The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 141: Fanwai [3]


Then Huang Yao's computer crashed.

People, sometimes it's just bad luck. Even if no one else interferes, what he wants to do will not be successful.

Shen Yuqing found that Huang Yao's computer crashed before her brain started to work. Not only that, but the computer is like some kind of Trojan horse virus somehow, it won't work when you press any key, and it won't turn off even if it's turned off.

It wasn't until Huang Yao pulled out the power plug that the computer was successfully shut down, but it couldn't be started anyway.

Huang Yao was so angry that he slammed the table hard.

Then he smashed his hands and hurt, and howled for a long time with his hands twisted and distorted.

What was even more unlucky, Huang Yao decided to change his mobile phone to post, and then asked someone to come to repair his computer. Then the mobile phone also died, because it is an all-in-one machine, and the battery is not easy to remove.

Huang Yao smashed the phone in a fit of anger, and regretted it after smashing it.

Now in order to pay off his mother's gambling debts, he has to be careful with the money and not waste it anymore.

And how to get his mother to quit gambling, he still has no idea.

Everything was not going well, making Huang Yao restless. Now the phone is also broken, and there is no way to call someone to repair the computer, so I can only go out and buy a new phone, and then call again.

Shen Yuqing felt a little strange, why did this Huang Yao suddenly become a broom star, constantly unlucky

She opened the chat system and tried to poke Sister Du privately.

The private chat was sent out, and the other side quickly gave feedback. It turned out that she could really contact the outside world directly, but Shen Yuqing thought at first that she would not be able to.

The poisonous sister said that the world has lowered the difficulty for them, and they directly threw a buff to Huang Yao. The probably effect is that Huang Yao will become an existence disgusted by the will of the world. As long as he does something bad, he will fail, and he will often be unlucky.

Shen Yuqing thinks this is quite interesting, but she still wants to go back to Sister Du for doubting her personal ability.

They ignored her directly, and their attitude made it clear that they felt that Shen Yuqing was not proficient in business and would cause problems without the help of buffs. So she ignored Shen Yuqing's rebuttal and unilaterally cut off the chat.

Shen Yuqing: Oh.

What else could Fu Qiushui say, all he could do was to please his own daughter-in-law, so as to coax her well.

In fact, she felt that some of the disputes between their gay friends were really naive, but she couldn't say it clearly on Shen Yuqing's side, and Shen Yuqing would definitely make trouble if she said so. Probably because I have never been pampered since I was a child, and the childish period passed too quickly. Now I have been spoiled for decades, and the childish period has been spoiled again, making up for the lack of childhood.

"Since this is the case, we don't have to stare at Huang Yao all the time." Fu Qiushui said, "This is a good thing. We don't have to hang around him, so we can play with peace of mind."

Originally, he came to this world for vacation. If he just stared at Huang Yao to do the task, it would be putting the cart before the horse. And letting such a person dangle in front of my eyes all the time really affects my mood.

Shen Yuqing thought so, and turned off the surveillance.

No matter what he wants to do, anyway, there are buffs blocking him, Shen Yuqing actually doesn't care about him at all. And Shen Yuqing didn't think he could change his luck, maybe what should happen in this life will still happen.

So the two ignored the villain and continued to study the doll.

There is still half a month before the competition, they have to prepare well.

There are actually many kinds of dolls, but most of them are fighting types, and only a few are special types. There are also some low-level puppets that are auxiliary types, but the auxiliary type has a special status.

The auxiliary type is invested in grass-roots factories and other places to do simple tasks that do not have much technical content but require a lot of labor. Especially those dirty and tiring tasks, people are unwilling to do it by themselves, and let the auxiliary dolls do it.

Dolls are like robots.

In fact, if some puppeteers do not have powerful battle dolls, they will make such auxiliary dolls to support their families. But the price of this thing is very low, and you can only make a small profit.

In this way, in fact, the number of auxiliary dolls is not necessarily less than that of combat dolls. But the "most of them are fighting type" mentioned above does not refer to the quantitative level, but that people subconsciously do not regard auxiliary dolls as serious dolls.

In their eyes, apart from the vast majority of fighting types, only some dolls that can display special abilities when assisting in combat are also considered dolls.

To put it simply, auxiliary dolls belong to the bottom of society, combat dolls belong to the puppeteer's partner, and special dolls are not used in many places.

Because although this world is a modern world, it is actually not peaceful. People urgently need powerful fighting dolls to protect human settlements. Without fighting dolls, the survival of human beings will be greatly threatened.

This world is actually a post-apocalyptic world.

