The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 135: Plastic flowers in the entertainment industry Ⅳ


The first game is to answer questions.

It's a very simple answering game. There are 21 questions in total. Whoever answers the most can eat delicious food, and the remaining three will eat dark food. If there is a tie, there will be another match.

These questions are generally related to food. For example, the first question is what to do if you add too much salt when cooking. There are four options.

When the first question came out, the three kitchen novices were stunned.

But Shen Yuqing reacted too quickly, as soon as the host said, "Please rush to answer", she immediately grabbed it. It is impossible for anyone here to be as responsive as hers, so the right to answer the questions is in her hands.

Brother Sun pointed to the question on the big screen, and asked with a smile, "Does Lulu know the answer?"

Lulu didn't know.

Shen Yuqing and the title stare at me and stare at you, the four options are about to come out. I saw that the four options are adding water, adding vinegar, adding monosodium glutamate and burning a pot.

Shen Yuqing hesitated for a moment: "Add water... shall we?"

"Wrong answer." Sun Ge said "I knew you would answer wrong", "Okay, Lulu has no chance to answer this question, and the remaining three people continue to rush to answer. 3, 2, 1, start!"

This time it was Mr. Du who grabbed it, and his answer was D, and it was a big deal. It was obviously wrong, and I also got Host Yu's expression of hating iron but not steel.

Fu Qiushui frowned, it would be much easier to choose one of the two. She has to work hard to grab it, maybe she can get the answer right

Anyway, he is a person who has practiced kung fu. Although Fu Qiushui's actual combat ability is relatively weak, if he is serious, his reaction speed is still acceptable. Brother Sun smiled: "The answer is correct!"

"Why?" Teacher Du felt very surprised.

"Chemically, salt and vinegar can react. Although it doesn't seem to be the case when cooking, the sour taste can also cover up the salty taste, making the salty taste less obvious than before." Host Yu helped explain.

The second question is still a question that no one in the kitchen can understand. It is talking about the following four dishes, which one needs to be cooked in cold oil.

Shen Yuqing still grabbed the right to answer the question, and chose one with her eyes closed. The blind cat met a dead mouse, and she chose the right one.

"Okay, the third question, now Lulu and Sister Mu have one point each. Please read the question: The reason why the oil temperature should not be too high when frying food is - please answer quickly!"

"Drip!" Fu Qiushui grabbed it this time.

"The last one, easy to burn?"

"Answer wrong, continue to answer!"

Shen Yuqing grabbed it: "The oil temperature is too high to make the oil produce substances harmful to the human body."

According to the routine, it should be this, which is harmful to the body.

"The answer is correct!" Brother Sun congratulated.

The routine has been popular since ancient times, and Shen Yuqing showed a reserved smile.

However, the smile didn't last long, because she and Fu Qiushui continued to make mistakes. As the only one in a group of novices who knows how to cook, Host Yu came from behind with his rich theoretical knowledge.

When the competition system came to the final stage, Shen Yuqing only had five points, Fu Qiushui had four points, Host Yu had ten points, and Teacher Du had only a pitiful one point.

There was one last question left, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui gave up trying to humiliate themselves, silently watched Host Yu answer the question correctly, and won the first place. Teacher Du was still cheerful, grabbed a handful, and said that losing should be done with dignity, so that at least one point of the curse could be broken.

However, it didn't break and he still had a point until the end of the game.

Fortunately, this game is to taste the sauerkraut fish made by Shen Yuqing. Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui still have confidence in this sauerkraut fish. I can't say how delicious it is, but at least it's edible.

The three came over with bowls and chopsticks, silently took a bite of pickled fish. Then his face relaxed, it's okay, it's really not bad.

And over there, Host Yu was enjoying the delicious food. The amount of food was not much, and he finished it in a few mouthfuls, with endless aftertaste.

Seeing the three little friends staring at him resentfully, he coughed dryly, spread his hands and said, "The amount is too small, it's not that I don't keep it for you, it's that I finished it in one bite."

Three people: "Oh." Indifferent.

Host Yu didn't care about their dissatisfaction at all, and insisted on telling Teacher Du how delicious the dish was, which made Teacher Du very hungry.

Brother Sun held the microphone: "Okay, okay, we're going to start the second game. Keep up the good work, this round is Xiaoyu's spicy chicken and this scallion fried bun. Before the show was recorded, I tried the scallion fried bun. It’s really memorable, the four of you have to work hard.”

Shen Yuqing looked at the spicy chicken and felt that she could accept both dishes, so she was not as active as before when playing games.

Before, it was mainly because I was tired of eating fish and didn't want to eat any more.

The second round is a game of stacking cards.

It is necessary to stack three cards into small triangles to form a whole big triangle pyramid. Whoever builds the highest wins, and everyone has three chances to start over.

