The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 13: ①③ Suet


After the emperor sat down at the top, the queen sat next to him, and Shen Yuqing was pushed to sit at the left.

Shen Guifei was a little unhappy.

But the emperor didn't realize that he was born extremely handsome, and he looked very seductive standing with the queen, and the two were often praised as husband and wife. The so-called husband and wife look is that the faces of the husband and wife are similar, and they look very right.

I didn't pay attention before, but looking at it now, Shen Yuqing always felt that something was wrong.

However, it seems normal for cousins to have similar faces, after all, they are quite close relatives.

The young and handsome Emperor looked at Yu Zhaoyi sharply at this moment: "You just said that Madam Mi disrespected Concubine Shen?"

Yu Zhaoyi was taken aback, then nodded subconsciously: "That's right..."

Concubine Shen Gui knew what the dog emperor was going to do without even thinking about it.

Sure enough, the next moment, the emperor heard the cold face angry: "Madam Mi disrespects the noble concubine, and she will be banned for three months!"

"..." Shen Yuqing was speechless for a moment, then got up to thank her.

Very well, tomorrow she will be the target of public criticism again. But don't be afraid, Concubine Rong has a special skill of attracting hatred, she will block the knife for her.

Seeing that things had turned out like this, Yu Zhaoyi became even more wary of Concubine Shen in her heart. Originally thought that the reason why such an arrogant and domineering concubine was favored was only because her natal left minister, the Shen family, was very useful in the court. How could she have thought... It seems that the emperor really loves Shen Guifei.

After thinking about it, Yu Zhaoyi decided to be more careful with Shen Yuqing in the future and never confront Shen Yuqing head-on. For such a favored concubine, the emperor can put the low-ranking concubines in the cold palace and confine the high-ranking concubines for many days. I'm afraid that even if she becomes the head of the four concubines, she may not be able to please Shen Yuqing.

Unless, it's the queen.

On the contrary, Concubine Yu was very dissatisfied, she was the one who was wronged, but why does His Majesty only care about Shen Yuqing!

But she also knew that she couldn't see her face now, so she kept crying to attract the emperor's attention. The emperor noticed her, glanced at her face, and frowned slightly: "Yu'er has been wronged, come here."

Miss Jinli stepped forward gracefully, knelt down and saluted: "Your maidservant is here."

"Last time, the Western Regions sent a lot of treasures, and I picked some to send to the Changzui Palace. I remember that Yu'er liked the set of suet jade cups that Loulan paid tribute to, so I sent them along."

The last time a small country in the Western Regions came to the DPRK, they sent a lot of things. Among the treasures that Loulan sent, the most valuable one was not the mutton fat jade cup, but among the gold, jade and gemstones, this set was extremely rare. What's more, that set of mutton fat jade cups is exquisite and beautiful, and is deeply loved by many concubines in the harem. Now that Concubine Yu has got it, she may be able to show it off for a long time.

Shen Yuqing silently praised the emperor.

Very good, as soon as this thing is sent out, she will have an excuse to help herself divert firepower tomorrow. I believe those women would be more willing to stare at Concubine Yu, even though Concubine Yu hurt her face, I'm afraid she won't be able to come to pay her respects tomorrow.

After sending away the sisters from the Yu family, Shen Yuqing got up and went back to the palace, leaving the emperor and empress in Fengyi Palace.

The emperor came to Fengyi Palace directly after hearing the news, and he had not had time to eat in the future. After the result came, the queen told him that she had used it, and His Majesty the Emperor was a little depressed.

Why did you eat so early today

There was no other way, the emperor had no choice but to go back to Zichen Hall for dinner by himself.

Miss Jinli was very quick in her work, and Qing Ping, the chief eunuch, helped to take care of things. The compensation was quickly sent to Changzui Palace, and even Jianjia Palace had a small reward. There are not many things, but enough to make the women in the palace jealous.

What they are jealous of is not the thing, but the "heart".

"I heard that a small part of the things sent to the Changzui Palace were for Yu Zhaoyi." The little eunuch Qing Qiu knelt beside Concubine Shen's legs and beat her legs, quickly reporting the news he had inquired, "Concubine Yu is a little upset, As soon as Sister Jinli left, she stabbed Zhaoyi a few times before going back to her room."

Shen Yuqing leaned on the big pillow and closed her eyes to rest her mind. When she heard this, her red lips parted slightly, and she uttered a word: "Stupid."

After all, Yu Zhaoyi knelt down with Concubine Yu for so long, so what if the emperor gave him some rewards? What a stingy Bara, Concubine Yu had already hurt her face and couldn't continue to serve the bed, and now she is not grateful for her sister's dedication, the emperor will definitely be unhappy when she finds out. At that time, Concubine Yu will be even more unfavorable, maybe it will help Yu Zhaoyi instead.

"Ms. Zhaoyi is a good method." Bi Ran and Qing Feng brought up some snacks together, and said something casually.

She served seafood snacks for adults. Ever since she found out that adults are different from ordinary cats and can eat food from many people, Jianjia Palace’s small kitchen began to think hard and began to make delicious snacks for adults. It may not be useful to please the concubine, but if you please the lord, you can definitely please the concubine by the way.

Biran was promoted because she was good at taking care of cats. She was specially responsible for taking care of adults, so she was very useful around the imperial concubine.

The adult smelled the delicious smell, and immediately rushed out from nowhere, climbed up to the small wooden table on the slumped top, and ate one bite at a time.

Shen Yuqing saw it eagerly, so she leaned over and took a piece to taste.

