The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 136: Entertainment circle plastic flower Ⅴ


The last game, also a hands-on game.

The program team provided four identical model parts, and then the guests competed to see who could assemble them first.

Although this model is a little difficult, the number of parts is not too many. You may have to use your brains when assembling, otherwise it will pretend to be something inexplicable.

Shen Yuqing was not good at this at all, and in the end Fu Qiushui took the first place, and Shen Yuqing became the last one.

Fortunately, Fu Qiushui's plate of fried pork with chili was not unpalatable. After Shen Yuqing finished eating the green peppers without changing her expression, she praised her cooking skills.

The corner of host Yu's mouth twitched: "Is there something wrong with my sense of taste? Did Miss Mu not add salt?"

Fu Qiushui, who was just happy because of being praised by his wife: "..."

Brother Sun laughed beside him.

The recording of the program ended here. The five people followed each other on Weibo, went to dinner together and ate crayfish, and then left separately. Teacher Du was surprised when he saw Fu Qiushui and Shen Yuqing driving away together. Shen Yuqing smiled and said that she was staying at Fu Qiushui's house recently. Teacher Du nodded and didn't say much.

After returning home, I had a good night's rest, and I was going to participate in the werewolf killing live broadcast again.

The werewolf killing variety show is conducted by two star guests and seven amateur guests, and a host as a judge.

During the live broadcast, a total of three rounds of Werewolf will be played, and when the final program is edited, there may only be one or two rounds.

Because it is a nine-player game, the gameplay will not be too complicated. There are three civilians, three werewolves, and three clergy in each round.

Civilians don't have any special abilities, they can only speak and vote during the day to push people out. The werewolf selects a player as a target at night and disguises his identity during the day. Clerics include witches, seers, and hunters.

The witch has two bottles of medicine, one for antidote and one for poison. The antidote can save people, and the poison-drug can kill people. Once used up, it is gone. But it can only be used at night. If it is killed by a werewolf before it is used, it cannot be used anymore. Witches can use antidote to save themselves, but only the first night can save themselves, and then even if they are killed, they cannot save themselves.

The prophet can check the identity of a person every night, and can know whether the other person is a good person or a werewolf. It is impossible to know whether it is a civilian or a clergyman, nor can it know which clergyman the other party is.

Hunters have guns, and after being thrown out during the day or attacked by a werewolf at night, they can shoot and take a person away. If you were poisoned by a witch, you can't shoot.

The first round was played with open cards, which meant that the players in the live broadcast room could see everyone's identity.

From number one to number nine, everyone looks at the cards in turn. Shen Yuqing was on number one, and Fu Qiushui was on number five.

What Shen Yuqing got was a hunter, and Fu Qiushui was a commoner.

After everyone looked at the cards, the judge signaled everyone to close their eyes: "Please close your eyes when it gets dark."

Shen Yuqing closed her eyes, bowed her head and began to listen carefully.

"Werewolves, please open your eyes. Werewolves, please confirm each other's companions."

Players No. 3, No. 6 and No. 9 opened their eyes and looked up to confirm each other's identities, but they did not make the slightest sound.

"Werewolf, please make sure to kill the target." The judge paused for about five seconds, and after seeing the werewolf compare 7, he continued, "Werewolf, please close your eyes. Witch, please open your eyes."

Shen Yuqing still didn't hear anything.

"Witch, it was he (she) who died last night." The judge gave a gesture of the number 7, "You have a bottle of antidote, would you like to use it?"

Witch number four shook her head.

"You have a bottle of poison, do you want to use it?" The witch shook her head again, not daring to poison blindly on the first night, "May I ask who you want to poison... Witch, please close your eyes."

The judge deliberately paused for a few seconds to confuse the audience.

"Prophet, please open your eyes. Please choose the person you want to check."

No. 8 prophet opened his eyes and picked No. 5 Fu Qiushui.

The judge placed his hand on one of the two signs erected in front of him that read "The Good Man" and "The Werewolf": "He or she is..." above the "nice guy"

Number Eight breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

"Hunter, please open your eyes and confirm your identity."

Shen Yuqing opened her eyes.

