The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 127: Travel ⑴


Shen Guifei has become a Taoist nun, although she had to pretend to be, Chunyang Temple didn't recognize it, and the noble concubine herself didn't recognize it, but she did say something after all.

After she finished speaking, she regretted secretly, for fear that Mingzun's spirit in the sky would kill her.

—It is worth mentioning that the so-called Mingzun is the god believed by the disciples of Mingjiao. As for what it is, Shen Yuqing has never seen it anyway, so just follow the faith.

As soon as she left the city, she took off her Taoist robe as if she couldn't wait to see her, and threw it into the corner of her backpack, out of sight.

If I let my friends know about this stupid thing she did, I'm afraid they will laugh to death.

The imperial concubine was very distressed, and she already planned not to see Yin Qing. Beggar Niang will definitely not let her go with good intentions, she must laugh at her as much as she can.

The ministers in the capital were almost out of their eyes in shock anyway.

The one after another coquettish operations by the concubines directly overturned everyone's three views. They suddenly discovered that there seemed to be magical women always appearing in the emperor's harem

His Majesty the Emperor said that he would not take this pot, thank you :)

Pippi Xia's reincarnated woman loves to drill into his harem, blame him

However, in his harem there was also Empress Su who was also reincarnated by Pippi Shrimp. After hearing his complaints, he immediately turned his backhand into a wreath.

Empress Su smiled and said, "This is made up by your naughty eldest daughter. Do you choose to wear it to go to court, or to kneel on it? If you choose the latter, within two quarters of an hour, don't let me see you crush the wreath gone."

His Majesty the Emperor: "..."

The courtiers discussed in private for a long time, and finally decided that it wasn't that these women were too weird, it must be because the current empress was jealous. So the original empress couldn't stay any longer, she would rather come out to be a princess, and the original imperial concubine couldn't stay anymore, she would rather come out to be a Taoist nun. In the end, they couldn't even stay in the capital, and escaped from Huaijing.

The one who was used as a testimony was Concubine Yuan Yun who suddenly came out of the closet and married the princess. This must also be because the queen is jealous, so Concubine Yun had no choice but to prove her innocence.

Empress Su: "..."

The Empress is unhappy, and His Majesty the Emperor is even more unhappy. Because the mischievous Empress would torment the hapless Emperor, His Majesty did not dare to stop for a moment, and acted quickly, changing the version of the rumors in Beijing.

From the empress's jealousy to the emperor's obsession with the queen's beauty, in order not to make the empress jealous, he forced the above three empresses to make such a shocking move to dispel the suspicion of the empress of today.

His Majesty the Emperor, who once again took the blame, is also very happy today, with joy written all over his face (sorrowful face.jpg).

Of course, it didn't take long for these rumors to die down. Because Concubine Yuan Yun discovered that Prince Huan took the concubine out every day, and they were very affectionate, not like acting at all. And there was also news from outside Beijing that the imperial concubine immediately tore off her Taoist gown as soon as she left the palace, and then happily traveled around the mountains and rivers with the original empress, Princess Mingxin.

So... Concubine, you are actually leaving home to play outside the palace, right

Everyone has seen through you, you didn't suddenly realize the Tao at all, you just got tired of staying in the palace. Fortunately, they really thought that the imperial concubine was forced to become a monk, wasting their expressions.

At this moment, everyone also recalled, if the imperial concubine really saw through the red dust, why didn't she go to the nun to become a nun? Aren't those who become monks generally enter Buddhism? It is really rare to enter the door!

So from the very beginning, they were tricked, but no one found out...

No matter what the people in Huaijing think, anyway, the empress and the imperial concubine have already run away. Halfway through the run, the eyeliners were thrown off, and after Yi Guorong, he pretended to be a pair of chivalrous girls and started touring the mountains and rivers.

Shen Yuqing's disguise technique is very good, although it is not as good as Tangmen, but Datang, their Mingjiao's disguise technique can still be ranked in the top three.

Fu Qiushui looked at the mirror for a long time, but he couldn't see any flaws. The key is that this mask sticks to the face, and there is no redundant feeling, and it will not be stuffy and airtight. If she hadn't personally experienced being disguised, she might not have realized that she had experienced the disguise, and would have thought that she had also "traversed".

