The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 137: Entertainment circle plastic flower Ⅵ


The second game is from the witch's perspective.

Coincidentally, it was Shen Yuqing who got the witch this time.

The so-called witch's perspective means that the audience can only know the information that the witch knows. For example, who is the witch, who was saved by the witch, and who was killed by the witch. Others, the audience does not know, and must guess with the witch.

The judge announced: "Please close your eyes in the dark, please open your werewolves."

Shen Yuqing still pricked up her ears to listen, but Mao didn't hear anything.

"Werewolves, please make sure to kill the target... .Werewolves, please close your eyes, witches, please open your eyes."

The screen switched to Shen Yuqing, and Shen Yuqing opened her eyes and looked up.

"Witch, he is the one who died tonight." The judge gestured to number 3, "You have a bottle of antidote, would you like to use it?"

Shen Yuqing glanced at No. 3, thought about it, and nodded.

The judge continued according to the procedure: "You have a bottle of □□, do you want to use it? May I ask who are you going to poison? Please close your eyes, witch."

Shen Yuqing closed her eyes.

"Prophet, please open your eyes. Please choose the person you want to check. His identity is... ... Prophet, please close your eyes, hunter, please open your eyes. Hunter, please close your eyes, it is dawn."

The judge looked at the crowd with open eyes: "Last night was Christmas Eve. I will speak from the 2nd."

Shen Yuqing swears that the judge must have done it on purpose to let her return the vote in the end.

"Start to speak on the 2nd?" Player 2 pondered for a while, "The judge chose me to start first, could it be that one of the two next to me was killed last night? I have no other information, anyway, I am a good person, for the time being That's it, go."

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows, No. 2 talked a lot in the last round, but this round is much more cautious.

No. 3's expression is very normal, there is no unnecessary expression, Shen Yuqing thinks for the time being that he is not a wolf cheating the antidote.

However, I still have to listen to his speech: "Ping An said last night that the witch used the antidote, so there shouldn't be a wolf knife to deceive people, right? It's not necessary at the beginning of the game, unless someone wants to jump on the witch, but now it's definitely It will be poisoned to death by a real witch at night, so this possibility is ruled out. Since it is confirmed that the wolf killed the person, you can push who was killed, so that you can find a player with a high probability of being a good person and help the wolf pit. My personal tendency is that the two guests were killed. After all, the guests are too shameless to be killed on the first night. If I were a witch, I would save it, let alone such a beautiful woman. I have nothing else to say ,Pass."

"I agree with No. 3's point of view." It was No. 4's turn to speak, "But the person who can make the first two beauties is really crazy. No. 3's speech is done here, although No. 2's words are a little less , but the first one to speak is also acceptable. The two of them are good identities for the time being in my heart. Let me throw a water bag first. Throw it to the 7, 8, and 9 behind. In the first game, No. 3 spoke very well , there must be a wolf in the back position, at least one of you three. This round I am just an ordinary civilian, I have no status, I passed."

On the 5th, Fu Qiushui made a speech. She changed her elegant style of play in the previous round and became more stable: "No. 2 is hard to say, but No. 3 has analyzed a lot. It makes sense, but he never mentioned his identity. . On the 3rd, remember to talk clearly next time you speak, I have reasonable doubts about you. On the 4th, you just threw a water bag without saying anything useful, which is a bit suspicious. I am a citizen or above. Alright good man, alright, let’s go.”

"Number 6 is a commoner. Just now, No. 5 meant to dance to the gods, but her identity will not be mentioned for the time being. Anyway, I am a commoner, so there is no need to pretend to be a god. I agree with No. 4. I think No. 2 talks less today. There is a problem. When I played with him before, he was not like this. Even if he was the first to speak, he could talk a lot. Now I suspect that No. 2 and No. 4 are teammates. Let me see what else. Okay, that's it." Number 6 finished speaking in a particularly sunny manner, and looked at Number 7.

In the last game, No. 7 came out and knelt, and didn't have time to say anything. This time he was finally able to show off his skills, he was a little excited: "I am a commoner who can resist pushing, and from number 2 onwards, it seems that I am a commoner, only number 5 secretly But there are only three civilians, and I am one, which means that among the first four people, there are at least two wolves in 2, 3, 4, and 6. Of course, there may be gods in No. 2 and No. 3, but Since they didn't dance the gods, I can suspect that they are wolves pretending to be civilians, unless they jump out tomorrow and say they are gods."

No. 7's move was quite beautiful, Shen Yuqing wrote it down, 23467, five people said they were civilians, and there were two wolves among them. No. 3 Yinshui is temporarily ruled out, and No. 7 has a good speech, so the focus is on 236 and three people.

Next, No. 8 agreed with No. 7's point of view and made a faint choice. Shen Yuqing glanced at him. Now she is a witch, and No. 8 and No. 5 dance gods. Three is God. Then the identity of number 9 is very suspicious, but the jump of number 8 is not particularly hard, there is no evidence, and the speech is so-so, it is hard to say.