The judge nodded: "Hunter, please close your eyes. It is dawn."

Everyone opened their eyes and looked up, looking at each other. Obviously, civilians probably didn't get any information.

From the perspective of the audience, everyone's identity is already very clear. No. 1 hunter Shen Yuqing, No. 4 witch, No. 8 prophet, No. 3, 6, and 9 werewolves, and the remaining 2, 5, and 7 are civilians.

"The person who died late is number seven, please leave a last message." The judge signaled number seven to speak before he died.

Except for those who were voted out during the day or were forcibly killed by hunters, only those who were killed on the first night could leave their last words. Afterwards, those who die at night cannot leave a last word, and must leave quietly.

Civilian No. 7 looked confused: "I'm a commoner, and the rest of the commoners hide themselves and don't reveal their identities. That's it, I'll go first."

This round is a slaughter game, that is to say, if all civilians or priests die, the werewolves win. If the werewolves are all out, the good guys win. Commoners and clergy are on the same side, belonging to the camp of the good guys.

After three rounds of games, everyone will select the MVP player who plays the best and award prizes.

Now that a civilian has died, No. 2 and No. 5 Fu Qiushui need to be careful to hide their identities, so as not to be discovered by werewolves that they are civilians. Because civilians are so easy to kill, they cannot resist even being killed, unlike hunters who can shoot people away and witches who can poison people.

No. 7 was taken away by the man in black after leaving his last words, and the rest of the players continued to play.

Shen Yuqing started speaking on the 1st.

"There is no useful information on the first night, but the words of No. 7 should be credible to a certain extent. She is definitely not a witch, and a witch can save herself. She is not a hunter either. He did not turn over cards to prove that he is a hunter. The prophet is not very Maybe, don’t tell me after the test, and the prophet will leave after it’s over, and pretend to be a fool, as long as you’re not stupid, you can’t hide your identity as a prophet.” Shen Yuqing played for the first time, and she didn’t know what to do. , I can only analyze slowly according to my own understanding, "It's not like a wolf with a sword. If I go away with a wolf with a sword, I will definitely pretend to be a prophet, and then randomly send a good person card. This can pollute a good person and give a A true prophet adds to the chaos. So there is a high probability that No. 7 is a commoner, I believe him for now, and the rest of the commoners are hidden away. Oh yes, I am a good person here, so let’s go.”

As a hunter, Shen Yuqing is very confident. Hunters are the least afraid of being cast out, so don't worry too much about saying the wrong thing. People with guns are always unscrupulous, Shen Yuqing thought happily, she would take away anyone who dared to insult her.

Shen Yuqing's fearless attitude infected civilian No. 2. Player No. 2 looked at her more and said, "I am a good person. The identity of No. 7 is also well done here. I have already analyzed No. 1. Now I can only throw a water bag to the back. I think there is likely to be a wolf in the 8th and 9th, so that the wolf can summarize the speech with rhythm, so I will listen to the speeches of the 8th and 9th. Pass.”

No. 8 and No. 9 who were called were very calm and their faces remained unchanged.

Then came No. 3 werewolf, who first sent Shen Yuqing a good person to call her: "No. 1 is very confident, not like a bluff. I think No. 1 is probably a good person, and she is not guilty. For No. 2, I will not be guilty for the time being." I can't see it, the people behind didn't speak, and I can't say, there must be at least one werewolf in the middle 4, 5, and 6. When I looked at the ID cards just now, I carefully looked at their expressions, and the expression of number 6 was a bit strange Well, I mainly doubt number 6. I'm done, I'm a good person."

Witch No. 4 raised her eyebrows: "No. 3, you are very interesting. You will be issued a good person card first, do you want to sneak a glimpse of the prophet? You are very suspicious! By the way, I am a priest, the kind that can take revenge. Please don’t mess with me. No. 1 is so confident, but it makes me a little suspicious that she is a wolf. Maybe she is so confident because she is not afraid of being knifed by wolves? I haven’t heard of any problems with the others. Say, especially you No. 6, I suspect that you and No. 3 wolf stepped on each other. Passed."