Shen Yuqing also made it easier for herself.

She has no ill feeling towards Yi Rong, and she doesn't care about staring at the unfamiliar face. When she was a killer before, she actually rarely used her face. Basically, she changed her face throughout the year to prevent her enemies from finding her.

Now, disguise is a pleasure.

Today, she and Fu Qiushui were moving around with these two faces, and then suddenly disappeared after a while, and came to another place with different faces to continue playing. There is no capable person to find them, not only will not reveal their identities, but they can also play various cosplay.

For example, this time, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui came to the original fiefdom of King Huan. The character design of the two of them this time, Fu Qiushui is a sick and weak lady in a certain Jianghu world, so she has never practiced martial arts, and Shen Yuqing is her personal maid, the kind who takes care of the lady and is responsible for her personal safety.

King Huan's fief has now been taken back by Dayan. After more than a year of taking over, the people in the fief no longer only know King Huan but not the emperor as before. The big and small forces have also surrendered to the imperial court, and the local snakes no longer intentionally make trouble for the officials sent by them.

Today's King Huan's fiefdom has returned to its original prosperity, and traveling businesses from various other regions can be clearly seen on the street.

In the past, the fiefdom of King Huan was relatively closed, and only a few large commercial houses could enter the fief for trading with the permission of successive Kings Huan. The most direct consequence of this is that many things in the fief are "outdated" compared to other places, that is, they cannot keep up with the trend of the capital.

As the capital, Huaijing is the fashion center of the entire Dayan. Generally, things that are popular in other places are first popular in Huaijing, and then spread out.

Not to mention the news in the fief is blocked, the goods are also blocked. And a lot of things outside can't be bought here. The prices in the fief were much higher than those outside. When they were first taken back, many merchants deliberately came here to resell the goods to make a difference. They were restrained only after they were controlled by the government.

Today, the prices in the fief are still higher than outside, but they are much better than before.

Fu Qiushui, whose pseudonym was Lu Qiu, bought a bright camellia on the street and insisted on putting it on for Shen Yuqing. Shen Yuqing refused with a paralyzed face: "Miss..."

"Must wear it!" Fu Qiushui possessed a playful spirit, "What do you dare to resist what Miss Ben asked you to do?"

There was no other way, Shen Yuqing had no choice but to allow her to wear it. Then she changed from a cold maid to a village girl.

The bright red camellia really doesn't match her style, it looks gaudy no matter how you look at it.

Fu Qiushui was in a good mood, couldn't help laughing, then coughed dryly, rubbed his face: "Let's go, let's go to the front and have a look. I heard that the palace is in front, I don't know if it's still there."

Fu Qiushui was quite curious as to whether the original Prince Huan's palace was sealed up or used for something.

When I came to the front, I saw that it was sealed up.

"I thought it would be the governor's residence here." Shen Yuqing was surprised.

Fu Qiushui shook his head: "The regulations are too high, how can a governor be qualified to live in the prince's mansion?"


"Want to go in and take a look?" Shen Yuqing whispered.

Fu Qiushui smiled slightly: "Let's go!"

Then they climbed over the wall and went in.

However, what is disappointing is that there is nothing special about Huan Wang's mansion, it is not as interesting as Qixue's garden. But thinking about it, Qixue's garden was purposely rebuilt, for a princess to live in, naturally it wouldn't be the same as for the prince and his family.

The palace was sealed off, and no one came in to maintain it on a daily basis. Now weeds are overgrown, and it looks like a dilapidated old house. Fu Qiushui pulled a piece of grass casually, teased the bug lying on the ground, then dropped the grass and said to Shen Yuqing, "Let's go, it's boring."

Since there is nothing to see, it is better to taste the food here while the time is still early. King Huan's fiefdom was adjacent to the South China Sea, especially the capital of the fiefdom, Huandu, whose location was similar to that of Guangzhou in later generations. Here, you can eat fresh seafood that you have never seen before, and you can also eat many special delicacies.