Hundreds of years ago, humans ushered in a zombie outbreak. Strictly speaking, human beings at that time belonged to the transitional stage between modern and modern times, and had not yet developed a complete system of technology.

Without technology, there are no hot weapons to deal with zombies. At best, there are only some relatively primitive guns, but ordinary people do not have them.

Fortunately, some puppeteers appeared in the crowd. Relying on the abilities of the puppets, after more than a hundred years of struggle, they finally established large and small safe bases, and they no longer became stray dogs driven by zombies.

These magical abilities have been developed more and more perfect, so the vast majority of people naturally choose to take the path of puppet masters. Therefore, the development of technology is very slow, and thermal weapons are not as effective against zombies as dolls, so the development of technology in weapons is the slowest.

Fighting dolls seem to be born to restrain zombies. Even if zombies are invulnerable, they can easily injure dolls of the same level. And dolls can be upgraded in actual combat, just like fighting monsters to upgrade, so dolls that have experienced many battles will be stronger than ordinary dolls.

The puppet competition only looks at fighting dolls, and those who make special dolls will be evaluated privately by experts to see if they can pass.

For Xia Lan's dream to come true, she doesn't have to follow Xia Lan's original path.

Originally, Xia Lan won the first place in the competition, and then joined a powerful faction, and went out with some team members trained by the faction to kill zombies. Step by step, relying on the powerful puppet, she finally became the "first sister" of the faction and became famous.

Finally, when the time was right, she retired with Xiao Ai. At that time, she had become a puppet master, fulfilled her dream, and could live the life she wanted with wealth.

Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui obviously didn't want so many companions, so they decided to be lone rangers after they won the championship.

There are many such unorganized lone rangers, but the death rate remains high. Except for the bold ones with high skills, generally only those who really have no influence will take the risk to do this to earn a little living money.

With Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui's current strength, as long as they don't go deep into dangerous places, they can still come back safely.

Shen Yuqing is now a girl with strange powers, so it's no problem to grab Fu Qiushui and run away. As long as she doesn't encounter zombies higher than her level, she can escape safely with Fu Qiu.

After the two decided on their future development direction, they trained hard and finally ushered in the puppet competition half a month later.

The puppet contest is held on campus, and all the participants are students of our school.

This campus is dedicated to training puppeteers, so there are only two schools, one for combat and one for special. There are no points for majors, only classes are randomly assigned.

The competition system is that at the beginning, there will be a 100-person melee and a general election, and the last ten people in each 100-person team will advance to the stage.

Those who did not qualify will go to other venues for their competitions. They participated in a team competition, five against five, and half of the winners would pass the assessment, but they would not continue to compete and rank. The remaining half would be individually scored by the referees, and those who scored more than 60 points would be considered a pass and could graduate.

Those who have successfully advanced will have to fight in pairs until the champion is finally selected. The higher the ranking, the easier it is to be picked by big forces.

On the first day of the competition, Shen Yuqing followed Fu Qiushui to the competition venue, trying to disguise herself as a normal puppet.

People can't find out that she has a soul. In the original plot, Xiao Ai almost revealed her secrets several times. Later, he was discovered by a villain, but fortunately, he had an accident when the other party went on a mission again, so he didn't have time to tell the story, otherwise Xiao Ai and Xia Lan would be in danger.

Now Shen Yuqing also had to work hard to disguise herself.

But unfortunately, they met Huang Yao as soon as they entered the campus.

Huang Yao's life has not been very good recently, and he looks a little haggard. He was walking sullenly with his doll, but when he saw Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui, he immediately approached angrily.

He didn't know why every time he tried to expose them on the Internet, his computer and mobile phone were poisoned and broken. He suspected that it was Xia Lan's trick, and even thought that Xia Lan had also been reborn.

But it doesn't matter, it can't be spread on the Internet, can't he say it directly in three dimensions

If it wasn't because he was busy with his parents and didn't have time to take care of Xia Lan, he would have told his friends about it a long time ago. How could Xia Lan be qualified to participate in the competition now

"Xia Lan!" He gritted his teeth and walked over.

Fu Qiushui frowned: "You are..."

"Don't pretend you don't know me... eh!"

Fu Qiushui didn't even have time to say "be careful where you step", Huang Yao had already tripped and fell to the ground.

In fact, there was nothing on the ground, except for a small floor tile. Huang Yao stepped on the tile with half of his foot, and half of his foot was suspended in the air. So he fell forward and fell into the mud.

Shen Yuqing held back the smile that came to her lips, it was really hard to hold back the smile.

Huang Yao lost face, got up angrily, and stared at Xia Lan fiercely: "Don't think you don't know what the hell you are doing! You hacked my computer and mobile phone, just wait, I will catch the evidence sooner or later !"