Miss No. 5 Fu Qiushui, who was caught in the middle, watched the whole show. When she arrived, she looked innocent: "I'm a good person. Actually, I'm curious how you guys figured out so much. Anyway, I didn't see anything. Then I Just doubt No. 2 casually, I don't think anyone doubts No. 2. I passed it, that's all."

Fu Qiushui suddenly choked on Werewolf No. 6 with a pipi shrimp-style speech. He got stuck twice and didn't know what to say. In the end, I could only double-click 666 to express my surrender: "No. 5 Sister Mu's gameplay is a bit magical. I can't tell whether she is a good person or a werewolf. Let her identity be a question mark for now. As for the previous No. 3 and No. 4 to me Doubt, I can only say that I have a very important priesthood status, too."

Shen Yuqing glanced at Fu Qiushui. Fu Qiushui's attitude only showed that she was not a wolf. If she were a wolf, with her dark belly, she would definitely not play so elegantly, and would definitely try her best to organize her words so that no one would catch her. Only when he is a good person, Fu Qiushui can be strong, and Shen Yuqing is also like this.

No. 7 is gone, go to No. 8 Prophet.

The prophet pushed his glasses: "I am a prophet. I checked the identity of No. 5 last night, and the judge told me that she is a good person. I will check the identity of No. 3 tonight. The witch should pay attention tonight. Knife, remember to give me the antidote. A commoner has already left, so it doesn’t matter if the wolf cheats the potion. Now the more good people are left, the more useful it is for us, so that if the witch is accidentally pushed out during the day or at night Killed, wasting a bottle of antidote. That's it, pass."

"It's time for me to speak. I'm a good person. I think the speech on the 8th is a bit suspicious. It's like picking up a treasure after seeing no one dancing the prophet in front of me, so he jumped out happily and put on the prophet's clothes." I don’t know if number 5 is a good guy or a wolf companion. For the time being, I have to put a question mark on both of you. I suggest that true prophets don’t check number 8. If he wears your clothes, there is a high probability that he is a wolf. Go check it out. No. 5, it depends on whether she is a good person or a wolf. As long as she is a good person, her status is the highest in the audience." No. 9 werewolf analyzed one by one, "But for me, No. 1's status is good. Because she is not only the most The calm one, and another point is that she focused on analysis at the beginning, and finally remembered to mention that she is a good person. Thinking in another way, if I was a good person, I would probably have the same reaction, and I would not deliberately emphasize "I I’m a good person’, because I subconsciously take it for granted that I’m a good person, and I also subconsciously feel that everyone will think I’m a good person, and there’s no need to prove it. Only a wolf would put self-identification first because of a guilty conscience. A lot, lest others suspect that he is a wolf."

Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui immediately squinted their eyes.

"If I were a nice guy"? This is not like what a good person would say. The premise of empathy is that you are not this type of person. Because I am not a good person, I will say "if I am a good person".

If Number 9 hadn't been a wolf, she would have said "If it were me, I would probably have the same reaction".

The two immediately crossed No. 9 in their hearts, and sentenced No. 9 to death. It's a pity that if you talk too much, you will lose your own vest.

After No. 9 said this, he also analyzed the behavior of other people. Shen Yuqing listened nonchalantly, since No. 9 is a wolf, then No. 8, who was stepped on, is likely to be a real prophet. The only one in the audience who jumped on the prophet, he stomped so hard, this is not called wolf trampling on wolf, it is called deep hatred.

And he had already issued a good person card to Shen Yuqing, so the credibility of the good person card he issued after that was greatly reduced. Falsehood is the easiest way to make people believe that it is impossible for a wolf to pretend to be a good person and send all good person cards to good people. You must intersperse one or two of your own companions in it.

In the end, he lightly pulled No. 6 werewolf, secretly stepped on No. 4, the witch who questioned No. 1 Shen Yuqing, retired and shut up.

Because when others are speaking, others cannot interrupt. So no matter what opinions you have on other people's speeches, you can't raise them, and you can only refute them when it's your turn. Therefore, Shen Yuqing did not have the opportunity to point out the loopholes in his language and tell everyone. When the judge announced the start of voting, he found the No. 9 sign and displayed it.