There are a lot of sweet and glutinous pastries here, but Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui are not particularly fond of sweets. After eating some, I still prefer spicy seafood. I am not very interested in steamed seafood.

After eating, Shen Yuqing felt that her whole body smelled like seafood. She and Fu Qiushui hurriedly found an inn to rest and take a bath to wash off the smell.

As long as there is an upper room, Xiao Er even looked at them in surprise.

If the two of them were dressed as good sisters, Xiao Er would naturally not be surprised. The problem is that the two people are obviously the master and the guard. Most people would not let the guard live in the same room as themselves, although living together is more convenient for protection.

Seeing his surprised expression, Fu Qiushui narrowed his eyes, immediately turned his head and stretched out his hands to hook Shen Yuqing's neck, and kissed her. Then he smiled provocatively at Xiao Er, his pale and weak face was covered with arrogance, at first glance, she was a young lady from a wealthy martial arts family, her arrogant and arrogant temperament was vividly highlighted.

She squinted and glared at the men in the lobby staring at the two of them one by one.

What do you look at, this is a woman with a family.

Most of the people here are ordinary businessmen and knight-errants, so naturally they dare not offend this seemingly well-known man in the world. Although I secretly thought that it was a waste for two beautiful girls to be together, they didn't dare to show it, and they all lowered their heads not daring to look at it.

Only a table of people sitting by the window was still staring at them.

From the moment they entered the inn, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui felt the attention of the entire lobby. Some are pure admiration, more are frivolous playful glances, and more explicit covetousness. That's why Fu Qiushui deliberately showed the relationship and identities of the two to scare most people away, lest any small fish or shrimp would dare to jump out and provoke them.

But unexpectedly, there is actually a group of people here who are not afraid of them.

Fu Qiushui frowned, if they were not in a hurry to go upstairs to take a shower, they would have to clean up each other.

"Let's go." Fu Qiushui said to Shen Yuqing.

Shen Yuqing bowed her head in response, quietly protecting Fu Qiushui in front of her body, blocking the sight of the group of people.

Xiao Er quickly adjusted his expression, took the two of them to the upper room, and brought up the bath water not long after.

Two buckets of bath water are enough for Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui to take a bath beforehand and then again afterwards. Anyway, Shen Yuqing has the spirit of the sun and can heat cold water, so she is not afraid that the bath water will cool down.

The two happily played the maid and miss play in the middle of the night, and both were satisfied. After cleaning her body, Shen Yuqing lay on the bed with her daughter-in-law in her arms, and fell asleep contentedly.

The next day, the two of them got up after a long day. After packing up, they went downstairs to eat, and ran into the group from yesterday again.

Fu Qiushui simply ignored them, and sat with Shen Yuqing to have a meal affectionately.

Because of Concubine Yuan Yun's discovery of King Huan, the beauty of grinding mirrors quickly became popular across the country. The so-called "upper and lower effect" is exactly the case.

Nowadays, people regard mirror grinding as a kind of elegant thing, just like the south wind.

However, most rich and noble families still have some resistance to this, especially for married women. The husband's family is strict with them and does not allow them to do outrageous things. But for those who are not married, there are many girlfriends who become lovers. Later, most of them married two brothers or simply married the same person. After they got married, they still did not completely break the relationship.

Most of them are families with Nanfeng in the first place. There are often two men in a big family who get married and have children. It doesn't affect the two of them occasionally meeting together to have a fling. The wives of the two men were the first to test the mirror.

It seems that it was discovered later that it was not interesting. It developed from a complicated love triangle to a complicated square love, and then got along magically and harmoniously.

Naturally, there are also two women who are sincerely in love with each other who choose not to marry, but stay together after setting up a female household. But this is relatively rare. After all, the world is always strict with women, and they are easy to be bullied without the support of a man in the family.

Therefore, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui's behavior didn't arouse everyone's strange eyes, and everyone has accepted it well.

However, breakfast is destined to be bad.

Halfway through the meal, the people at the table yesterday had finished eating. The man in the lead came over and looked at Shen Yuqing's figure with salivating eyes. Then he put on a smile and sat down opposite Fu Qiushui.

