The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 125: ①②⑤Crazy


Concubine Xian just took care of her like a dog, and it went smoothly beyond expectations.

In fact, it is entirely possible to wait for her to die after the poison is released, but Shen Yuqing still thinks that it is better to do it in advance. Wait one more day, who knows if Concubine Xian will take the opportunity to set up a backup

After all, Cao Mama's meaning to her is different from Luqiao's. Luqiao is just a subordinate, but Cao Mama is like a mother and child with her. The rabbit bit people in a hurry, it really drove Concubine Xian crazy, she didn't know what she would do.

Now that Concubine Xian is dead, Shen Yuqing didn't relax her vigilance immediately. She asked Jinli to check carefully the movements of Concubine Xian during this period to avoid accidents.

Miss Jinli didn't think she was too careful, she took it to heart after receiving the order. It just so happened that recently they wanted to investigate whether any of King Huan's men were lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, so they simply investigated together.

After the matter was arranged, Shen Yuqing temporarily relaxed and began to teach Qiuqiu and Dudu martial arts.

Qiuqiu's foundation has already been laid, he is different from Qingxi. Qingxi started to lay the foundation at the age of five, and Qiuqiu started at the age of three. It has been three years now, and she can start to study formally. Dudu is only two years old, but it's good to let him take a look at it in advance.

Shen Yuqing took the Tao Te Ching and began to teach Qiuqiu word by word. She didn't know much about it, but fortunately, there was an annotation book left by the national teacher. Otherwise, if you let her read it, she won't be able to understand a word.

Qiuqiu is very competitive. Although the teacher is very unreliable, he seems to be very talented and has not been disabled by a mediocre teacher. Shen Yuqing thought that this would not work, she could still fool the enlightenment, and she would not be able to come later. I have to tell the emperor to invite the Taoist priest who appeared five years ago when Qiuqiu caught Zhou to come into the palace to teach Qiuqiu the way of Taoism.

Although Taoism is also a religion, in fact Taoism believes in atheism. Thinking that asking God is worse than asking oneself is not in conflict with the way of being a king.

The Taoism of Chunyang Palace is even more so, and it doesn't advocate birth. Otherwise, during the war, Chunyang disciples would not have jumped out to help resist the rebels, but stayed on the mountain and devoted themselves to cultivating Taoism, not caring about world affairs.

Although His Majesty the Emperor was very angry that Shen Yuqing wanted to abduct his son to become a Taoist priest, he was still defeated in the face of His Royal Highness's watery eyes. In the end, she agreed to Shen Yuqing's request and sent someone to invite the old Taoist priest.

On the day the Taoist priest entered the palace, His Highness the Crown Prince gave the Taoist priest a respectful salutation ceremony.

As a prince, he can't go to the Taoist temple to invite people out of the mountain openly, lest the courtiers gossip, but the respect that should be given to the old Taoist priest is still indispensable. He is an apprentice for others, so naturally he has to go through the whole process of apprenticeship.

After that, Shen Yuqing threw the ball to the Taoist priest.

Daoist masters like moves will also be able to teach Qiuqiu the most suitable. What Shen Yuqing can do is to provide two mental methods, and then give him weapons and disciple uniforms as gifts to encourage him to practice hard. It is a good thing to have a martial arts body protection, lest you have to passively wait for the protection of the hidden guards in the future.

As for Dudu, there really isn't a disciple of the Five Poisons here to teach him. But it doesn't matter, Sister Du left a systematic and detailed book. Dudu was born smart, and Shen Yuqing found that if he just threw the book to him, he could learn well without her worrying about it.

That being the case, Shen Yuqing didn't bother to worry about it anymore, and happily threw the two silly sons aside, and was tired of being in Fengyi Palace every day.

With no concubine Xian in the palace, Shen Yuqing can do whatever she wants at first. There is only one concubine Lan still jumping around here, but Concubine Lan is really incompetent.

Her cleverness can be used in business, so let's forget about Gong Dou.

There is almost no eyeliner in the palace nowadays, even if there is, it is hidden very deeply. Concubine Xian might have it in her hand, but Concubine Lan shouldn't even think about it.

So don't be wary of Concubine Lan, just let the hidden guards watch over her.

