The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 123: ①②③leisurely


After Yin Qing left, Shen Yuqing fooled the Shen family and started a peaceful life in the county.

Hmm... Probably, let's experience the retirement life in advance.

The residence chosen by the Shen family was also on the bank of the Qiantang River, and a small canal was dug to bring the river water into the courtyard. Then a pond was dug in the yard, and pavilions and pavilions were built, which are no worse than Suzhou gardens.

The scenery of the old house is very unique, no wonder Mr. Shang Shu thought of resigning from office and returning to retire. This place is much more comfortable than the capital where every inch of land is expensive and the pace of life is extremely fast. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun every day, there is nothing to do.

Originally, Shen Yuqing said that she went to worship at the ancestral hall the night before after she came, but because she suddenly thought about the assassination, she didn't move. In the next few days, she was worried that someone else would do it, so she postponed the matter.

Now the whole family is counting on her protection, so naturally she can't run away halfway.

It turned out that her concerns were justified, and another wave came on the third night.

This time the person who came was not sent by Concubine Xian, and it was already the limit for Concubine Xian to send one round. The purpose of the second round at this moment is obviously to capture alive. For organizations like them that are against the royal family, living hostages are obviously more useful than dead ones. They can be kept for benefits, and maybe they can threaten the dog emperor.

Because she didn't come here to kill people, Shen Yuqing didn't have to be so tense.

Without Yin Qing's cooperation, she could still protect her wife and children.

On the way, those people caught Qingxi and the prince, trying to threaten Shen Yuqing to put down the knife. The imperial concubine gave her a big roll of her eyes, and without saying a word, she ended up being an idiot who dared to arrest her son. The other party didn't even see her movements clearly, and died directly.

As for the one who arrested her daughter, it probably never occurred to her that her daughter could also learn martial arts. She patronized and guarded against Shen Yuqing, but Qingxi took advantage of her loopholes, grabbed the knife with her backhand and wiped his neck.

The empress was worried at first, fearing that the little girl would have nightmares because she killed someone with her own hands. Unexpectedly, Qingxi is worthy of being Dayan's eldest princess. Although she has been pampered since she was a child, her psychological endurance is definitely beyond ordinary people. She was so happy that she didn't seem to have any psychological shadow at all.

Shen Yuqing praised her with a smile, and was a little surprised in her heart. Unexpectedly, the daughter she said last time that she would have to wait a few years before she can use it can actually be able to take care of herself.

She thought about teaching Qingxi some more martial arts skills later, both for killing and self-defense. But don't even think about leaving the teacher in advance.

When Qingxi heard this, she was immediately discouraged. She thought she was studying so well that she could shorten the study time.

Shen Yuqing smiled and gave her a bad idea: "If you can sneak to your father's side without disturbing the hidden guards, and then draw a turtle on his face, you can leave the teacher early."

Fu Qiushui heard the words: "..."

Qingxi's eyes lit up: "Really?!"

"I'm not lying to you." Shen Yuqing nodded with a smile, "If you can beat your father and emperor without disturbing the hidden guards, then mother and concubine will give you another good treasure."

Qingxi pointed her fingers and thought for a while: "I'll try!"

The empress didn't even bother to look, she silently turned her eyes away, and lit a piece of wax for her hapless brother.

The corpses were cleaned up in the same way, and the two remaining survivors were thrown into the next room by the way. Shen Yuqing took his wife, children and children to sleep in other rooms. The next morning, Shen Yuqing gave Dong Xiao a few bottles of medicine, and asked Dong Xiao to rush to Lin'an to give it to Miss Jinli under the pressure of the victim.

The medicines are not serious medicines, and basically belong to the category of Ruanjinsan and torture to extract confessions. The things Shen Yuqing provided were of course good things, and Jinli used them very easily after getting them, and quickly interrogated the identity of the assassin.

In the evening, when Dong Xiao came back, he also brought back the news. It turned out that these people were actually from the south of King Huan.

"No wonder." Shen Yuqing was stunned.