"This lady is at Xiajiangling Gate, Yuan Zhu." He first introduced himself, "I don't know Miss's name?"

Fu Qiushui ignored her at all, and Shen Yuqing dutifully played the role of the maid: "Yuan Xiashi, my lady's surname is Lu, what's the matter with you?"

He thought he was coquettish and curled his lips, but this rough and weather-beaten face didn't give him much points, on the contrary he looked gangster-like. Shen Yuqing had some doubts that his so-called Jiangling Gate might be some water bandit stockade, right? But judging by his proud look, he should be a big sect.

It's a pity that Shen Yuqing doesn't know much about the Jianghu sects in this world, nor is she interested.

"Miss Lu? I've never heard of a Lu family in Jianghu." He said in surprise, a little secretly pleased.

Since he is not a famous rich lady, then he can...

Yuan Zhu immediately gave up his original plan to get close. He licked his lips and thought of a better way to pay attention. After chatting casually with the two of them, he got up and left.

"Sick?" Fu Qiushui raised his eyebrows.

Shen Yuqing brought her a small siu mai: "Leave him alone, eat the meal first."

Yuan Zhu responded that she had seen a lot. The Jianghu in Datang was not as peaceful as Dayan's. She had contact with all kinds of people. Therefore, Shen Yuqing guessed what Yuan Zhu wanted to do just as soon as he used his brain.

It's a pity that Yuan Zhu is doomed to be disappointed, the two of them are not small clan girls who are easy to bully with martial arts.

After breakfast, they went out of the city to see the sea according to their original plan. Fu Qiushui was very curious about the difference between the South China Sea and the East China Sea. She heard that there was a large island not too far overseas, and she also wanted to visit it.

When the two left the inn, Yuan Zhu and his party had long since disappeared. They didn't care, they left the city on their own, and walked towards the beach on foot.

The south gate of Huandu is very close to the sea, and it takes a quarter of an hour to walk there. There are several roads that can be passed, one is the official road with a slight detour, and the rest are shorter trails.

Shen Yuqing deliberately chose a small path to walk, and as expected, she felt someone following behind after not long after walking. She glanced at Fu Qiushui, and Fu Qiushui nodded slightly.

The two slowed down, pretending to appreciate the scenery. After walking for about five minutes, suddenly two people jumped out of the grass in front of them, blocking their way. Looking back, two people jumped out behind him.

Four men surrounded them and blocked them from leaving. It was Yuan Zhu and his party.

"Miss Lu, what a coincidence." Yuan Zhu grinned and said shamelessly.

Miss Lu ignored him.

Yuan Zhu didn't care either, and he continued: "Miss Lu, people don't talk dark words, but I have a crush on you as a maid. If you are willing to part with me, I will let my gang of brothers let you go. If you don't want to toast Don't blame our brothers for doing it together. Although Miss Lu has delicate skin and tender flesh, I can't help but make some, but just by looking at your appearance, you are considered superb."

As he spoke, he also smiled wretchedly. His brothers also looked at the master and servant with ill intentions, like hungry wolves looking at the delicious meat.

Fu Qiushui didn't believe that after she handed over Shen Yuqing, these people would let her go.

She still didn't answer, she played with her fingers lazily without raising her head, as if she was not interested in Yuan Zhu and his party at all. He only said lightly: "Lu Qing, clean them up."

Shen Yuqing responded with a smile. In the next second, no one could see how she did it. Yuan Zhu and the others were knocked out one by one. She just disappeared from Fu Qiushui's side for two breaths, and then returned to her original position.

Yuan Zhu and the others looked at them in bewilderment, without reacting at all.

When they struggled to get up, they suddenly came back to their senses, realizing that they had provoked a terrifying existence with extremely advanced martial arts. Isn't the Lu family some nameless family, but a hermit family

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "Are you going to kill them?"

Fu Qiushui looked them up and down, as if deliberating.

The strong desire to survive made several people beg for mercy immediately, and pushed all the crimes on Yuan Zhu: "This chivalrous woman, we are all innocent, Yuan Zhu called us here, we don't know why we are here. What are we doing?" We didn’t do anything, how dare we make things difficult for you!”