Five days had passed since the peaceful days. On this day, Shen Yuqing was discussing with Fu Qiushui what to eat for dinner, and the conversation suddenly stopped in the middle. Fu Qiushui looked over suspiciously, but saw that Shen Yuqing's expression was a little subtle.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Yuqing looked at her: "A child Gu died."

Fu Qiushui was at a loss: "What kind of child Gu?"

"It's what I use to control people." Shen Yuqing explained, "You know, I planted Gu on Man Xing and the others."

The Gu was stolen from Sister Du, the mother Gu is in Shen Yuqing's body, and there are many child Gu. These sub-gus do no harm to the body, but are beneficial. The effect is to make the person who is infected by the voodoo loyal to the master of the mother voodoo. No matter who they were loyal to before, there will only be one master after being infected by the gu.

Moreover, Zi Gu will also secrete a liquid, the effect is similar to brainwashing people. The longer the time of exposure to this liquid, the more loyal the victim will be to the mother Gu owner. This effect will not appear until the sub-gu is unraveled, mainly to prevent the person who is caught in the sub-gu from telling the secret of the owner after the sub-gu is taken away by others.

After all, the people who have been infected by the Gu are very loyal, and the mother Gu master will of course tell them the secret with peace of mind. With this liquid, even if the Gu worms are taken out, they will still remain loyal to the mother Gu master.

This Gu was researched by Sister Du. It was originally intended to disgust the rebel army and secretly instigated the rebellion of the senior generals in the rebel army. The effect is very significant.

Shen Yuqing is really not good at the art of controlling people, otherwise she would not use this method to interfere with Man Xing and the others.

"Did a subgu die? Why did it die?" Fu Qiushui's expression became serious, "What happened to Man Xing and the others?"

Shen Yuqing shook her head: "It's not them, it's Concubine Xian's imperial doctor. I gave him the last child Gu before, do you remember?"

Fu Qiushui breathed a sigh of relief: "Remember, he died? Or was the sub-gu taken out?"

"Dead." Shen Yuqing said affirmatively, "The information fed back before dying is that the host is dead, so its lifespan has come to an end."

The doctor is dead.

Fu Qiushui was surprised: "Revenge for Concubine Xian?"


After all, when the imperial doctor did his work, there were still Concubine Xian around. These people were not cleared out because they were the personal servants of the concubine. Feiyue Palace only replaced the third-class maids and eunuchs, while the second-class and first-class eunuchs remained unchanged.

They knew that it was the imperial physician who did it, and they might have found an opportunity to spread the news, so that people outside could seek revenge from the imperial physician.

"Wait, I'll go over and see what's going on."

"it is good."

Shen Yuqing sneaked into the Taijue Hospital with lightness kung fu, and according to the news that Zigu sent before his death, the Taijiu died here.

She quickly found the doctor's position, and saw a disgusting scene - the doctor's body was covered with tiny white bugs. Digging around outside and inside his body has already devoured the corpse riddled with holes.

In the hands of the imperial physician, it was a sachet. There were overturned white porcelain plates and white powder spilled out on the ground.

Shen Yuqing suddenly remembered what the imperial physician had reported to her before, that Concubine Xian handed him a sachet filled with poison before she died.

She walked over and took a closer look at the sachet. It should be the one given by Concubine Xian, and there are insects crawling in and out of it, but the size seems to be smaller than the one on the imperial doctor. The inside of the sachet is probably embedded with something like oil paper, and the powder will not spill out from the gaps in the fabric.

Some of the bugs on the corpse were laying eggs, and the eggs hatched quickly into tiny bugs, just like the ones crawling out of the sachet. They grow up quickly after eating flesh and blood, and then start laying eggs to reproduce.

No wonder there are so many worms on the corpse. It's strange if there are not many of them in terms of egg laying efficiency.

Shen Yuqing collected some bugs and all the powder, and put them in two glass bottles. Then take out the corpse water from the backpack and dispose of the corpse.

The corpse water produced by Dujie is very effective. The corpse water is not foul-smelling black water, but a colorless and odorless liquid, which soon seeps into the ground and leaves only shallow water stains. Then use the internal energy to raise the temperature and evaporate, and the traces are completely gone, even those bugs are not spared.