She also said before that the previous dynasty had been destroyed for hundreds of years, and it was still in the same line as the current royal family. They are all Qiao's family, so why do you want to do it. Looking at it now, it turns out that there are no remnants of the previous dynasty.

Moreover, it was unexpected and reasonable that King Huan would do something.

As the only king with a different surname who has a fief, King Huan is not stupid, he naturally knows that the emperor is thinking of withdrawing the feudal domain every day. But he didn't want to directly quarrel with the emperor, so he didn't intend to kill the prince and his party. What's more, if the prince dies, another one can be established, and the emperor can have many children in his prime.

So the best way is to catch the prince and the others to negotiate terms with the emperor. At the very least, you must get the imperial decree, and you will never withdraw from the feudal clan after many years of negotiation.

It's a pity that because of Shen Yuqing's existence, King Huan not only failed, but also lost two hostages. As long as the emperor wants to take action against the fiefdom, these two hostages are ironclad proof.

In fact, Shen Yuqing thinks that the emperor intentionally ostentatiously came out on a southern tour just to wait for King Huan.

Although if King Huan was not stupid, he would not really come to assassinate the emperor. After all, the emperor was protected to death, and they would not be able to please them if they did it. But the emperor didn't care, if King Huan was stupid enough to do it directly, it would be best. If he wasn't so stupid, the emperor could also direct and act on his own.

He found some dead men to pretend to be King Huan to assassinate himself, and finally captured a few "assassins" alive, saying that he interrogated the master behind them from the mouths of the assassins. At that time, King Huan can't speak clearly with ten mouths, and everyone will not think that King Huan was wronged at all.

The situation is even better now, King Huan really did something, although it was against the prince. But he did have two captives in the hands of the emperor. As long as the emperor directs and acts out another assassination to let everyone know that the emperor was assassinated, and then pretends that the two captives were captured this time, they will all live together. up.

Shen Yuqing clicked her tongue, the emperor is the emperor, and there are so many talkers in the southern tour. When other people go on a trip, it is a real trip, and when he goes on a trip, he uses it as bait to lure assassins.

In order to withdraw the feudal clan, he also worked very hard.

It just so happened that the harvest had been bumper year after year, the soldiers were fat and the horses were strong, and the impact of the fight with the west had been eliminated long ago. At this moment, even if King Huan refuses to withdraw the feudal domain, the emperor can still fight him head-to-head, which is not in vain.

"Concubine Yun and her elder brother's people are going to do it soon, right?" Shen Yuqing asked.

Fu Qiushui was not interested in these things. She shook her head and said she didn't know, but Dong Xiao knew something: "Concubine Yun's people are already on standby. As long as the emperor makes a move, they will do it when they get the news. But before that, they Rumors have been spread in the fief, saying that King Huan killed his father, mother and younger brother, was unfaithful, righteous, filial and fraternal."

It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as the rumor has an impact on King Huan. The common people don't care about the truth, they just love to hear about the grievances of these wealthy families.

The inside should cooperate with the outside, the emperor should be able to succeed this time.

After Shen Yuqing knew about it, she put it aside. She didn't need to get involved in these matters, so she just listened to them as gossip. After calling dinner in, she hugged her daughter-in-law and fell asleep.

Dong Xiao came back this time with a team of hidden guards, the female guards next to the queen. The reason why he didn't bring it before was to lure the assassin deliberately. Although the hidden guard hid it well, he couldn't hide it from the assassin.

This time the hidden guards are back, no matter whether the assassins dare to attack again, they can still protect the masters. Shen Yuqing can go to the ancestral hall to worship alone without worrying that something will happen to her wife and children after she leaves.

In the evening, Shen Yuqing got out of bed lightly, went to the ancestral hall, and offered a stick of incense to the ancestors for Miss Shen.

She has never been to the ancestral hall to worship, so she doesn't know the taboo rules, she only knows that women are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall. Ms. Shen probably didn't come in, so Shen Yuqing went back after putting on the incense sticks.