It stands to reason that Shen Yuqing should be good at it, but she is actually a little... handicapped...

It's okay to stack a few, but if you stack a pile, she can't do it so meticulously. So just stacked three layers, it collapsed. After restarting, the fourth floor collapsed again. For the last time, I insisted on reaching the fifth floor, but just after the fifth floor was stacked, it collapsed again.

Shen Yuqing lost the card, feeling a little depressed.

Looking at Fu Qiushui next to him, he was stacking very slowly, but steadily. In the end, Fu Qiushui succeeded in stacking the first one, and got the qualification to eat green onion fried buns.

Host Yu and Teacher Du actually performed well, but it was a pity that they made a mistake midway, and it took a long time to start all over again, and Fu Qiushui took advantage of it.

There is only one scallion fried bun, half the size of a palm. After Fu Qiushui took a bite, he put it to Shen Yuqing's mouth for her to taste it too.

Of course, Shen Yuqing would not dislike her biting it, and took a sip happily: "It's delicious!"

The live broadcast barrage suddenly boiled.

African Abba: Indirect kissing, Mumu and Lulu play really big

Aixinjueluo little ghost: My aunt laughed the whole time, and my mother asked me why I smiled so wretchedly...

Ye Zi'an: Heh, refuse dog food

Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke: I knew they were a couple! The shepherd boy has a blue sky above his head!

Is it really frivolous, not prudish: don’t go ahead, fight against my cp, let’s have a decisive battle

Teacher Du saw this scene, and sighed cheerfully: "You girls have such a good relationship."

"The relationship is good now, and we may break up in the third round of the game." Brother Sun smiled maliciously, "The third round of punishment is to eat the dark food made by Teacher Du!"

Teacher Du: "..." Suddenly shot.

"What's the third round of the game?" Host Yu suddenly became nervous.

Brother Sun patted the desk beside him. There were four single-person desks, each with a piece of colored paper pasted on it, with one, two, three, and four written on it.

"Come over and get a card each of you, and stand behind the table according to the number of the card." Brother Sun said the rules, "This game is "Who is undercover", and each person will be issued a card with Once a word, one of the four people has a different card from the others."

"Everyone needs to use one sentence to describe the words they see. After the four people take turns to describe, everyone starts to vote for the person you think is an undercover agent, that is, the one whose card is different from others. Until the last two people, if If there is an undercover agent among the two, the undercover agent wins."

"If not, there will be another round of the game. After two rounds of the game, if there is still no undercover agent winning, all four of them will be punished and taste Teacher Du's cooking."

Seeing Brother Sun smiling treacherously, Shen Yuqing subconsciously felt cheated: "Are you sure there must be an undercover agent, what if you give us all the same?"

"There must be an undercover agent. After the game is over, the four of you can take out the cards and look at each other." Brother Sun promised.

"Okay, let's start."

Brother Sun began to distribute cards, four cards, one for each person. Everyone exaggeratedly hid in the four corners to look at their cards, and then kept them properly so that no one else could see them.

Shen Yuqing stood in the first position, Fu Qiushui was beside her, followed by Teacher Du and Yu the host.

After they stood up, Brother Sun peeled off a layer of colored playing cards pasted on the table for the four of them. On the second layer are written the words of four people, from Shen Yuqing to Chairman Yu, which are facial tissue, facial tissue, wet tissue and facial tissue. The undercover agent this round is Teacher Du.

Brother Sun motioned for Shen Yuqing to be the first to describe.

Shen Yuqing had never played this before, and she didn't know how to describe it more safely, so she had to say whatever she could. Logically speaking, she should not be an undercover agent, otherwise, if she accidentally said something wrong, it would be over directly.

So she said boldly, "This is a kind of paper."

After speaking, he immediately went to see the second Fu Qiushui, and found that her expression was normal, it seemed that he was right.

Fu Qiushui continued, "It's very soft."

"Some are fragrant." Teacher Du thought for a while and said.

Host Yu had been contemplating, and when it was his turn, he said slowly, "You can wipe your face and hands."

After finishing speaking, the four of them were stunned, feeling that they didn't find anyone who said something different from themselves.

Brother Sun booed: "If you really don't know who to eliminate, you can talk about it again."

"Then let's do another round." The four said quickly.

So it started from Shen Yuqing again: "It's very cheap."

Fu Qiushui said: "If it doesn't work, you can use it for writing."

"Ah, writing?" Teacher Du was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it, if it's really not possible, it seems that you can just barely write? He was relieved, and then continued: "It can disinfect the skin."

Host Yu laughed when he heard it: "I don't need to say it? It must be Teacher Du."

"No, no, I still have to talk about it." Brother Sun said with a smile.