Shen Yuqing wrote it down first.

When it was No. 9's turn, he said: "I am a citizen and above. By the way, I just want to add one thing. There is a sentence in the speech on No. 7 that I don't like. What is a civilian who can resist pushing? In this border slaughter, There are only three civilians, and if all the good people die, they will lose, so the civilians can’t go out casually. By the way, the status of the round on the 5th is completely different from the previous round. I don’t know if she changed her style of play, or because Identity change? I don’t have anything else to say, and my opinion is that one of the few jumping civilians came out, and there are at least two wolves here.”

Finally, No. 1, Shen Yuqing, made a concluding speech, which belongs to the vote, which is very important.

She put down her pen and read from her notes: "The speech on the 7th is done by me, and I believe he is a commoner for the time being. The remaining 4 people did not clarify their identities, 2346. The problem with the 2nd is that he Too few speeches, completely different from the previous round. On the 4th, a round of good person cards were issued, and he was trying to win over other people, so her identity is not good for me. The speech on the 6th is okay, and I have no doubts on the 3rd His identity, I am a witch, and number 3 died last night. I will push out number 4 today. I will watch the poison tonight. I will probably die tonight. I should be poisoned... I will poison number 2 Well, he doesn’t feel very good to me. The remaining wolf should come out in 5, 8, and 9. There must be a wolf in the four Tiaoshen. I suggest that the prophet choose one of the three to check at night In this way, even if the wolf cannot be detected, one of the three gods is the prophet himself, the other is Jin Shui, and the remaining one must be a wolf."

Shen Yuqing jumped into a witch suddenly, catching everyone by surprise.

For Shen Yuqing, there is no problem with her Yinshui speaking, so in her eyes there are two wolves in 246, even if she pushes the wrong one or poisons the wrong one, it doesn't matter, just push the remaining one. Although one wolf, one people and one god are missing, the prophets are still there. After the prophets have checked this round, they have a great advantage, and the wolves who are placed last will definitely be pushed out.

So people began to vote.

No. 4 voted for No. 1 Shen Yuqing, No. 6 and No. 9 abstained, and the others voted for No. 4. 4 out, can leave a last word.

No. 4's face was not very good-looking, so he said directly to No. 2: "No. 2, tonight will be No. 5. No. 5 is a prophet. It doesn't matter if the witch stays for another night."

She left after speaking.

Shen Yuqing raised her brows, is this a falsehood? For a while, Shen Yuqing couldn't tell whether No. 2 was his wolf teammate, and whether No. 5 was her wolf teammate. But she really played well in this move, and the identity of No. 5 was suspected by everyone for a while.

After all, no one knows whether there are these two among the wolf companions on the 4th. Is she saying this purely for the purpose of dirtying her identity or pointing fingers at her teammates, or is it to cover up for her teammates and be a good teammate? .

No matter which one it is, it cannot affect Shen Yuqing's decision. When the judge questioned at night, she still poisoned No. 2.

During the daytime of the next day, the judge announced that No. 2 and No. 5 died without a last word.

The death of No. 2 confirms Shen Yuqing's identity, and also confirms that No. 2 is the companion of No. 4 wolf. However, Shen Yuqing felt that the werewolf's move had gone astray.

When Fu Qiushui left on the 5th, she didn't activate her skills, which shows that she is indeed a prophet. But they found this to be useless, the seer died, the civilians remained, and the witches and hunters were fine. Now the wolf is between 8 and 9, it doesn't matter which one you push.

As the first person to speak, Shen Yuqing said directly: "Push one of 8 and 9 out at random. I poisoned No. 2 and No. 5 Tiaoshen last night. They were not poisoned but did not activate their skills, which means that she is not a hunter and cannot take people away. She must be a prophet, so there is a hunter and a wolf in 8 and 9, no matter who is pushed out, it doesn't matter. Pushing the wolf is the best, if you push the hunter, the hunter will shoot and take the other away. I suggest Push number 8."

The rest of the civilians naturally went with the witch, without saying anything, just said that they would push No. 8, and they passed.

Until number 8, he made another hypothesis: "I think number 1 is a fake witch, she is a werewolf. Number 5 and number 4 are her wolf companions, number 2 was knifed, and number 5 was voodooed by a real witch." dead."

No. 9 laughed: "Then why doesn't the real witch poison No. 1 who wears his clothes to poison No. 5? Besides, No. 1 returned the vote and asked us to vote away No. 4. If she and No. 4 are wolf companions, It is impossible to trample a companion to death just to wear witch clothes. And I am not a witch, I am a hunter, if you say you are a witch, I can still consider believing you."

No. 8 choked speechlessly and was thrown out of the game.