She burned the scattered clothes on the ground, leaving only a porcelain plate and the medicinal powder that Shen Yuqing threw on the ground at random, pretending that the owner had opened it and knocked it over in a hurry when he left. Anyway, in the Imperial Hospital, all senior imperial physicians have an office room for each person, and there are few people walking around in the courtyard. No one will find that the imperial physician has not left at all, but disappeared directly.

Shen Yuqing brought two glass bottles to the head of the Tai Hospital. The other party studied for a long time and finally figured out what it was.

"The white powder is a poison. It is colorless and tasteless, but its toxicity is very overbearing. A little bit of it can kill people." Wearing special gloves, the head of the Tai Hospital turned the sachet upside down to reveal the inside.

On the oiled paper inside, there are still some insect eggs stuck, trying to break out of the eggs.

"This bug is a relatively rare corpse bug. It takes a long time to hatch when there is no corpse as a nutrient. If there is a corpse, they can not only hatch quickly but also grow quickly by relying on the corpse. There should be a bug king, the bug The king can control the bugs and urge unhatched eggs to start hatching. Ordinary corpse bugs will not attack living people, but the bug king will."

The insect king will burrow into the human body and use the corpse as a new residence until the nutrients in the corpse are exhausted.

The head of the Tai Hospital couldn't help shaking his head: "This trick is really vicious. The person who put the eggs and the king of insects into the sachet should have the medicine to restrain the king of insects. With the medicine, the king of insects will sleep peacefully and will not wake up attack the living."

So Concubine Xian made two-handed preparations from the beginning, she may have discovered that there seems to be something wrong with the imperial physician, or she may not. In short, she stuffed two things in the sachet, one to harm Fu Qiushui, and the other to prevent the imperial physician from rebelling.

Before she died, the imperial physician came to ask for the Ping An pulse every day, so the insect king would be suppressed by the medicine in her bedroom and would not wake up. If the imperial physician hadn't changed his mind, after she died, the people she left behind would deliver the medicine to the imperial physician, and it would be fine to find an excuse for him to carry it with him. If the imperial physician betrayed her, then the king of insects would lose his suppression and kill the imperial physician.

After figuring out the origin of the worm, the Tai Hospital destroyed both the worm and the medicine powder first, so as not to wander out and continue to harm people.

Shen Yuqing didn't see the insect king, so it was probably wiped out by the corpse water inside the corpse. She didn't care, she made sure that there were no bugs that slipped through the net when she checked before.

After understanding the situation, she bid farewell to the Imperial Hospital and went back to Fengyi Palace for the first time, telling Fu Qiushui the ins and outs.

Fu Qiushui frowned slightly: "Concubine Xian's trick..."

Fortunately, Shen Yuqing and the others didn't get the sachet on a whim, otherwise they would be the ones being targeted by the insect king.

Concubine Xian didn't stop after she died, she had so many calculations. Fortunately, she killed herself, otherwise they might not be able to fight each other in terms of strategy.

However, they are indeed not very good at palace fighting, they only rely on the eavesdropping and force value of the hidden guards to keep going smoothly. Compared with the big bosses in Gongdou, they basically belonged to the category with no means, and they were passively defending from the beginning to the end.

Fu Qiushui is now more and more worried that Concubine Xian has other plans. After all, Concubine Xian was waiting to die before Mammy Cao died. Changing places, Fu Qiushui felt that if he were her, he would not sit still, even if he couldn't save himself, he would drag his enemy into the water anyway. So she doesn't believe that Concubine Xian has no other countermeasures against her, but she hasn't been discovered yet, or she hasn't done anything yet.

No matter what, she couldn't let her guard down.

However, if they didn't make a move, Fu Qiushui didn't know where to defend, so he could only let it go.

However, Shen Yuqing chatted about Concubine Xian's confidantes.

"Her second-class court ladies and eunuchs can't stay either. Concubine Xian's successors are likely to be related to them." Shen Yuqing said, "Is there no emperor here?"

"No, Concubine Xian has long thought of a way to replace the personal servants around her with her own."

Fortunately, after Lu Qiao was gone, Concubine Xian could send secret guards by her side. After some concubines died before, some hidden guards were spared. Four female guards were assigned to watch over the four second-class maids, and four male guards were assigned to watch over the four eunuchs. The manpower was still sufficient.