"Okay then. It's very practical, and it's very common in life." Host Yu went through a cutscene, "You can vote, Lao Du is too obvious."

Fu Qiushui and Shen Yuqing both nodded in agreement, and the three unanimously voted for Teacher Du. Mrs. Du was eliminated with a dazed expression. He still couldn't figure it out: "Isn't that right? I'm clearly talking about the same thing as you!"

"But ours are facial tissues, so we can't disinfect the skin." Shen Yuqing showed the card in her hand.

Fu Qiushui and Host Yu are also Kleenex.

Teacher Du suddenly realized: "Oh, mine are wet wipes..."

This game was not unjustly lost, he didn't realize that his words were different from theirs. These two things are so similar that it is easy to misunderstand them.

Teacher Du shook his head helplessly: "I feel like you are messing with me."

Brother Sun said with a serious face: "Nothing."

There was a lot of hahaha in front of the barrage, and I felt sorry for Teacher Du the whole time. There is also a barrage saying that Mr. Du is an old man and can't play with them.

Fortunately, Mr. Du couldn't see, otherwise, a middle-aged uncle might be even more depressed.

"Okay, the undercover agent has been caught. Let's go to the second round. This time, the undercover agent has to work harder. Don't be caught again, or the four of you will be punished together." Brother Sun took the card back and sent it out. The second round of cards.

This time, the four of them did not change the order, and still chose the card corresponding to the previous serial number.

After the four stood still, Brother Sun removed a layer of colored paper again.

The barrage suddenly became excited and began to swipe the screen frantically.

Little fan No. 13: I am 666!

Refuge: I am starting to worry about being an undercover agent

Ah Man is not slow: If it were me, I might have to kneel

A fat catfish: The program group has such a big brain, it can pick the word

"Last time it was Lulu who started, so this time Xiao Yu will start first."

Host Yu had no objection, he thought for a while, and described: "This is a miraculous phenomenon that cannot be explained by science."

Teacher Du: "It often appears in novels."

Fu Qiushui found it difficult to describe, and thought for a long time: "It usually happens to the protagonist, and the supporting role is relatively rare."

Shen Yuqing nodded in agreement: "And many of them will be accompanied by a cheat system."

After the four people finished speaking, they looked at each other, and everyone felt that what they said was the same thing.

"Science should be able to barely explain it?" Teacher Du questioned, "There are some novels that say, what is the turbulent flow of time and space?"

"Is there any scientific basis for space-time turbulence?" Host Yu retorted, "Then some people say it's because of faster-than-light speed."

Teacher Du couldn't say no to him, but he still firmly believed that the only one among the four who made him suspicious was Director Yu. He elects to host.

Shen Yuqing was dumbfounded: "But I think Brother Yu is right, I don't know who to choose." But she raised her heart silently, feeling that this round was difficult.

Fu Qiushui looked around: "Since you don't know who to choose, then choose Brother Yu."

Host Yu's mentality collapsed: "You will look suspicious if you do this."

"Then I won't choose." Fu Qiushui shrank back again.

Shen Yuqing abstained, Mr. Du chose Yu as the host, and Yu chose Fu Qiushui. Host Yu and Fu Qiushui each got one vote, and they had another round of discussion. In the end, Teacher Du and Shen Yuqing decided who to vote for. If there is still a tie, then they will not be eliminated and will go directly to the next round.

This time Fu Qiushui first said: "There are many articles now, and there will be multiple such phenomena."

Host Yu is not to be outdone: "After the incident, it is difficult to go back to the beginning, and we can only choose to live with the situation."

Teacher Du raised a question: "Mu, you said just now that it usually happens to the protagonist, and there are relatively few supporting roles. Now it has become more than one phenomenon in many novels. Doesn't it mean that there are supporting roles in many novels?" Did something like this happen? It’s contradictory.”

This Fu Qiushui really couldn't refute.

Shen Yuqing also said: "I don't think there is any problem with what Brother Yu said, so I may vote for Mumu this round."

Fu Qiushui accepted the ending calmly and was eliminated.

The remaining three looked at Brother Sun, who showed a subtle smile: "Congratulations, the undercover agent is still here."


Mature and stable elder sister Yu: I... I'm dumbfounded, can I get by like this

O'Neill's little fan girl: Yes, yes, this year's undercover is very good

Haw Haw: Don't talk about it, I offer my knees

Hun girl's D cup: The cp I just became a fan of just killed each other like this, Lulu, how could you have the heart to knock out sister Mu

Ghosts and beasts: hhhhhh Sister Mu: Go home and kneel on the washboard!

The game goes on.

In the second round, Host Yu was still the first to describe.

"Sometimes time and space change, and sometimes the world doesn't change," he said.

