The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 130: Traveling 4


Three days later, the queen mother arranged a blind date banquet for the noble daughters of the royal family, and all the daughters of the royal family got invitations. In the imperial city, all the sons who are considered young talents and have no married wives have also received invitations.

In fact, many noble ladies in Huaijing also wanted to participate, but unfortunately this time they were only doing it for the royal daughter. No matter how jealous those young ladies are, they are not qualified to come.

You must know that you can entertain young masters on weekdays, but you can't widely invite good people. Generally, people are invited according to the circle, and the family background is in the same circle. You can't invite one family in this circle but not invite another family in the circle, even if the young man has a very bad reputation. Otherwise, you will offend that family and you will not be able to please them.

That is to say, only the royal family dares to invite people based on their character regardless of their family background, and they dare not have any objections from outsiders. Anyone who has heard of it can only praise such words as "the noble daughter of the royal family is indeed precious", "the empress dowager really loves people".

Because the queen's workload has dropped sharply and she has more free time, she will also come to help check the blind date this time. On the contrary, it was the empress dowager who said that she was not energetic enough when she was old, so she didn't come to join in the fun.

It was also Qi Xue who was stupid, the queen mother was so obvious, she didn't realize that she was cheated. If it is really to recruit a son-in-law for her, how could the empress dowager be absent? Naturally, I have to check it myself, for fear that my daughter's entrustment will be inhumane.

Therefore, when Shen Guifei and Princess Mingxin arrived, Princess Qixue immediately clinged to the two sister-in-laws. No, it should be said that it is the two sisters now.

"I don't want to get along with those young masters." Qi Xue's tone was firm, and she followed the two of them closely, never letting go.

Shen Yuqing thought it was funny, so she didn't drive her away, and let her follow.

On the other hand, Fu Qiushui looked back at her and frowned slightly, as if he disliked this person for disturbing their world of two.

The three big brothers and a cute and stupid Qi Xue sat in the high pavilion, looking at the young masters and young ladies in groups of threes and twos in the open space below.

They chose this position well, looking down, it was covered by tulle and branches, and it was not clear who was above. But the people above can see clearly, and the tulle will not be an obstacle to the line of sight at all.

"The one in Tsing Yi is not bad. I heard it belongs to Marquis Wu's family." Shen Yuqing casually clicked on one, "Marquis Wu is a loyal family, and he will definitely be able to control Qixue."

Qixue immediately bristled, and said with a strong desire to survive: "No, no, no! I don't like wielding knives and guns!"

Fu Qiushui took a sip of tea: "The son of the Minister of Industry is also good..."

"That's an artisan idiot! I am obsessed with inventing and creating every day, and I will definitely be left out if I marry him!"

Su Qiaorong chuckled lightly: "President on the right..."

"It's a sissy!" Qi Xue bit her to death. The newly appointed Lord Right Prime Minister has two sons in his family, one is married and the other looks like a demon.

The three bosses were immediately amused by her, but Qi Xue was dumbfounded by their laughter.

Yes, what's so funny...

She bit the pastry angrily, feeling aggrieved.

She just played too much with a few girls, and the queen mother wanted to find her a housekeeper to treat her, which was too much. It's a big deal that she won't take those official ladies to the brothel next time. Anyway, there are quite a lot of maids around her, so it's very interesting to take the maids to play in men's clothes.

Fortunately, the three bosses just wanted to frighten her, and they ignored her after frightening her. Qi Xue didn't care, she was happy to be at ease, wishing they would forget her.

After a blind date banquet, the three big brothers took a fancy to some couples. They all saw that they avoided people and had private meetings, and they talked very happily, thinking that they should have a good relationship.

But not necessarily, after all, getting married is not a matter of two people, and the family behind them must also be considered. Although the girls are all relatives of the emperor, but the relationship is slightly distant, and there is no real job in the family, so some prominent families look down on them.

After considering the family background comprehensively, it also depends on whether the mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law of the natal family are easy to get along with, and you can't marry the girl to others. After doing this, it takes a lot of thought.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor felt sorry for his wife, so he gave her the information organization. At least it would be much easier to collect information about the man's family.