In addition, No. 5 Fu Qiushui and No. 4 witch also chose No. 9. Civilian No. 2 and Werewolf No. 3 chose No. 6, Werewolf No. 6 chose Prophet No. 8, Werewolf No. 8 chose No. 3 Werewolf, and No. 9 abstained.

Three votes out on the 9th, you can leave your last words.

"Why do you vote for me?" No. 9 said he couldn't understand, "No. 5 voted for me, so you believe that No. 8 is a prophet? Then I really doubt that you are No. 8's wolf companion. 1 I can’t figure out why you voted for me. No. 1 and No. 4, please explain why you voted for me in the next round. I’m a commoner, and the rest of the commoners should hide so that they won’t be discovered.”

The judge knocked on the table: "The last words are over, please leave the player number nine. Please close your eyes when it gets dark."

This night, after discussing with the remaining two werewolves 3 and 6, they proceeded as planned.

The two of them thought that No. 1 was probably a hunter, and they didn't know the hunter's attitude yet. If she took away a wolf by accident, it would be a bloodbath. On the 5th they suspected that it was a witch, otherwise they wouldn’t be so skinny, but on the 8th who was suspected to be a real prophet, they sent her golden water [the good person card issued by the prophet is called golden water, and the person who has been used by the witch as the antidote is called silver water], then Can't kill her.

Because, after killing her, it immediately proved that she and No. 8 are good people. Wolf pretending to be a prophet and then killing the gold water he sent? Wolf figure what? The purpose of the wolf's golden water is to win over that good man, so the wolf will definitely not kill his own golden water. Therefore, after No. 5 was stabbed to death, there is an 80% possibility that No. 8 will be the real prophet, which is very unfavorable to werewolves.

After these two can't be killed, No. 2 can't be killed either. He voted for No. 6 werewolf yesterday, and killing her is an indirect proof that No. 6 is indeed a wolf, and No. 2 stepped on a wolf's painful foot. Although it can be reversed to say that the wolf deliberately killed No. 2 and polluted No. 6, the risk is slightly greater. It is best for the wolf not to involve his companion in suspicious identities, after all, a companion has already left.

Now there are only three choices, kill the No. 4 witch, kill the No. 8 prophet or the No. 3 werewolf kills himself.

The prophet wants to check No. 3. Anyway, No. 3 is likely to be voted out tomorrow. If you can cheat the antidote, just cheat, maybe you can use this to dirty the prophet. The wolf detected by the prophet is Yinshui who was rescued by the wolf knife and the witch last night. Will others believe in the prophet or Yinshui

No. 3 and No. 6 think this can be a gamble.

After making sure, it's the witch's turn to administer the medicine. She listened to No. 8's opinion, saved No. 3 who had stabbed herself, and did not throw the poison.

Next, the prophet checked the identity of No. 3, and it was a werewolf.

"It's dawn." The judge said, "Last night was Christmas Eve, and I started speaking on the 1st."

Shen Yuqing propped her chin and looked at everyone: "Let me first talk about why I voted No. 9. There is a very big loophole in No. 9's speech. He said 'if I am a good person'. Only when he is a werewolf, can He will put forward such an assumption, so he must be a wolf. Then the No. 8 who was stepped on by him, I believe he is a prophet, and at the same time, the identity of No. 5 Jinshui should be true. In this case, a wolf and a civilian have already left on the field , the situation is still favorable to us. Witches can come out and report who they saved, and give them silver water. The identity of No. 4 is well done here. I think it is normal for the good guys to have a questioning attitude. Those who keep sending me good people cards, I doubt your identities a little bit. What about you, No. 3."

There are only two people who have flattered Shen Yuqing on the field, one is No. 3 and the other is No. 9. These two people could clearly see that Shen Yuqing was a hunter, so they spoke for Shen Yuqing. It's a pity that Shen Yuqing doesn't like this.

No. 2 felt funny watching this scene. He let out a dry cough to calm himself down: "I voted for No. 6 yesterday, and I think his words are very problematic. No. 4 has stepped on No. 6 so much, and No. 6 dare not step back." , Very guilty. And the 9th secretly protected the 6th, and now the 9th is basically a wolf, and the identity of the 6th is very bad, and you really have to speak well this round of the 6th. Pass.”