Before Shen Yuqing thought of an excuse to deal with them, let the hidden guards watch them to prevent them from acting like demons.

These court ladies and eunuchs have all gone to serve the second princess now, and they originally divided half to serve the second princess. Who made the second princess not as favored as the eldest princess, and she was not taken out to live alone, so naturally she didn't have a palace man who belonged exclusively to her, they were all shared with the concubine Xian.

After Concubine Xian died, the second princess inherited Concubine Xian's confidant.

The five-year-old girl lost Aunt Luqiao, Nanny Cao, and Concubine Mother one after another, and her mentality has long since collapsed. She was originally an unpleasant and domineering princess, but now she has a gloomy and paranoid personality, shutting herself in the house all day long, beating and scolding innocent third-class court ladies and eunuchs at every turn.

After His Majesty the Emperor got the news, he coldly ordered those third-class palace servants to be transferred away. Since the second princess doesn't like their service, then don't send anyone in, let eight second-class maids serve her.

In this palace, even talented people from the sixth grade have nine palace servants, but the majestic second princess has only eight palace servants, which makes the second princess very angry. After losing her mother and concubine, she has become a poor little no one wants her. Now that her father and emperor have rejected her, what future does she have in the future

After Yingxia locked herself in the room for two days, she finally gave up on herself.

She opened the door and came out, and said to the palace man, "I'm going to play in the imperial garden."

Seeing that the princess seemed to be back to normal, the palace people couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly prepared. Soon, Yingxia left Feiyue Palace with the servants.

A banquet is being held in the imperial garden today, and it's called Shanghe, but it's actually to celebrate the remnants of King Huan being wiped out. Concubine Yun will be released from the palace soon, so before she leaves, everyone plans to celebrate.

It was at this time that Yingxia broke into the Imperial Garden.

She greeted several mothers and concubines first. Although she was not invited to the celebration banquet at the beginning, since people have come, it is not easy to drive them away. Shen Yuqing and the others wouldn't bother with a child. Although she was unpleasant and had done wrong things, the emperor had already punished her, so there was no need to bully another child.

The empress pointed to a place and asked her to sit down and enjoy the lotus and eat cakes together.

In order to show his closeness, Fu Qiushui allowed her to sit near him.

This time the flower viewing feast was just a few of them, the Queen, Concubine Shen, Concubine Yun, Concubine Wei, and Qingxi. The prince and Dudu are studying hard, and Su Qiaorong is living a two-person world with the emperor.

Everyone sat neither far nor close, eating snacks while chatting, so pleasant. Ying Xia, who was sitting next to him with a small table, looked at Qing Xi, who was sitting on the left of her corresponding seat, and almost couldn't suppress the jealousy in her heart.

Her eight palace servants were far away from the outside and were not allowed to enter, but Qingxi had several palace servants around her to serve her. Comparing with her, it seems that Qingxi is the proud daughter of heaven, while she is just a poor little girl who depends on others.

Ying Xia lowered her head, and secretly touched the dagger in her sleeve.

It was left to her by Aunt Luqiao, but when she was in Lin'an, her aunt suddenly disappeared. She went to ask the concubine mother, and the concubine mother said that the aunt was sick and moved to another place to rest, but she didn't believe it.

Aunt Luqiao must have died, but she didn't know how her aunt died, and she couldn't even avenge her aunt. But it doesn't matter, she can still avenge the concubine mother.

Luqiao smeared the blood-sealed throat poison on the blade of this dagger for her. As long as she can scratch the queen, she can be poisoned to death. She couldn't stab a grown man to death, but it was still easy to scratch him. After all, who would be wary of a small child

Yingxia's face contorted for a moment, but soon regained her composure.

"Has Weiwei not come yet?" Shen Yuqing looked around, "It's really strange that she will be late too."

Perhaps the child's killing intent was too shallow, but Shen Yuqing didn't notice anything unusual. She sharply saw a strange color not far away, it was the color of the dress.


Concubine Wei came late, she left in a hurry, with thin sweat dripping from her forehead. She smiled apologetically, and originally wanted to sit down directly, but seeing Ying Xia was there, so she had to go to the queen to salute instead. After saluting, go back to sit.