"Are you back?" Fu Qiushui, who was half asleep and half awake, realized that she was back, and leaned against her.

Shen Yuqing hugged her and kissed her: "Well, I'm back, go to sleep."

"Tomorrow..." Fu Qiushui muttered.

"I remember, go to sleep." Shen Yuqing replied.

Only then did Fu Qiushui fall asleep in peace.

I'm going to visit the countryside tomorrow. This is what the two children have been talking about for several days.

They grew up in the palace, never saw anything, and were very interested in farming and fishing. Fu Qiushui also missed the life of a village girl when she was a child, and looked at Shen Yuqing expectantly.

As a good wife and mother, Shen Yuqing naturally would not refuse, and immediately agreed.

In fact, Dayan had the emperor's custom of farming in the spring every year, that is, at the end of the first lunar month, the emperor would take his ministers to experience farming at the Royal Villa on the outskirts of Huaijing. There is reclaimed land in the villa, and the emperor and others have to plow and sow the land like farmers.

As for whether the seeds will germinate and grow in the end, that is another matter.

This pro-cultivation has political meaning, which probably means that this dynasty is based on agriculture and attaches great importance to agriculture.

In the previous dynasty, there were queens and wives who went to farm together, but there is no such rule in this dynasty. Only the emperor and ministers have to work in the fields, and the queen can stay in the palace drinking tea and enjoying themselves. It seems that it was because the founding emperor loved his wife who was born in a peasant family very much, and he didn't want to let her go to the field again. It directly caused Fu Yanjun to feel resentful every time he went to farm.

The empress said that she had plowed the land a lot when she was a child, and she knew how to do it better than them. The emperor, a boy who was supposed to farm the land, was just going to experience the work he might have done. What right did he have to say that he didn't want to go.

Therefore, although His Majesty the Emperor came to the south for a tour, he had no intention of visiting the farmers at all. He is not at all happy to see those land and crops now, his hands hurt, his back hurts, his legs hurt, and he feels uncomfortable all over.

Early the next morning, the prince and Qingxi had already dressed and went to wake up the two elders.

The children are so excited when they are interested, they don't even sleep late. Shen Yuqing irritatedly pulled her son over and rubbed it hard, messing up his little bun.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince puffed up his bun face unhappily: "It wasn't Gu who wanted to wake you up, but Gu was also woken up by Miss Huang."

Shen Yuqing immediately apologized, and kissed her son's bun face: "My concubine made a mistake, let Aunt Dongxiao tie it up for you again."

His Highness was still unhappy, and he puffed his face again: "Aunt Dong Xiao's braid is not as good-looking as Aunt Bi Ge."

Dong Xiao, who just entered the door, was immediately unhappy, she was not in charge of combing hair, of course, she was not as good as Bi Ge who specialized in this area. When having breakfast, she carefully placed the prince's favorite breakfast at the farthest place from His Royal Highness, seeing that he couldn't reach it, and pretendingly came over to pick it up for him.

He said while sandwiching: "Your Highness has short hands, so don't do it yourself, it's fine if the servants come."

His Royal Highness, who was ridiculed for his short hands: "..."

I'm afraid you haven't been tricked by a black-bellied prince!

So today's activities in the countryside will not be for Miss Dongxiao. Because His Royal Highness said that he wanted to eat crayfish, and he insisted on making it with the chef brought back from Suzhou.

He smiled like a little angel, and looked at Dong Xiao with big black eyes: "Aunt Dong Xiao, will you help Gu bring him?"

"...Don't worry, Your Highness." Dong Xiao gritted his teeth and agreed.

She just ran back and forth to Lin'an City, Fuyang County yesterday, and she has to do it again today!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince followed his mother, stepmother, and concubine to the countryside contentedly - to observe the people's sentiments, and he had no time to care about Miss Dongxiao's thoughts.

For the two princes and grandchildren, the countryside is a mysterious and interesting place. There are silt ditches hiding crayfish, rice fields and vegetable fields that have never been seen before, ponds occupied by unsightly fish and shrimp, and a group of children playing various games.