"Oh." Fu Qiushui asked indifferently, "Who are you?"

Huang Yao choked.

"Don't play dumb for me!"

Fu Qiushui clicked his tongue, muttered "crazy", and led Shen Yuqing around Huang Yao and left.

When passing by Huang Yao, she kindly left a sentence: "It's not a year or a festival, so you don't have to make such a big gift in the future."

Huang Yao was mad with anger, but he didn't get up after climbing several times, and fell down again halfway up. He could only watch Fu Qiushui leave. He wanted to yell to reveal Fu Qiushui's true face, but there was no one else around. Even if he yelled, no one would hear him.

So he simply shut up, no longer wasting energy.

The narrow path of Enemies is that just after this round of confrontation, Fu Qiushui and Huang Yao will be in the next round of the knockout round of the 100-player arena.

This is not in the plot, it is a variable. Originally, the two of them would only meet in the finals, but now they met in advance. Although there may be both of them among the ten who will advance, Shen Yuqing wants to make trouble.

She wanted to eliminate Huang Yao's doll directly.

Huang Yao didn't know Shen Yuqing's sinister intentions yet. He stood not far away, staring at Fu Qiushui, trying to kill him with his eyes.

In fact, he originally wanted to directly call out Xiao Ai's situation here, but after thinking about it, he decided to let Xiao Ai play a little bit first. It is more believable if you say it this way. I believe that everyone is not blind. As long as he mentions it, you will definitely find the difference between Xiao Ai and the normal dolls in the competition.

If there is no evidence, everyone may not believe what he said, so it is better to wait a little longer. In short, today he must step on Xiao Ai and Xia Lan, so that they will never recover.

The puppeteers stood under the ring, looking nervously at the puppets on the stage.

Shen Yuqing stood leisurely in the corner, quietly observing her opponents.

Her strength is several grades higher than these entry-level dolls, and she belongs to the kind that can directly join the big power team. The dolls made by these students can't directly join the team to kill zombies after they go out. They have to go to the low-level area to train the doll's level first.

The huge difference in strength made it possible for Shen Yuqing to completely despise them and throw them out of the ring one by one. But this is too arrogant, and it will appear abnormal and cause unnecessary trouble. So she decided to suppress some of her strength, and pretended to be a little stronger than these dolls, to deceive outsiders.

But she was sure to throw Huang Yao's doll out, and she had to be the first to throw it out.

Three minutes later, the puppets arrived and the game began.

The referee announced the start of the game, and Shen Yuqing was the first to move.

Because she just walked around consciously just now, and now the closest to her is Huang Yao's doll.

Shen Yuqing directly hit the opponent's neck with a knife. The dolls have no vitality, but they will be damaged. Thin places such as the neck are their weak points. If the neck is broken, the doll will lose its mobility. It won't be able to move until the owner puts the neck back on. Moreover, even if it is picked up, it will affect the strength.

Attacking the puppet must cause damage to affect the action of the puppet, otherwise it is not painful and the action of the puppet will not be affected.

Shen Yuqing's blow was so powerful that it directly split the puppet's neck. No matter how soft it is, it is still a kind of wood. It is normal for cracks to appear under a huge blow.

The action of this puppet was several times slower at that time, and Shen Yuqing threw it out of the ring without any effort.

Huang Yao's expression was shocked when he saw it. Just as he was about to call Shen Yuqing to cheat, he was hit by a puppet that fell from the sky. Huang Yao was pressed to the ground by the puppet and couldn't get up for a while.

Turning his head to look, it was his puppet that was thrown out of the ring.

The weight of the doll is very heavy, much heavier than a normal human body. Huang Yao was lucky if he didn't get hit.

When the other puppeteers saw it, they hurriedly moved away from the ring. Just now, I was so focused on watching the game that I forgot that it would be dangerous if the puppet fell.

The medical team rushed over and rescued Huang Yao. But Huang Yao was still limping when he walked, as if he had twisted his foot.

He was a little reconciled, and wanted to say something, but the medical team quickly pushed him onto the stretcher: "Don't talk, go to the infirmary to check if there is anything wrong. You look fine now, maybe your internal organs have been injured. "

Huang Yao immediately shut up when he heard this, not daring to compare anymore.

Huang Yao left, and everyone continued to watch the game. But there was no suspense in the game. Shen Yuqing easily entered the top ten and successfully advanced.

There will be many more rounds of this kind of group arena, and it will take ten days to finish. Shen Yuqing is not in a hurry, she and Fu Qiushui can go back and wander for ten days.

In the infirmary.