This is a typical food for people, so Shen Yuqing can eat it naturally. But the adults were not too happy, stretched out his small paws and slapped away the grabbing hand, only let the cat slave eat one.

So the serious discussion of the status quo of the harem turned into a warm interaction between the concubine and the adults.

Seeing this, Qing Qiu didn't say any more, and got the imperial concubine's permission to back down. These are not important, and it is not too late to listen to them later.

That night, the imperial concubine slept peacefully with the kitten in her arms—if the three claw marks on her face were ignored.

The next day, Bi Ge reluctantly took out the powder and gave the empress to cover the claw marks. Fortunately, after applying the ointment, the swelling subsided overnight, otherwise it would be difficult to cover up.

The imperial concubine didn't have breakfast again, and went to Fengyi Palace with the adults in her arms.

"Yo, are you all here?" Concubine Shen Gui got up late today, but she was also the last to arrive on weekdays, but today she arrived a little later.

As soon as she came in, she didn't realize that she was late at all. She greeted others casually, saluted the queen, and then sat down and waited for others to salute her.

Concubine Rong stared at her as if poisoned.

Shen Yuqing drank tea without looking up, ignoring her.

What can a large group of women do together early in the morning? It's nothing more than gossip and quarrel. Concubine Rong's temper was slightly impatient, and the first time she opened her mouth, she aimed her fire at Concubine Shen: "I heard that sister Mi disrespected sister Concubine yesterday, His Majesty is very distressed, and punished sister Mi for three months."

In fact, people outside don't know whether the emperor banned Mrs. Mi because of Shen Yuqing, or because of Concubine Yu. But most of them thought it was because of Concubine Yu's face. After all, Shen Yuqing was only insulted, and Concubine Yu was the one who really suffered.

But Concubine Rong wanted to put her name on Shen Yuqing's head, so that other people would join her in targeting this person.

However, she really guessed right by mistake. The emperor did decide to ground Mrs. Mi because of Shen Yuqing in the first place.

But right now, Shen Yuqing won't take the initiative to admit it, but she didn't deny it, but changed the subject: "I saw Yu Concubine's face yesterday, and it was very red and swollen. She really didn't come today." Please."

After speaking, he sighed a bit, as if he felt sorry for her.

Everyone was noncommittal, but they probably knew what Shen Yuqing meant, it was just to remind them not to follow Concubine Rong's way. Everyone is not stupid, how can Concubine Rong believe what she says, when Concubine Shen mentions something, even the stupidest should think of Concubine Yu's matter, and the emperor's confinement of Mrs. Mi is probably to compensate Concubine Yu.

Concubine Rong snorted softly, and wanted to say something, but was cut off by Shen Yuqing: "But you sisters may not know that the emperor specially ordered that the set of mutton fat jade cups that Loulan paid tribute to be rewarded to Concubine Yu as compensation, but it was a blessing in disguise. .”

As for what is in the reward, unless there are useful details around Concubine Yu, it will be difficult for them to know if Concubine Yu doesn't say anything. At most, you can know the approximate value of the reward by bribing the eunuch who sent the things, or you can infer it yourself from the number of boxes sent to the palace.

Before they could find out, Concubine Shen took the initiative to explain about the mutton fat jade cup, and the concubines who had attended the Western Region palace banquet all gritted their teeth with hatred.

The concubines who entered the palace later did not know that the palace banquet at that time was carried up by envoys from the Western Regions to display the treasures that entered the palace one by one. Of course it is impossible to show them all, but the precious ones are basically taken out one by one for everyone to see. The mutton fat jade cup is of excellent quality, although it cannot be seen clearly from a distance, but the emperor praised it for fun, so it is naturally a good thing. Now, concubine Yu actually got it.

Everyone couldn't help being jealous, but Concubine Shu, who was born in the Hou's Mansion, was not so jealous. The Hou's Mansion was originally the Duke's Mansion, and it was passed down to this generation and became the Marquis' Mansion, but it followed the Tai-zu to conquer the world. After so many generations of aristocratic education, the young lady who came out of the Hou's mansion naturally has a very high vision. Even the Hou Mansion's own century-old background is enough to make Concubine Shu look down on other concubines. Although the mutton fat jade cup is precious, there is still some in Concubine Shu's dowry. It is said that it was a gift from the previous emperor.

She glanced around, and after admiring everyone's red eyes, she covered her lips and smiled and said, "The mutton fat jade cup was a tribute from Loulan, but it's a pity that Mrs. Mi didn't get it, and my concubine sister got it... "

The treasures paid by the family were given as compensation to the concubine who was bullied by him, as if Mrs. Mi personally apologized to Concubine Yu and offered expensive compensation. Presumably Mrs. Mi would be so angry that she vomited blood when she found out.

But Concubine Shu's intentions are more than that. After she finished speaking, she added a sentence: "Sisters, don't be too jealous. The suet jade cup is not very precious. When I entered the palace, His Majesty even gave you a warm jade pendant the size of a palm. Woolen cloth!"

Warm jade is also called nephrite jade and Hetian jade, and mutton jade is a kind of fine white jade among Hetian jades, but they are actually similar things. Concubine Shu dared to take it out, it can only show that the Nuanyu jade pendant in her hand is also sheep fat jade.

Sure enough, she is a little rich woman.

Shen Guifei thought with a blank face.

The author has something to say: The emperor who lives in the narration finally made an appearance...

Thanks to mine: L Si X Xi Yx1, Youran Youran x1, a cup of Coke x1

Thanks for the grenade: Sniff Rose x1, Beiming Fish x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Qi Zou Shengshang +5