After that, it was to ventilate the girl's natal family, and let them arrange to see if they wanted to meet each other in private. Look at it and then talk about the horoscope, appointment and marriage date, etc., there is no rush.

Shen Yuqing didn't bother to worry about these things, she followed Fu Qiushui back to the eldest princess's mansion, and began to live a dreamy house life. Playing with cats and minks every day is very pleasant.

Princess Qixue waited tremblingly for half a month when she returned home, but she didn't hear the emperor's brother said which marriage would be bestowed on her, so she relaxed a little. After she sneaked into the palace and caught the emperor's brother asking for permission, she was finally relieved and could continue to play with confidence.

However, she was tired of the fun in the capital, and recently fell in love with running to Fu Qiushui.

There are many gossip in Beijing, saying that as a concubine, a noble concubine should go to a Taoist temple even if she becomes a monk and does not return to the palace. But if she doesn't go to the Taoist temple, doesn't go back to the palace, and stays at Princess Mingxin's mansion every day, something is very wrong.

If it was the past, everyone would at most be surprised at how the Empress Yuan and the imperial concubine had such a harmonious relationship. Now that Concubine Yun and Zhuyu are in front of her, she must be suspicious. Could it be that Princess Mingxin and Concubine Shen are also related in that way

Thinking that many people in Beijing not only do not stop their wives and concubines from polishing their mirrors, but also enjoy it, they feel a little complicated. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, His Majesty the Emperor actually has such hobbies.

Inside the princess mansion.

"If it wasn't for Qiuqiu, I would have faked my death." Shen Yuqing was depressed, and she also wanted to be with Fu Qiushui in an open and honest manner.

Fu Qiushui put down the book: "Isn't it upright now? You don't care how Mr. Yan is arranged, so what if we just grind the mirror?"

At most, Jingli would lament the emperor's peculiar hobby, but dare not say anything else.

"Besides, Concubine Yun and Weiwei are not aboveboard." Concubine Wei has changed her identity, so far she can't reveal her appearance in front of others.

Shen Yuqing thought about it too, there is no such thing as perfect in the world. It is not bad to be able to live happily with Fu Qiushui now.

"Princess, madam." Que Ri came in with a letter, "A letter from Miss Ayi."

Since Fu Qiushui became a princess, all the palace people began to call Princess Fu Qiushui and Mrs. Shen Yuqing. Because Fu Qiushui originally wanted to be the prince and Shen Yuqing was the princess, but now it's changed to a princess. It doesn't sound good to be called a son-in-law, and it seems strange to be called a princess, so I changed my wife altogether.

As for Miss Ayi, she was Concubine Mi's maid. Concubine Mi and Ayi traveled far away, and occasionally wrote to them to tell them what they had seen and heard when they were outside these years.

Concubine Mi gave herself a name from the Central Plains, but the first time she sent a letter, no one knew who the person who signed it was. Later, Concubine Mi simply signed the name in Ayi's name, after all, she could not sign "Concubine Mi".

It's very simple for her to send a letter to Shen Yuqing, just send it directly to Shen's house. But it was a lot of trouble for Shen Yuqing to reply to the letter. After all, Concubine Mi often traveled in different places, and she was not sure where she was.

So Concubine Mi usually only received five out of ten times, but she still happily sent letters.

In the previous year, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui traveled to many places and met them once. But they changed their appearance, Concubine Mi didn't recognize them, and that time they met in a hurry, Concubine Mi and Ayi hurried to the next place, Shen Yuqing didn't stop them to reminisce about the old days.

After reading Concubine Mi's letter, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui wrote a reply and sent it back. Shen Yuqing purposely told about the encounter, but she felt that Concubine Mi probably didn't remember it.

After writing the letter, it was still early, and the two of them read the script next to each other.

They don't like to read travel notes, after all, they have traveled so many times, and they see many more beautiful scenery than those in travel notes. I got tired of reading other miscellaneous books, so I followed Su Qiaorong to read horror books.