Teacher Du nodded: "Sometimes the body changes, and sometimes the body remains the same."

Shen Yuqing smiled slightly: "There are often modern to modern, but rarely ancient to ancient."

After speaking, things reached an impasse again.

But the barrage was very joyful, and they swiped the screen and said: "The undercover has found out that she is an undercover! She also guessed the real words!"

It's a pity that the guests can't see the barrage right now, so they don't know that the undercover agent has "opened".

Since Mr. Du dissed himself in the previous round, Director Yu retaliated and dissed Mr. Du this time: "You followed my words this round. I think you are probably an undercover agent."

Teacher Du was very wronged: "I can't think of what to say."

"So you are more likely to be an undercover agent. You found that you are different from ours, but you didn't guess what ours is. So you have nothing to say, you can only follow my words." Chairman Yu seemed to catch him The handle, which was still somewhat hesitant, suddenly became firm, "Lulu and I voted for him, he must be an undercover agent!"

Shen Yuqing's expression was blank: "But Mr. Du was an undercover agent in the last round, so he couldn't be in the second round, right?"

Host Yu said plausibly: "If you think that way, then you have fallen into the trap of the program group. They deliberately arranged the undercover agent for the two rounds in the same position, just to make sure that we will not choose him again."

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Shen Yuqing was persuaded and chose Teacher Du together with Director Yu.

Teacher Du was eliminated, and the remaining two players looked at the host nervously.

Brother Sun finally didn't have to hold back his laughter, he burst out laughing. After laughing enough, he announced: "The game is over, the undercover agent wins!"

"What?" Host Yu was dumbfounded.

Shen Yuqing silently took three steps back: "Then what, brother Yu... I'm an undercover agent..."

The word Shen Yuqing got was "rebirth", and the word for the others was "traversal". When they talked about beyond the speed of light and the turbulence of time and space in the first round, Shen Yuqing felt terrible, her words seemed to be different from others.

In the second round, when the host Yu said again that "sometimes time and space will change", Shen Yuqing knew that she was indeed an undercover agent.

The change of time and space, coupled with the signal they gave before, connected with their own words, and Shen Yuqing quickly guessed what their words were. Generally, the two words are similar and must be related, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered, so it is actually quite easy to guess.

After guessing that the real word is time travel, it is easy for Shen Yuqing to pretend.

In the end, she really deceived the others and won. In fact, I also want to thank Teacher Du for jumping out to diss people in the first round and attracting firepower for her. However, Fu Qiushui made a wrong sentence, which caused Director Yu to suspect that she was an undercover agent.

The three people who are not undercover agents are suspicious of each other, and if the undercover agents stay out of the matter, the chances of winning are naturally greater.

Director Yu looked at the pot of dark braised bamboo shoots with a serious expression, and silently reviewed himself for not treating Lulu lightly just because she was a little girl. It's also because Tong Lu's previous performances were female supporting roles with no scheming, showing everything on her face, giving people an illusion of scheming.

"Hey, beauty misleads people." Director Yu tasted a mouthful of braised bamboo shoots with a disheveled expression, and almost didn't spit it out.

Fu Qiushui also paled, Shen Yuqing hurriedly handed her a glass of water, and gave Fu Qiushui her own delicacies for gastric lavage.

Teacher Du and Host Yu did not have this kind of treatment, so they could only drink water by themselves.

Host Yu put down the water glass, and asked Mr. Du in a broken voice, "How on earth did you make this magical taste?"

Teacher Du took a sip of water slowly, and said vicissitudes of life: "Maybe it's because you put too much perilla."

"???" Host Yu's expression twisted.

Who told him to put perilla in the braised bamboo shoots? ! Isn't that just for burning fish? !

Brother Sun looked at them sympathetically: "Now there is only sister Mu's fried pork with green peppers that has not been tasted, but it looks like it shouldn't be too bad. Everyone can relax and play the last game."

This sentence is a big truth.

When I played the game before, I was always on tenterhooks, because I haven't tasted Teacher Du's dishes yet. Although they knew that this round was not stewed bamboo shoots, the stewed bamboo shoots were like a sharp sword hanging above their heads, making them unable to relax.

Now that the stewed bamboo shoots in oil have been tasted, it should not be surprising that there is a shredded pork with green peppers left. If it doesn't work, just eat green peppers.

The author has something to say: Kuaiben’s favorite game is Who Is Undercover, but I feel that there are very few opportunities to play it. I haven’t watched Kuaiben recently. I don’t know if it has appeared

Hun girl does not have a D cup, only the airport, crying loudly

Thanks to Landmine: Feiwu, Gogoyi, Liuyao

Thanks for the nutrient solution:. . . . . . . . . +2, grilled small dried fish +2, old demon +10