Sure enough, 2, 4, and 8 are three wolves, and the good guy wins at the end of the game.

The werewolves in this round were purely unlucky, Shen Yuqing and No. 7 suddenly limited the scope, and then picked them out one by one. And even though No. 4 found the prophet before leaving, there was so little he could do. Shen Yuqing was not fooled and killed No. 2 anyway. The good guy's tactics are very sharp, whether it is Shen Yuqing instructing the prophet to check his identity, or finally deciding to push one out of the remaining two dancers, it is a wise choice.

There is really no way to make a comeback, and the 8th alone is powerless.

In the third round, a dark card game, the identities of everyone are unknown to the audience.

On the first night, number 6 died.

If you are killed on the first night, you can leave a last word.

Player No. 6 was very speechless: "I am a prophet. I checked the identity of No. 1 yesterday, because the beauty No. 1 played very well in the last game. She is a wolf. Now I suspect that the identities of the two people around me are not good." , logically speaking, the knife will not be so accurate suddenly. I guess there is a situation where there are wolves on both sides of me. Because my existence prevents them from controlling the direction of the wind, they kill me. After I die, the two of them You can speak continuously, whether it’s pouring dirty water or whitewashing someone, it will be much easier. That’s all I want to say, I’ll go first, and today the unanimous vote will be No. 1.”

The judge signaled that he could leave: "Starting with player number 5, speak in reverse order."

Fu Qiushui spoke first, and she said: "I want to put a question mark on the identity of No. 6's prophet. If he comes up with a golden water, I can still trust him. After all, it is important for the remaining two living werewolves to have a golden water." There is no benefit, the prophet will definitely not send gold water before the wolf dies, but chooses to defile a good person. Although I can accept the reason for checking number 1 on the 6th, it cannot be ruled out that he cheated the antidote by himself. I didn’t get fooled, so I deliberately jumped on the prophet, and first occupied the pit of the prophet. And he came up and judged that I and No. 6 were not good people based on the fact that he was killed, which is a bit too arbitrary. Maybe the werewolf is I think he is not good-looking, so I want to kill him? In the first game, No. 7 died first, but No. 8 beside him is still a prophet. Who knows why the werewolf killed No. 7? It is obviously a random pick An unlucky one, or did you have any old grievances when you played the game before?"

No. 4 couldn't help laughing: "No. 6 offended a lot of people, and I also think that the reason why he was killed might not be because he was caught between two wolves. As for whether his identity as a prophet is true, see if anyone jumps in." Judging by the prophet and No. 1's speech. I am a commoner myself, and this game is really an ordinary commoner. I don't have any special status, and I don't lead the team. Pass it."

"The identity of No. 6 is actually nothing to talk about now." No. 3 said, "I am a god. Let's line up the god pit later and see if there is anyone in the god pit who has a problem with his speech. We will know if No. 6 is What a prophet. Come on."

In addition to analyzing the situation on the 2nd, I sighed first: "I was eliminated in the last game because I spoke less. Let me analyze it casually so that you don’t catch me. If No. 1 doesn’t have a second prophet who jumps out to help her identify, it’s okay to vote for her in this round. I think No. 1 is really a bit difficult now. Whitewashing, why don’t you stop struggling on the 1st? As long as there is no second prophet jumping out, you will definitely get out. You say you are a commoner, as long as the number of civilian pits exceeds three, you will definitely be voted out , because only you were sent to kill. If you say that you are a god, as long as other gods don’t say that you are a prophet, then you can only dance as a prophet. I don’t think it’s very safe for you to dance as a prophet now Believe me, how about you explode the wolf?"

Shen Yuqing glanced at him calmly: "It's really a bit unclear, so I don't bother to say it. I am not a wolf, this prophet is definitely a fake, he is a wolf cheating the antidote, but it seems that he overestimated himself The popularity, the witches here are not willing to save him, it is miserable enough. I am an ordinary civilian, I don’t have any priesthood status, so it’s okay to push it for the time being. The real prophet will help me find out the wolf companion on the 6th. In this way, I can die in peace. I'm done talking, let's go to the next one."

After Shen Yuqing finished speaking, everyone laughed, obviously very interested in the topic of No. 6's popularity.

It was player No. 9's turn, and after he came out, he secretly jumped up: "I am a citizen and above. It is hard to say what kind of status. It may be a commoner, or it may be a god. On the 1st side, she and I will come out first." I think there is no problem, and we have no other clues now. There are two people behind me, let's not just hold No. 1 alone, even if No. 1 is a wolf, who is her wolf companion? So far it seems It may be No. 5 who helped her break the ticket. Although other people also followed No. 5 and said that they questioned the prophet, but No. 5 and No. 1 have some similar words. For example, No. 5 guessed that No. 6's relationship with other players may lead Being stabbed, No. 1 also guessed that No. 6 was not popular, so no one saved him. I don’t know if it’s because they have always been good girlfriends, so the way of speaking and thinking is very similar, or it’s because they are wolf companions that they have such a common Point. In short, 1 and 5 are packaged in my eyes, and there is one wolf teammate left, which is likely to be in 7 and 8. If number 1 is wronged, then 6 must be a wolf. Help 6 talk to number 1 Yes, it's very suspicious... Eh? It seems that only me and No. 2 are the ones who hate No. 1? Is No. 2 the wolf teammate of No. 6?"