After reading it for more than half a month, Shen Yuqing felt that there was a shortage of literature.

"How about I write it myself?" She had a whim.

After speaking, I think my idea is really good. She has seen all kinds of magical novels in later generations. Although the script writers are trying to innovate, they still seem conservative.

What Shen Yuqing couldn't stand the most was their half classical Chinese and half vernacular writing style. And the background of the story is basically this era, modern and interstellar they definitely can't write.

Shen Yuqing enthusiastically decided to write it by herself. If she wrote modern and interstellar stories, she could show them to Concubine Yun and He Man, or even Yin Qing. Anyway, if there are readers, she will be motivated.

It's just that handwriting is inefficient, and Shen Yuqing finds it inconvenient.

"What's the matter?" Concubine Yun didn't care at all, "Look."

She showed Shen Yuqing the brain in her hand.

Shen Yuqing was surprised: "Smart brain? It seems to be different from He Man's."

Concubine Yun was proud: "Sister Man made it after a long time of research. She copied all the data of her own brain and put it in. Although there is no network, it can be assumed as a small local area network. I will ask her to make one for you. We Several build a small internal network."

Intellectual brains in the interstellar era look high-end, but as long as they have access to some materials in this field, they can make them with the tools at hand. What's more, He Man's intellectual brain itself has a lot of information, such as intellectual brain production materials.

It's just that the material is not easy to find. It was a common material in Concubine Yun's era, but it is a rare item in this era. Therefore, the intellectual brain cannot be popularized, but it does not hurt to make one for Concubine Wei, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui.

As for the local area network used by the brain, it is also very simple to set up, without the assistance of other electronic equipment, the brain itself can radiate signals and connect with other brain signals.

However, the coverage area of this small LAN is slightly small, and it can only be used in the west city of Huaijing, and it will not work if it is far away.

However, it is big enough, the West City of Huaijing is not small.

It takes a while to make Brain, and during this time Shen Yuqing is conceiving the outline of her story. Every day when I am full of enthusiasm, I can come up with three brain holes in the morning when I am full of ideas. After half a month, dozens of brain holes are piled up there, and I don’t know which one to write.

"I want to write this too, and I want to write that too." Shen Yuqing was so entangled that her hair was about to fall out.

But she only has one pair of hands and one brain, so she can't write dozens of books at the same time. Moreover, the smart brain has not developed the magical function of brainwave code words, so it has to be typed or voice input.

Voice input is too embarrassing, as long as Shen Yuqing thinks about it, she feels that her thoughts are going to be broken, so she just passes it. In the end, you still have to type it in manually, typing one word at a time.

For a novice writer who has never coded, a speed of 1,000 per hour is not bad. If you practice more, you can reach 2,000, and if you want to go more than 3,000 or even 4,000 per hour, it will not happen overnight.

And for five thousand, you need not only a pair of hands that have been single for decades, but also a flexible mind. The speed can't increase, not only because the hand speed is not enough, but also because the speed of thinking about the plot can't keep up, and I often stop and think about what to write next.

Shen Yuqing counted the names and generals ten times, and finally picked a very favorite idea—she decided to write about the things she encountered after time travel!

"Where did you agree to write about the 21st century and Interstellar?" Concubine Yun looked at her with dead eyes.

Shen Yuqing said confidently: "I have never been to the 21st century!"

"What about Interstellar?" She snorted coldly.

"I don't want to write anymore!"

Concubine Yun wanted to bite her.

She has read too many ancient scripts, and she also wants to read modern interstellar!

But if Shen Yuqing didn't write, she couldn't force people to write. After thinking about it, she might as well write it by herself, and trick Sister Youman to write it by the way. In this way, she can also see something.

So from Shen Yuqing who wrote the novel alone, it developed into Concubine Yun and He Man who followed suit. Later, Weiwei and Fu Qiushui found it interesting and came to write it too.

They built an internal forum, posted their own novels, and then followed each other to update them. If you can't urge the update online, you will kill the other party's house to urge it. After such a period of time, the fun of life has indeed increased a lot, and the relationship has become much hotter.