"They are not as good-looking as those in the palace, but are they really delicious?" The prince stood solemnly on the big rock by the river, with his mother and concubine hugging his waist.

His tone of voice is old-fashioned, and his expression is very serious, but the content is eating. Looking at it from a distance, no one would have guessed that this child was just pretending.

Shen Yuqing has gotten used to her son's tone since she was here, and she is very cute when she speaks age-appropriate words like a prince.

She glanced at the unattractive grass carp, silver carp, and mandarin fish in the lake, as well as the green and translucent shrimp, and nodded, "Although it doesn't look good, it's really delicious."

Much better than the koi in the palace.

"I just want to eat." Qiuqiu thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's have fish and shrimp for lunch."

Next to her, Qingxi ran around with a group of children like a madwoman.

Although the children in the countryside have been in charge of the family for a long time, but now the common people live a rich life, and the children also have a lot of time to play instead of working all day long. A group of children were playing wildly together, running from the mountain to the foot, from the village to the outside of the village, playing with everything.

At this moment, they were scrambling to catch lobsters. As a good sister, Qingxi remembered that her younger brother told Dongxiao that she wanted to eat crayfish in the morning, so she immediately volunteered to follow.

When the group of them first arrived, those children and adults were very reserved, and no one dared to play with Qingxi. But Qingxi has no pretensions. In the palace, she is just a little devil who climbs trees, digs out birds and fishes in water, and soon gets into a ball with the children when she comes out.

Because when she was going out, Shen Yuqing was afraid that the children would not have fun, so she changed into ordinary cotton clothes so that the villagers would not panic when they saw them dressed too richly.

Many people in the village could afford to wear cotton clothes, but Shen Yuqing and the others looked a bit more expensive, so people felt that they were not close and did not dare to come over. Once they let go of their airs, it wouldn't make the villagers feel a sense of distance, otherwise Qingxi wouldn't be able to break into the inside no matter how hard she tried.

His Royal Highness glanced at the lobster fishing team over there, and snorted, "Childish."

Then he continued to stare at the fish: "I just want to eat the grilled fish from Sichuan."

The grilled fish in Sichuan is to split the fish in half vertically, sprinkle seasonings on the fire and roast for a meal, then spread the fish on an iron plate, add spicy oil seasoning and side dishes, and cook. After cooking until the side dishes are cooked, you can eat them.

His Royal Highness has a heavy taste. He doesn't like bland and sweet and sour dishes, but prefers spicy and salty dishes.

Shen Yuqing smiled and said yes, she can still make this dish, because there is really no technical content. As long as there is no problem with the grilled fish, the subsequent cooking is just cooking without vegetables and seasonings.

So at noon, they borrowed the stove from the fellow villagers and cooked a meal of grilled fish. Several pieces of fish, several flavors, I invited the fellow villagers to eat together.

In fact, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui cooked the fish together, because Shen Yuqing is not very good at using this clay stove. The fire was built with the help of the villagers. Both of them have been away from the countryside for too long, and they are not very good at controlling the fire.

The smoke is a bit big, and the chili is very choking after it is fragrant. The two children were watching with great interest, but they couldn't hold on for a while, and they coughed until their eyes were red and their noses were red, and they looked very pitiful.

Still, the fish was delicious.

Although Qiuqiu caught the fish by himself, even with the help of his concubine, he was still very happy. It was Qingxi's first time to eat dishes cooked by her mother. In the past, at most, her mother made cakes for grilled fish and chicken, and her mother had never cooked before.

"Delicious." Qingxi sniffed, tearing up from the heat.

Qiuqiu was too busy eating, mouthful after mouthful, and had no time to talk at all.

The grilled fish is mandarin fish, which has no small thorns and is convenient to eat. Otherwise, with the way of eating the ball, it would have been stabbed in the throat long ago.

After eating enough, Qingxi was still full of energy and said that she would go to the foot of the mountain with her friends to play. There are wild loquat trees there, and the loquats bear fruit in spring, so they can be picked and eaten right now. The dolls in the countryside don't have any snacks to eat, and they can only pick wild fruits to satisfy their hunger.