"Let's kill it, noisy." Fu Qiushui said after listening.

Three people: "..."

There was a strong evil spirit in Yuan Zhu's eyes, but he quickly suppressed it. Now is not the time to turn against the three of them, how to protect themselves is the most important thing.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Shen Yuqing shot suddenly. She took out a dagger from nowhere, and appeared beside him in an instant. With a slash of the dagger, she cut off his tongue precisely without scratching his mouth.

Yuan Zhu almost fainted from the pain, he made a huh huh sound and grabbed his hands randomly, but Shen Yuqing easily dodged it. The next time he makes a move, it will be his eyes that will suffer.

Shen Yuqing let go of the miserable Yuan Zhu for the time being, and began to deal with the eyes of these people one by one. Don't you love to look around? Then let them never see it again.

After dealing with it, she played with the dagger, admiring the ugliness of these four people in a leisurely manner.

Fu Qiushui waited for a while, felt bored, and said, "Stop playing, just kill me, and I have to go to see the sea."

Shen Yuqing immediately ended the lives of the four obediently.

She didn't bother to dig a pit for these four people. She had disposed of the corpses for the assassins because she was afraid of scaring the Shen family's servants, and it was difficult to explain her kung fu skills. It doesn't matter now, who would know that she did it in an open place outside the city? Even if it can be deduced, so what, anyway, she will change her identity and face in two days.

Leaving aside the four bodies, the two continued on to the beach.

The episode that just appeared did not affect their mood. After seeing the sea, Fu Qiushui originally wanted to find a fisherman to borrow a boat to go to the island. Unexpectedly, Shen Yuqing said that her lightness kung fu could float on water, and Fu Qiushui was stunned.

"But, so far..."

Shen Yuqing said that it is not far away, the territory of Dayan is not much different from that of Datang. She has been to the island of Datang before, and although it is a bit difficult to fly there, it is not impossible.

There is a special mount for the game in her package. She said that the mount is actually not pulled by an animal, but a bamboo raft called Duqing. Tired of Qinggong flying, let Duqing out to rest. After resting, continue flying. It takes about two or three rests to arrive.

If it is not in the water but on land, there is no need to rest for such a short distance.

"It's only thirty-two miles." Shen Yuqing thought about it.

Actually not very far.

Fu Qiushui agreed without saying anything. So Shen Yuqing picked her up and began to float on the water lightly, heading towards the island.

Shen Yuqing guessed that there should be aboriginal residents on the island, but he didn't know if they had any business exchanges with the people on the south coast of Dayan.

The author has something to say: Push a new article:

[Unlimited streaming already opened] "Spiritual Insulator" is an escape and escape survival game. It's not too scary, but it should be quite exciting. The main attack, Shou is a weak and strong little cutie, with a particularly big golden finger

[Basic three series of Dunluo] "Holographic Online Game: Xu Guang" was published on the 29th of this month. Violent Dunluo x Yujie leader, an online game with a Western fantasy background, is sweet and refreshing throughout the whole process, attacking and receiving basic Siamese twins, wherever you go Walk

By the way, I would like to recommend my friend’s Infinite Stream Horror Escape Story, I’ve already eaten it, it’s very delicious:

[That's right, the big family with three cats, the super beautiful girl Er Er, her Tang Yuaner gave birth to six cubs a few days ago, fluffy fried chickens]

"God's Fate gl" by Tian Shaobai, the biggest golden finger in this article → the heroine herself

Thanks to Landmine: Liu Yao, Chu Yubai

Grenade: Filling the hole in the dream, Gogo Yi, wanting the three little ones

Thanks to the nutrient solution: Yukong +10, Lao Yao +20, Jiang Jiu +20, "" +1, MinamiHaruka +60, Passing +180, Sakura Cake +1, Chu Yubai +20. . . . . . . . . +2, Weiran Shengge +60, Renren +170, Grilled Fish Dried +3, Skinny +1, Ah Zai +180, Ge Ge Yi +160, Prayer for the Moon +5