On this day, Shen Yuqing was lazy again.

She has been disconnected, and has been disconnected for almost a week since the previous few days. And before that, she also interrupted many times one after another, and the agreed daily change has become every other day, every three days, and now it is weekly.

It is developing towards the moon, and I don't know when it will become an adult.

Concubine Yun was so angry that she couldn't maintain the high-cold personality. She rushed to the princess mansion and forced Shen Yuqing to type with a dagger, and the real person staged a knife-sending (?).

Shen Yuqing's buddhist system is renewed, and only if there is a destiny, she will not be moved by threats.

Concubine Yun glared at her coldly: "You have cheated three books already."

The implication is that this book must be updated and finished well.

"That's such an unfortunate coincidence, I want to cheat on this book too." Shen Yuqing said sincerely.

Before the pit was full of enthusiasm, after the pit was opened, the enthusiasm faded. After a month of serialization, I basically lost my enthusiasm and always wanted to cheat.

Following "Mingjiao Chivalrous Woman Traveling Through Time", "The Legend of the Interstellar Cat Demon", and "The Queen Through the Past Is the Queen of the Movie", the supernatural novel "A Family Must Be Tidy and Tidy", which is currently being serialized, is about to be pitted. up.

Counting the total number of words, none of them exceeds 30,000.

Look at the empress next door, she wrote a book called "The Counterattack of a Peasant Girl", which has been serialized 9,000 times a day and 400,000 times. Given time, it will surely break the million mark and become the longest completed post in their forum.

—It is worth mentioning that so far there are only a dozen short stories written by Concubine Yun, each with a few thousand words.

Relying on these short stories, she felt confident. At any rate, she has a finished essay, and no one else has.

Shen Yuqing said hehe.

Weiwei's hand speed is relatively slow, and she updates 3,000 words every day, which is still a chapter of 1,000 words. Just looking at the number of chapters, how many did she write? In the end, the content is only more than 100,000, which is not enough to fit between the teeth.

After just a few casual glances, it was over, which made Shen Yuqing very unsatisfied. She also wanted to urge Weiwei to do more every day, but she stopped thinking that she would be caught by Concubine Yun when she went to the palace.

Concubine Yun concentrates on writing short stories. Although the writing is not particularly good, she can still read it. Compared with her, He Man is not good, the sentences he writes are not smooth, it looks like the Chinese taught by the physical education teacher, and the plot is also lackluster, not fun.

But He Man writes with gusto, and always feels that it's their problem that they don't like to read. So she formed a school of her own, writing happily in her own little world.

Shen Yuqing still admires her very much, and no one can read it and write it down. She, who was urged to change, wanted to cheat every day.

"If this book sucks again, I'll write you into the text, and write it as a vicious female supporting role who deserves death, and was tortured by thousands of knives." Concubine Yun made the last move.

It's a pity that the effect is not very good, Shen Yuqing rubbed her ears, and said lazily: "Oh, you can write it."

It doesn't matter, it's not really her anyway.

Concubine Yun: "..." It's a pity that you can't fight if you don't get oil and salt.

After failing "A Family Will Be Neat and Tidy", Shen Yuqing extended her claws to other software. For example, beauty and beauty.

Beauty Beauty, as the name suggests, is a selfie app with beauty function. You can also process pictures and beautify scenery photos.

In the past, there was only glass mirror, no mobile phone and no smart brain, so Shen Yuqing didn't have the conditions to take selfies. And the game she comes from does not have technology products, so she has never taken a selfie.

The reason why she was suddenly obsessed with beauty and beauty was because she went back to the palace to play and saw Concubine Yun holding Weiwei to take a selfie. Moreover, Concubine Yun specially set up a sub-forum area in the forum, and put all kinds of landscape pictures and photos of people into different categories.

I have to say that Concubine Yun's photography skills are still very good.

Shen Yuqing tried to take pictures by herself, the scenery is okay, but the people are really ugly. After being photographed twice by her, Fu Qiushui began to wonder if he really wasn't as good-looking as he thought he was.