Fu Qiushui picked up a wooden token from the small case with a smile, stood up and reached over to hand it to her. This thing will be used for playing games later.

It was too late to say that, Yingxia suddenly rushed over, taking advantage of the moment Fu Qiushui stood up and exposed her ankles, trying to scratch her feet. If it was a hand, it would be easy to dodge, but the body was blocked by clothes. She was afraid that even if the clothes were cut, the poison would be wiped off, so she chose the ankles.

Shen Yuqing came to her senses at the first moment, using her lightness kung fu, she flew over and pulled Fu Qiushui away. Seeing that the assassination failed, Yingxia turned her head and threw herself at Concubine Wei who was caught off guard, cutting the back of her hand.

The toxin spread all of a sudden. Although Concubine Wei ate the low-profile version of the detoxification relic, the low-profile version is not as good as the original version. After eating the original version, it is immediately immune to all poisons, while the low-end version has a slightly delayed effect, and there is about a one-breath reaction time.

One breath is enough to spread the poison. Although it cannot poison Concubine Wei, it can still make Concubine Wei fall to the ground from weakness. Fortunately, in fact, there is no danger of life, and the toxin will not really harm the body.

Concubine Yun was taken aback, He Man came over a little too late, only in time to catch Concubine Wei. She didn't know how to feel the pulse, so she could only give Concubine Wei to Concubine Yun to hold her, and quickly disappeared in the imperial garden, and she brought the imperial physician over first.

Seeing that Concubine Wei had fallen down, Ying Xia had a flash of joy in her eyes. Turning around and seeing the intact empress, she was furious again.

It's a pity that the queen was not hurt, otherwise she would have to pay for her mother and concubine's life!

At this moment, the palace people also reacted, snatched the dagger neatly, and restrained the second princess. Even the eight second-class palace people who were watching from a distance were under control. This time, the second princess might really be abolished.

Before the imperial doctor arrived, the empress first made the decision to arrest the second princess and her palace servants. Then the head of the imperial hospital was slipped over by He Manti, Shen Yuqing suddenly thought of something, and waved to make the palace people back away.

There were no outsiders around, so the imperial physician quickly checked Concubine Wei.

"It's okay, I just passed out temporarily. Concubine Wei has taken the detoxification medicine before, and now the medicine is expulsing toxins, so I may vomit blood once. After the poisonous blood is vomited away, there will be no serious problems." he whispered.

Concubine Yun heaved a sigh of relief, luckily everything is fine...

Shen Yuqing interjected at the right time: "This is a good opportunity, Weiwei faked her death, and then you two can go out of the palace and fly together."

Follow the plan, plan to pass√

Concubine Yun thought about it, it really is. After Concubine Wei's fake death, her wonderful family members had no reason to cling to her anymore. Weiwei didn't have any affection for her family at first, and after that, it belonged to her alone.

The emperor had already agreed with her that he would make her King Huan and give her a palace in the capital. From now on, she and Weiwei will live in it, and with her maids who are beyond the mark, they will travel if they want to travel, and stay in the palace if they don't want to. You can wear a beautiful mask when you go out. Others can't see Weiwei's appearance, so naturally they don't know that Weiwei is still alive.

In the future, they can adopt some orphans as their own children.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yun felt a little regretful. The technology in this world is underdeveloped, and there is no way to use eggs to synthesize test-tube babies for two women. She is destined not to have a child of her own with Wei Wei.

Shen Yuqing's proposal hit Concubine Yun's heart, and she decided to ask Concubine Wei for her opinion when she woke up. If Vivi has no objection, then do so.

As for now, let's declare to the outside world that the second princess assassinated the queen, and the concubine Wei sacrificed herself to protect the queen, and she was unconscious from the poison.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow is the next episode, let’s solve Concubine Lan’s ending by the way, explain everyone’s whereabouts, and then it’s the extra episode

Thanks to Landmines: Liu Yao, Filling in the Dream, Ge Ge Yi

Thanks for the nutrient solution: ""+5, Gu Shaojing+5, zjcnh+20, super invincible and cute+70,. . . . . . . . . +5, Slenderness +20, Zhang Erya Nina +20, One Chia Cat +10