Shen Yuqing felt that this year's werewolves were not good enough. No. 6 was exposed a little too quickly, and No. 3 didn't feel like a good person either.

After No. 2 finished talking about No. 3, he became a little nervous. He didn't expect No. 6 to be picked out so soon. I knew that he would not step on number 6 before, but now he can't be coaxed, he was saved by the witch, and the witch's silver water should be able to win back a city.

So No. 3 followed No. 2 and stepped on No. 6. After all, he voted for No. 6. If his identity really cannot be cleared, he can still pretend that he is not familiar with No. 6 by stepping on No. 6 now, and protect No. 6.

When it was No. 4's turn, No. 4 said directly: "I am a witch. I wore a hunter's clothes yesterday. I was afraid that you would push me out or stab me, so that my medicine would be wasted. No. 3 died last night." , he is my Yinshui. But it’s hard to say what his identity is, let’s listen to No. 8’s test first. Pass.”

No. 5 Fu Qiushui stepped on No. 3: "The reason I voted for No. 9 is the same as No. 1. By the way, I think No. 3 is like a wolf cheating on the antidote and silver water. So far I have no second prediction The prophet jumps out, and the prophet can jump now, so I believe that No. 8 is a prophet. I am not surprised if the next No. 6 jumps into the prophet, but I think it is too deliberate. No. 6, you are good Think about how to cleanse yourself."

Number 6 is stressful.

He really wanted to dance the prophet, but after what No. 5 said, it was difficult for him to dance. I was already lacking confidence, and now I am even more guilty.

He and No. 3 looked at each other and decided not to dance the prophet. He took it for granted: "Why should I jump to the prophet? I am not a prophet. But now it seems that there are no other prophets, and the identity of No. 8 should be confirmed. I can't see the identity of other people. Now I feel like everyone is like a wolf, especially the ones who always take the rhythm. In addition, I also want to hear the test of the prophet, okay, that’s it, pass.”

Prophet No. 8 smiled slightly: "Check and kill No. 3. Today, No. 3 is unanimously issued. I will check No. 6 tonight, but I don't think it will be useful. I will definitely die tonight. Voodoo No. 6, let's see if the game will be played tomorrow." It’s over, if it’s not over, look for it from No. 2 and No. 1. But I feel that No. 1 is not like a wolf. If No. 6 is not, then listen carefully to No. 2’s speech.”

The last player has finished speaking and enters the voting session.

The No. 4 witch abstained, and he couldn't completely confirm the other party's identity with his own silver water. No. 3 voted for No. 8, desperately trying to prove that No. 8 is not a real prophet, and the rest voted for No. 3, and No. 3 was out.

Before leaving, No. 3 was still hoarse: "I'm not a wolf, there is something wrong with this prophet, the witch must poison him at night!"

"The last words are over, please close your eyes when it gets dark," said the judge.

The last werewolf shook his head helplessly, feeling helpless. No. 6 looked at the empty positions of No. 3 and No. 9, and silently chose to kill No. 4. Maybe he wasn't poisoned to death by the witch? In this case, the werewolf does not have a sword oracle, so he can tarnish the identity of the oracle.

It is a pity that although the witch did not vote for No. 3 during the day, she still followed the advice of the prophet and poisoned No. 6 to death.

Because the antidote has already been used, the witch actually couldn't see who was stabbed that night, but this did not affect her use of poison.

The next morning, the judge announced: "The 4th and 6th died last night, the game is over, and the good guys win!"

The author has something to say: There was an issue in Lyingman where the players were intentionally tricked, so that the anchor La La La got the prophet, and the others were all civilians, and there were no werewolves. Then la la la checked who was in each round, and the judge announced who was stabbed the next day. And La La La is a good person no matter who is checked, and they will all die, so they will be directly promoted to "coroner". At that time, La La La was going crazy, I laughed to death watching it.

Thanks to Landmine: Ge Ge Yi, Liu Yao, Sakura Cake

Thanks to the nutrient solution: sleepwalking while awake +7. . . . . . . . . +2, grilled small dried fish +2