Shen Yuqing learned from the pain, and found Concubine Yun to ask about the art of taking pictures. After returning, she took Manxing to test the water (Manxing: ???), after practicing for more than half a month, she was finally able to take it out to meet people.

Afterwards, she and Fu Qiushui became obsessed with taking selfies, and every day they took various photos showing affection and posted them in the Xiu Enai Building of the sub-forum. However, no one watched, because Concubine Yun and the others were reluctant to be stuffed with dog food.

So Shen Yuqing set these selfies as a small tail for posting and replying, changing one every day, and then replying to other people's posts every day. As soon as the post is posted, the little tail will appear, showing affection in disguise, which makes Concubine Yun want to block her.

"In the future, we will be able to take pictures when we travel." Shen Yuqing was delighted.

Fu Qiushui nodded: "But if you are far away, you can't post it on the forum, you can only come back and show it to them."

"That can't be helped. It is unrealistic to set up a nationwide network under the current conditions."

After Shen Yuqing played all the software once, it has been three years. Suddenly realizing that she had been in the house for three years, Shen Yuqing quickly pulled Fu Qiushui and decided to go out for a walk to relax.

Last time I only visited Jiangnan and Nanbian, this time I can visit other places.

Weiwei was a little bit reluctant, but Concubine Yun wished they could leave quickly. Shen Yuqing snorted, ignored her, and left with Fu Qiushui in the carriage.

Concubine Yun thought she had escaped from Shen Yuqing's clutches, but she never expected that a month later, Shen Yuqing would post a view on the forum. There are a lot of landscape photos uploaded in it, as well as all kinds of pictures showing affection by surprise.

For example, Shen Yuqing was clearly photographing a stream, but Fu Qiushui was playing in the water in the corner of the screen, and the whole screen revealed pampering. The dog food is well stuffed, but the scenery is really beautiful, and so are the people.

Concubine Yun is not to be outdone, and reciprocates courtesy. Taking Weiwei to play in Zhuangzi around Huaijing is also to take pictures to show their affection, and sometimes He Man helps to take pictures of the two of them interacting and admiring the scenery.

Hmph, who is afraid of whom, at least they still have He Man who can help them take pictures, who can take pictures of her and Weiwei together. There is no one to help Shen Yuqing, if it is not a selfie, there is at most one person in the picture.

However, Concubine Yun is still very curious about why they can access the Internet, since they are far away.

Shen Yuqing complacently replied in the post: "Secret."

In fact, she also hit by mistake. The NPC system she was carrying suddenly allowed her to chat with Yin Qing from a distance, and Yin Qing also had an NPC system on her body.

This system used to be able to chat in the game, but now that it's time-traveled, Shen Yuqing thinks that the chat function can't be used. But that day, she habitually sent messages to Yin Qing, and found that not only did she send them, but Yin Qing also replied, she was surprised that this could be used.

Later, when she was fiddling with her brain, she found a button to connect to wifi, which automatically retrieved the basic wifi, and she was able to surf the Internet and enter the local area network. However, you can only enter the LAN, because there is no other network to choose from.

But even so, Shen Yuqing was very satisfied. She, Concubine Yun and the others can communicate at a distance, and can learn about things in Huaijing as soon as possible.

Although Concubine Yun also plans to come out to play, He Man has another batch of materials in his hands, which can make a few more brains, and then just throw them to the Queen Mother and the others.

Being smart is convenient. Shen Yuqing, who is addicted to taking selfies, took a picture of herself and her daughter-in-law, and saved it in an encrypted folder.

The author has something to say: I have already figured out writing and taking selfies, what else can I talk about tomorrow

Thanks to mine: Gogo dyed clothes with x2, six lines, and ink

Thanks for the nutrient solution:. . . . . . . . . +4, Thirty Two +60, Grilled Dried Fish +4, Wu Xiaohedgehog +5, Wake Up Sleepwalking +6, Are You Coward +40, Mama Mia +130, a girl who can bite pipes when she drinks. , Xiyuan+1, ""+1, THS+15