Qingxi didn't pick the fruit herself, so she ran away with her new friends in high spirits after hearing this.

"Climb the tree carefully." The empress exhorted routinely, but she wasn't worried.

Some of the dark guards followed, protecting Her Highness the Princess.

Qiuqiu is young and sleeps too much. After eating and basking in the sun for a while, she becomes a little sleepy, curled up in her mother's arms and drowsy. Shen Yuqing put him back into the carriage, where there was a couch to sleep comfortably on. Then she and Fu Qiushui went out for a walk, and finally had no children, and they could live in a world of two.

"Let's go and see Tian." Fu Qiushui suggested.

It is still the rice transplanting season at this time, so many farmers in the fields are busy. Farm children who can still run around and play around when transplanting rice seedlings, and don’t need to help, are either too young to help, or there are enough people in the family to not need children’s help.

Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui walked slowly on the field row hand in hand, their wide sleeves covered their holding hands. The peasants can only look up at most, and they don't have much time to greet them, so naturally no one cares about them.

Occasionally, older children would come with baskets to bring water and food to the elders in the family.

Looking from a distance, the rice fields are endless.

"When will this be inserted?" Shen Yuqing clicked her tongue.

Fu Qiushui narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "I can't remember."

In fact, she didn't help much with farming when she was a child. Most of the time, she cooked and cleaned the house and took care of her younger brother. Their family only had one acre of Susukida, which was planted soon. The family mainly relied on her father as a long-term worker. Later, when her father left, it was she who tried to do some needlework to subsidize the family.

Life in the countryside feels very leisurely when you think about it, but you will find it exhausting if you really come to experience it.

I spend a lot of time cooking every day, and the rest of the time is busy with farming or cleaning the yard, and there are no recreational activities to do when I am free. Thinking about it carefully, Shen Yuqing thinks it's better to forget it, she prefers to raise a group of servants in the county town and live the life of a landlord.

Fu Qiushui nodded sympathetically, who would want to torment himself when someone is serving him

After walking around, they returned to the village. I've seen everything I want to see, and the memory killing is over. Now I just want to see if the children have played enough, and I can go back to rest after playing enough.

When he arrived, Qiuqiu had already woken up, and was sitting in the carriage writing a letter to the grand master earnestly. Qingxi ran back with a bagful of loquats in her arms, handed them to Man Xing to wash, and brought them up for Mufei and the others to taste.

"Did you have fun?" Shen Yuqing smiled and wiped her daughter's sweat.

She found that she was becoming more and more like a good wife and mother.

Qingxi smiled and nodded: "Yeah!"

"Then let's go back?"

"Okay, I'll go say goodbye to them." Qingxi happily took out a pack of pastries from the small wall of the carriage, then climbed down from the carriage to find her little friend.

The pastry was considered a parting gift. Although the friends expressed their reluctance to leave her, the delicious pastries healed them quickly. Everyone happily shared the cakes, and then said goodbye to Qingxi in the carriage.

After returning to Shen's house, Shen Yuqing lay paralyzed on the bed, enjoying the service of her daughter-in-law.

Fu Qiushui fanned her with a small fan, it was obviously not hot, Shen Yuqing insisted on pestering her to fan her. She had no choice but to fan it one after another.

The two children huddled together on the table next to them, the prince continued to write letters, and Qingxi was drawing loquat trees.

It's a pity that she didn't learn Shen Yuqing's painting style well, and the things she drew were very abstract. She also said that she would give it to her father. I wonder if Fu Yanjun can guess what it is after seeing that ball of color. If you guess wrong, the consequences will be dire.

The author has something to say: Wow, it's really hard to write a novel about farming, I'd better continue with the plot!

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Thanks to Landmines: Filling the Pit in Dreams, Liu Yao, Ge Ge Yi

Thanks for the nutrient solution: satet+5, ""+30, sorrow of sorrow+30