The school is rich and powerful, and the infirmary is equipped with a lot of equipment, which can do a whole set of physical examinations. Huang Yao was forced to undergo a physical examination, which took a long time.

However, the physical examination data showed that he really had nothing wrong with him other than a sprained ankle.

Huang Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and let the school doctor rub medicated oil on his ankle.

"Have you seen it before? In that match, my puppet was directly restrained by another puppet, and then thrown out." Huang Yao looked at the school doctor who was taking the medicine oil, and couldn't help but said.

The school doctor responded casually and walked over with the medicinal oil.

After holding back for so long, Huang Yao couldn't hold back and wanted to tell the truth. He said directly: "That puppet must be! It hurts! Take it easy!"

"Don't move around." The school doctor slapped him on the head, and the medicated oil in his hand just got some on Huang Yao's hair.

Huang Yao was about to collapse, how could he use the medicated oil for rubbing his feet to rub on his hair!

The school doctor didn't have time to listen to him chattering, and he rubbed the medicinal oil neatly, his movements were not gentle at all. Huang Yao cried for his father and mother, and wailed for a long time, he didn't even care about telling the truth.

After the school doctor finished rubbing the medicated oil, he hurriedly limped away. The school doctor left a huge psychological shadow on him, and he was afraid that the school doctor would say: "Just rubbing this one is not enough, let's do another round."

When Huang Yao returned to his home, he realized that he forgot to expose the truth.

And he doesn't know where his doll was sent, it may be in the doll restoration center. However, the school's restoration center can only do some maintenance, and it can only maintain the damaged dolls, so as not to let the dolls' scars continue to expand.

So we still have to wait for the owner to take the doll back and repair it.

It is said to be repaired, but it is not a normal repair, patching or something. It's amazing to say that it needs to be repaired with the spiritual power of a puppeteer.

In the process of making dolls, the puppeteer puts a lot of mental energy into them, so the dolls can have powerful abilities. Restoration also requires the injection of mental power, but the restoration will cost more, and it will also test the puppeteer's use of spiritual power.

Therefore, if you are not proficient, it will often not be completely repaired, leaving some small hidden wounds and cracks. These cracks are the reason for affecting the strength of the puppet, so the strength of the puppet after repair will be discounted.

Of course, Huang Yao is not very good at repairing, he has no such experience. But now to catch the ducks on the shelves, I can only do it myself. The theoretical knowledge learned at school should be of some help to him, Huang Yao felt a little nervous.

But now his foot hurts, and he really doesn't want to go back to school to pick up the doll, so let's talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, the knockout round has already been lost, and it's still too early for those eliminated to go five-on-five, so don't worry.

Huang Yao got tired and went to bed to rest.

On the other end, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui were watching the show.

They suddenly fell in love with watching TV series, although the spiritual civilization of this world is not developed because of zombies. But also because of the zombies, they will have many themes that Shen Yuqing has never seen before.

For example, the hit drama some time ago talked about the life journey of a strong woman in the background of this puppeteer. Although the cliché love is indispensable during the period, the plot is still very exciting.

The screenwriter had a big brain, and made up a lot of scenes of puppets fighting zombies, and then synthesized them with special effects. Although the picture looks a bit fake, the fighting is quite interesting.

However, those like Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui who have been in contact with practical teaching books on dolls know that these battles are really all based on the screenwriter's imagination, which is completely different from the actual situation. But it doesn't matter, as long as the audience likes to watch it.

Real battles don't have much aesthetic feeling, and it's not that they haven't filmed documentaries before, and I haven't seen many viewers willing to watch them.

There is another drama that is currently on the air, but Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui don't like to follow dramas, so they plan to watch this one first, and then use the computer to watch the full episode directly after that one is over. Anyway, they still have about ten days to go to the next round. The knowledge about combat and actual combat experience have been almost digested, and they can start to enjoy life.

So decadent, they huddled in the room and watched TV dramas for ten days. The knockout round is finally over. Although Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui may not necessarily participate in the competition today, they still have to draw lots first to see which match they are ranked in.

There are 2,000 finalists in the promotion competition. There are a lot of people, and it may take many days to compete.

The author has something to say: Originally, the painting style of this dungeon is serious

But I was very sleepy when typing, so in order to refresh myself, the painting style suddenly changed to this

Push the new article of Jiyou: [This person is the CP of the beautiful girl Er Er who has a big cat at home, and the big cat gave birth to six furry cubs]

"Everyone is Begging Me to Come Out (Entertainment)" by Long Sky Haoyue, Pippi anchor x Pippi star, two-way love

Thanks to Landmine: Gogoyi, Liuyao

Thanks to the nutrient solution: "" +1, weak water three thousand +20, Ling +20