No. 9 made a joke. Although no one laughed, they were a little convinced. No. 1 seemed to "know" No. 5.

No. 8 occupied a civilian pit, and said that there must be a wolf in the remaining 124 who said they were civilians.

Player No. 7 made a concluding speech: "As far as I can see, no one jumps into the prophet. I'm not a prophet, I'm just an ordinary civilian. Except for No. 1 who is suspicious, there must be other wolves among the civilians in front. It is occupied, no more, no less, which means that there is no problem in this. I think we should vote for No. 1, and then carefully analyze who is the remaining wolf in 248.”

"After speaking, all players are invited to vote."

Shen Yuqing looked around, smiled slightly, and voted for No. 9. The rest voted 1 unanimously, and Shen Yuqing was out.

Shen Yuqing could have a last word, she didn't say anything, just smiled and left.

Into the night.

During the daytime of the next day, both No. 5 and No. 9 died.

So far, the two guests are all dogs. In the lounge next door, Shen Yuqing lazily stretched her waist: "Number 9 is a witch, as long as you kill No. 2 hunter, we will win."

Fu Qiushui looked at the screen: "The premise is that he won't be pushed out during the day."

The number 9 next to him sighed: "I have tried my best."

In fact, Shen Yuqing voted 9 yesterday, just to give Fu Qiushui a hint to let her take the No. 9 knife. For the two Tiaoshen, the hunter has the confidence to shoot, so the one that is harder than No. 9 Tiaoshen must be the hunter. But the witch is afraid of death, and her antidote and drugs are useless. Of course she doesn't want to die, so she won't dance to death too much.

It's a pity that this round is useless. If the civilians don't jump to the gods to block the sword, the gods are all exposed. No matter how small the witch is, it's useless. The prophet is already dead.

Now that the witches and prophets are dead, as long as the hunters are dead, the werewolves win.

"Are you deliberately not blowing yourself up, just waiting for us to expose our identities before being voted out?" No. 9 asked Shen Yuqing depressed.

Shen Yuqing nodded with a smile. Of course she couldn't die directly. Before she died, she had to find out the remaining gods. This round was also lucky, allowing them to kill the prophet directly.

In the studio, the game continues.

Two of them died at once, and the other players were still a little confused.

No. 2 spoke first: "No. 5 died? No. 9 died too? I can understand No. 9. No. 1 didn't defend herself when she left. She should be a wolf. Then No. 6 is confirmed as a prophet, and No. 9 It's a priesthood, and the werewolf wants to kill God. Before No. 1 voted for No. 9, it should be to point the knife at his teammates and let them kill No. 9. Therefore, No. 5 may be poisoned to death by a witch. In fact, there is nothing to hide. Number 9 is probably a witch and found herself dead, but she couldn't save herself on the second night, so she had to throw out the poison. Yesterday, Number 9 really suspected that Number 5 was a teammate of Number 1, so it is possible that she poisoned Number 5. Big."

"Yes, the identity of witch No. 9 has been confirmed. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the witch didn't save No. 9 and insisted on poisoning No. 5. It wouldn't be that No. 9 wore witch clothes and was poisoned to death by the witch, because there is no need for werewolves to kill No. 5." , Keeping No. 5, who has almost been beaten into a wolf companion, can still resist push, wouldn't it be better for them to keep this knife for killing Tiaoshen?" No. 3 followed the analysis, "So there is nothing to doubt Yes, the question now is, who is a werewolf in the 2478 that occupies the civilian pit. We only have one chance, because God is the only one left, and I will die tonight. lose."

Werewolf killing is based on a sequence. Even if the last priest hunter dies and shoots and takes away the last wolf, the priest still dies first, so the werewolf wins. So the good camp now has one chance left to cast the wolf during the day, otherwise the werewolf will win when night comes.

The words of No. 3 put a lot of pressure on the remaining players, and now it depends on who will say the wrong thing first.

No. 4 feels that he has nothing to analyze, so he can only say: "I am a commoner, and I still insist that there are wolves in the back position. There should be a wolf in 7 and 8, and I will pass."

The author has something to say: Who is Shen Yuqing's teammate in the prize quiz

Thanks to Landmine: Liuyao, Ge Ge Yi

Thank you for the nutrient solution: long-term blue +10, Fei Yin +10, grilled dried fish +2, you are really counseling +20