by bad luck.

Yin Qing became excited when she heard this, and she said: "Later, Gu Lian asked that charlatan in Lingsu to do a fortune-telling for us, and found out that your name was not chosen properly, and the fortune-telling image was evil-the number of disasters, heroic spirit, wandering in the world, I will be impetuous all my life. Women are not suitable for this number. Listen to me and change your name quickly."

Shen Yuqing: "..."

Suddenly it's itchy again.

But this is not enough, Yin Qing continued to die: "Listen to me again - the authority is strong, you can break through all difficulties, if you can tolerate it, you will succeed. Banji!"

Well, this person deserves a beating, the appraisal is complete.

So Yin Qing was beaten up again.

"Let's not talk about this." Shen Yuqing calmed down, picked up the Yanyun suit on the table, "Is this suit the best?"

Yin Qing rolled his eyes weakly: "It's a good idea. When I came here, I came out with the Weijin set, which is the best. But I can't get your Mingjiao's Weijin, this set of Yanyun is still a girl from your Mingjiao." After asking me to rescue her friend, she gave me a reward. She has nothing else, and only the Yanyun suit she replaced can be sold, and she said it was for me to wear as a beautiful dress."

Not to mention, the Yanyun set of the Mingjiao female disciple is quite beautiful.

Concubine Shen shook off this set of disciple clothes to have a look, it was of the stature of an adult woman. Qingxi probably won't be able to wear it right now, and she will have to wait until she's fully developed to become a big girl before she can wear it.

But you can keep it for now, don't worry about it.

The sect disciple clothes have special attribute bonuses, after all, they are game equipment. After wearing it, the defense and attack power will increase, which is a good meeting gift. Qingxi can feel more at ease now that she has a disciple's uniform to protect her body.

Shen Yuqing was reluctantly satisfied and kept it.

When it was over, she stretched out her hand again: "What else?"

Do you have to have the agreed meeting gift and the gift from the godmother

Yin Qing gritted her teeth: "Can you stop being so pushy?" She is just a poor, weak and helpless beggar!

The author has something to say: Everyone, look at the total number of words! ! ! 666666 ah! ! ! It took me a long time to delete, delete, modify and modify the double-click 666! ! !

Thanks to mine: Ge Geyi, Liu Yao, Shilun, Chu Yubai, Luo Yun

Thanks to the nutrient solution: ""+10, waking sleepwalking+2, Chen+50, ""+3, Houhouhou+15, NAE=faith+1, Wu & male god+100, Xitong so far+1, passers-by Bingding+10, filling holes in dreams+5, Z+1, Weiran Shengge+54, thin and unaffected+1, black-bellied businessman+10